The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless


Nice backpedal. Before you were claiming that was a black uniform. Progress.


Also Navy Blue. So photography is yet another thing you fail hard at. You see a lower exposure that darkens the colors, and assume it means the very dark blue uniform is black. Though actually, the suit jacket of the officer/chief dress blues may have been black. That's the only black uniform item. The crackerjack uniform of the enlisted men is absolutely, positively Navy Blue, even though they appear black in the photo.

Again, why is it that you're the only human on the planet who says nukes and intel wear secret black ninja uniforms? Why can't you, or your new buttbuddy Oddball, find a single source stating that black uniforms exist? Oh, that's right, you're both just making crap up.

USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Maiden Cruise Book 1975 - Reactor Department


That's _your_ source, the reactor department page. Can you point to the black uniforms in the reactor department? Funny, but every single photo there shows the old style denim dungarees. Not a single black uniform in sight, yet you claimed the nukes always wore black uniforms.

Your own source says you're a lying sack of shit. Sucks to be you.
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The NCIS is a crime investigation division of the navy. They investigate crimes, breeches of security by navy personnel, and those matters. They do not hand out security clearances, that task resides within the DOD, the DON, and investigations for said clearances are conducted by the FBI. Manuals1/5510.30.pdf

You might want to read it. There's a whole alphabet soup of organizations that do security investigations. NCIS is among them. ONI or Navy Intel is not. Your claim was an idiot fantasy, while my statement was a fact. NIS did my security investigation. Given the alphabet soup involved, I can't figure out who exactly gives the final approval, but the FBI was certainly not on the list.

Now, it appears NIS/NCIS has moved to specializing in security investigations of foreigners, but it doesn't change the fact that back in 1983, the nice NIS men in suits came to talk to some of the people who knew me. That's how it was.

Again, the actual Navy docs say you're full of shit. ONI has never, ever been involved with security clearances, which is what you claimed, a claim you're trying to backpedal away from now.

Now try and remember the TV does not represent reality.. NCIS, is not what you see on tv. Neither is JAG so chill and read a little..

You're the kook who seems to think NCIS was invented by TV. Spent too much time whacking off to Ziva, eh? Or, in your case, probably LL Cool j.

Back in the real world, which is unlike your TV fantasies of the the super-crimefighting NCIS, NCIS does a lot of deadly dull paperwork and routine checks.
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Nice backpedal. Before you were claiming that was a black uniform. Progress.


Also Navy Blue. So photography is yet another thing you fail hard at. You see a lower exposure that darkens the colors, and assume it means the very dark blue uniform is black. Though actually, the suit jacket of the officer/chief dress blues may have been black. That's the only black uniform item. The crackerjack uniform of the enlisted men is absolutely, positively Navy Blue, even though they appear black in the photo.

Again, why is it that you're the only human on the planet who says nukes and intel wear secret black ninja uniforms? Why can't you, or your new buttbuddy Oddball, find a single source stating that black uniforms exist? Oh, that's right, you're both just making crap up.

USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Maiden Cruise Book 1975 - Reactor Department


That's _your_ source, the reactor department page. Can you point to the black uniforms in the reactor department? Funny, but every single photo there shows the old style denim dungarees. Not a single black uniform in sight, yet you claimed the nukes always wore black uniforms.

Your own source says you're a lying sack of shit. Sucks to be you.

ROFL, they are wearing work clothes dipshit, jeans and shirts, DENIM which is also standard ...

What part of standard attire escapes you?

You're done tool. You know it I know it. Navy has black and navy has blue, navy also has denim for work like that where it's gonna be dirty.. Dumbass... They also have white, khaki, and black or blue coveralls too... Gonna argue those too?

Now we come to the underlined part.. brace yourself tool cause this one's gonna hurt..

First page...Officer... In BLACK


Now you chose the Maiden cruise photos.. Maiden cruise they used just the bare essentials in the reactor department, because they weren't running all the reactors and it was a shakedown... Check the very next cruise ...

USS Nimitz (CVN 68) Mediterranean Cruise Book 1976-77 - Reactor Department


in black...




Why just look at all of em, in BLACK...


LOL, the list is pretty big and notice all of the personnel pictures of the sailors are in black. They wear other colors but only when working on dirty machinery.. Yeah that's the difference between dungarees and service dress...

ROFL, yeah tell me again how the navy doesn't have black uniforms fraud...:cuckoo:
The NCIS is a crime investigation division of the navy. They investigate crimes, breeches of security by navy personnel, and those matters. They do not hand out security clearances, that task resides within the DOD, the DON, and investigations for said clearances are conducted by the FBI. Manuals1/5510.30.pdf

You might want to read it. There's a whole alphabet soup of organizations that do security investigations. NCIS is among them. ONI or Navy Intel is not. Your claim was an idiot fantasy, while my statement was a fact. NIS did my security investigation. Given the alphabet soup involved, I can't figure out who exactly gives the final approval, but the FBI was certainly not on the list.

Now, it appears NIS/NCIS has moved to specializing in security investigations of foreigners, but it doesn't change the fact that back in 1983, the nice NIS men in suits came to talk to some of the people who knew me. That's how it was.

Again, the actual Navy docs say you're full of shit. ONI has never, ever been involved with security clearances, which is what you claimed, a claim you're trying to backpedal away from now.

Now try and remember the TV does not represent reality.. NCIS, is not what you see on tv. Neither is JAG so chill and read a little..

You're the kook who seems to think NCIS was invented by TV. Spent too much time whacking off to Ziva, eh? Or, in your case, probably LL Cool j.

Back in the real world, which is unlike your TV fantasies of the the super-crimefighting NCIS, NCIS does a lot of deadly dull paperwork and routine checks.

ROFL, Junior the NCIS does not give out security clearances. STOP the BS already, it's just ignorant.. Damn dude your own link said so... READING IT"S A GOOD THING!

The DOD decides who gets security clearances. The FBI investigates the individuals and families if need be, reports the findings to the DOD, the DOD, gives it a yes or no, then it's kicked down the DON, where it gets another yes or no, then it goes on your service file, and the information is forwarded to your Dept head, and at some point you are informed by getting the job you needed it for...

If you breech your security clearance, or break a law while in the navy, the NCIS will investigate and maybe arrest you. They don't give out security clearances, that is handled by the DOD ultimately. It' simply retarded to think the DOD wouldn't be the big dog of it all. Seriously dude, why in the hell would a department inside the navy handle security clearances? That would leave them no oversight, not gonna happen. The DOD oversees ALL armed services and forces of this country, they decide who gets what sec levels..

Dude seriously, if you are going to continue your tantrum and lying fit, at least get your freaking facts straight.. You're an internet fake, nothing new, I give a shit less. But when you are full of shit, this full of shit, this often, and then have the nerve to call others liars, I am gonna call you on it..

Now take some advice and be quiet now. You have outed yourself in a major way, no one is buying your lies anymore. Be smart and people may forget sometime, keep telling more lies, and lying despite the truth staring people in the face, and they won't forget..

Now continue your BS... Cool story bro! Can we hear it now with you being able to fly? That would be better..
My job in the Air Force required a top secret security clearance and for most of that time, CNWDI and SCI attachments. The clearance was from the DOD. DSS conducted the investigation and reported the findings to DOD. I imagine DSS delegates some of the duties of individual investigations as some of my aquaintences later informed me that agents from the DSS, FBI, and others, visited them with questions about me during the time my investigation was ongoing.
My job in the Air Force required a top secret security clearance and for most of that time, CNWDI and SCI attachments. The clearance was from the DOD. DSS conducted the investigation and reported the findings to DOD. I imagine DSS delegates some of the duties of individual investigations as some of my aquaintences later informed me that agents from the DSS, FBI, and others, visited them with questions about me during the time my investigation was ongoing.

Works the same in Canada except that we call it DND instead of DOD.
Non military high security installation require a background check which is conducted by the Federal Police,...which has the data bank that DND will access. Works like that in every country that is a member of NATO and we respect each other`s certifications because we work side by side in many of these installations like Thule/Greenland to name an example.
Germany does a neat thing and makes it very convenient for Germans that have such a clearance. They embed the equivalent of a CD on the first page of our passports that all NATO member states can read with their scanners at ports of entry.
I gave up on this thread because the Siamese cat with the rabies is in here now full time after I showed up and vacated the atmospheric physics thread where it lurked 24/7 to check up if I posted something.
Hopefully that psycho stays put here and we can have rational discussions about physics again in the atm-physics thread
My job in the Air Force required a top secret security clearance and for most of that time, CNWDI and SCI attachments. The clearance was from the DOD. DSS conducted the investigation and reported the findings to DOD. I imagine DSS delegates some of the duties of individual investigations as some of my aquaintences later informed me that agents from the DSS, FBI, and others, visited them with questions about me during the time my investigation was ongoing.

Confirming my story, that an alphabet soup of agencies works clearances.

That makes it curious as to why the DicklessBrigade claims I lied when I said NIS worked my clearance. Oh, that's right, my psychostalkers simply have a pathological need to call me a liar. If I say the sky is blue, they'll shriek that the sky is green and call me a liar.
More red herrings and refusal to deal with the topic of the thread by the global heating denialists.

As an aside, before I continue, I wish to express my sympathy to any reasonable person who might have been tempted to read this thread, hoping to gain some insight into this interesting and important topic.

Such a person must wade through reams of verbal diarrhœa excreted by the global heating denialists before reaching the hygienic postings which discuss the matter reasonably. It is, no doubt, the intention of the denialists, who possess a certain low animal cunning, to so disgust any sensible reader that they will not continue to read this thread.

I beg the sensible reader not to be thwarted by these feral predators. Just go to the page which lists all my postings, and then read only those. then you will have the wheat without the chaff, and the barbarians will be defeated.

The posters -- mamooth, Dot Com, editec, Dugdale_Jukes, Old Rocks, joewp -- have demonstrated the ability to make rational comments on this subject. It would be good to link to the Postings Pages of these thoughtful people, too.
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ROFL, Junior the NCIS does not give out security clearances. STOP the BS already, it's just ignorant.. Damn dude your own link said so... READING IT"S A GOOD THING!

Quit running, you sackless little coward.

You claimed ONI did all clearances. You still haven't provided one bit of evidence to back up that wild fabrication. Because you made it up.

I told the truth. NIS worked my clearance. You made up an idiot story about ONI doing clearances, you know it's bunk now, but you won't admit it. Ignorance could excuse you before, but now you've moved from ignorance to deliberately lying.

Just admit it. ONI has never done clearances, as you directly claimed over and over. Squeal and evade all you want, but I'll keep bringing it back to the point here. Which is that you fabricated a load of crap, got called on it, and now you're lying about it.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You know you're lying, I know it, everyone knows it. So why keep up the charade?
The global heating denialists, who appear to be addicted to error as to a drug, have continued to deny the most clear and established facts of science, including how much carbon there is in the atmosphere and crust of the Earth.

I will recapitulate some basic facts which they continue to deny, and then set forth how and why the planets Earth and Venus differ in their carbon history.



The Earth’s Crust: The largest amount of carbon on Earth is stored in sedimentary rocks within the planet’s crust. These are rocks produced either by the hardening of mud (containing organic matter) into shale over geological time, or by the collection of calcium carbonate particles, from the shells and skeletons of marine organisms, into limestone and other carbon-containing sedimentary rocks. Together all sedimentary rocks on Earth store 100,000,000 PgC (Petagrams of carbon). Recalling that 1 Pg is is equal to a trillion kilograms and over two trillion pounds, this is clearly a large mass of carbon! Another 4,000 PgC is stored in the Earth’s crust as hydrocarbons formed over millions of years from ancient living organisms under intense temperature and pressure. These hydrocarbons are commonly known as fossil fuels.

Oceans: The Earth’s oceans contain 38,000 PgC, most of which is in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon stored at great depths where it resides for long periods of time. A much smaller amount of carbon, approximately 1,000 Pg, is located near the ocean surface. This carbon is exchanged rapidly with the atmosphere through both physical processes, such as CO2 gas dissolving into the water, and biological processes, such as the growth, death and decay of plankton. Although most of this surface carbon cycles rapidly, some of it can also be transferred by sinking to the deep ocean pool where it can be stored for a much longer time.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere contains approximately 750 PgC, most of which is in the form of CO2, with much smaller amounts of methane (CH4) and various other compounds.
[emphases added]

Note that, at present, the atmosphere contains 400 ppm of carbon dioxide (0.04%) [up from when the article was written]. That is 750 gigatonnes of carbon (actually, somewhat more).
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.
ROFL, they are wearing work clothes dipshit, jeans and shirts, DENIM which is also standard ...

So you've now backpedaled from "all nukes wear special black uniforms" to "Well, it's a special dress black uniform!". Let's get you backpedaling some more.

You're done tool. You know it I know it. Navy has black and navy has blue, navy also has denim for work like that where it's gonna be dirty.. Dumbass... They also have white, khaki, and black or blue coveralls too... Gonna argue those too?

Nice attempt to run from the topic, but I won't let you pull that sleaze. Your claim was that nukes and intel wear special black uniforms that the rest of the Navy doesn't wear. That was just some stupid BS you yanked out of your ass. You could simply admit you made a mistake ... oh wait, you can't. You've dug yourself too deep into the stupid hole, and the rest of TeamDickless would be very disappointed if you backed down.

Why just look at all of em, in BLACK...

Yep, the officer/chief dress blues. I already said some versions of that feature a black suit jacket (the only black item out of all navy uniform items, other than shoes and accessories), so one wonders what you're babbling about.

I notice you didn't link to all the non-nuke departments. Which show all of their officers and chiefs wearing the same "black" suit jacket that you swore only nukes wore. Oops, so much for your fabricated claim that only nukes wear black.

So, you've been caught yanking BS out of your ass. Instead of admitting your mistake, you're having a meltdown and lying about it. The point of all this is that since you'll act this dishonestly about something this minor, how can anyone trust a single word you say on any topic?
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More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet.

Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming

We all knew Numan was not smart enough to comment on that Allan Savory video. The inferior Numan avoided it like the plague & reverted to ad hominem attacks.

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet. Numan will continue to ignore this because he cannot accept the blame, facts or reality. It was explained to Bill Maher last night on his show & his only reply was I don't understand what you are saying?

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet. Ooops! To Late! :cuckoo:
I have often fantasized about genetically engineering a disease that would not be fatal, but which would sterilize 99% of the human population. If I were younger, I would be tempted to go into genetic engineering.


Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen....

The CO2-rich atmosphere, along with thick clouds of sulfur dioxide, generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the Solar System....

Studies have suggested that billions of years ago, the Venusian atmosphere was much more like Earth's than it is now, and that there may have been substantial quantities of liquid water on the surface, but, after a period of 600 million to several billion years, a runaway greenhouse effect was caused by the evaporation of that original water, which generated a critical level of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere.
[emphasis added]

Measurements indicate there is 150 times as much deuterium, compared to normal hydrogen, in the atmosphere of Venus as there is on Earth. Since the radiation of the Sun, in the early history of the Solar System, was about 20% weaker than it is today, it is highly likely that Venus had a liquid ocean, and was much like the Earth. Either there was an ocean, and its evaporation rate was high, or the water was in a state of evaporation from the beginning.

In either case, since water is a greenhouse gas, the water vapor would have heated the atmosphere and surface of Venus. Calculations indicate that if an Earth-sized ocean were completely evaporated, on Venus, just as on Earth, the planet would be sufficiently hot to drive carbon from carbonate rock on the surface of the planet. This carbon, combined with oxygen as carbon dioxide, would accelerate the heating effects to create a runaway greenhouse planet, resulting in the hellhole which Venus is today.

Venus and Earth have about as much carbon as each other. On Earth, cooler temperatures, and the carbon cycle (which would not exist without a liquid ocean) have led to most of it being tied up in carbonate rock, saving the Earth from Venus' fate. If the carbon were ever released from the rocks of the Earth's crust into the atmosphere, the Earth would have an atmosphere of the same composition, temperature and density as that of Venus.

No doubt the tedious global heating denialists, in their desperate ignorance, will shriek the question : "If Venus once had a ocean, where is the water now? Venus today is dry as a bone!"

A moment's thought, and a little very basic knowledge of physics would enlighten them. Even on Earth, water molecules which reach high levels of the atmosphere are dissociated into oxygen and hydrogen by high-frequency radiation from the Sun. Then kinetic energy and the solar wind drive the lighter hydrogen atoms into outer space. The Earth is also losing its oceans and water -- just at a very slow rate -- up to the present time.

This process, accelerated by higher temperatures, weaker gravity and greater radiation from the Sun, would have led to Venus completely losing its water very quickly, in geological terms. The high levels of deuterium, a heavier isotope of hydrogen, on Venus is strong evidence that the lighter isotope has been removed from the planet.

I look forward to what forms of blither, junk science, red herrings, ad hominems, and spam pictures the insensate global heating deniers use to counter basic scientific fact.
As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than ours, you bloody fucking imbecile.


Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen....

The CO2-rich atmosphere, along with thick clouds of sulfur dioxide, generates the strongest greenhouse effect in the Solar System....

Except that there is no greenhouse effect on venus or any other planet. The temperature on venus is the result of atmospheric pressure coupled with incoming solar radiation. If you look at the atmospheric altitude profile of venus, at the point where the pressure equals that of earth and compensate for the difference in incoming solar radiation on venus, the temperature there is nearly identical to the temperature here with no need to factor in a greenhouse effect.

I doubt that you will visit, much less actually read the material, but I dare you to read this paper on the lack of a greenhouse effect on venus and find any error whatsoever.

The Earth and Man: Setting the Stage: Venus: No Greenhouse Effect
As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than ours, you bloody fucking imbecile.

Numan isn't smart enough to figure out how to move people to Mars like Elon Musk is doing. Numan's bitter God complex decided to kill humans on Earth. Numan does not understand Earth's Climate so he knows he is to stupid to build a perfect climate on Mars. He blathers about hot climate on Venus, a planet that is to close to the Sun. Truly smart people like Elon Musk will turn humans into an interplanetary specie on Mars that is further from the Sun.
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ROFL, Junior the NCIS does not give out security clearances. STOP the BS already, it's just ignorant.. Damn dude your own link said so... READING IT"S A GOOD THING!

Quit running, you sackless little coward.

You claimed ONI did all clearances. You still haven't provided one bit of evidence to back up that wild fabrication. Because you made it up.

I told the truth. NIS worked my clearance. You made up an idiot story about ONI doing clearances, you know it's bunk now, but you won't admit it. Ignorance could excuse you before, but now you've moved from ignorance to deliberately lying.

Just admit it. ONI has never done clearances, as you directly claimed over and over. Squeal and evade all you want, but I'll keep bringing it back to the point here. Which is that you fabricated a load of crap, got called on it, and now you're lying about it.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You know you're lying, I know it, everyone knows it. So why keep up the charade?

No see now you just went and lied again... I said all navy sec clearances come through ONI, which comes from the DON then the DOD...

Take it easy phony we all see you for the fake now. Relax..

You don't know shit about any of this. The DOD decides who gets security clearances for all military personnel, they are the end of the line, the final word. Only a clueless tool like yourself would contend anything else... DOD, and in the case of navy clearances the DON and ONI, and the FBI investigates your background , if you don't pass mustard with all 4 you don't get a clearance period...

Now go cry some more..:clap2:
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ROFL, Junior the NCIS does not give out security clearances. STOP the BS already, it's just ignorant.. Damn dude your own link said so... READING IT"S A GOOD THING!

Quit running, you sackless little coward.

You claimed ONI did all clearances. You still haven't provided one bit of evidence to back up that wild fabrication. Because you made it up.

I told the truth. NIS worked my clearance. You made up an idiot story about ONI doing clearances, you know it's bunk now, but you won't admit it. Ignorance could excuse you before, but now you've moved from ignorance to deliberately lying.

Just admit it. ONI has never done clearances, as you directly claimed over and over. Squeal and evade all you want, but I'll keep bringing it back to the point here. Which is that you fabricated a load of crap, got called on it, and now you're lying about it.

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? You know you're lying, I know it, everyone knows it. So why keep up the charade?

Tool, the NIS , or the NCIS didn't give you shit... You're an idiot...:cuckoo:
The global heating denialists, who appear to be addicted to error as to a drug, have continued to deny the most clear and established facts of science, including how much carbon there is in the atmosphere and crust of the Earth.

I will recapitulate some basic facts which they continue to deny, and then set forth how and why the planets Earth and Venus differ in their carbon history.



The Earth’s Crust: The largest amount of carbon on Earth is stored in sedimentary rocks within the planet’s crust. These are rocks produced either by the hardening of mud (containing organic matter) into shale over geological time, or by the collection of calcium carbonate particles, from the shells and skeletons of marine organisms, into limestone and other carbon-containing sedimentary rocks. Together all sedimentary rocks on Earth store 100,000,000 PgC (Petagrams of carbon). Recalling that 1 Pg is is equal to a trillion kilograms and over two trillion pounds, this is clearly a large mass of carbon! Another 4,000 PgC is stored in the Earth’s crust as hydrocarbons formed over millions of years from ancient living organisms under intense temperature and pressure. These hydrocarbons are commonly known as fossil fuels.

Oceans: The Earth’s oceans contain 38,000 PgC, most of which is in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon stored at great depths where it resides for long periods of time. A much smaller amount of carbon, approximately 1,000 Pg, is located near the ocean surface. This carbon is exchanged rapidly with the atmosphere through both physical processes, such as CO2 gas dissolving into the water, and biological processes, such as the growth, death and decay of plankton. Although most of this surface carbon cycles rapidly, some of it can also be transferred by sinking to the deep ocean pool where it can be stored for a much longer time.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere contains approximately 750 PgC, most of which is in the form of CO2, with much smaller amounts of methane (CH4) and various other compounds.
[emphases added]

Note that, at present, the atmosphere contains 400 ppm of carbon dioxide (0.04%) [up from when the article was written]. That is 750 gigatonnes of carbon (actually, somewhat more).
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

It's "denier" genius... Get your nicknames and insults right already...

If you expect us to buy your educated BS, you have to show some of that education..

Venus a planet, unlike earth in just about every way...

Atmosphere of Venus

The atmosphere of Venus is much denser and hotter than that of Earth. The temperature at the surface is 740 K (467 °C, 872 °F), while the pressure is 93 bar.[1] The Venusian atmosphere supports opaque clouds made of sulfuric acid, making optical Earth-based and orbital observation of the surface impossible. Information about the topography has been obtained exclusively by radar imaging.[1] The main atmospheric gases are carbon dioxide and nitrogen. Other chemical compounds are present only in trace amounts.[1]

Mikhail Lomonosov was the first person to hypothesize the existence of an atmosphere on Venus based on his observation of the transit of Venus of 1761 in a small observatory near his house in Petersburg.

The atmosphere is in a state of vigorous circulation and super-rotation.[3] The whole atmosphere circles the planet in just four Earth days, much faster than the planet's sidereal day of 243 days. The winds supporting super-rotation blow as fast as 100 m/s (~220 mph or 360 km/h).[3] Winds move at up to 60 times the speed of the planet's rotation, while Earth's fastest winds are only 10% to 20% rotation speed.[4] On the other hand, the wind speed becomes increasingly slower as the elevation from the surface decreases, with the breeze barely reaching the speed of 10 km/h on the surface.[5] Near the poles are anticyclonic structures called polar vortices. Each vortex is double-eyed and shows a characteristic S-shaped pattern of clouds.[6]

Unlike Earth, Venus lacks a magnetic field. Its ionosphere separates the atmosphere from outer space and the solar wind. This ionised layer excludes the solar magnetic field, giving Venus a distinct magnetic environment. This is considered Venus's induced magnetosphere. Lighter gases, including water vapour, are continuously blown away by the solar wind through the induced magnetotail.[3] It is speculated that the atmosphere of Venus up to around 4 billion years ago was more like that of the Earth with liquid water on the surface. A runaway greenhouse effect may have been caused by the evaporation of the surface water and subsequent rise of the levels of other greenhouse gases.[7][8]
Despite the harsh conditions on the surface, the atmospheric pressure and temperature at about 50 km to 65 km above the surface of the planet is nearly the same as that of the Earth, making its upper atmosphere the most Earth-like area in the Solar System, even more so than the surface of Mars. Due to the similarity in pressure and temperature and the fact that breathable air (21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen) is a lifting gas on Venus in the same way that helium is a lifting gas on Earth, the upper atmosphere has been proposed as a location for both exploration and colonization.[9]

On January 29, 2013, ESA scientists reported that the ionosphere of the planet Venus streams outwards in a manner similar to "the ion tail seen streaming from a comet under similar conditions."[10][11]

So all of your AGW nonsense using venus as an example, is worth what exactly?


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