The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet.

Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming

We all knew Numan was not smart enough to comment on that Allan Savory video. The inferior Numan avoided it like the plague & reverted to ad hominem attacks.

He is to ignorant to understand it. He believes he can just throw out a few Latin attack words & people will think he is smart & above engaging ordinary people.
there it is again... DENIALIST...


How many of you thesaurus-hating morons are there here? Is it a secret club or something? You guys just hang out, telling each other how the English language is a relative term?

LOL, 3 of you repeating the same ignorance doesn't make it correct,or smart.. just makes you pathetic as well as ignorant..

Creatures like Mamooth are drones. They differ only slightly from termites. Where one drone will use a term, ALL drones will. These are not creatures blessed with the ability to think. Mamooth is more a simple PLC - he can be programmed, but not taught. He was programmed to react to heresy against the religion of AGW and spew "denialist" at the vile infidels.

Nothing you type will have any impact, he cannot learn and you cannot override his programming - only the hate sites can alter his programming.
because according to Meow pre 1960 relays and switches are more reliable than lightning fast microprocessors and the double redundancy + the redundant UPS that powers the microprocessor arrays....

According to anyone with a brain, you mean. Shit-for-brains PolarBear here is actually proclaiming that Microsoft Windows is more reliable than a switch. That's how far down the stupid hole he's gone.

Anyways, if PolarBear can locate his balls, he might want to tell us just what computers were running his magical control software in 1960, as he claimed. I've asked at least 5 times, yet he always widdles himself and runs screaming from the question.
The correct word is "dévots". His use of an "é" at the end is Franglais.

That just proves his superior intellect and education. He has no need to follow the language, the language follows him.

Die Frösche-Anbetung zu seinen Füßen, so ist die Brillanz, die er hat.
You nailed it !
Holy shit the Siamese cat who "used to run nuclear reactors" followed me again no matter where I go.
Meow now claims :
According to anyone with a brain, you mean. Shit-for-brains PolarBear here is actually proclaiming that Microsoft Windows is more reliable than a switch. That's how far down the stupid hole he's gone.
And says I said that we use Microsoft Windows as an OS platform for programmable logic controllers...and all the while I uploaded a picture of the Westinghouse OS programming manuals which I still got. They are from the time when the PLC`s still used 16 bit a data and address bus and had to be re-written for a 32 and 64 bit bus system.
I`ll snap a few pics what`s inside and upload them
Does that look like "Microsoft Windows" to you ?...:





Don`t put your crap lies in my mouth :
Shit-for-brains PolarBear here is actually proclaiming that Microsoft Windows is more reliable than a switch.
Here is what a similar program looks like for a Windows or a Unix OS:
WindowWidth = 300
WindowHeight =530
line input #setting,setup$
Com = 8192 * 2
open setup$ for random as #comm
print #comm, "atz"
print #comm, "ate0"
print #comm, "atx0"
input #setting,delay
input #setting,ct
line input #setting, d$(x):name$(x)=mid$(d$(x),8,50)
d=val(d$(x)):if d=0 then [eof]
if eof(#setting) = 0 then [more]
close #setting
if tr=1 then out (rel),0
spos= spos xor 95
spos=spos and 8
if spos<>8 then print #main.t,"Waiting for Switch to be armed":tr=0:eek:ut (rel),0
timer 400,[debounce]
timer 0
spos= spos xor 95
spos=spos and 8

out (rel),0
if cm<>0 then [reentry]
for w=1 to delay
gosub [progress]
timer 1000,[delayt]
timer 0
next w
print #main.g,"cls"
print #main.t,"System is armed "

out (rel),2 '0 to close
timer 7000,[talk]
timer 0
playwave "c:\alarm\alarm (x$(a)).wav"
playwave ""
out (rel),0
print #comm,"ath0"
timer 3000,[nextcll]

and so on and on..
Get the idea ?
of course not !

I wrote it for the laptops we all had, so you can plug in the serial port of a Westinghouse PLC system.
Before that alarms would go off at the CO`s quarters and when he was in the shower he had to run down the hallway in a towel and check on the display panel what caused the power plant alarm. After that he got to stay in the shower and check his pager where my program transmitted the nature of the alarm as a cause specific voice message and he could dispatch who ever was needed without even leaving the shower.
After that I got a weekend "off" at our sister base SAC Thule and a note that they are to serve up all the steaks and lobsters I wanted.
My new nickname after that was "Sir Eatalot" and on that parka you see below in my sig picture the bastards spray painted a crossed knife and fork as my "coat of arms"
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Herr "Numan" this is your reality dose for today...Sprichst Du deutsch?
Weißes Haus dementiert Verbindung zu Kuba-Reise von Jay-Z - SPIEGEL ONLINE

It`s about the brilliant "team Obama" know the same idiots who filled up his limo with the wrong fuel and trashed another one when they drove it into the ditch.

Der Trip von Jay-Z und Beyoncé nach Kuba sorgt weiter für Wirbel. Der Rapper verarbeitet die Visite auch in seinem neuen Song "Open Letter". Der Text hat nun sogar das Weiße Haus zu einer Stellungnahme bewegt.



Run of the mill "Jo the Plumber" Americans are not permitted to travel from the U.S. to Cuba...except of course if you are a personal friend of Obama as in the top picture.
That`s what we call "useful idiots" these fucking communist-"Americans" like you who would have us live like they do in the countries you admire and the privileged communist "devotés" from the US (like you) get an hours worth of electricity rationed out each morning
At that rate of "progress" it won`t take long till Team Obama will change the National Anthem to this one:

And the "Numans" can have an orgasm like MSNBC`s Chris Mathew every time Obama speaks.
I`m not a "Neo-Nazi" and do appreciate other cultures and societies, even if some of them are still communists: tempts me to have a facelift and re-enlist

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black uniforms, lots of them....

Shit-for-brains, that's Navy Blue. Again, you know nothing about the Navy.

Fact is naval intel and techs in intel wear black.

No, they don't. You're totally full of shit. Intel people wear the same goddamn uniform as everyone else, as do the nukes.

Why is it you're the only person on the planet who is spouting this kook theory that Navy Intel people wear black? Oh, that's right, you yanked it of your ass, and now you've dug yourself too deep into the stupid hole to back down. But hey, easy enough to prove you're not lying. Just come up with a single independent source which says that Navy Intel people wear black.

Oh, given that PolarBear has already posted picture of nukes _not_ wearing black, you might want to ask him why he's contradicted your theory. You two can duke it out.

And just how would one go about getting a secret security clearance???? Why through the ONI of course... ROFL... Dude are you even old enough to shave?

Intel doesn't do security clearances. Intel gathers Intel. Background checks are done by field agents. That is, NCIS. Though they called it NIS back in the day.

So, again, you show everyone how you know jack shit about the Navy. Your track record of getting every single thing wrong is still perfect.

ROFL, you can't see black??? Oh come now phony we all see the uniforms are in fact black..Damn dude you are pathetic....

The NCIS?? Naval criminal investigation service???
NCIS Home Page

"The Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) is the federal law enforcement agency charged with conducting investigations of felony-level offenses affecting the Navy and Marine Corps &#8211; that is, crimes punishable by confinement for more than one year. NCIS also performs investigations and operations aimed at identifying and neutralizing foreign intelligence, international terrorist, and cyber threats to the Department of the Navy. In addition, it provides warning of threats and specialized defensive force protection support to U.S. naval forces around the world."

Seems they disagree with you moron...

Here's how a security clearance goes through.

1. You are selected for a job that requires a security clearance.

2.The branch of service you are applying for through whatever command they use or whomever is in charge contacts their security apparatus. in this case ONI.

3. That security apparatus contacts the DOD, who then confirms or denies that request, and then if confirmed they then contact the FBI, who does background checks on the individual and depending on the level of clearance may conduct checks on the family of the individual, even in some cases interview them.

4. The findings of the FBI are sent back to the DOD, they give a confirmed or denied status on it, then that is relayed back to the ONI, and from there to the command structure.

Now tool, you can continue to deny the truth, deny that black uniforms are black, deny nanval intel oversees the personnel working with nukes, even deny that you are an idiot, it doesn't make any of it less true...

BTW, in your haste you seemed to have missed my links showing my assertions to be truth. Where is your links now?

Got one? Just a little one? Even got one that shows black is now blue?

LOL, NCIS..:clap2:

TV junky playing naval expert..

UPDATE: Link to the GOV on background checks and security clearances..
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because according to meow pre 1960 relays and switches are more reliable than lightning fast microprocessors and the double redundancy + the redundant ups that powers the microprocessor arrays....

according to anyone with a brain, you mean. Shit-for-brains polarbear here is actually proclaiming that microsoft windows is more reliable than a switch. That's how far down the stupid hole he's gone.

Anyways, if polarbear can locate his balls, he might want to tell us just what computers were running his magical control software in 1960, as he claimed. I've asked at least 5 times, yet he always widdles himself and runs screaming from the question.

ROFL, you can't see black???

It's Navy Blue, dumbass.

Navy blue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Navy blue is a very dark shade of the color blue which almost appears as black.

Here's how a security clearance goes through.

Each time I think you can't possibly fail harder, you surprise me.

Pages - SecurityClearanceRequests

That would be NCIS describing how they process security clearance requests, something you just loudly claimed NCIS never did.

This is the point where you either:

1. Admit you were totally wrong about every single thing, as the documentation shows, and that you've just been pulling idiot crap out of your ass and trying to bluff your way through.


2. Dig yourself even deeper into the stupid hole, thus destroying the last shreds of your credibility.

Seriously, you've been caught red-handed spouting total BS. Everyone is now laughing at you, hard. At least have the decency to just quietly slink away in disgrace.
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This thread feels like watching a group navel contemplation session.

Pronounced levels of gay.

Far left people are fascinating. They actually believe their own this case, as if anybody cares about this. Might as well be debating the legitimacy of giants wandering the earth.......

Hey about this shit? SicK huh??!!! Found near a beach in northern Israel.

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The correct word is "dévots". His use of an "é" at the end is Franglais.

That just proves his superior intellect and education. He has no need to follow the language, the language follows him.

Die Frösche-Anbetung zu seinen Füßen, so ist die Brillanz, die er hat.
You nailed it !
Holy shit the Siamese cat who "used to run nuclear reactors" followed me again no matter where I go.
Meow now claims :
According to anyone with a brain, you mean. Shit-for-brains PolarBear here is actually proclaiming that Microsoft Windows is more reliable than a switch. That's how far down the stupid hole he's gone.
And says I said that we use Microsoft Windows as an OS platform for programmable logic controllers...and all the while I uploaded a picture of the Westinghouse OS programming manuals which I still got. They are from the time when the PLC`s still used 16 bit a data and address bus and had to be re-written for a 32 and 64 bit bus system.
I`ll snap a few pics what`s inside and upload them
Does that look like "Microsoft Windows" to you ?...:





Don`t put your crap lies in my mouth :
Shit-for-brains PolarBear here is actually proclaiming that Microsoft Windows is more reliable than a switch.
Here is what a similar program looks like for a Windows or a Unix OS:
WindowWidth = 300
WindowHeight =530
line input #setting,setup$
Com = 8192 * 2
open setup$ for random as #comm
print #comm, "atz"
print #comm, "ate0"
print #comm, "atx0"
input #setting,delay
input #setting,ct
line input #setting, d$(x):name$(x)=mid$(d$(x),8,50)
d=val(d$(x)):if d=0 then [eof]
if eof(#setting) = 0 then [more]
close #setting
if tr=1 then out (rel),0
spos= spos xor 95
spos=spos and 8
if spos<>8 then print #main.t,"Waiting for Switch to be armed":tr=0:eek:ut (rel),0
timer 400,[debounce]
timer 0
spos= spos xor 95
spos=spos and 8

out (rel),0
if cm<>0 then [reentry]
for w=1 to delay
gosub [progress]
timer 1000,[delayt]
timer 0
next w
print #main.g,"cls"
print #main.t,"System is armed "

out (rel),2 '0 to close
timer 7000,[talk]
timer 0
playwave "c:\alarm\alarm (x$(a)).wav"
playwave ""
out (rel),0
print #comm,"ath0"
timer 3000,[nextcll]

and so on and on..
Get the idea ?
of course not !

I wrote it for the laptops we all had, so you can plug in the serial port of a Westinghouse PLC system.
Before that alarms would go off at the CO`s quarters and when he was in the shower he had to run down the hallway in a towel and check on the display panel what caused the power plant alarm. After that he got to stay in the shower and check his pager where my program transmitted the nature of the alarm as a cause specific voice message and he could dispatch who ever was needed without even leaving the shower.
After that I got a weekend "off" at our sister base SAC Thule and a note that they are to serve up all the steaks and lobsters I wanted.
My new nickname after that was "Sir Eatalot" and on that parka you see below in my sig picture the bastards spray painted a crossed knife and fork as my "coat of arms"

LOL, all of those hardware systems back then ran some version or specialized reworking of UNIX.. My brother closest to me in age was a linguist for the navy and NSA , from 85 till 89' he ran a unix terminal.

Whoever built the terminal, server, workstation, mainframe, whatever, paid a lease or purchased software, or paid to have the software built either on-site using their own personnel (high security), or built by a contracted company. The actual software was a UNIX core because at the time it was the only game in town.

Takes a lot of know how to run military spec hardware, even and especially older stuff. The older stuff didn't have the silicon to shortcut a lot of the processing. Back then they used massive amounts of power over processing ability or pipeline speed or bandwidth. And UNIX was the way.

Today I can't speak as to what OS they actually use. All I know is contractors in my field mostly use Linux based OS, heavily modified to be specific to the work.
Holy shit the Siamese cat who "used to run nuclear reactors" followed me again no matter where I go.

I see that you couldn't locate your balls, being that you still won't tell us what computers were running your Iconics Genesis software in 1960. Do you practice being chickenshit? I just ask because you're so good at it.

You are essentially the only human on planet earth making the crazy claim that navy reactors have been run by software since 1960. You've given zero evidence to back up that whackaloon story. By now, even you know it's total BS. You've crossed the line into deliberately lying about it, just so you can save face by not admitting how badly you fucked up.
ROFL, you can't see black???

It's Navy Blue, dumbass.

Navy blue - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Navy blue is a very dark shade of the color blue which almost appears as black.

Here's how a security clearance goes through.

Each time I think you can't possibly fail harder, you surprise me.

Pages - SecurityClearanceRequests

That would be NCIS describing how they process security clearance requests, something you just loudly claimed NCIS never did.

This is the point where you either:

1. Admit you were totally wrong about every single thing, as the documentation shows, and that you've just been pulling idiot crap out of your ass and trying to bluff your way through.


2. Dig yourself even deeper into the stupid hole, thus destroying the last shreds of your credibility.

Seriously, you've been caught red-handed spouting total BS. Everyone is now laughing at you, hard. At least have the decency to just quietly slink away in disgrace.

NOPE, navy has black uniforms and intel generally wears black.. Get over it moron..

your link said....

Security Clearance Requests


If JPAS shows no record of prior investigation or no appropriate level investigation, the security manager/SSO will need to submit a request for investigation in accordance with the procedures outlined in SECNAV M-5510.30 Chapter 6 and CNO ltr 5520 Ser 09N2/6U871082 of 2 August 2006, or visit the Chief of Naval Operations (N09N2) Information and Personnel Security section of this web site for the latest submission of policy and procedures. Ensure that the request for investigation clearly indicates return results are to be forwarded to the DONCAF. Once the PSI is completed and received, the DONCAF's determination will be entered into JPAS, granting the highest level of eligibility supported by the investigation.

Missing security clearance - If it is found that a prior investigation exists but no record exists in JPAS indicating that the investigation was favorably adjudicated, submit a request via JPAS to the DONCAF.

Our adjudicators have production standards to meet with definitive standards for case processing times. Unless formally designated as a priority, the goal is for our adjudicators to work each case within 30 days from the time the case is assigned to them. For example, you provide an incident report or SAER via JPAS. Initially your requests will go through our Adjudicative Support Branch (ASB) for case control and case management. The ASB will order all existing files associated with the person you have reported. When the file(s) arrive (generally within 30 to 45 days), ASB will then assign the case to an adjudicator for decision. The adjudicator must either make an affirmative decision (notifying you via JPAS), request additional information (via JPAS or Naval correspondence), or refer the case to a due process team within 30 days of case assignment.

Where does that say NCIS? Anywhere in it? It doesn't does it fraud...

Yeah busted again...
NOPE, navy has black uniforms and intel generally wears black..

So you're choosing to dig ever deeper into the stupid hole. As expected.

You didn't have to embarrass yourself like this. I gave you plenty of chances to back down. But you had to swear eternal vengeance against me, so now you're a laughingstock.

Where does that say NCIS?

On the big NCIS logo at the top of the page.

Please, just stop. I feel like I'm picking on a shortbus kid.
NOPE, navy has black uniforms and intel generally wears black..

So you're choosing to dig ever deeper into the stupid hole. As expected.

You didn't have to embarrass yourself like this. I gave you plenty of chances to back down. But you had to swear eternal vengeance against me, so now you're a laughingstock.

Where does that say NCIS?

On the big NCIS logo at the top of the page.

Please, just stop. I feel like I'm picking on a shortbus kid.

The navy has black uniforms dumbass...



The NCIS page, told you expressly how to get a security clearance and the steps therein. You can't go through NCIS to get a clearance moron, they explain how to get one to work there ... jesus are you really this ignorant...

And yes I will keep digging the hole deeper for you...:cuckoo:
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Just to rub it in on boo kitty..

here's a link to the USS nimitz cruise books from 75' to 93'.. Seems a lot of black uniforms there. Some navy blue, some black, some dress and seasonal, some even in denim..

Now go through the books and look for the parts listing and showing the reactor crews and personnel. All of them shown, every single one went through a security clearance check. All of them who worked with the actual reactor or systems were in the very least "confidential" clearance rating and most were "top-secret" clearance rating.

Dude you are a fraud, the fact you claim the navy doesn't have black uniforms shows how fake you are. Everyone in the navy has seen a black uniform of some sort, be it dress, service, or whatnot. The NCIS is a crime investigation division of the navy. They investigate crimes, breeches of security by navy personnel, and those matters. They do not hand out security clearances, that task resides within the DOD, the DON, and investigations for said clearances are conducted by the FBI..

It's a fact junior, like it or not, it's fact...

Now try and remember the TV does not represent reality.. NCIS, is not what you see on tv. Neither is JAG so chill and read a little..

And not a single demonstrable experiment proving that any concentration of any of those gasses can cause temperatures to rise in an open atmosphere. Surely such an experiment could be devised if indeed greenhouse gasses caused increased temperatures. Climate science isn't interested in actual experiments because actual experiments would prove them wrong while they can get whatever results they want from computer models by bypassing actual physics in favor of magical physics.

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