The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless

If 7,000,000,000 people are too many (which is actually false, but let's suppose for a moment that it's accurate)...then we should colonize space as quickly as possible.
A better way would be if voting rights were restricted to people who can pass a 1970`s to 1990`s high school test (..before our schools went gay) in our democracies and leave the other countries sorting out their own mess.


Survival of the fittest...worked well for all the other species:

We should have let AIDS run it`s course, then we would not have overpopulated countries and any "Numans" today
who go vacationing in Asia:
Sex tourism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Child sex tourism

Child sex tourism is tourism to engage in sex with a child prostitute. While it is criminal in most countries, this multi-billion-dollar industry believed to involve as many as 2 million children around the world.[17]
Child sex tourists may not have a specific preference for children as sexual partners but take advantage of a situation in which children are made available to them for sexual exploitation.

Thailand, Cambodia, India, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico have been identified as countries where child sexual exploitation is prevalent.[
They forgot communist Cuba on that list. Lately according to our ("homophobic") R.C.M.Police statistics it`s fast topping the perverts favorite travel destination list.
Canadian fags are currently lobbying our Government to delete the
"Sex, male-female" check box on our passports because they want to clear airport security and board airliners in their "vacation attire"
Introduce Third Gender Option to Canadian Passports - ForceChange
Introduce Third Gender Option to Canadian Passports

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Introduce Third Gender Option to Canadian Passports
By Sasha Geffen

Target: Canadian legislators

Goal: Introduce a third gender marker on Canadian passports to accommodate transgender and non-binary identified individuals

For transgender individuals and others whose sex or gender falls outside of the binary, being forced to present identification can invite unwanted interrogation and even harassment. Security officers may single out transgender individuals whose gender presentation does not match the gender marker on their driver’s license or passport. And in many cases, proof of sex reassignment surgery is needed in order to alter one’s gender on legal documentation. Fortunately, Canada is one of several countries proposing a third gender-neutral passport option–an alternative that would save many transgender individuals from humiliating or dangerous situations.

Security personnel often choose to investigate discrepancies between gender presentation and official birth sex, putting transgender individuals at risk of harassment. Many transgender individuals who cannot afford the surgery required to legally change their gender face intensive scrutiny when traveling or otherwise forced to present identification. Canada’s proposed third gender marker–a simple “X” instead of the usual “M” or “F”–would allow those in transition to avoid these embarrassing situations. It would also benefit intersex individuals whose biological sex is not well described by either the male or female markers, as well as those whose gender identity falls outside the binary.
First we had to deal with all the gay-wedded fags from other countries that kept coming to Canada to get divorced in Canadian courts at the expense of the Canadian tax payer...and now every "Numan" enviro activist fag in the U.S. wants a Canadian passport
These are the same foreign activists, sponsored by Greenpeace,the Rockefeller and the San Francisco Tides foundation that lobby inside Canada against Oil and Gas exploration.
Pretty soon they will lobby the Canadian Government to blow up our coastal Islands because they "melt too much arctic ice":

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The planet has nearly 7,000,000,000 people who use the resources of this world and who by doing so also cause pollution, Anyone claiming they believe that can have no effect on the planets ecology is either honest, but dumb as a post, or lying for political reasons.

True but in the case of man, versus other species its a matter of degrees.

Now, if mankind wasn't depending on technology to thrive, your point would make sense.

In my lifetime the human population has doubled.

Some good some bad. Wind and rain erode mountains down from thousands of feet high to nothing, insects destroy vast swaths of plant ecology, herbivores eat huge quantities of plant material and man does tremendous amounts of damage to his local area....but sometimes he fixes what he has destroyed (and he should certainly do more of that)...and even sometimes makes it better than it was...

Funny how that never gets mentioned....ever....

I guess I'd have mentioned it if

1. I didn't think it was apparent and

2. it was germane to the discussion.

And the rate of population increase is decreasing to the point where it will most likely level off at 9 to 10 billion and then begin sliding backward. The point is moot however as the planet has a carrying capacity (with current technology) of 40 billion.

In the 1960's, when Ehrlich was claiming that by now the world would have been mired in a decades long famine with billions dead, the population growth rate was 2.1. Now it is 1.6...that's worldwide, and includes the third world countries where population increase is the greatest.

And yes technology DOES allow man to thrive. Why shouldn't it? Pandora was let out of the box the second the ancients figured out math and the physical sciences. Technology should be used...and to the fullest. In the long run technology screws up the area and then we figure out better ways of doing things and clean the mess up.

It's all part of the natural cycle that unfortunately gets interrupted from time to time by religious and political fanatics.
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True but in the case of man, versus other species its a matter of degrees.

Now, if mankind wasn't depending on technology to thrive, your point would make sense.

In my lifetime the human population has doubled.

I guess I'd have mentioned it if

1. I didn't think it was apparent and

2. it was germane to the discussion.

And the rate of population increase is decreasing to the point where it will most likely level off at 9 to 10 billion and then begin sliding backward. The point is moot however as the planet has a carrying capacity (with current technology) of 40 billion.

In the 1960's, when Ehrlich was claiming that by now the world would have been mired in a decades long famine with billions dead, the population growth rate was 2.1. Now it is 1.6...that's worldwide, and includes the third world countries where population increase is the greatest.

And yes technology DOES allow man to thrive. Why shouldn't it? Pandora was let out of the box the second the ancients figured out math and the physical sciences. Technology should be used...and to the fullest. In the long run technology screws up the area and then we figure out better ways of doing things and clean the mess up.

It's all part of the natural cycle that unfortunately gets interrupted from time to time by religious and political fanatics.

That`s why the media and the education system engage in "Volks Verdummung" to reverse all progress.
They call it "sustainable development".
Enviro activists in bankrupt liberal Quebec got a huge grant to build a "sustainable office building" downtown Montreal.
The entire enviro cluster fuck organization has free office space in there.
The Rockefeller Foundation, the Tides Foundation, Greenpeace, the Sierra Club and of course the David Suzuki Foundation:
[ame=""]David Suzuki Reporting From The North Pole - YouTube[/ame]
Making Global Warming "educational videos" for Canadian elementary school kids
All of them in this building are currently under investigation by our federal Dept. Of Revenue for tax fraud, because they filed under tax free Charity Status
The building does not have any solar panels, but does have a vegetable garden on the roof and walls covered with plants and surfaces made from smashed up recycled glass and resin bonded which cost almost ten times as much as concrete.
Mind you, they got the same R40 triple pane windows as I do, but I had to pay for mine out of my own pocket.
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Why not man up and call the problem what it is?

Stop Bull shytting, and screaming "climate change" and just say what the problem really is..The problem is there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet here. And the UN and all their scientists and "experts" don't have a clue what to do about it.

They know we got too dam many of us, they say it all the time. They "say" it in nuanced language and placating manner, but that's the problem. They can't come out and say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done because there will be riots in the streets and chaos.

Fact is,YOU are the problem. You, me, everybody, we all are the problem. The damage we cause, the mess we make, the cost of maintaining our existence, the resources we use, even the simple impossibility of keeping track of us all. That 6 billion people claim? It's a best guess. They don't really have a clue, they couldn't. Africa, India, China, they haven't a clue how many they have not really. They guess using math and surveys, but thats all it is, an educated guess based on what they know. Other countries or regions may have a closer estimate but even they can't be sure. If they claim its 6 billion, better plan on there being about 7-8. People in poor conditions tend to avoid people asking questions regarding their lives. It's human nature to do so. So again bet on more ..

They can't come out and say, "stop breeding", they know it would pizz you off. So they come up with scary scenarios to scare you into adopting all kinds of regulations limiting your lives. Climate-change legislation gets people to agree to cut back back on fossil fuel use in advanced countries like the US. In less advanced countries it is a death sentence. African countries who cannot use their own fossil fuels because UN loan agreements prohibit it. This leads to poor living standards, and worse. This way the UN and their cast of "experts" can sleep well at night. After all they didn't "kill" them, they can give them loans they can't possibly pay back to pay for just enough fossil fuels to make the process seem more humane, but in the end their populations will be kept to a certain level.

I say they need to "man-up" because their BS has been outed...

To keep it as short as possible I highlighted all the stuff that is spot on green and in red where I think you were (slightly) off..
Like the mess we make, should be the mess we made...and I would qualify the "we". "We" as in North America and Western Europe have been cleaning up our industrial processes since the late 1970`s. You should have seen the mess we West Germans had to clean up when the "Wall" came down.
It was just as bad as China today. Not only did we West Germans have to exchange the worthless communist German "Democratic-R (GDR) money for hard currency West German Marks, give them the same pension plans and other social benefits + decent housing and infra structure but they all became instant citizens of the Republic of Germany with voting rights. That`s when the trouble started in Germany and now or population pyramid already looks as lob-sided as China`s ticking time bomb:
CHINA: Moving Population Pyramid

The EU already has street riots all over the place, because retirement pensions and unemployment benefits are being axed while taxes are skyrocketing.
As far as the countries are concerned that do indeed have an unsustainable population growth it`s not quite as simple as willy-nilly throttling it like China did abruptly in 1979 which leaves them later in a situation with a top heavy pop. pyramid and the kind of explosive scenario that leads to ever escalating street riots and another very bloody "cultural revolution".
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
1979 BSO People's Republic of China Tour


Seiji Ozawa conducting in Peking's Capital Stadium a joint concert of the BSO and Peking Central Philharmonic Orchestra, 1979.

Harold Wright (BSO principal clarinet, 1970-1993) gives master class .
And anyone who visited a communist country should have realized how their "guided" tours work...they are hilarious.

And now we have clarinet players like "Numan" who are impressed by what they have seen in a backward communist regime lecturing us on "social engineering" and climate "science".
We should not let clarinet and fiddle players lecture us what we should copy that China does we should be copying what CONSERVATIVE Liechtenstein and Switzerland do:
Debt Free Zone: How Liechtenstein Manages to Live Within Its Means | Mental Floss
Debt Free Zone: How Liechtenstein Manages to Live Within Its Means
Switzerland`s fiscal situation is not quite the same as Liechtenstein`s but there are other quite unique things from which lessons can be learned, concerning the conservation of personal freedom, the role of a citizen and the role of Government.
For example...each Swiss army vet has to take his assault rifle + ammunition home and keep it in a ready to use condition.
Yet you never hear of any incidents.
Both Liechtenstein and Switzerland have not banned religion from their school system and left it with a moral vacuum, but atheists are quite welcome as well and not a single child is obligated to attend any classes if a parent objects.
I know Liechtenstein quite well, mother is from there. Both Liechtenstein and Switzerland are just a short drive from my home town in Bavaria and when I grew up I spent a lot of time in both countries.
I would not go to China if you paid me

I agree with most of what you said, and it seems most of it agrees with my point.. Mostly anyway...

I was being very broad and general in that post. I wasn't specifying any one country or group as being more or less clean than another. Which of course is not accurate,some are cleaner and more ecologically responsible than others. The point I was making, was "we" as a whole are the problem. We as in the human race altogether. We all had our time where we polluted irresponsibly, clear-cut forests, strip-mined, and soon. Just as we all had times where we did nothing but take..

My greater point in that post was to say, the real problem that AGW BS implies but doesn't address directly, that what their legislation really is about, is cutting back population and saving resources. They don't say that because they know what it means in the real world. Cutting back fossil fuel use means the very poorest and least developed will die.
So then, really you're just a troll, going for shock value.
Well, now, there's chutzpah -- after you, and trolls like you, have done everything you could to prevent a rational discussion of the serious and important questions centering about the topic of this thread. · ·

How can you profess to desire a rational discussion when early in this thread you referred to human beings as parasites? :cuckoo:
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
That shows how much you know. I was present at a performance of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in Beijing in 1978!

You know, I could accept criticism in good part if you blithering denialists did your homework and were accurate in what you wrote, but your venom-laden incoherencies make it quite clear that most of you are hicks from the sticks who have no acquaintance with the wider world beyond your narcissistic obsessions.
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
That shows how much you know. I was present at a performance of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in Beijing in 1978!

You know, I could accept criticism in good part if you blithering denialists did your homework and were accurate in what you wrote, but your venom-laden incoherencies make it quite clear that most of you are hicks from the sticks who have no acquaintance with the wider world beyond your narcissistic obsessions.
. kettle. Just for your information, it is you revisionists who have a 30 year track record of failure. Not a single prediction made by you revisionists has come about not one. In the face of ever rising CO2 levels, the planet keeps going on its merry way ignoring every one of your pathetic attempts at scientific research....

I use that term very loosely based on the now historical levels of mathematical incompetence displayed by your lead revisionists Hansen, Mann, Trenberth et al. who have had to resort to wholesale data falsification in a vain attempt to bolster the failing relion.

Yes indeed...the pot is calling the kettle black for sure...... mr. revisionist.
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
That shows how much you know. I was present at a performance of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in Beijing in 1978!

You know, I could accept criticism in good part if you blithering denialists did your homework and were accurate in what you wrote, but your venom-laden incoherencies make it quite clear that most of you are hicks from the sticks who have no acquaintance with the wider world beyond your narcissistic obsessions.

i see you've met Oddball ;) :lol:

As to the OP, denialists think the entire globe is theirs to despoil :) kettle. Just for your information, it is you revisionists who have a 30 year track record of failure. Not a single prediction made by you revisionists has come about not one. In the face of ever rising CO2 levels, the planet keeps going on its merry way ignoring every one of your pathetic attempts at scientific research....
And nonsense like this from a scientific ignoramus who is so uneducated that he didn't even know that vast amounts of carbon are stored in carbonate rock.

You are wrong. Completely and hopelessly wrong. I'm a geologist and know more about rocks than you ever will and as I stated QUITE CLEARLY, we could BURN EVERY CARBON BEARING ROCK ON THIS PLANET AND CO2 WOULD STILL BE A TRACE GAS.
That statement is just pathetic. You may have a rock hammer and a couple of books on rock-hounding, but you could not possibly be a trained geologist when you write such an absurdity, which runs counter to all the vast research whose results may be found in any encyclopaedia, geology textbook, scientific article -- or even introductory undergraduate course -- which deals with the subject.


The Earth’s Crust: The largest amount of carbon on Earth is stored in sedimentary rocks within the planet’s crust. These are rocks produced either by the hardening of mud (containing organic matter) into shale over geological time, or by the collection of calcium carbonate particles, from the shells and skeletons of marine organisms, into limestone and other carbon-containing sedimentary rocks. Together all sedimentary rocks on Earth store 100,000,000 PgC (Petagrams of carbon). Recalling that 1 Pg is is equal to a trillion kilograms and over two trillion pounds, this is clearly a large mass of carbon! Another 4,000 PgC is stored in the Earth’s crust as hydrocarbons formed over millions of years from ancient living organisms under intense temperature and pressure. These hydrocarbons are commonly known as fossil fuels.

Oceans: The Earth’s oceans contain 38,000 PgC, most of which is in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon stored at great depths where it resides for long periods of time. A much smaller amount of carbon, approximately 1,000 Pg, is located near the ocean surface. This carbon is exchanged rapidly with the atmosphere through both physical processes, such as CO2 gas dissolving into the water, and biological processes, such as the growth, death and decay of plankton. Although most of this surface carbon cycles rapidly, some of it can also be transferred by sinking to the deep ocean pool where it can be stored for a much longer time.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere contains approximately 750 PgC, most of which is in the form of CO2, with much smaller amounts of methane (CH4) and various other compounds.
[emphases added]

Note that, at present, the atmosphere contains 400 ppm of carbon dioxide (0.04%) [up from when the article was written]. That is 750 gigatonnes of carbon (actually, somewhat more).
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

I would write "QED", but I am sure you will try to wriggle and squirm out of something even so obvious as this!
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
That shows how much you know. I was present at a performance of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in Beijing in 1978!

You know, I could accept criticism in good part if you blithering denialists did your homework and were accurate in what you wrote, but your venom-laden incoherencies make it quite clear that most of you are hicks from the sticks who have no acquaintance with the wider world beyond your narcissistic obsessions.

Dismissing dissension in a theory as "blithering denialists" shows how little you actually care about the science...

What is a denialist? ROFL.. It's a made-up word. Wouldn't "denier" work? Yeah, it would...

Sorry bud, gonna call you on your BS now. Did you get your PHD through mail-order or some online course? Seems odd somebody claiming such higher education would use a word like "denialist" over "denier"...

LOL, yes call us all denialists and correct our wicked denierish ways, with your truer science which denounces our denierismish thinkings....

:cuckoo: kettle. Just for your information, it is you revisionists who have a 30 year track record of failure. Not a single prediction made by you revisionists has come about not one. In the face of ever rising CO2 levels, the planet keeps going on its merry way ignoring every one of your pathetic attempts at scientific research....
And nonsense like this from a scientific ignoramus who is so uneducated that he didn't even know that vast amounts of carbon are stored in carbonate rock.

You are wrong. Completely and hopelessly wrong. I'm a geologist and know more about rocks than you ever will and as I stated QUITE CLEARLY, we could BURN EVERY CARBON BEARING ROCK ON THIS PLANET AND CO2 WOULD STILL BE A TRACE GAS.


The Earth’s Crust: The largest amount of carbon on Earth is stored in sedimentary rocks within the planet’s crust. These are rocks produced either by the hardening of mud (containing organic matter) into shale over geological time, or by the collection of calcium carbonate particles, from the shells and skeletons of marine organisms, into limestone and other carbon-containing sedimentary rocks. Together all sedimentary rocks on Earth store 100,000,000 PgC (Petagrams of carbon). Recalling that 1 Pg is is equal to a trillion kilograms and over two trillion pounds, this is clearly a large mass of carbon! Another 4,000 PgC is stored in the Earth’s crust as hydrocarbons formed over millions of years from ancient living organisms under intense temperature and pressure. These hydrocarbons are commonly known as fossil fuels.

Oceans: The Earth’s oceans contain 38,000 PgC, most of which is in the form of dissolved inorganic carbon stored at great depths where it resides for long periods of time. A much smaller amount of carbon, approximately 1,000 Pg, is located near the ocean surface. This carbon is exchanged rapidly with the atmosphere through both physical processes, such as CO2 gas dissolving into the water, and biological processes, such as the growth, death and decay of plankton. Although most of this surface carbon cycles rapidly, some of it can also be transferred by sinking to the deep ocean pool where it can be stored for a much longer time.

Atmosphere: The atmosphere contains approximately 750 PgC, most of which is in the form of CO2, with much smaller amounts of methane (CH4) and various other compounds.
[emphases added]

Note that, at present, the atmosphere contains 400 ppm of carbon dioxide (0.04%) [up from when the article was written]. That is 750 gigatonnes of carbon (actually, somewhat more).
Crustal carbonate rock stores 100 million gigatonnes of carbon.
Therefore, multiplying (100,000,000/750) · 0.0004, we get more than 50 times more mass of carbon than the entire mass of the atmosphere!!

Of course, to get carbon dioxide, we must combine the carbon atom with two (approximately equally massive) oxygen atoms.
Since oxygen is by far and away the most common element in the Earth's crust, that is no problem.
Therefore, there is 150 times more potential carbon dioxide than the entire mass of the Earth's present atmosphere -- more than equaling the 90 times mass present on the planet Venus.

I would write "QED", but I am sure you will try to wriggle and squirm out of something even so obvious as this!

Ahhhhh, I see we have yet another cut and paste drone who is incapable of individual thought and lacks the capacity for critical thinking...typical revisionist sock.

And yes, I allready pointed out the fact we could burn every carbon bearing rock on the planet and CO2 would STILL be a trace gas but that sailed right over your blissfully ignorant little head.
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"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't."

" we'd better change the formula in the model to hide the decline...."

"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't."

" we'd better change the formula in the model to hide the decline...."

Oh no...that would be legit...instead we'll falsify the historical data record to make the past cooler so that we can continue with the meme that this temperature is "unprecedented"....

"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can't."

" we'd better change the formula in the model to hide the decline...."

Oh no...that would be legit...instead we'll falsify the historical data record to make the past cooler so that we can continue with the meme that this temperature is "unprecedented"....

Oh no... I think i'm a denialist... And you, you're a denialist too..
I think that the human-carrying-capacitiy of this world could be much MUCH larger than it is


we changed our lifestyles.

But such a massive change would demand a highly centralized and VERY intrusive government to make that work.

that is actually what I suspect the MASTERS are working toward in the long run.

Most people will exist in a hive-like urban areas.
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I think that the human-carrying-capacitiy of this world could be much MUCH larger than it is


we changed our lifestyles.

But such a massive change would demand a highly centralized and VERY intrusive government to make that work.

that is actually what I suspect the MASTERS are working toward in the long run.

Most people will exist in a hive-like urban areas.

The MASTERS (as you call them) would like to see a population of around 100,000,000 people. All slaves to keep the machinery running that would keep the world operating and that way they could enjoy the planet without having to deal with the unwashed masses.

To save 3,600 tigers they would happilly kill 800,000,000 people in India if they could get away with it. Instead of figuring out a way for BOTH to co-exist and prosper the MASTERS allways resort to the murder of people to get their way.

I've talked to a few of them over the years and they are scum.
"Numan" was writing:
"I have seen hard wired computers when I was visiting Chinese Universities in 1979".
The only foreign visitors that China allowed in during 1979 were the useful idiots like Jimmy Carter and the Boston Orchestra.
That shows how much you know. I was present at a performance of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra in Beijing in 1978 !

You know, I could accept criticism in good part if you blithering denialists did your homework and were accurate in what you wrote, but your venom-laden incoherencies make it quite clear that most of you are hicks from the sticks who have no acquaintance with the wider world beyond your narcissistic obsessions.

Here is what you said:
In 1979, when I was visiting Fudan University in Shanghai, China, I remember seeing large, hardwired computers in the Computer Science Department.
Unlucky for you the Toronto Symphony Orchestra published their China visit itinerary. It`s one of the huge number of books and booklets Google has been archiving. There was no mention of any visit to the Fudan University in Shanghai and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra never visited China again in 1979.

Here they are in China February 1978:

You know, I could accept criticism in good part if you blithering denialists did your homework and were accurate in what you wrote, but your venom-laden incoherencies make it quite clear that most of you are hicks from the sticks who have no acquaintance with the wider world beyond your narci
I`m a skeptic not a venom laden "denialist", that`s why I do my home work and check the facts.

Now you can`t make up your mind when you were in China and "revised" it just as soon as you have been caught lying.
Shake hands with "Saigon" the fake "Journalist" in Finland and the Siamese cat "Meow I used to run nuclear reactors"
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