The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

are to comment ?

So you're declaring victory because the weather changed?

The fact that the weather in Greenland was abnormally warm 2 weeks ago does not mean the weather in Greenland needs to be abnormally warm today.

Is there something about that concept which is too complicated for you to grasp? If there is, you're out of luck, as I can't dumb it down any further.

And are you accepting my wager? After all, you kept demanding my docs, and you said you wouldn't call them a forgery if I posted them. I'm offering to post them, if you accept the wager. You agree to leave forever if it's a valid DD214, and I'll leave if it's not. If you're so sure I'm a fraud, you should be jumping at the chance to wager. If you don't wager, it does make it appear as if you know you're lying about me.
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Here's the wiki page on current uniforms:

Uniforms of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It fails to mention any black uniform items, other than the suit jacket and small accessories. Can you explain that? Is it your contention wiki is wrong? You might want to tell them how incorrect they are.

So, I've been accurate about every single thing, and you've been a raging 'tard who has gotten every single thing wrong. According to you, that proves I'm a fraud. Good luck with that.

We are not in a court of law where we have to prove that you are a fraud.
We are in a forum and YOU claimed "Meow I used to run nuclear reactors"
And all you got to show for is a complete lack of knowledge how a turbine driven generator works and this crap you dug up in a panic from Wikipedia...
Here's the wiki page on current uniforms:
and when it`s debunked then you play the poor victim of a "vendetta" or call us liars when we stick your lies back into your face.
And as a last resort now this:
So, I've been accurate about every single thing,
According to you, that proves I'm a fraud. Good luck with that.
I don`t care about your weird "Navy nuclear power expert" delusions I just asked you this:

The carrying capacity of this planet at current tech level is 40 BILLION.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

That's up there with Westwall's "Warming is always good!" lunacy. Comes from the same place he gets all his "facts", which is out of his nether regions.

Ask your friend "Numan", you know, the "erudite" moron :
Or do you prefer to comment on this :
U.S. snow storm moving into southern Manitoba - Manitoba - CBC News
And today it`s here:

Social media reacts to Manitoba's endless winter - Manitoba - CBC News
Snow joke, Manitoba getting covered again - Manitoba - CBC News

Snow joke, Manitoba getting covered again

So much snow is falling in North Dakota that both Interstate 29 and Interstate 94 are closed this morning.
And today`s currentW-conditions in know, where you said "they had to cancel ski-races" and posted it with your phony "satellite picture"...:
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]ditions at [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]
2013.04.15 1601 UTC [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Wind [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] from the SW (220 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Visibility [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 2 mile(s) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Sky conditions [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] overcast [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Weather [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Light snow [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Temperature [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 8 F (-13 C) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Windchill [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] -5 F (-21 C) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Dew Point [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 3 F (-16 C) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Relative Humidity [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 78% [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Pressure (altimeter) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 29.8 in. Hg (1009 hPa) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] ob [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] BGTL 151601Z AUTO 22008KT 4000 -SN OVC021 M13/M16 A2980 RMK AO2 VIS 4000V6000 VIS 4000 RWY26 CIG 021V024 CIG 017 RWY26 [/FONT]
Care to comment ?

Care to comment ?
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You claimed ONI had nothing to do with security clearances for the nukes.

And I was 100% correct.

Meanwhile, you've been unable to come up with a single bit of evidence of any sort showing ONI worked security clearances in any way. In contrast, I listed the docs that show, yes, NIS/NCIS is one of the alphabet soup agencies that work clearances.

You pulled some crap out of your ass, you now know it's crap, but you won't admit that it's crap. In doing so, you've crossed the line from "mistake" to "lying".

You claimed there were no black uniforms in the navy in fact your exact words were.
I have never seen a black uniform in the Navy. Navy Blue, yes, but never black."
Your own words.. Now you say something else what was it again? Suit coats only? Well we know that's incorrect as well... Fact is you didn't know what you were talking about..

Or maybe ... uniform standards changed over the 20 years? Ya think? The suit jackets were always Navy Blue in my day, now some are black. BFD.

Stop deflecting. You pulled some idiot crap out of your ass about how nukes wear special black uniforms. It was laughable crap, you've never been able to show these special black uniforms, and you're the only human on the planet making the crazy claim about special black uniforms. You made up crap, you got caught, and now you're spinning wildly to cover.

There's no such thing as black service dress, dumbass. There are only dress blues. Here's the wiki page on current uniforms:

Uniforms of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It fails to mention any black uniform items, other than the suit jacket and small accessories. Can you explain that? Is it your contention wiki is wrong? You might want to tell them how incorrect they are.

No, dumbshit, I wore cotton khakis, and the enlisted wore dungarees. Why would you think someone wore a dress uniform in the engineering spaces? That's the dumbest claim you've made yet. First, there's no reason to dressup in the engine room. Second, dress uniforms are polyester, and polyester on the ship is to be generally avoided, being that polyester will turn into shrinkwrap if exposed to a fire.

You previously contended that the engineering department handled the nukes.. WRONG!!!

Holy crap, I didn't think you could get dumber than "dress uniforms in the engineering spaces", but you surprised me and outdid yourself.

"Nukes" is a navy slang for "Personnel of the nuclear engineering divisions". The term has absolutely nothing to do with people who handle nuclear weapons.

Nukes handle nukes,

No, no, no, hell no. Never, ever is that term used to describe weapons handlers. And that's as far as I can take it, as talking about nuclear weapons handling actually would be a breach of confidential information.

So, I've been accurate about every single thing, and you've been a raging 'tard who has gotten every single thing wrong. According to you, that proves I'm a fraud. Good luck with that.

AAAAHHHHH! wrong on all counts tool...wikkpedia? LOL. okay expert..So now you say they don't have black again? First you said they don't then you say dress coats, now it's they don't again cause wikki told you... Whatever you say junior...LOL

So now you were an officer no less?

"I wore cotton khakis, and the enlisted wore dungarees."

Sure junior sure...ROFL..

"Why would you think someone wore a dress uniform in the engineering spaces?"

Don't know the difference between service dress and dress uniforms???? LOL, thats another fine gem... Nice work junior.. Make sure you remove any doubt that you're a liar...

"Second, dress uniforms are polyester, and polyester on the ship is to be generally avoided, being that polyester will turn into shrinkwrap if exposed to a fire."

Polyester? What freaking navy were you in, the Somalian pirates? Dude they (dress uniforms) are WOOL or a WOOL BLEND, and sprayed with fire resistant compounds.. Damn dude...

""Nukes" is a navy slang for "Personnel of the nuclear engineering divisions". The term has absolutely nothing to do with people who handle nuclear weapons."

No shit dumbass, never said anything about tactical... Are you high? I called "nukes" the guys who work the reactor itself all through this thread. WTF are you on? Point to where I said nukes where weapons or tactical personnel.. Can't can you...ROFL..

"No, no, no, hell no. Never, ever is that term used to describe weapons handlers. And that's as far as I can take it, as talking about nuclear weapons handling actually would be a breach of confidential information."

Again never said that, repeating a lie doesn't make it true. Especially when people can read what was said... Grow up junior desperation is pathetic...

What's next? Where you an admiral too? Going to come back later with a claim of being popeye himself?

You just outed yourself in grand fashion junior...:cheers2:
Don't know the difference between service dress and dress uniforms???? LOL, thats another fine gem... Nice work junior.. Make sure you remove any doubt that you're a liar..

Again, why on earth would you think anyone wears dress uniforms into the engine room? You think it's a formal spot? Do you think the marines wear service dress when they go on maneuvers?

And why can't you find even a single other human on the planet who isn't laughing at your increasing more bizarre rants?

Polyester? What freaking navy were you in, the Somalian pirates? Dude they (dress uniforms) are WOOL or a WOOL BLEND, and sprayed with fire resistant compounds.. Damn dude...

Service dress is usually polyester. That's a running joke among servicepeople. There's no requirement for a specific material to use, but polyester is much cheaper than wool and easier to maintain, and it's what the exchange stocks, so polyester it is. The only wool items I had were a bridgecoat and peacoat. And maybe the dress blues suit jacket. I tossed it 10 years ago, so I can't check. Standard working uniforms you wore every day on the ship were a cotton blend.

And no, none of the standard uniforms are sprayed with fire-resistant chemicals. That's just whack. A plain cotton blend doesn't need fireproofing, as it will shield from flash burns quite well on its own. It only needs to get you to the DC locker to get some fightfighting clothing. Fireproofing is only used with specialized clothing, generally that associated with aviation or firefighting.

No shit dumbass, never said anything about tactical... Are you high?

Nah, just confused at your "nukes handle nukes" statement, since nukes don't handle nukes. Nukes are nuclear weapons, not the nuclear propulsion plant.

Anyways, you're wrong again about nukes not being in the engineering department. A cruiser or sub has one engineering department, and all the nuclear and non-nuclear engineering divisions fall under it. I can't speak for carriers, given they have the aircraft thing going. But on a cruiser, there was _one_ chief engineer, being there is _one_ engineering division.

So, how high are you going to take your tally about being completely wrong on every single thing? I've lost count. You just keep digging deeper and deeper.
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Does anybody know where the "erudite Numan" is today?
Perhaps he became a traffic fatality?

How could that happen, he is supposedly smarter than God:
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens
I do not consider that any individual human can possibly know enough to chart out the future of the human race --- even an individual as erudite as I.
Seeing he speaks German as well a French he should have no problem to figure that out:

@"Numan" :
4% of the solar wind that you say is "blowing away the earth`s water" are alpha particles...In case you don`t know that's Helium(4).
When that collides with a Nitrogen atom in the upper atmosphere then you get at first Fluorine (17)...You know the same stuff that`s causing ozone holes because it`s non-radioactive cousin was in the spray cans that we can`t have any more...this then decays to Oxygen (17) which reacts along with the other Oxygen (16) radicals that the sun`s UV light generates and forms Ozone with the molecular Oxygen.
Care to comment..
This time do it in either French or German that an "erudite" demi-God like you surely has mastered
I`ve got a lot of time today because the snow storm which shut down I29 and I98 in the US has drifted north into Canada and our roads are covered with an additional 10 cm on top of the snow that`s still I`m not going anywhere today
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We are not in a court of law where we have to prove that you are a fraud.

Nah. We're in a forum where I get to point out what a cowardly little pissant you are. I spanked you, you couldn't respond, so you attacked my credentials. It's what you do to every poster who makes you look dumb, attack the credentials.

Meanwhile, you constantly spout your own credentials. Which we don't attack, being that we can easily rip apart your stupid arguments.

I just asked you this:

No, you posted some pictures of snow in Manitoba. It's hard to tell what you mean, since you're almost always too stupid/cowardly to state any point directly, but you seem to be trying to push the idiot "It's cold at my house, so AGW theory is wrong" argument. If you had a different point to make, then make it. By stating it clearly and directly.

are to comment ?

Yes. Are you accepting my wager? The more you dodge it, the more you look like you're admitting you know you lied about me.
We are not in a court of law where we have to prove that you are a fraud.

Nah. We're in a forum where I get to point out what a cowardly little pissant you are. I spanked you, you couldn't respond, so you attacked my credentials. It's what you do to every poster who makes you look dumb, attack the credentials.

Meanwhile, you constantly spout your own credentials. Which we don't attack, being that we can easily rip apart your stupid arguments.

I just asked you this:
No, you posted some pictures of snow in Manitoba. It's hard to tell what you mean, since you're almost always too stupid/cowardly to state any point directly, but you seem to be trying to push the idiot "It's cold at my house, so AGW theory is wrong" argument. If you had a different point to make, then make it. By stating it clearly and directly.

are to comment ?
Yes. Are you accepting my wager? The more you dodge it, the more you look like you're admitting you know you lied about me.
Fuck you I only play games with people who aren't frauds or lying sacks of shit like you. You lost this game already a dozen time over and keep insisting on a re-match. So where is your proof?
Upload a picture of you in Uniform, black out your face if you want to, as long as the info is there that can be verified that you were a "Nuclear Watch Officer" and did not just grab it from web pages like all that crap you used as "proof" so far.
But this is just another sucker punch because you haven`t got the vaguest idea how to deal with the stuff that was posted it`s back to the Libtard tactic and bury it several pages deep with as many of your usual crap posts in a row.
It`s pretty telling that you are on "Numan" the chief moron`s list of "reliable information"`s a match made in heaven.
More red herrings and refusal to deal with the topic of the thread by the global heating denialists.

As an aside, before I continue, I wish to express my sympathy to any reasonable person who might have been tempted to read this thread, hoping to gain some insight into this interesting and important topic.

Such a person must wade through reams of verbal diarrhœa excreted by the global heating denialists before reaching the hygienic postings which discuss the matter reasonably. It is, no doubt, the intention of the denialists, who possess a certain low animal cunning, to so disgust any sensible reader that they will not continue to read this thread.

I beg the sensible reader not to be thwarted by these feral predators. Just go to the page which lists all my postings, and then read only those. then you will have the wheat without the chaff, and the barbarians will be defeated.

The posters -- mamooth, Dot Com, editec, Dugdale_Jukes, Old Rocks, joewp -- have demonstrated the ability to make rational comments on this subject. It would be good to link to the Postings Pages of these thoughtful people, too.
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Don't know the difference between service dress and dress uniforms???? LOL, thats another fine gem... Nice work junior.. Make sure you remove any doubt that you're a liar..

Again, why on earth would you think anyone wears dress uniforms into the engine room? You think it's a formal spot? Do you think the marines wear service dress when they go on maneuvers?

And why can't you find even a single other human on the planet who isn't laughing at your increasing more bizarre rants?

Polyester? What freaking navy were you in, the Somalian pirates? Dude they (dress uniforms) are WOOL or a WOOL BLEND, and sprayed with fire resistant compounds.. Damn dude...

Service dress is usually polyester. That's a running joke among servicepeople. There's no requirement for a specific material to use, but polyester is much cheaper than wool and easier to maintain, and it's what the exchange stocks, so polyester it is. The only wool items I had were a bridgecoat and peacoat. And maybe the dress blues suit jacket. I tossed it 10 years ago, so I can't check. Standard working uniforms you wore every day on the ship were a cotton blend.

And no, none of the standard uniforms are sprayed with fire-resistant chemicals. That's just whack. A plain cotton blend doesn't need fireproofing, as it will shield from flash burns quite well on its own. It only needs to get you to the DC locker to get some fightfighting clothing. Fireproofing is only used with specialized clothing, generally that associated with aviation or firefighting.

No shit dumbass, never said anything about tactical... Are you high?

Nah, just confused at your "nukes handle nukes" statement, since nukes don't handle nukes. Nukes are nuclear weapons, not the nuclear propulsion plant.

Anyways, you're wrong again about nukes not being in the engineering department. A cruiser or sub has one engineering department, and all the nuclear and non-nuclear engineering divisions fall under it. I can't speak for carriers, given they have the aircraft thing going. But on a cruiser, there was _one_ chief engineer, being there is _one_ engineering division.

So, how high are you going to take your tally about being completely wrong on every single thing? I've lost count. You just keep digging deeper and deeper.

Again junior, there is dress also known as full dress, then there is service dress,which is the near suit cut coat and shirt and tie, then there is the service uniform which would be like khakis, shirt and tie or open collar depending. Then there is the various work uniforms, dungarees, coveralls, so on and so forth.. A navy man would know this, and know the distinctions..

When I said nukes handle nukes, if you were a navy man on a nuke vessel you would understand it. Nukes as in nuke department are their own department, not part of engineering, but their own department. So nukes, handle nukes, as in engineering doesn't handle nukes. The fact you confused the term "nukes" for tactical or munitions specialists, shows how completely clueless you are... Again an ex-nuke would know this distinction...

The dress, and service dress uniforms are a wool or wool blend, and non-flammable, most wool or wool blends are treated with flame resistant materials before they are even made into clothing, because wool is very flammable. Its basically hair dumbass... Service uniforms are usually a cotton blend. Again ex-navy would know this...

Cruisers, Subs, Carriers, doesn't matter, the "nukes" department were indeed their own department. They have their own school, their own director of naval nuclear propulsion, and are NOT part of the regular engineering department. You may have had one Chief of the boat, but there were more "chiefs". You think you understand this because you watched crimson tide or what? You haven't a clue junior...

So now you were an officer too? All this time and now you pull "officer rear admiral bookitty" out of your ass?


When were you right about anything junior?

You are the forum joke now.. You are outed in a very sad way.. You have made claims that are utter fantasy from the start, and your defense is to keep pretending it's not so...

You're a joke.. I feel sorry for you..
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are to comment ?

So you're declaring victory because the weather changed?

The fact that the weather in Greenland was abnormally warm 2 weeks ago does not mean the weather in Greenland needs to be abnormally warm today.

Is there something about that concept which is too complicated for you to grasp? If there is, you're out of luck, as I can't dumb it down any further.

And are you accepting my wager? After all, you kept demanding my docs, and you said you wouldn't call them a forgery if I posted them. I'm offering to post them, if you accept the wager. You agree to leave forever if it's a valid DD214, and I'll leave if it's not. If you're so sure I'm a fraud, you should be jumping at the chance to wager. If you don't wager, it does make it appear as if you know you're lying about me.

Like I said before I don`t gamble with liars and cheats and how that makes ME a liar in your twisted mind is almost beyond belief.
And fuck YOU again
You agree to leave forever if it's a valid DD214, and I'll leave if it's not
You lost already!
...and you are still here and if you loose yet again you`ll re-register on the same day with a new user name.
You may have done so already and keep clicking on the "Thank You" and "Thumbs up" tabs on the stuff you post as the fucked in the head Siamese cat.
You`ve been caught making over a dozen lies since you said "Meow I used to run nuclear power plants " (In the Navy)...with nothing but Fred Flintstone instrumentation. May well be you were a deck swab in the Navy so show me some stuff that proves, that you were a "Nuclear Watch OFFICER!!!".
I showed you lots of stuff I still got when I worked on power plant instrumentation.
Like the Westinghouse PCL manuals that date back to the time when you claimed to have run Nuclear Reactors and the associated Turbine Generator units.
Here is another component that you should be very familiar with


... and was already in use at the time where you claim there were no electronic components used in power plants,...not even in the Navy which ALWAYS used cutting edge technology.

You never were near any such control systems else you would have continued after your discharge as a highly qualified engineer and you would have kept these manuals like I did, because you never know who is still using old stuff if you are called in to solve a problem.
I still got my vintage sec-clear-documentation even before I became a citizen here:

Why should I throw it away. Even though that old German Passport is no longer valid that US visa is valid indefinitely for UNLIMITED business or pleasure and I don`t even need a work-permit like Canadians have to have if they have 6 month`s worth of business to conduct in the U.S.
I worked using this visa amongst other places at Garret Airresearch when they adapted their APU turbines which are on civilian airliners for the cruise missile program.
I also got an European Union pass which has my entire history embedded in that green eagle and stars hologram.

Any Nato member country can read that "CD" with the equipment they have at airports and other points of entry.
It came in handy, because at one time when I was trucking for the fun of it in my off duty time I tried to cross the border with a trailer full of radioactive stuff and all their alarms started howling before I even got to the guard house. Only truckers that have passed a security and background check are allowed to truck stuff like that across an international border, especially after "911". I could have faced imprisonment for up to 5 years because I did it without the "A49 Fast Card".
I got hauled in in handcuffs. The bitch who had me in cuffs then had to make out a temporary A49 "Fast Card" after she found out my real employer was DND and I`m only trucking as a holiday hobby. There was so much fuss that her CO came out of his office. He scanned my passport and then told that bitch which made out the "Fast card" as temporary to get lost, and signed in black over her signature and wrote on the back on that card "Validated as permanent".
As if a person who did what you say you did would throw all that stuff in a trashcan and why should I pay you money so that you show me something.
After all I never said that I was in the Navy and "used to run nuclear reactors" said it and it`s up to you to prove it not up to us to dis-prove it while you gloat:
So, I've been accurate about every single thing, and you've been a raging 'tard who has gotten every single thing wrong.
According to you, that proves I'm a fraud. Good luck with that.
Post some stuff and we`ll have it e-verified
E-Verify is an Internet-based, free program run by the United States government that compares information from an employee's Employment Verification Form I-9 to data from U.S. government records.
E-Verify received an overall customer satisfaction rating of 85, which is "based on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI),
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Upload a picture of you in Uniform, black out your face if you want to, as long as the info is there that can be verified that you were a "Nuclear Watch Officer" and did not just grab it from web pages like all that crap you used as "proof" so far.

You mean the evidence that I humiliated you with, of course, and which you couldn't refute, so you made up a crazy story that it was a photoshop job from a blog.

You certainly are working hard to avoid the bet. Why isn't my DD214 sufficient, being it clearly shows my whole record of service? You're throwing away perfect data so you can have fuzzy data instead, data you can cast doubt on. That's the hallmark of the pseudoscientist.

I've got my class photo from Nuke School here. Suppose I post that. What does it prove? You can just claim it's not a photo of me, and that I got it online somewhere. No doubt your mad header skillz will somehow "prove" it, in a way that's clear only to you.

I've got a photo of me hip-firing an M60 off the ship somewhere. What does that prove? Other than I look kind of ridiculous wielding the Rambo gun, but I know that.

Could you tell me what sort of information in a photo could prove I was working in navy nuclear power? After all, the reactor is classified, so I can't be photographed standing in the reactor spaces. And there are no special uniforms or insignia that nukes wear.

The point is you're deliberately refusing to look at good data, because you know the good data contradicts you. It's the same way you look at global warming data.
Upload a picture of you in Uniform, black out your face if you want to, as long as the info is there that can be verified that you were a "Nuclear Watch Officer" and did not just grab it from web pages like all that crap you used as "proof" so far.

You mean the evidence that I humiliated you with, of course, and which you couldn't refute, so you made up a crazy story that it was a photoshop job from a blog.

You certainly are working hard to avoid the bet. Why isn't my DD214 sufficient, being it clearly shows my whole record of service? You're throwing away perfect data so you can have fuzzy data instead, data you can cast doubt on. That's the hallmark of the pseudoscientist.

I've got my class photo from Nuke School here. Suppose I post that. What does it prove? You can just claim it's not a photo of me, and that I got it online somewhere. No doubt your mad header skillz will somehow "prove" it, in a way that's clear only to you.

I've got a photo of me hip-firing an M60 off the ship somewhere. What does that prove? Other than I look kind of ridiculous wielding the Rambo gun, but I know that.

Could you tell me what sort of information in a photo could prove I was working in navy nuclear power? After all, the reactor is classified, so I can't be photographed standing in the reactor spaces. And there are no special uniforms or insignia that nukes wear.

The point is you're deliberately refusing to look at good data, because you know the good data contradicts you. It's the same way you look at global warming data.
I WAS A PHOTOSHOP JOB and I showed you the digital fingerprint that proved that it was.
Even without me checking it out later with a hex editor I knew ! As if a satellite would download color coded weather maps
I`m not avoiding anything. YOU upload post some personal stuff that proves your fucking fairy tales.
Any document scan or picture uploaded to Image Shack still has the original digital fingerprint in the first 100 bytes.
And documents can be e-verified so do it !
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Upload a picture of you in Uniform, black out your face if you want to, as long as the info is there that can be verified that you were a "Nuclear Watch Officer" and did not just grab it from web pages like all that crap you used as "proof" so far.

You mean the evidence that I humiliated you with, of course, and which you couldn't refute, so you made up a crazy story that it was a photoshop job from a blog.

You certainly are working hard to avoid the bet. Why isn't my DD214 sufficient, being it clearly shows my whole record of service? You're throwing away perfect data so you can have fuzzy data instead, data you can cast doubt on. That's the hallmark of the pseudoscientist.

I've got my class photo from Nuke School here. Suppose I post that. What does it prove? You can just claim it's not a photo of me, and that I got it online somewhere. No doubt your mad header skillz will somehow "prove" it, in a way that's clear only to you.

I've got a photo of me hip-firing an M60 off the ship somewhere. What does that prove? Other than I look kind of ridiculous wielding the Rambo gun, but I know that.

Could you tell me what sort of information in a photo could prove I was working in navy nuclear power? After all, the reactor is classified, so I can't be photographed standing in the reactor spaces. And there are no special uniforms or insignia that nukes wear.

The point is you're deliberately refusing to look at good data, because you know the good data contradicts you. It's the same way you look at global warming data.

Your DD-214 is useless because I, who never served in the military, can make one up quite easily that would fool most everyone. How about you take a picture of your military ID, front and back, and place masking tape over your name and id #. Oh, and your face of course, no one wants to see who you are.
Again junior, there is dress also known as full dress,

Which were polyester, and still are. So much for your clueless claims that polyester is never used in dress uniforms. I was right, you were totally wrong. Notice the consistent pattern there?

Navy Male Dinner Dress White Jacket

then there is service dress,which is the near suit cut coat and shirt and tie,

Dress Blues. Worn for OOD quarterdeck watches during cool weather, which was most of the time in San Francisco bay. Often needed the bridgecoat or peacoat with it.

then there is the service uniform which would be like khakis, shirt and tie or open collar depending.

Dress khakis, with the tie, have been obsolete since around the Korean War.

Whites are rarely worn on a ship. Only needed when you want to look pretty for some reason, which sure as heck was not when you were Engineering Officer of the Watch. And again, they're usually polyester. Cotton whites existed, but were not popular, as they looked wrinkly. Wool? No.

Then there is the various work uniforms, dungarees, coveralls, so on and so forth.. A navy man would know this, and know the distinctions.

Working uniform for officers was khakis. Check out Top Gun. When they're not in flight suits, the officers are wearing ... khakis. That was the officers' working uniform. And Top Gun was a movie filmed with the assistance and advice of the Navy, so the uniforms were accurate.

Remember, this isn't a debate. This is me informing you of what is so.

Now, they've recently moved to the blueish camo as a working uniform, but that's a new thing, around 2007. Service blue is gone now, and was almost obsolete even back in 1985. I owned one set, and never wore them once.

Nukes as in nuke department are their own department, not part of engineering,

Depends on the ship. A carrier is big, so reactor and engineering are split. A cruiser had one-tenth of the crew, so reactors and the rest of engineering were one department.

(I checked it out. Remember, I told you I didn't know about carriers. Now I do. That's the difference between us. If I don't know something, I say I don't know, instead of making crap up. That's why you fail so hard. You only know what a web search tells you, your web search only pulled up info on carriers, so you assumed cruisiers had to be like carriers. And so you got it totally wrong.)

If you still protest, I've got my 1987 CGN-36 cruise book right in front of me, which, contrary to your odd claims, shows only one single department containing all the engineering divisions. That would be A, E, L, M, R, RC, RE and RT divisions, to help you out. Since you claim to be so well-informed, why don't you tell us which of those are the nuke divisions?

Oh, we can make a new bet, of course. Whoever is wrong leaves. And that leaves you in a tough spot. You know you're wrong, but you can't admit it, so you'll keep trying to bluff your way through while simultaneously wriggling out of the bet.

The dress, and service dress uniforms are a wool or wool blend, and non-flammable,

Only the dress blues are wool, because they're essentially a dark suit, which is suitable for wool. Everything else is cotton or polyester.

Cruisers, Subs, Carriers, doesn't matter, the "nukes" department were indeed their own department. They have their own school, their own director of naval nuclear propulsion, and are NOT part of the regular engineering department.

So, you're taking the bet? I'm ready to take some photos of that cruise book, show you're totally wrong there, and thus send you packing.

Why don't you just admit you know zilch except for what you tried to google, or what you yanked out of your ass? It's not like you're fooling anyone. You've still got that perfect record of failure going, you refuse to accept at my DD214, and now you're going to refuse to accept my cruise book. You're just flailing and raging now, so you can avoid admitting to your screwup.

Hey, let's see what else you know about the Navy. Answer the following questions. No, google won't help you any, and yes, that will leave you helpless.

1. What does "Every little fucking pissant loves the fucking Navy" refer to?

2. What is the answer to "How can you tell if your shipmate is gay?"
Your DD-214 is useless because I, who never served in the military, can make one up quite easily that would fool most everyone.

One that perfectly matched the detailed history I've given of myself here?

Is it your contention that years ago, I swiped the identity and all the paperwork of a Navy Nuclear Officer, just so I could make an offhand "I used to run reactors" comment in a global warming discussion on a message board? How deep does your paranoia go?

How about you take a picture of your military ID, front and back, and place masking tape over your name and id #.

Um ... because they took my military ID when I was discharged? Just a thought.

But aside from that, if I could supposedly fake a DD214, why couldn't I fake an ID? You seem to be wildly inconsistent in your opinion of my faking skills.
Your DD-214 is useless because I, who never served in the military, can make one up quite easily that would fool most everyone.

One that perfectly matched the detailed history I've given of myself here?

Is it your contention that years ago, I swiped the identity and all the paperwork of a Navy Nuclear Officer, just so I could make an offhand "I used to run reactors" comment in a global warming discussion on a message board? How deep does your paranoia go?

How about you take a picture of your military ID, front and back, and place masking tape over your name and id #.

Um ... because they took my military ID when I was discharged? Just a thought.

But aside from that, if I could supposedly fake a DD214, why couldn't I fake an ID? You seem to be wildly inconsistent in your opinion of my faking skills.

Because a ID is a hell of a lot harder to fake silly person. A DD-214 is a sheet of paper and has been faked for thirty plus years by all manner of asshats...hell you could even claim to be a MOH recipient.

Like all the other asshats out there. But an ID is a different kettle of fish. Now isn't it...

Yes, I'm sure your supposed mad header skillz somehow proved that to yourself. Too bad no one else understood what you were babbling about, or gave a shit.

And that's the point. No matter what I posted, you'd use your supposed mad header skillz to ramble out some gibberish and declare it was a forgery. Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to deny it.

By the way, when you e-verify your entire career with us here, I'll follow, you stinking hypocrite. Get cracking.
Like all the other asshats out there. But an ID is a different kettle of fish. Now isn't it...

Um, no. It's a color printer and a laminating machine.

Anyways, you first. Start with putting your drivers license on display here. If you won't, then take your hypocrisy and get stuffed.

(Off to run now. Though after this Boston thing, I hope they still have the race I'm training for.)
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Upload a picture of you in Uniform, black out your face if you want to, as long as the info is there that can be verified that you were a "Nuclear Watch Officer" and did not just grab it from web pages like all that crap you used as "proof" so far.

You mean the evidence that I humiliated you with, of course, and which you couldn't refute, so you made up a crazy story that it was a photoshop job from a blog.

You certainly are working hard to avoid the bet. Why isn't my DD214 sufficient, being it clearly shows my whole record of service? You're throwing away perfect data so you can have fuzzy data instead, data you can cast doubt on. That's the hallmark of the pseudoscientist.

I've got my class photo from Nuke School here. Suppose I post that. What does it prove? You can just claim it's not a photo of me, and that I got it online somewhere. No doubt your mad header skillz will somehow "prove" it, in a way that's clear only to you.

I've got a photo of me hip-firing an M60 off the ship somewhere. What does that prove? Other than I look kind of ridiculous wielding the Rambo gun, but I know that.

Could you tell me what sort of information in a photo could prove I was working in navy nuclear power? After all, the reactor is classified, so I can't be photographed standing in the reactor spaces. And there are no special uniforms or insignia that nukes wear.

The point is you're deliberately refusing to look at good data, because you know the good data contradicts you. It's the same way you look at global warming data.

Your DD-214 is useless because I, who never served in the military, can make one up quite easily that would fool most everyone. How about you take a picture of your military ID, front and back, and place masking tape over your name and id #. Oh, and your face of course, no one wants to see who you are.
We are all laughing about the "Meow I used to run nuclear reactors (in the Navy)" Could be they used "it" (the Siamese cat..because I`m not sure it`s a male) as a ship`s mascot.
Right now I`m cracking up because I found something really funny in my old papers. I saved this one because it was too funny to go in as kindling in my wood stove in the Yukon where I lived at that time.
I was off doing my "ice road trucking" fun in Alaska and was hoping I could dis-appear, like Clint Eastwood in the movie "Firefox". But the bastards found me and contacted the trucking company:

Anybody who had anything to do with the military knows, that they will "haze" you to death if you show up on base with at least 1 case of good Bourbon. We all buy that in the duty free shop on the Thule airbase but when you come from Greenland the SWO in CFS Alert Canada hates paperwork, he just wants your case of Bourbon.
They never treated me like Clint Eastwood in "Firefox" either. First I had to break a speed record with my 140 000 pound B-train from Alaska to Whitehorse YKT and without any shut-eye or lunch be on the tarmac at the Whitehorse airport. I had f-all to eat but airliner "food" mostly salted peanuts and when I arrived in Toronto all the food vendors at the airport had already closed. There was no more military bus from Toronto to the Trenton Air force base any more when I finally got to Toronto.
A Doctor who later turned out to be our Med at Alert shared a Taxi with me to get us to Trenton.
We got ripped off $ 250 EACH by a Pakistani Taxi was an episode just like in the "Trains Planes and Automobiles" Hollywood comedy. But we made it. Look at the detour that got me on base which is at the northern most tip of that flight plan:

It would have been a real short ride had they picked me up like they did it with Clint Eastwood in "Firefox"...then again I`m not a Hollywood celebrity only one of the 7 "chosen frozen" that were familiar with the old Westinghouse PLC software which had to be updated...not during pleasant Arctic Summer Months...for some f-ing reason always during the Winter when it`s pitch dark till April.

They forecast "Global Warming" Temperatures when we got on that Herc C-130 and when we arrived on Ellesmere Island there was a 130 kmh Wind and it was -55 C (without windchill) visibility was ZERO and we almost ran out of fuel before the crew managed to put it on the runway with the emergency "Glow Worm" Nav system after 4 missed approaches.
If You arrive at CFS Alert during the arctic summer, just at the time the PIC says okay guys 2 minutes from touchdown this is what you see down below when you look out the Window:

I think it`s a lot more pleasant to do a tour of duty on a nuclear sub even if they stay for God knows how long under the polar ice cap.
But at least we had women we could "train" in arctic transportation methods when the sun finally came up in the spring:

But I`m married (for > 40 years) and stayed true to my wife no matter how far from home base I was...But I also know, that`s what they all say !
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Yes, I'm sure your supposed mad header skillz somehow proved that to yourself. Too bad no one else understood what you were babbling about, or gave a shit.

And that's the point. No matter what I posted, you'd use your supposed mad header skillz to ramble out some gibberish and declare it was a forgery. Please don't embarrass yourself by trying to deny it.

By the way, when you e-verify your entire career with us here, I'll follow, you stinking hypocrite. Get cracking.
Your English is just as fucked up as "Saigon's" or the "erudite semi God Numan`s Franglish".
It`s mad hatter and was coined when "hatters" used Mercury compounds to stiffen up hats...mercury fumes make people go berserk.
Maybe you dropped your anal thermometer and got Mercury fumes coming out of your carpet or scratching post...which would explain a lot.
Like all the other asshats out there. But an ID is a different kettle of fish. Now isn't it...

Um, no. It's a color printer and a laminating machine.

Anyways, you first. Start with putting your drivers license on display here. If you won't, then take your hypocrisy and get stuffed.

(Off to run now. Though after this Boston thing, I hope they still have the race I'm training for.)

Ummmmm,'s not. There are many different identifiers that one can look at to verify if it is real or not. C'ya later fraud boy....

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