The Human Footprint Is Not Small or Harmless


SSDD : 6

boedicca : 4

Oddball : 4

polarbear : 4

RetiredGySgt : 3

skookerasbil : 3

Unkotare : 3

westwall : 3

Pop23 : 2

tjvh : 2

Uncensored2008 : 2


Unkotare : 8

RetiredGySgt : 7

Uncensored2008 : 5

Pop23 : 4

Oddball : 3

boedicca : 2

numan : 2

polarbear : 2

westwall : 2

skookerasbil : 1

tjvh : 1


SSDD : 6

boedicca : 4

Oddball : 4

polarbear : 4

RetiredGySgt : 3

skookerasbil : 3

Unkotare : 3

westwall : 3

Pop23 : 2

tjvh : 2

Uncensored2008 : 2


Unkotare : 8

RetiredGySgt : 7

Uncensored2008 : 5

Pop23 : 4

Oddball : 3

boedicca : 2

numan : 2

polarbear : 2

westwall : 2

skookerasbil : 1

tjvh : 1


I made the TOP 10 in both polls! :dance:
Brain dead misanthropic dumb fuck who has been debunked eight ways from Sunday:

Aw, too bad, Oddball !!

Until now, you had not been doing do bad in the ad hominem category !!
Radical Cartography


Spread out since 1945, the number of atmospheric tests would be similar to a limited nuclear war.

i wonder what the long term effects have been.

How has your cancer been, lately?
Radical Cartography


Spread out since 1945, the number of atmospheric tests would be similar to a limited nuclear war.

i wonder what the long term effects have been.

How has your cancer been, lately?

Cancer? He's doing great. Got him to quit humping legs but still chases ever darned car that drives by......

Some habits are just too damn hard to break the old fella of...

Hey, thanks for askin!
Why not man up and call the problem what it is?

Stop Bull shytting, and screaming "climate change" and just say what the problem really is..The problem is there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet here. And the UN and all their scientists and "experts" don't have a clue what to do about it.

They know we got too dam many of us, they say it all the time. They "say" it in nuanced language and placating manner, but that's the problem. They can't come out and say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done because there will be riots in the streets and chaos.

Fact is,YOU are the problem. You, me, everybody, we all are the problem. The damage we cause, the mess we make, the cost of maintaining our existence, the resources we use, even the simple impossibility of keeping track of us all. That 6 billion people claim? It's a best guess. They don't really have a clue, they couldn't. Africa, India, China, they haven't a clue how many they have not really. They guess using math and surveys, but thats all it is, an educated guess based on what they know. Other countries or regions may have a closer estimate but even they can't be sure. If they claim its 6 billion, better plan on there being about 7-8. People in poor conditions tend to avoid people asking questions regarding their lives. It's human nature to do so. So again bet on more ..

They can't come out and say, "stop breeding", they know it would pizz you off. So they come up with scary scenarios to scare you into adopting all kinds of regulations limiting your lives. Climate-change legislation gets people to agree to cut back back on fossil fuel use in advanced countries like the US. In less advanced countries it is a death sentence. African countries who cannot use their own fossil fuels because UN loan agreements prohibit it. This leads to poor living standards, and worse. This way the UN and their cast of "experts" can sleep well at night. After all they didn't "kill" them, they can give them loans they can't possibly pay back to pay for just enough fossil fuels to make the process seem more humane, but in the end their populations will be kept to a certain level.

I say they need to "man-up" because their BS has been outed...
Spread out since 1945, the number of atmospheric tests would be similar to a limited nuclear war.

i wonder what the long term effects have been.

How has your cancer been, lately?

Well, life spans have dramatically fallen.

Oh, wait....

Standard Disclaimer: Amoeba look at leftists and declare, "man, they sure are stupid."

SSDD : 6

boedicca : 4

Oddball : 4

polarbear : 4

RetiredGySgt : 3

skookerasbil : 3

Unkotare : 3

westwall : 3

Pop23 : 2

tjvh : 2

Uncensored2008 : 2


Unkotare : 8

RetiredGySgt : 7

Uncensored2008 : 5

Pop23 : 4

Oddball : 3

boedicca : 2

numan : 2

polarbear : 2

westwall : 2

skookerasbil : 1

tjvh : 1


Score for completely worthless stupid posts on this board:

numan: 150 (and counting)
Why not man up and call the problem what it is?

Stop Bull shytting, and screaming "climate change" and just say what the problem really is..The problem is there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet here. And the UN and all their scientists and "experts" don't have a clue what to do about it.

They know we got too dam many of us, they say it all the time. They "say" it in nuanced language and placating manner, but that's the problem. They can't come out and say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done because there will be riots in the streets and chaos.

Fact is,YOU are the problem. You, me, everybody, we all are the problem. The damage we cause, the mess we make, the cost of maintaining our existence, the resources we use, even the simple impossibility of keeping track of us all. That 6 billion people claim? It's a best guess. They don't really have a clue, they couldn't. Africa, India, China, they haven't a clue how many they have not really. They guess using math and surveys, but thats all it is, an educated guess based on what they know. Other countries or regions may have a closer estimate but even they can't be sure. If they claim its 6 billion, better plan on there being about 7-8. People in poor conditions tend to avoid people asking questions regarding their lives. It's human nature to do so. So again bet on more ..

They can't come out and say, "stop breeding", they know it would pizz you off. So they come up with scary scenarios to scare you into adopting all kinds of regulations limiting your lives. Climate-change legislation gets people to agree to cut back back on fossil fuel use in advanced countries like the US. In less advanced countries it is a death sentence. African countries who cannot use their own fossil fuels because UN loan agreements prohibit it. This leads to poor living standards, and worse. This way the UN and their cast of "experts" can sleep well at night. After all they didn't "kill" them, they can give them loans they can't possibly pay back to pay for just enough fossil fuels to make the process seem more humane, but in the end their populations will be kept to a certain level.

I say they need to "man-up" because their BS has been outed...

Then why don't you do your part and fucking kill yourself?

Oh not that, you want to kill others - billions of others...

Such is the left.

Leftism ultimately boils down to the hatred of life, blood lust.
Why not man up and call the problem what it is?

Stop Bull shytting, and screaming "climate change" and just say what the problem really is..The problem is there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet here. And the UN and all their scientists and "experts" don't have a clue what to do about it.

They know we got too dam many of us, they say it all the time. They "say" it in nuanced language and placating manner, but that's the problem. They can't come out and say what needs to be said or do what needs to be done because there will be riots in the streets and chaos.

Fact is,YOU are the problem. You, me, everybody, we all are the problem. The damage we cause, the mess we make, the cost of maintaining our existence, the resources we use, even the simple impossibility of keeping track of us all. That 6 billion people claim? It's a best guess. They don't really have a clue, they couldn't. Africa, India, China, they haven't a clue how many they have not really. They guess using math and surveys, but thats all it is, an educated guess based on what they know. Other countries or regions may have a closer estimate but even they can't be sure. If they claim its 6 billion, better plan on there being about 7-8. People in poor conditions tend to avoid people asking questions regarding their lives. It's human nature to do so. So again bet on more ..

They can't come out and say, "stop breeding", they know it would pizz you off. So they come up with scary scenarios to scare you into adopting all kinds of regulations limiting your lives. Climate-change legislation gets people to agree to cut back back on fossil fuel use in advanced countries like the US. In less advanced countries it is a death sentence. African countries who cannot use their own fossil fuels because UN loan agreements prohibit it. This leads to poor living standards, and worse. This way the UN and their cast of "experts" can sleep well at night. After all they didn't "kill" them, they can give them loans they can't possibly pay back to pay for just enough fossil fuels to make the process seem more humane, but in the end their populations will be kept to a certain level.

I say they need to "man-up" because their BS has been outed...

Then why don't you do your part and fucking kill yourself?

Oh not that, you want to kill others - billions of others...

Such is the left.

Leftism ultimately boils down to the hatred of life, blood lust.

Not so quick on the uptake are ya?

You may have to read it again to understand the point.. It wasn't an endorsement of their idea, it was calling them out on their BS..Try either reading slower,or focusing more next time. It can save you sticking your foot in your mouth...
Not so quick on the uptake are ya?

You may have to read it again to understand the point.. It wasn't an endorsement of their idea, it was calling them out on their BS..Try either reading slower,or focusing more next time. It can save you sticking your foot in your mouth...

Your sarcasm needs serious work.

You came off as just another genocidal lefty.
Not so quick on the uptake are ya?

You may have to read it again to understand the point.. It wasn't an endorsement of their idea, it was calling them out on their BS..Try either reading slower,or focusing more next time. It can save you sticking your foot in your mouth...

Your sarcasm needs serious work.

You came off as just another genocidal lefty.

Yes must have been confusing when I said this;

"Why not man up and call the problem what it is?

Stop Bull shytting, and screaming "climate change" and just say what the problem really is..

The problem is there are soon to be 7 billion people on the planet here. And the UN and all their scientists and "experts" don't have a clue what to do about it."

or when I ended the thing like this...

"I say they need to "man-up" because their BS has been outed..."

Dude just read what you are posting against and it won't be an issue..
The lowdown on topsoil: It's disappearing
Disappearing dirt rivals global warming as an environmental threat

The planet is getting skinned.

While many worry about the potential consequences of atmospheric warming, a few experts are trying to call attention to another global crisis quietly taking place under our feet.

Call it the thin brown line. Dirt. On average, the planet is covered with little more than 3 feet of topsoil -- the shallow skin of nutrient-rich matter that sustains most of our food and appears to play a critical role in supporting life on Earth.

"We're losing more and more of it every day," said David Montgomery, a geologist at the University of Washington. "The estimate is that we are now losing about 1 percent of our topsoil every year to erosion, most of this caused by agriculture."....

"Globally, it's clear we are eroding soils at a rate much faster than they can form,"....

The National Academy of Sciences has determined that cropland in the U.S. is being eroded at least 10 times faster than the time it takes for lost soil to be replaced.

The United Nations has warned of worldwide soil degradation -- especially in sub-Saharan Africa, where soil loss has contributed to the rapidly increasing number of malnourished people.

You are an idiot & so is the retard who wrote this article. My farm gains top soil plant matter every year. Terracing & no till farming gains 0.3" of soil per year. More humans & animals increase the human carrying capacity of the planet. Dumb fucking scientist have government destroy the environment, cause global warming thus reducing the human carrying capacity of the planet.

[ame=""]Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming[/ame]
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You are an idiot & so is the retard who wrote this article. My farm gains top soil plant matter every year.
Ad hominem fallacy

Ignoratio elenchi fallacy

Falllacy of composition

And all in just two sentences! Congratulations!!

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