The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Well, as usual, I post a bit of science, and that sets the ignorant jackals yowling.
There is no point in refuting such superficial twaddle at length. I will deal with these failed human minds together in one posting.

More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet......

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet....

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet.
Well, KissMy has finally floated off into the ozone forever.
No surprise there.

I think you global heating denialists should make an alliance with the Flat Earth Society -- who knows? Maybe together you could take over the world!! · · :laugh: · · :D
But then, apart from the gun manufacturers and war profiteers who control it, perhaps the Flat Earthers and global heating Denialists and their ilk already are the membership of the NRA.

If you expect us to buy your educated BS, you have to show some of that education..

Venus a planet, unlike earth in just about every way...
And, in my posting, I explained why that is, and what it means.
But, presumably due to your illiteracy, you missed the science.

What's not a red herring is that you are an avowed misanthrope and wannabe eugenicist...
What this is, is an ad hominem, and irrelevant.

It is also untruthful -- but that, of course, is to be expected of anything coming from you.

As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than bloody fucking imbecile.
Wrong, WRONG, WRONG, Colonel Klinker!!
No wonder you guys lost the War. What a maroon!! You can't even read!

Once again, little boy: Venus originally was not as hot as it is now. It did not have the atmosphere it has now!

First, the water vapor greenhouse heated it up, and then it became hot enough to drive the carbon dioxide from the rocks of the planet, creating the hellhole that presently exists!

It is so easy to understand! I even provided a link for meatheads like you.

But one can't expect Colonel Klinker to get some facts under his belt before shooting off his mouth, can one?

ASIDE: All the global heating denialists seem to be afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome!
Well, as usual, I post a bit of science, and that sets the ignorant jackals yowling.
There is no point in refuting such superficial twaddle at length. I will deal with these failed human minds together in one posting.

More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet......

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet....

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet.
Well, KissMy has finally floated off into the ozone forever.
No surprise there.

I think you global heating denialists should make an alliance with the Flat Earth Society -- who knows? Maybe together you could take over the world!! · · :laugh: · · :D
But then, apart from the gun manufacturers and war profiteers who control it, perhaps the Flat Earthers and global heating Denialists and their ilk already are the membership of the NRA.

If you expect us to buy your educated BS, you have to show some of that education..

Venus a planet, unlike earth in just about every way...
And, in my posting, I explained why that is, and what it means.
But, presumably due to your illiteracy, you missed the science.

What's not a red herring is that you are an avowed misanthrope and wannabe eugenicist...
What this is, is an ad hominem, and irrelevant.

It is also untruthful -- but that, of course, is to be expected of anything coming from you.

As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than bloody fucking imbecile.
Wrong, WRONG, WRONG, Colonel Klinker!!
No wonder you guys lost the War. What a maroon!! You can't even read!

Once again, little boy: Venus originally was not as hot as it is now. It did not have the atmosphere it has now!

First, the water vapor greenhouse heated it up, and then it became hot enough to drive the carbon dioxide from the rocks of the planet, creating the hellhole that presently exists!

It is so easy to understand! I even provided a link for meatheads like you.

But one can't expect Colonel Klinker to get some facts under his belt before shooting off his mouth, can one?

ASIDE: All the global heating denialists seem to be afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome!

And you are going to ignore science and continue to compare earth and venus? Pretty weak..
Tool, the NIS , or the NCIS didn't give you shit... You're an idiot...

So are you accepting my wager? Being that you're a proud and active member of TeamDickless, my psychostalkers, I'm just trying to verify if you really are the mewling eunuch that you appear to be.

I'll post my DD214 showing my history in Navy nuclear power. Name and SSN blocked with little pieces of paper taped on, but everything else showing.

If it's valid, you apologize for lying about me and agree to leave the board forever, never to return under any name.

If it's not valid, I'll leave forever.

All the currently outspoken and active members of TeamDickless -- that is, you and Polarbear -- need to respond and accept before I get going. So respond. Do you accept the wager?

And if you're going to whine that it's a forgery, let me know now. My plan was to snap a photo with the cell, upload it to a photobucket account and link to it. Maybe a second distance shot showing it next to the monitor displaying this current forum section, to show I possess the physical document. If you've got any other demands for authenticity, let me know now, because I don't want you making excuses later.
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Well, as usual, I post a bit of science, and that sets the ignorant jackals yowling.
There is no point in refuting such superficial twaddle at length. I will deal with these failed human minds together in one posting.

More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet......

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet....

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet.
Well, KissMy has finally floated off into the ozone forever.
No surprise there.

I think you global heating denialists should make an alliance with the Flat Earth Society -- who knows? Maybe together you could take over the world!! · · :laugh: · · :D
But then, apart from the gun manufacturers and war profiteers who control it, perhaps the Flat Earthers and global heating Denialists and their ilk already are the membership of the NRA.

If you expect us to buy your educated BS, you have to show some of that education..

Venus a planet, unlike earth in just about every way...
And, in my posting, I explained why that is, and what it means.
But, presumably due to your illiteracy, you missed the science.

What's not a red herring is that you are an avowed misanthrope and wannabe eugenicist...
What this is, is an ad hominem, and irrelevant.

It is also untruthful -- but that, of course, is to be expected of anything coming from you.

As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than bloody fucking imbecile.
Wrong, WRONG, WRONG, Colonel Klinker!!
No wonder you guys lost the War. What a maroon!! You can't even read!

Once again, little boy: Venus originally was not as hot as it is now. It did not have the atmosphere it has now!

First, the water vapor greenhouse heated it up, and then it became hot enough to drive the carbon dioxide from the rocks of the planet, creating the hellhole that presently exists!

It is so easy to understand! I even provided a link for meatheads like you.

But one can't expect Colonel Klinker to get some facts under his belt before shooting off his mouth, can one?

ASIDE: All the global heating denialists seem to be afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome!
Huh?....Venus isn't 26 million miles closer to the sun and doesn't have an atmospheric density 90 times that of Earth?...And those factors aren't what makes that planet hotter than ours?

You really this bloody fucking stupid?

Dude, seriously......:lmao:

Well, as usual, I post a bit of science, and that sets the ignorant jackals yowling.
There is no point in refuting such superficial twaddle at length. I will deal with these failed human minds together in one posting.

More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet......

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet....

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet.
Well, KissMy has finally floated off into the ozone forever.
No surprise there.

I think you global heating denialists should make an alliance with the Flat Earth Society -- who knows? Maybe together you could take over the world!! · · :laugh: · · :D
But then, apart from the gun manufacturers and war profiteers who control it, perhaps the Flat Earthers and global heating Denialists and their ilk already are the membership of the NRA.

And, in my posting, I explained why that is, and what it means.
But, presumably due to your illiteracy, you missed the science.

What this is, is an ad hominem, and irrelevant.

It is also untruthful -- but that, of course, is to be expected of anything coming from you.

As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than bloody fucking imbecile.
Wrong, WRONG, WRONG, Colonel Klinker!!
No wonder you guys lost the War. What a maroon!! You can't even read!

Once again, little boy: Venus originally was not as hot as it is now. It did not have the atmosphere it has now!

First, the water vapor greenhouse heated it up, and then it became hot enough to drive the carbon dioxide from the rocks of the planet, creating the hellhole that presently exists!

It is so easy to understand! I even provided a link for meatheads like you.

But one can't expect Colonel Klinker to get some facts under his belt before shooting off his mouth, can one?

ASIDE: All the global heating denialists seem to be afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome!
Huh?....Venus isn't 26 million miles closer to the sun and doesn't have an atmospheric density 90 times that of Earth?...And those factors aren't what makes that planet hotter than ours?

You really this bloody fucking stupid?

Dude, seriously......:lmao:


He's gotten 18 pages out of this crap, I wonder if he gets paid by the word. If so.....

Dudes rich.
Tool, the NIS , or the NCIS didn't give you shit... You're an idiot...

So are you accepting my wager? Being that you're a proud and active member of TeamDickless, my psychostalkers, I'm just trying to verify if you really are the mewling eunuch that you appear to be.

I'll post my DD214 showing my history in Navy nuclear power. Name and SSN blocked with little pieces of paper taped on, but everything else showing.

If it's valid, you apologize for lying about me and agree to leave the board forever, never to return under any name.

If it's not valid, I'll leave forever.

All the currently outspoken and active members of TeamDickless -- that is, you and Polarbear -- need to respond and accept before I get going. So respond. Do you accept the wager?

And if you're going to whine that it's a forgery, let me know now. My plan was to snap a photo with the cell, upload it to a photobucket account and link to it. Maybe a second distance shot showing it next to the monitor displaying this current forum section, to show I possess the physical document. If you've got any other demands for authenticity, let me know now, because I don't want you making excuses later.

You're still here?

Nice try junior, can't get any pictures of those online can we...

dd214 - Google Search

A whole shitload of em there....

Also, remember what you claimed? You claimed I was wrong about everything.. Remember? You said I was wrong about Nuke school, wrong about black uniforms, wrong about security clearances required to work in the reactor areas , wrong about how the security clearance is gotten and wrong about how you get it...

The question I want to know is, if you claimed you didn't need nuke school, and didn't need a security clearance to work on the nukes, what good would a DD214 picture do your claim?

You said I was wrong about all of it. Denied having to go to nuke school, denied needing a security clearance to work nuke reactors, and the freaking Navy says that's is utterly false. Since 1955 if you worked on a nuke reactor, you had to have a security clearance, and had to go to nuke school.

Dude it's not me calling you a liar, the navy is, and your constant BS adds to it.. Grow up man, No one gives a fuck, you outed yourself already..
Nice try junior, can't get any pictures of those online can we...

You can get the stamped and sealed true color original on line, matching every single detail I've revealed about myself? That's amazing.

Oh wait. Maybe I plotted this years ago. Yes, I found a DD214 online, and said "Hey, I want to BE that person." So I changed my life story to fit it. I also found a commissioning certificate to match, photos, and so on. The whole suite of docs. I stole the entire identity of a Navy Nuke officer, just so I could pretend on a message board!

Oh wait, no. You're just cutting and running, as expected.

See, the point of the wager wasn't to confirm my credentials, since everyone who isn't a lying fuktard already accepts them. The point of the wager was to point out what a dishonest chickenshit you are. Thanks for the confirmation. I'll be sure to keep mocking you endlessly about it.

The question I want to know is, if you claimed you didn't need nuke school.

Why are you lying by saying I claimed I didn't need nuke school? After all, I said no such thing. You're being a brazen lying sack of shit there.

and didn't need a security clearance to work on the nukes,

Why are you lying by saying I claimed I didn't need a security clearance? I said no such thing. You're being a brazen lying sack of shit there also.

Seriously, what on earth made you think that lying even more brazenly would convince anyone you're not a pathological liar?
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Nice try junior, can't get any pictures of those online can we...

You can get the stamped and sealed true color original on line, matching every single detail I've revealed about myself? That's amazing.

Oh wait. Maybe I plotted this years ago. Yes, I found a DD214 online, and said "Hey, I want to BE that person." So I changed my life story to fit it. I also found a commissioning certificate to match, photos, and so on. I stole the entire identity of a Navy Nuke officer, just so I could pretend on a message board!

Oh wait, no. You're just cutting and running, as expected.

See, the point of the wager wasn't to confirm my credentials, since everyone who isn't a lying fuktard already accepts them. The point of the wager was to point out what a dishonest chickenshit you are. Thanks for the confirmation. I'll be sure to keep mocking you endlessly about it.

The question I want to know is, if you claimed you didn't need nuke school.

Why are you lying by saying I claimed I didn't need nuke school? After all, I said no such thing. You're being a brazen lying sack of shit there.

and didn't need a security clearance to work on the nukes,

Why are you lying by saying I claimed I didn't need a security clearance? I said no such thing. You're being a brazen lying sack of shit there also.

Seriously, what on earth convinced you that lying even more brazenly would convince anyone you're not a pathological liar?

Ah how about no? Dude, you are being ridiculous now...

You claimed ONI had nothing to do with security clearances for the nukes. That was shown incorrect. Because being the office of intelligence for the navy, and overseen by the Dept of the navy, they most assuredly do play a part in all security clearances on the navy's end.

You claimed there were no black uniforms in the navy in fact your exact words were.
" I have never seen a black uniform in the Navy. Navy Blue, yes, but never black."
Your own words.. Now you say something else what was it again? Suit coats only? Well we know that's incorrect as well... Fact is you didn't know what you were talking about..

Even up near Cleveland, right off the lake, there is a Naval Intel presence. And guess what they wear in the office? Black service dress uniforms. Same materials and cut as the standard khaki's but in black. It's a fact..

Anytime you are granted a security clearance, you are then subject to ONI authority and observation. if you actually worked inside the reactor control room as you claimed, you wouldn't wear dungarees, or work dress. You would wear service dress...

You previously contended that the engineering department handled the nukes.. WRONG!!! Nukes handle nukes, they are not part of the regular engineering dept. They are their own department.. This is so because the heightened security required and the training requirements. As a regular engineering dept, swabby you may have adjusted pressure valves, maintained the mechanical, plumbing, and non-secure electrical, but where only in the control room if you were a nuke...

You then claimed that NCIS handled security clearances. WRONG!!!!!! They don't, we already established the DOD does this and the task is delegated to theDON and then on to ONI in application. The DOD requests the FBI to conduct the background checks, they do them, send the findings back to the DOD, the DOD decides yes or no, if yes the info goes to the DON and then to ONI then to the rest of the chain of command. The only time NCIS would be involved is if you violate the terms of that security clearance and a investigation is needed or ordered. Sure there are other agencies involved depending on the level of clearance and nature of the job or task you need it for as well as what service you require it for. But the NCIS would not do this, because that would allow for no oversight. No service can operate completely alone and without oversight. They cannot "in house" security clearances, it's dangerous and irresponsible, especially now..

Now you want to save face with a DD214.. The DD214 will not help you here .. Your previous claims told on you..

But hey you go right on ahead and post a picture, won't change what you said or what you claimed here...
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More red herrings and refusal to deal with the topic of the thread by the global heating denialists.

As an aside, before I continue, I wish to express my sympathy to any reasonable person who might have been tempted to read this thread, hoping to gain some insight into this interesting and important topic.

Such a person must wade through reams of verbal diarrhœa excreted by the global heating denialists before reaching the hygienic postings which discuss the matter reasonably. It is, no doubt, the intention of the denialists, who possess a certain low animal cunning, to so disgust any sensible reader that they will not continue to read this thread.

I beg the sensible reader not to be thwarted by these feral predators. Just go to the page which lists all my postings, and then read only those. then you will have the wheat without the chaff, and the barbarians will be defeated.

The posters -- mamooth, Dot Com, editec, Dugdale_Jukes, Old Rocks, joewp -- have demonstrated the ability to make rational comments on this subject. It would be good to link to the Postings Pages of these thoughtful people, too.

Right...rational comments, like "inflating the atmosphere which is like the membrane of an egg with CO2 "
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Made by the "Numan" process which reacts limestone with other oxides to make CO2.
And now in addition to being an alchemist he fancies himself as an expert in physics as well.
He`s got solar wind removing water into outer space.
First he makes hydrogen from water by photo dissociation, hydrogen rises and gets blown away with solar wind.
A moment's thought, and a little very basic knowledge of physics would enlighten them. Even on Earth, water molecules which reach high levels of the atmosphere are dissociated into oxygen and hydrogen by high-frequency radiation from the Sun. Then kinetic energy and the solar wind drive the lighter hydrogen atoms into outer space. The Earth is also losing its oceans and water -- just at a very slow rate -- up to the present time.

This process, accelerated by higher temperatures, weaker gravity and greater radiation from the Sun
Not realizing that "Solar wind" consists mainly of protons which are Hydrogen Ions that are captured 24/7 by the earth`s magnetic field unless there is a magnetic storm strong enough to distort our magnetic field.

It`s got nothing to do with temperature or weaker gravity you dummy.
That "blow away" process is confined to planets that have a weak magnetic field and the only way that dissociation is "accelerated" is when gamma-ray bursts from the sun hit the atmosphere.
That dissociation works only in the gamma spectrum . Below that the dissociation goes no further than a hydroxyl radical which does not get "blown away by solar wind as hydrogen". These hydroxyl radicals help get rid of hydrocarbons by initiating the oxidation of methane.

Here are a few more "Numan quotes" for the "sensible reader":
I consider the majority of hominids on this planet to be loathsome parasites, but I think that there are a few good people.
I have often fantasized about genetically engineering a disease that would not be fatal, but which would sterilize 99% of the human population.
It is, indeed, of sociological interest that so many Americans (at least, so many of those who come from the lower classes) are so totally blind and deaf to irony.
I do not consider that any individual human can possibly know enough to chart out the future of the human race --- even an individual as erudite as I.
The problem with individuals that consider themselves as "erudite" and fake it spell out words like:
I do not expect such devotés of mendacity as you troop of maroons to be able to understand
Shake hands with the rabid Siamese cat that "used to run nuclear reactors" and says no 2 turbine driven generators can run at the same rpm and phase angle and throws temper tantrums when you point out the facts
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More red herrings and refusal to deal with the topic of the thread by the global heating denialists.

As an aside, before I continue, I wish to express my sympathy to any reasonable person who might have been tempted to read this thread, hoping to gain some insight into this interesting and important topic.

Such a person must wade through reams of verbal diarrhœa excreted by the global heating denialists before reaching the hygienic postings which discuss the matter reasonably. It is, no doubt, the intention of the denialists, who possess a certain low animal cunning, to so disgust any sensible reader that they will not continue to read this thread.

I beg the sensible reader not to be thwarted by these feral predators. Just go to the page which lists all my postings, and then read only those. then you will have the wheat without the chaff, and the barbarians will be defeated.

The posters -- mamooth, Dot Com, editec, Dugdale_Jukes, Old Rocks, joewp -- have demonstrated the ability to make rational comments on this subject. It would be good to link to the Postings Pages of these thoughtful people, too.

Right...rational comments, like "inflating the atmosphere which is like the membrane of an egg shell with CO2 "
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Made by the "Numan" process which reacts limestone with other oxides to make CO2.
And now in addition to being an alchemist he fancies himself as an expert in physics as well.
He`s got solar wind removing water into outer space.
First he makes hydrogen from water by photo dissociation, hydrogen rises and gets blown away with solar wind.
A moment's thought, and a little very basic knowledge of physics would enlighten them. Even on Earth, water molecules which reach high levels of the atmosphere are dissociated into oxygen and hydrogen by high-frequency radiation from the Sun. Then kinetic energy and the solar wind drive the lighter hydrogen atoms into outer space. The Earth is also losing its oceans and water -- just at a very slow rate -- up to the present time.

This process, accelerated by higher temperatures, weaker gravity and greater radiation from the Sun
Not realizing that "Solar wind" consists mainly of protons which are Hydrogen Ions that are captured 24/7 by the earth`s magnetic field unless there is a magnetic storm strong enough to distort our magnetic field.

It`s got nothing to do with temperature or weaker gravity you dummy.
That "blow away" process is confined to planets that have a weak magnetic field and the only way that dissociation is "accelerated" is when gamma-ray bursts from the sun hit the atmosphere.
That dissociation works only in the gamma spectrum . Below that the dissociation goes no further than a hydroxyl radical which does not get "blown away by solar wind as hydrogen". These hydroxyl radicals help get rid of hydrocarbons by initiating the oxidation of methane.

You sir are unworthy of the great numan...:eusa_hand:
You sir are unworthy of the great numan...:eusa_hand:
"Numan quotes" for the "sensible reader":
The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless
I consider the majority of hominids on this planet to be loathsome parasites, but I think that there are a few good people.
The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless
I have often fantasized about genetically engineering a disease that would not be fatal, but which would sterilize 99% of the human population.
The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless
It is, indeed, of sociological interest that so many Americans (at least, so many of those who come from the lower classes) are so totally blind and deaf to irony.
The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless
I do not consider that any individual human can possibly know enough to chart out the future of the human race --- even an individual as erudite as I.
He also pretends that he is fluent not only in French, but also in German and God like, well at least smarter than the Gods:
Mit der Dummheit kämpfen Götter selbst vergebens
According to "Numan", if he were God and in charge everything would be A-Okay.
I`m pretty sure psychiatrists have a specific classification for psychopaths like that



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I think that this arguement is getting onto silly grounds. I think that there are too many people on Earth at present. Not because I dislike humans, on the contrary, I like most that I meet from whatever culture. But on the basis that with the present population, all too many nations and areas are dependent on the agriculture of a few breadbaskets around the world. Were we to get a major natural disaster, such as the eruption of Toba, the areas dependent on the breadbaskets would starve. Even in the areas of the breadbaskets, it would be hard times. One only has to look at the hardships worldwide with the much smaller eruption of Tambora in 1815 to see the effects of major volcanic eruptions.

A shift in ocean currents, for whatever reason, could cause major havoc. The Younger Dryas ended the Clovis Culture here in North America. And that culture, primitive though it was, stretched clear across North America.

Even with modern technology and transportation, we are still vulneble to this type of disruption. Seven Billion humans is just too many for the planet to carry were we to experiance one of the types of natural disasters we have experianced in the past.

How to address that fact. Certainly not by willfully killing a bunch of people. In spite of the 50 million people killed in WW2, it scarcely made a blip in the population rise. Rather, what we have seen in the wealthy nation, a negative population growth, and, in China, a policy that restricts the number of children, is the right path. I am not fond of the choice that China has had to make, but if one looks at their history of millions of deaths in famines, it is a wise one in their circumstances. We in the Western world are not in that position. Still, we need to reduce our numbers, simply as a survival strategy.
I think that this arguement is getting onto silly grounds. I think that there are too many people on Earth at present. Not because I dislike humans, on the contrary, I like most that I meet from whatever culture. But on the basis that with the present population, all too many nations and areas are dependent on the agriculture of a few breadbaskets around the world. Were we to get a major natural disaster, such as the eruption of Toba, the areas dependent on the breadbaskets would starve. Even in the areas of the breadbaskets, it would be hard times. One only has to look at the hardships worldwide with the much smaller eruption of Tambora in 1815 to see the effects of major volcanic eruptions.

A shift in ocean currents, for whatever reason, could cause major havoc. The Younger Dryas ended the Clovis Culture here in North America. And that culture, primitive though it was, stretched clear across North America.

Even with modern technology and transportation, we are still vulneble to this type of disruption. Seven Billion humans is just too many for the planet to carry were we to experiance one of the types of natural disasters we have experianced in the past.

How to address that fact. Certainly not by willfully killing a bunch of people. In spite of the 50 million people killed in WW2, it scarcely made a blip in the population rise. Rather, what we have seen in the wealthy nation, a negative population growth, and, in China, a policy that restricts the number of children, is the right path. I am not fond of the choice that China has had to make, but if one looks at their history of millions of deaths in famines, it is a wise one in their circumstances. We in the Western world are not in that position. Still, we need to reduce our numbers, simply as a survival strategy.

Oldsocks no one here is saying humans don't impact the planet. The problem is the claims of how.. We have too many dam people it's a fact. Too many wanting to live too well, that's not in contention here. Nor is the fact we pollute and wreck the environment in some cases. What IS in contention is the nonsensical claims regarding AGW theory and a trace gas...

Try reading more than the title and it will become clear to you..
The global heating denialists, who appear to be addicted to error as to a drug, have continued to deny the most clear and established facts of science, including how much carbon there is in the atmosphere and crust of the Earth.

I will recapitulate some basic facts which they continue to deny, and then set forth how and why the planets Earth and Venus differ in their carbon history.



The Earth’s Crust: The largest amount of carbon on Earth is stored in sedimentary rocks within the planet’s crust. These are rocks produced either by the hardening of mud (containing organic matter) into shale over geological time, or by the collection of calcium carbonate particles, from the shells and skeletons of marine organisms, into limestone and other carbon-containing sedimentary rocks. Together all sedimentary rocks on Earth store 100,000,000 PgC (Petagrams of carbon). Recalling that 1 Pg is is equal to a trillion kilograms and over two trillion pounds, this is clearly a large mass of carbon! Another 4,000 PgC is stored in the Earth’s crust as hydrocarbons formed over millions of years from ancient living organisms under intense temperature and pressure. These hydrocarbons are commonly known as fossil fuels.

Oceans: The Earth’s oceans contain 38,000 PgC, most of which is in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon stored at great depths where it resides for long periods of time. A much smaller amount of carbon, approximately 1,000 Pg, is located near the ocean surface. This carbon is exchanged rapidly with the atmosphere through both physical processes, such as CO2 gas dissolving into the water, and biological processes, such as the growth, death and decay of plankton. Although most of this surface carbon cycles rapidly, some of it can also be transferred by sinking to the deep ocean pool where it can be stored for a much longer time.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere contains approximately 750 PgC, most of which is in the form of CO2, with much smaller amounts of methane (CH4) and various other compounds.
[emphases added]

Note that, at present, the atmosphere contains 400 ppm of carbon dioxide (0.04%) [up from when the article was written]. That is 750 gigatonnes of carbon (actually, somewhat more).
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

Well, as usual, I post a bit of science, and that sets the ignorant jackals yowling.
There is no point in refuting such superficial twaddle at length. I will deal with these failed human minds together in one posting.

More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet......

Allan Savory has turned the causes of global warming/climate change back onto the government enviro wacko scientist who caused the problem. They can't deal with the fact that they fucked up the planet....

Your people live in denial. You can't deal with the facts. You can't accept responsibility. You should be jailed or killed before you become irrational, snap & attempt to poison the planet.
Well, KissMy has finally floated off into the ozone forever.
No surprise there.

I think you global heating denialists should make an alliance with the Flat Earth Society -- who knows? Maybe together you could take over the world!! · · :laugh: · · :D
But then, apart from the gun manufacturers and war profiteers who control it, perhaps the Flat Earthers and global heating Denialists and their ilk already are the membership of the NRA.

If you expect us to buy your educated BS, you have to show some of that education..

Venus a planet, unlike earth in just about every way...
And, in my posting, I explained why that is, and what it means.
But, presumably due to your illiteracy, you missed the science.

What's not a red herring is that you are an avowed misanthrope and wannabe eugenicist...
What this is, is an ad hominem, and irrelevant.

It is also untruthful -- but that, of course, is to be expected of anything coming from you.

As was already mentioned, Venus is 26+ million miles closer to the sun and has an atmosphere 90 times as dense as Earth's....Its atmosphere could me made up out of any given gas and it would be exponentially hotter than bloody fucking imbecile.
Wrong, WRONG, WRONG, Colonel Klinker!!
No wonder you guys lost the War. What a maroon!! You can't even read!

Once again, little boy: Venus originally was not as hot as it is now. It did not have the atmosphere it has now!

First, the water vapor greenhouse heated it up, and then it became hot enough to drive the carbon dioxide from the rocks of the planet, creating the hellhole that presently exists!

It is so easy to understand! I even provided a link for meatheads like you.

But one can't expect Colonel Klinker to get some facts under his belt before shooting off his mouth, can one?

ASIDE: All the global heating denialists seem to be afflicted with Tourette's Syndrome!

Yes, you posted science that has no relevance to anything being discussed. The Venusian atmosphere is as alien to Earth as Jupiters is. They are so completely different that your ridiculous attempt to link Venus with Earth is laughable and exposes you for the scientific cripple you truly are.
I think that this arguement is getting onto silly grounds. I think that there are too many people on Earth at present. Not because I dislike humans, on the contrary, I like most that I meet from whatever culture. But on the basis that with the present population, all too many nations and areas are dependent on the agriculture of a few breadbaskets around the world. Were we to get a major natural disaster, such as the eruption of Toba, the areas dependent on the breadbaskets would starve. Even in the areas of the breadbaskets, it would be hard times. One only has to look at the hardships worldwide with the much smaller eruption of Tambora in 1815 to see the effects of major volcanic eruptions.

A shift in ocean currents, for whatever reason, could cause major havoc. The Younger Dryas ended the Clovis Culture here in North America. And that culture, primitive though it was, stretched clear across North America.

Even with modern technology and transportation, we are still vulneble to this type of disruption. Seven Billion humans is just too many for the planet to carry were we to experiance one of the types of natural disasters we have experianced in the past.

How to address that fact. Certainly not by willfully killing a bunch of people. In spite of the 50 million people killed in WW2, it scarcely made a blip in the population rise. Rather, what we have seen in the wealthy nation, a negative population growth, and, in China, a policy that restricts the number of children, is the right path. I am not fond of the choice that China has had to make, but if one looks at their history of millions of deaths in famines, it is a wise one in their circumstances. We in the Western world are not in that position. Still, we need to reduce our numbers, simply as a survival strategy.

Bullshit on all counts olfraud. The carrying capacity of this planet at current tech level is 40 BILLION. The best way to stop high birth rates is education and wealth. First World countries don't have lots of children born because the would be parents are busy living their lives and having fun.....because they can afford to.

In the third World children take the place of machinery and thus are born in large numbers to provide the families with labor and to make up for the high infant mortality rates. You eugenicists are all the same. Kill, kill, kill. China has MANDATED abortions. That's what their one child law means. Unless of course you are wealthy...then you can have as many children as you want.

And, more to the point, even in the third World the birth rates are dropping. So all of your wailing and gnashing of teeth was for nought.

Typical braindead elitist bullshit with no basis in reality.
The carrying capacity of this planet at current tech level is 40 BILLION.

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo ...

That's up there with Westwall's "Warming is always good!" lunacy. Comes from the same place he gets all his "facts", which is out of his nether regions.

Ask your friend "Numan", you know, the "erudite" moron :
I beg the sensible reader not to be thwarted by these feral predators. Just go to the page which lists all my postings, and then read only those. then you will have the wheat without the chaff, and the barbarians will be defeated.

The posters -- mamooth, Dot Com, editec, Dugdale_Jukes, Old Rocks, joewp -- have demonstrated the ability to make rational comments on this subject. It would be good to link to the Postings Pages of these thoughtful people, too.
Or do you prefer to comment on this :
U.S. snow storm moving into southern Manitoba - Manitoba - CBC News
U.S. snow storm moving into southern Manitoba


A winter storm brewing south of the border is expected to hit Manitoba tonight.
The system moving from Montana is expected to fall on North Dakota this afternoon. Forecasters are warning the system will bring heavy winds and snow.
Environment Canada says Southern Manitoba can expect anywhere from five to 10 centimetres of snow.
Winnipeg could see anywhere from two to 10 centimetres on Monday.
The Red River Valley will also experience gusty winds of up to 60 kilometres an hour tonight and into tomorrow.
And today it`s here:

Social media reacts to Manitoba's endless winter - Manitoba - CBC News
Social media reacts to Manitoba's endless winter
Snow joke, Manitoba getting covered again - Manitoba - CBC News

Snow joke, Manitoba getting covered again

So much snow is falling in North Dakota that both Interstate 29 and Interstate 94 are closed this morning.
And today`s currentW-conditions in know, where you said "they had to cancel ski-races" and posted it with your phony "satellite picture"...:
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica]ditions at [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica]
2013.04.15 1601 UTC [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Wind [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] from the SW (220 degrees) at 9 MPH (8 KT) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Visibility [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 2 mile(s) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Sky conditions [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] overcast [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Weather [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Light snow [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Temperature [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 8 F (-13 C) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Windchill [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] -5 F (-21 C) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Dew Point [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 3 F (-16 C) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Relative Humidity [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 78% [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] Pressure (altimeter) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] 29.8 in. Hg (1009 hPa) [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] ob [/FONT] [FONT=Arial,Helvetica] BGTL 151601Z AUTO 22008KT 4000 -SN OVC021 M13/M16 A2980 RMK AO2 VIS 4000V6000 VIS 4000 RWY26 CIG 021V024 CIG 017 RWY26 [/FONT]
Care to comment ?
You claimed ONI had nothing to do with security clearances for the nukes.

And I was 100% correct.

Meanwhile, you've been unable to come up with a single bit of evidence of any sort showing ONI worked security clearances in any way. In contrast, I listed the docs that show, yes, NIS/NCIS is one of the alphabet soup agencies that work clearances.

You pulled some crap out of your ass, you now know it's crap, but you won't admit that it's crap. In doing so, you've crossed the line from "mistake" to "lying".

You claimed there were no black uniforms in the navy in fact your exact words were.
I have never seen a black uniform in the Navy. Navy Blue, yes, but never black."
Your own words.. Now you say something else what was it again? Suit coats only? Well we know that's incorrect as well... Fact is you didn't know what you were talking about..

Or maybe ... uniform standards changed over the 20 years? Ya think? The suit jackets were always Navy Blue in my day, now some are black. BFD.

Stop deflecting. You pulled some idiot crap out of your ass about how nukes wear special black uniforms. It was laughable crap, you've never been able to show these special black uniforms, and you're the only human on the planet making the crazy claim about special black uniforms. You made up crap, you got caught, and now you're spinning wildly to cover.

Even up near Cleveland, right off the lake, there is a Naval Intel presence. And guess what they wear in the office? Black service dress uniforms. Same materials and cut as the standard khaki's but in black. It's a fact..

There's no such thing as black service dress, dumbass. There are only dress blues. Here's the wiki page on current uniforms:

Uniforms of the United States Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It fails to mention any black uniform items, other than the suit jacket and small accessories. Can you explain that? Is it your contention wiki is wrong? You might want to tell them how incorrect they are.

if you actually worked inside the reactor control room as you claimed, you wouldn't wear dungarees, or work dress. You would wear service dress...

No, dumbshit, I wore cotton khakis, and the enlisted wore dungarees. Why would you think someone wore a dress uniform in the engineering spaces? That's the dumbest claim you've made yet. First, there's no reason to dressup in the engine room. Second, dress uniforms are polyester, and polyester on the ship is to be generally avoided, being that polyester will turn into shrinkwrap if exposed to a fire.

You previously contended that the engineering department handled the nukes.. WRONG!!!

Holy crap, I didn't think you could get dumber than "dress uniforms in the engineering spaces", but you surprised me and outdid yourself.

"Nukes" is a navy slang for "Personnel of the nuclear engineering divisions". The term has absolutely nothing to do with people who handle nuclear weapons.

Nukes handle nukes,

No, no, no, hell no. Never, ever is that term used to describe weapons handlers. And that's as far as I can take it, as talking about nuclear weapons handling actually would be a breach of confidential information.

So, I've been accurate about every single thing, and you've been a raging 'tard who has gotten every single thing wrong. According to you, that proves I'm a fraud. Good luck with that.
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