The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

Like all the other asshats out there. But an ID is a different kettle of fish. Now isn't it...

Um, no. It's a color printer and a laminating machine.

Anyways, you first. Start with putting your drivers license on display here. If you won't, then take your hypocrisy and get stuffed.

(Off to run now. Though after this Boston thing, I hope they still have the race I'm training for.)

Ummmmm,'s not. There are many different identifiers that one can look at to verify if it is real or not. C'ya later fraud boy....

This is soooo typical. The RCMP has warned Canadians about a huge internet "phishing" fraud scam after it sucked in a lot of trusting people.
They got e-mails from their bank offering a better account service complete with URLinks to web sites that had copied the web sites of these banks EXACTLY. On request they produced picture ID attachments with which these Trinidad based scam artists proved they were a bank "official" with the Toronto Dominion Bank or the Royal Bank of Canada. I got dozens of phone calls soliciting that crap and when I did not respond to my e-mails....and if you questioned their nice Hewlett Packard color print "ID cards" they reacted just as hostile as the Siamese cat does...but at least that got rid of them.
There is no getting rid of that Siamese Cat on her ego trip.
It`s back with the same "Nuclear Watch Officer" garbage no matter which thread you go to get away from that bitch and no matter what the subject. Okay Okay, Mommy-smooth you are as smooth as any Teflon Don and we`ll let you be a "Nuclear Watch officer" and Saigon can keep playing the role of the "educated Journalist from Finland" with his wonderful "English"...maybe you`ll get to play the cat in the hat on CBS "Sesame street" some day too...maybe even Oscar the train engineer.
But Numan wanting to be an "erudite" semi God in this forum "science expert" fore play establishing his "science credentials" is going a bit too far. However his list of friends speaks volumes.
The Siamese cat made his list of "rational people" and "Saigon" is sucking up hard, till he`s on it too.
Well they are not alone. There are AGW "scientists" that claimed to be Nobel Prize winners too and then nobody has any business to be skeptical about the b.s they shit all over the internet, Wikipedia included.
Michael Mann Retracts False Nobel Prize Claims in Humiliating Climbdown

Disgraced Penn State University (PSU) climatologist, Michael Mann, concedes defeat in his bogus claims to be a Nobel Peace Prize winner. Mann’s employer this weekend began the shameful task of divesting itself of all inflated claims on university websites and official documentation that Mann was ever a Peace Prize recipient with Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
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More red herrings and refusal to deal with the topic of the thread by the global heating denialists.

As an aside, before I continue, I wish to express my sympathy to any reasonable person who might have been tempted to read this thread, hoping to gain some insight into this interesting and important topic.

Such a person must wade through reams of verbal diarrhœa excreted by the global heating denialists before reaching the hygienic postings which discuss the matter reasonably. It is, no doubt, the intention of the denialists, who possess a certain low animal cunning, to so disgust any sensible reader that they will not continue to read this thread.

I beg the sensible reader not to be thwarted by these feral predators. Just go to the page which lists all my postings, and then read only those. then you will have the wheat without the chaff, and the barbarians will be defeated.

The posters -- mamooth, Dot Com, editec, Dugdale_Jukes, Old Rocks, joewp -- have demonstrated the ability to make rational comments on this subject. It would be good to link to the Postings Pages of these thoughtful people, too.

good post. Denialists will not be swayed, facts be damned.
Your English is just as fucked up as "Saigon's" or the "erudite semi God Numan`s Franglish".

Its mad hatter and was coined when "hatters" used Mercury compounds to stiffen up hats...mercury fumes make people go berserk.

Check it out. Poor addled PolarBear actually thought "mad header skillz" was a reference to "mad hatter". Apparently, the internet meme of "mad hacker skillz" has not penetrated into his fortress of solititude.

Par for the course, though. He was just as addled when he had his meltdowns with Saigon and Numan.
Ummmmm,'s not. There are many different identifiers that one can look at to verify if it is real or not. C'ya later fraud boy....

Still waiting for that driver's license of yours.

Oh, what's that? You want me to reproduce my ID, but you won't do the same first? Get stuffed, hypocrite.

And Westwall, why won't you take my wager, you dickless wonder? Oh, that's right. You know you're lying about me, so you won't take the bet. Heck, everyone knows you're lying about me. It's what you do. It's all you do. You're such an ignorant tool concerning the science, lying about people is the only tactic left to you.

This is soooo typical. The RCMP has warned Canadians about a huge internet "phishing" fraud scam after it sucked in a lot of trusting people.

Waiting for you to post your e-verify, PolarBear, as you demanded of me. What, you won't do what you demand from me either? Stuff it, hypocrite.

And what's that? PolarBear said not posting e-verify info proved fraud? Well, since PolarBear hasn't posted his own e-verify info, PolarBear thus admits PolarBear is a fraud. Not my standards, but they are PolarBear's standards, so he has to live by them. PolarBear, by his own admission, says that he is a fraud.

It's back with the same "Nuclear Watch Officer" garbage no matter which thread you go to get away from that bitch and no matter what the subject.

Because you and TeamDickless keep bringing it back to that topic, you pervo psycho-stalker. If you don't want to talk about it, then stop talking about it. Don't blubber like the little bitch your are about how you hate it, after you've just spent several posts talking about it obsessively. That just makes you look crazy and dishonest. I mean, even more so than usual.

Okay Okay, Mommy-smooth you are as smooth as any Teflon Don and we`ll let you be a "Nuclear Watch officer"

So, do you spit on all vets like this, or just the ones you think are liberals?

And yes, we know you only do your vet-spitting when you're with your TeamDickless pals. None of you squealing sissies has the 'nads to try it solo.
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Again junior, there is dress also known as full dress,

Which were polyester, and still are. So much for your clueless claims that polyester is never used in dress uniforms. I was right, you were totally wrong. Notice the consistent pattern there?

Navy Male Dinner Dress White Jacket

then there is service dress,which is the near suit cut coat and shirt and tie,

Dress Blues. Worn for OOD quarterdeck watches during cool weather, which was most of the time in San Francisco bay. Often needed the bridgecoat or peacoat with it.

Dress khakis, with the tie, have been obsolete since around the Korean War.

Whites are rarely worn on a ship. Only needed when you want to look pretty for some reason, which sure as heck was not when you were Engineering Officer of the Watch. And again, they're usually polyester. Cotton whites existed, but were not popular, as they looked wrinkly. Wool? No.

Working uniform for officers was khakis. Check out Top Gun. When they're not in flight suits, the officers are wearing ... khakis. That was the officers' working uniform. And Top Gun was a movie filmed with the assistance and advice of the Navy, so the uniforms were accurate.

Remember, this isn't a debate. This is me informing you of what is so.

Now, they've recently moved to the blueish camo as a working uniform, but that's a new thing, around 2007. Service blue is gone now, and was almost obsolete even back in 1985. I owned one set, and never wore them once.

Depends on the ship. A carrier is big, so reactor and engineering are split. A cruiser had one-tenth of the crew, so reactors and the rest of engineering were one department.

(I checked it out. Remember, I told you I didn't know about carriers. Now I do. That's the difference between us. If I don't know something, I say I don't know, instead of making crap up. That's why you fail so hard. You only know what a web search tells you, your web search only pulled up info on carriers, so you assumed cruisiers had to be like carriers. And so you got it totally wrong.)

If you still protest, I've got my 1987 CGN-36 cruise book right in front of me, which, contrary to your odd claims, shows only one single department containing all the engineering divisions. That would be A, E, L, M, R, RC, RE and RT divisions, to help you out. Since you claim to be so well-informed, why don't you tell us which of those are the nuke divisions?

Oh, we can make a new bet, of course. Whoever is wrong leaves. And that leaves you in a tough spot. You know you're wrong, but you can't admit it, so you'll keep trying to bluff your way through while simultaneously wriggling out of the bet.

The dress, and service dress uniforms are a wool or wool blend, and non-flammable,

Only the dress blues are wool, because they're essentially a dark suit, which is suitable for wool. Everything else is cotton or polyester.

Cruisers, Subs, Carriers, doesn't matter, the "nukes" department were indeed their own department. They have their own school, their own director of naval nuclear propulsion, and are NOT part of the regular engineering department.

So, you're taking the bet? I'm ready to take some photos of that cruise book, show you're totally wrong there, and thus send you packing.

Why don't you just admit you know zilch except for what you tried to google, or what you yanked out of your ass? It's not like you're fooling anyone. You've still got that perfect record of failure going, you refuse to accept at my DD214, and now you're going to refuse to accept my cruise book. You're just flailing and raging now, so you can avoid admitting to your screwup.

Hey, let's see what else you know about the Navy. Answer the following questions. No, google won't help you any, and yes, that will leave you helpless.

1. What does "Every little fucking pissant loves the fucking Navy" refer to?

2. What is the answer to "How can you tell if your shipmate is gay?"

It's simple junior.. Every time I mention something you don't know, you panic and statrt making threats about your DD214, a picture, or make grandiose statements and claim how right you are in ever more elaborate manner.. Like a kid would do...

I have outed you for a fake too many times to count now. You claimed crap you couldn't back up, and made a fool of yourself..

Face it junior, I beat you... I beat you like a drum... I beat you on your BS "nuke" claim, Beat you on the thought experiment, beat you at everything..Face it, I'm just better than you. Smarter, faster, funnier, stronger, more prepared, more knowledgeable, more... Well everything than you.. Sorry but it's just how it is...

Wanna know why? Cause I am genuine, and you are fake. I am me, nothing ,more nothing less just little old fat bald and middle aged me. I'm a data analyst, I don't claim to be anything more or less to play big. I got no reason to, you are simply text on my screen to me, why would I need to impress you? Will it get me a cookie? No,you most likely don't have real cookies to give me anyway..

You have identity issues junior, it's as plain as the text on this page.. You pretend to be whatever you think will get you status here. The problem is you either aren't old enough,or smart enough to know that respect and status are earned, honestly or not at all.. You want to take the shortcut, that's why your claims are always lacking.. For instance you claimed things you didn't research beyond a movie or TV show. That's your shortcut to greatness in action..

Remember when you were an expert on old nuke reactor tech? Turned out you weren't. What did you claim then? You were on a nuke ship much later than you led us to believe.

Next I mentioned what it takes to be a nuke and you went ballistic calling me a liar. You didn't mention nuke school which would have helped your case, instead you chose the shortcut and tried to grandstand and shout down the discussion with claims that first you din't need a security clearance and no black uniforms in the navy.. Both of which were false. Why didn't you mention nuke school until after I told you about it? Because you didn't know...

Next time you were positive the NCIS did security clearances, and this was dead wrong too. And what did you do? Try and shout and claim victory.. The evidence against was your own link, but you being the shortcut tool, couldn't be bothered to read it, so you outed yourself as well as looking foolish for it..

Junior you haven't been right since figuring out which way to leave your momma's belly.. And I wonder if you didn't try to shortcut that somehow...

You're a buffoon, a laughing stock, a posturing, preening peacock with not a single redeeming quality that I can see.

Now, go cry me a river. Post your DD214, your cruise book, a picture of you in uniform, whatever will make you shut the fuck up, do it so we can get a rest from your incessant pleading for acceptance..
It's simple junior..

Yep. It works like this.

You and the rest of TeamDickless (PolarBear and Westwall) suck hard at science, because you get all of your science from an idiot cult.

I pointed out how badly you suck at science.

You couldn't respond, so you all had a meltdown and went psycho obsessive stalker over my single offhand comment.

Then you all did a face plant into a cow patty multiple times. Now I've got my heel on the back of your heads (it's a big heel), and I'm grinding your faces deeper into the cow patty and laughing.

And life is good.

Any questions?

I'm a data analyst,

And I'm not questioning your credentials. So why did you question mine?

Oh, that's right, it's because you suck so badly at the science, and needed a deflection.

Remember when you were an expert on old nuke reactor tech? Turned out you weren't. What did you claim then? You were on a nuke ship much later than you led us to believe.

So do you lie to people's faces like this in real life? I just wonder, because if you acted this badly in real life, you'd eventually run into someone who would kick your ass instead of laughing at you like I do. And everyone watching would be cheering as he did it.

And by the way, do you call yourself a Christian? I just mention that, because you might want to also consider the whole burning in hell thing. No, you can't just ask jeebus for forgiveness. You have to mean it, which means apologizing to the people you lied about. I am concerned for your eternal soul.

Now, go cry me a river. Post your DD214, your cruise book, a picture of you in uniform, whatever will make you shut the fuck up, do it so we can get a rest from your incessant pleading for acceptance..

Your retreat is noted, and your surrender is accepted.
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Ummmmm,'s not. There are many different identifiers that one can look at to verify if it is real or not. C'ya later fraud boy....

Still waiting for that driver's license of yours.

Oh, what's that? You want me to reproduce my ID, but you won't do the same first? Get stuffed, hypocrite.

And Westwall, why won't you take my wager, you dickless wonder? Oh, that's right. You know you're lying about me, so you won't take the bet. Heck, everyone knows you're lying about me. It's what you do. It's all you do. You're such an ignorant tool concerning the science, lying about people is the only tactic left to you.

This is soooo typical. The RCMP has warned Canadians about a huge internet "phishing" fraud scam after it sucked in a lot of trusting people.

Waiting for you to post your e-verify, PolarBear, as you demanded of me. What, you won't do what you demand from me either? Stuff it, hypocrite.

And what's that? PolarBear said not posting e-verify info proved fraud? Well, since PolarBear hasn't posted his own e-verify info, PolarBear thus admits PolarBear is a fraud. Not my standards, but they are PolarBear's standards, so he has to live by them. PolarBear, by his own admission, says that he is a fraud.

It's back with the same "Nuclear Watch Officer" garbage no matter which thread you go to get away from that bitch and no matter what the subject.

Because you and TeamDickless keep bringing it back to that topic, you pervo psycho-stalker. If you don't want to talk about it, then stop talking about it. Don't blubber like the little bitch your are about how you hate it, after you've just spent several posts talking about it obsessively. That just makes you look crazy and dishonest. I mean, even more so than usual.

Okay Okay, Mommy-smooth you are as smooth as any Teflon Don and we`ll let you be a "Nuclear Watch officer"

So, do you spit on all vets like this, or just the ones you think are liberals?

And yes, we know you only do your vet-spitting when you're with your TeamDickless pals. None of you squealing sissies has the 'nads to try it solo.

I don't have to lie about anything with regard to you fool. You are your own worst enemy... I'll post mine tomorrow ................chicken....
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It's simple junior..

Yep. It works like this.

You and the rest of TeamDickless (PolarBear and Westwall) suck hard at science, because you get all of your science from an idiot cult.

I pointed out how badly you suck at science.

You couldn't respond, so you all had a meltdown and went psycho obsessive stalker over my single offhand comment.

Then you all did a face plant into a cow patty multiple times. Now I've got my heel on the back of your heads (it's a big heel), and I'm grinding your faces deeper into the cow patty and laughing.

And life is good.

Any questions?

I'm a data analyst,
And I'm not questioning your credentials. So why did you question mine?

Oh, that's right, it's because you suck so badly at the science, and needed a deflection.

Remember when you were an expert on old nuke reactor tech? Turned out you weren't. What did you claim then? You were on a nuke ship much later than you led us to believe.
So do you lie to people's faces like this in real life? I just wonder, because if you acted this badly in real life, you'd eventually run into someone who would kick your ass instead of laughing at you like I do. And everyone watching would be cheering as he did it.

And by the way, do you call yourself a Christian? I just mention that, because you might want to also consider the whole burning in hell thing. No, you can't just ask jeebus for forgiveness. You have to mean it, which means apologizing to the people you lied about. I am concerned for your eternal soul.

Now, go cry me a river. Post your DD214, your cruise book, a picture of you in uniform, whatever will make you shut the fuck up, do it so we can get a rest from your incessant pleading for acceptance..
Your retreat is noted, and your surrender is accepted.

Okay don`t freak out again. Relax and I`ll cut you some slack.
Just post your DD214, block out your name an your social insurance number but not the field with your occupational code and we`ll take it from there.

Strange that you never offered that
, because that code reveals nothing personal about you and I can have it checked out if you were a "Nuclear Watch Officer...running nuclear reactors in the Navy.
Members of Vet-clubs freely share this code, because that rules out all the bullshitters.
So upload your DD214 and we`ll take it from there.
But unless you leave all your Navy codes for your qualification on there it proves NOTHING. There are a lot of forgeries in circulation just like Westwall said:
Example Of A Faked DD214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty | Guardian Of Valor
Example Of A Faked DD214 Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty

Posted on October 28, 2012 by Bulldog1
Below is an example of a DD214 that has been forged. Some errors are obvious, while the other errors might not be caught by someone not familiar with one. It is a little blurry, and the edges were cut off, but this is how we received it. So for all our fans with Military backgrounds help out everyone else, and point out the errors you see. One example would be some misspellings, if you’re going to forge a 214, at least use spell check. In box 25, Separation Authority, the shortened term for Chapter is CHAP not CAHP.
So comment on the errors, and of course the lies you see.
I don`t give a shit about your CGN-36 cruise book, because they can all be downloaded from the Internet and every edition that exists is offered for sale on e-bay:
Let me google that for you
I looked through some of the editions and their pages for all their engineering departments this evening
USS California (CGN 36) Mediterranean Cruise Book 1976-77 - Engineering Department

and I think I foud you:
USS California (CGN 36) Mediterranean Cruise Book 1976-77 - Engineering Department

Left low corner right next to the guy with the specs..?
Now I`m calling it a day.
Hopefully tomorrow morning the snowplows finished clearing our roads and I can do better things with my time.
Seeya maybe tomorrow evening after you calmed down
Ooops, just one more thing about your remarks to Westwall:
I just wonder, because if you acted this badly in real life, you'd eventually run into someone who would kick your ass instead of laughing at you like I do.
And by the way, do you call yourself a Christian? I just mention that, because you might want to also consider the whole burning in hell thing.
No, you can't just ask jeebus for forgiveness. You have to mean it, which means apologizing to the people you lied about. I am concerned for your eternal soul.

This is God's universe. God does things his way. You may have a better way, but you don't have a universe
- J. Vernon McGee
and Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
Besides NOBODY "owes" you an apology after all the filthy the names you called us when we dismantled your fucking lies.
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It's simple junior..

Yep. It works like this.

You and the rest of TeamDickless (PolarBear and Westwall) suck hard at science, because you get all of your science from an idiot cult.

I pointed out how badly you suck at science.

You couldn't respond, so you all had a meltdown and went psycho obsessive stalker over my single offhand comment.

Then you all did a face plant into a cow patty multiple times. Now I've got my heel on the back of your heads (it's a big heel), and I'm grinding your faces deeper into the cow patty and laughing.

And life is good.

Any questions?

I'm a data analyst,

And I'm not questioning your credentials. So why did you question mine?

Oh, that's right, it's because you suck so badly at the science, and needed a deflection.

Remember when you were an expert on old nuke reactor tech? Turned out you weren't. What did you claim then? You were on a nuke ship much later than you led us to believe.

So do you lie to people's faces like this in real life? I just wonder, because if you acted this badly in real life, you'd eventually run into someone who would kick your ass instead of laughing at you like I do. And everyone watching would be cheering as he did it.

And by the way, do you call yourself a Christian? I just mention that, because you might want to also consider the whole burning in hell thing. No, you can't just ask jeebus for forgiveness. You have to mean it, which means apologizing to the people you lied about. I am concerned for your eternal soul.

Now, go cry me a river. Post your DD214, your cruise book, a picture of you in uniform, whatever will make you shut the fuck up, do it so we can get a rest from your incessant pleading for acceptance..

Your retreat is noted, and your surrender is accepted.

Junior, try using the big boy voice if you want to speak to me. The whiny "look at me" voice is annoying...

You weren't an officer, you weren't an MM, an EM, or an ET in any "nuke" program. Meaning you didn't go to "A" school,you didn't go to Power school, and certainly never went to Prototype.. You don't know the vernacular, you don't know the terms, hell you never even mentioned "nuke" school until I mentioned it and posted the link to it. And you certainly didn't mention you were and officer until your last couple of posts..

So you can go and google all the documents or pictures you feel you need, but it won't change anything with me or anybody who has read this exchange to date. You are a fraud and that's obvious..

Frankly if you were in the navy at all, and aboard a ship, I'd say you were called "IBM" a lot.. Just add water..
it's simple junior..

yep. It works like this.

You and the rest of teamdickless (polarbear and westwall) suck hard at science, because you get all of your science from an idiot cult.

I pointed out how badly you suck at science.

You couldn't respond, so you all had a meltdown and went psycho obsessive stalker over my single offhand comment.

Then you all did a face plant into a cow patty multiple times. Now i've got my heel on the back of your heads (it's a big heel), and i'm grinding your faces deeper into the cow patty and laughing.

And life is good.

Any questions?

And i'm not questioning your credentials. So why did you question mine?

Oh, that's right, it's because you suck so badly at the science, and needed a deflection.

So do you lie to people's faces like this in real life? I just wonder, because if you acted this badly in real life, you'd eventually run into someone who would kick your ass instead of laughing at you like i do. And everyone watching would be cheering as he did it.

And by the way, do you call yourself a christian? I just mention that, because you might want to also consider the whole burning in hell thing. No, you can't just ask jeebus for forgiveness. You have to mean it, which means apologizing to the people you lied about. I am concerned for your eternal soul.

Your retreat is noted, and your surrender is accepted.

okay don`t freak out again. Relax and i`ll cut you some slack.
Just post your dd214, block out your name an your social insurance number but not the field with your occupational code and we`ll take it from there.

strange that you never offered that
, because that code reveals nothing personal about you and i can have it checked out if you were a "nuclear watch officer...running nuclear reactors in the navy.
Members of vet-clubs freely share this code, because that rules out all the bullshitters.
So upload your dd214 and we`ll take it from there.
but unless you leave all your navy codes for your qualification on there it proves nothing. There are a lot of forgeries in circulation just like westwall said:
example of a faked dd214 certificate of release or discharge from active duty | guardian of valor
example of a faked dd214 certificate of release or discharge from active duty

posted on october 28, 2012 by bulldog1
below is an example of a dd214 that has been forged. Some errors are obvious, while the other errors might not be caught by someone not familiar with one. It is a little blurry, and the edges were cut off, but this is how we received it. So for all our fans with military backgrounds help out everyone else, and point out the errors you see. One example would be some misspellings, if you’re going to forge a 214, at least use spell check. In box 25, separation authority, the shortened term for chapter is chap not cahp.
So comment on the errors, and of course the lies you see.
i don`t give a shit about your cgn-36 cruise book, because they can all be downloaded from the internet and every edition that exists is offered for sale on e-bay:
let me google that for you
i looked through some of the editions and their pages for all their engineering departments this evening
uss california (cgn 36) mediterranean cruise book 1976-77 - engineering department

and i think i foud you:
uss california (cgn 36) mediterranean cruise book 1976-77 - engineering department

left low corner right next to the guy with the specs..?
Now i`m calling it a day.
Hopefully tomorrow morning the snowplows finished clearing our roads and i can do better things with my time.
Seeya maybe tomorrow evening after you calmed down
ooops, just one more thing about your remarks to westwall:
i just wonder, because if you acted this badly in real life, you'd eventually run into someone who would kick your ass instead of laughing at you like i do.
And by the way, do you call yourself a christian? I just mention that, because you might want to also consider the whole burning in hell thing.
No, you can't just ask jeebus for forgiveness. You have to mean it, which means apologizing to the people you lied about. I am concerned for your eternal soul.

this is god's universe. God does things his way. You may have a better way, but you don't have a universe
- j. Vernon mcgee
and christians aren't perfect, just forgiven.
besides nobody "owes" you an apology after all the filthy the names you called us when we dismantled your fucking lies.

You weren't an officer, you weren't an MM, an EM, or an ET in any "nuke" program.

You might want to bring that up in the vet forum here, how I'm obviously a fraud trying to slip in among them. Go on. It's a sticky in the military folder. If you're so sure I'm a fraud, you should feel it's your patriotic duty to tell the other vets, who can judge the validity of your claim. Of course, you probably won't receive a very warm welcome at all. Vets really don't like people who spit on other vets, no matter what the political affiliation of anyone involved is.

Make sure you tell them about how your proved my fraudulence through your knowledge of the special black nuke uniforms. I think that was truly your finest moment.

Oh, did you notice how the cruise book PolarBear posted for CGN-36 showed a single engineering department that included the reactor people? Yes, your perfect record of failure remains unblemished, as does my record of correctness.
Here you go mammy... my very own NDL....See, easy peasey to hide the pertinent details to save your anonymity...


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Just post your DD214, block out your name an your social insurance number but not the field with your occupational code and we`ll take it from there.

You haven't said if you're accepting the wager. If the DD214 is valid, you leave the board and never return under any name. If it's not, I'll leave.

Oh, I'll post it eventually anyways, but I just want to make it clear to everyone how you're all hat and no cattle. If you're so sure I was lying, you would have no reason not to take that bet.

Members of Vet-clubs freely share this code, because that rules out all the bullshitters.

Here's the format of a DD214 from the late 1980's:


There is no such code. You pooched it hard again, by assuming the codes used in 1969 were still used in 1988. So, you won't be able to use that excuse to lie and declare a forgery. You'll need to search for another excuse to lie.

By the way, thanks for finding that CGN-36 Cruise Book, being it documented yet another case of gslack pulling crap out of his ass. You saved me the effort of uploading it.

Besides NOBODY "owes" you an apology after all the filthy the names you called us when we dismantled your fucking lies.

I'll also invite you over to the veterans thread with gslack, where you can tell the other vets what a fraud I am and have them judge. If you're so sure I'm a liar, you should feel obligated to expose my fraud to the other vets.
Just post your DD214, block out your name an your social insurance number but not the field with your occupational code and we`ll take it from there.

You haven't said if you're accepting the wager. If the DD214 is valid, you leave the board and never return under any name. If it's not, I'll leave.

Oh, I'll post it eventually anyways, but I just want to make it clear to everyone how you're all hat and no cattle. If you're so sure I was lying, you would have no reason not to take that bet.

Members of Vet-clubs freely share this code, because that rules out all the bullshitters.

Here's the format of a DD214 from the late 1980's:


There is no such code. You pooched it hard again, by assuming the codes used in 1969 were still used in 1988. So, you won't be able to use that excuse to lie and declare a forgery. You'll need to search for another excuse to lie.

By the way, thanks for finding that CGN-36 Cruise Book, being it documented yet another case of gslack pulling crap out of his ass. You saved me the effort of uploading it.

Besides NOBODY "owes" you an apology after all the filthy the names you called us when we dismantled your fucking lies.

I'll also invite you over to the veterans thread with gslack, where you can tell the other vets what a fraud I am and have them judge. If you're so sure I'm a liar, you should feel obligated to expose my fraud to the other vets.

Post a photo of your military ID blocked out like my NDL.....
Like I told you before, I don't have a military ID. When you leave the military, the military takes your military ID. Because, you know, being you're not in the military any more, the military thinks you shouldn't have a military ID. They're funny that way. Retirees get a retired military ID, but that's for the 20-year crowd, not one-termers like me.

Now, given that PolarBear has engaged me on other threads, he's clearly gone chickenshit on my wager again, so I've proven that point. So I may as well post my DD214. It's a little fuzzy, being I only have a cell phone and no scanner, but it's all readable.


You can now all further disgrace yourselves by going into weird convolutions to declare it's all a forgery. I await to see how creative you get there.
You weren't an officer, you weren't an MM, an EM, or an ET in any "nuke" program.

You might want to bring that up in the vet forum here, how I'm obviously a fraud trying to slip in among them. Go on. It's a sticky in the military folder. If you're so sure I'm a fraud, you should feel it's your patriotic duty to tell the other vets, who can judge the validity of your claim. Of course, you probably won't receive a very warm welcome at all. Vets really don't like people who spit on other vets, no matter what the political affiliation of anyone involved is.

Make sure you tell them about how your proved my fraudulence through your knowledge of the special black nuke uniforms. I think that was truly your finest moment.

Oh, did you notice how the cruise book PolarBear posted for CGN-36 showed a single engineering department that included the reactor people? Yes, your perfect record of failure remains unblemished, as does my record of correctness.

LOL, dude you really think your little BS session upsets me that much? ROFL, you overestimate your importance tard...

What year was that cruise book again? You were the monkey or the guy with glasses?

Wherever they put the pictures in the book, does not change the fact "nukes" are not regular engineers.

You say you served one tour? Correct?
Like I told you before, I don't have a military ID. When you leave the military, the military takes your military ID. Because, you know, being you're not in the military any more, the military thinks you shouldn't have a military ID. They're funny that way. Retirees get a retired military ID, but that's for the 20-year crowd, not one-termers like me.

Now, given that PolarBear has engaged me on other threads, he's clearly gone chickenshit on my wager again, so I've proven that point. So I may as well post my DD214. It's a little fuzzy, being I only have a cell phone and no scanner, but it's all readable.


You can now all further disgrace yourselves by going into weird convolutions to declare it's all a forgery. I await to see how creative you get there.

Aww, look you can google.. That's nice...

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