The hypocrisy of the lefts new found religion

The left has suddenly found Christianity. Just ask em
Even bootyjudge has said us conservatives don;t own a monopoly on Christianity.
You try putting up a Nativity scene and you watch the lefts reaction then.

60% of all Democrats are practicing Christians. Republicans have been trying to claim the religious high ground ever since Ronnie Raygun made a deal with Jerry Falwell and the "Moral Majority", who were neither "moral", nor were they the majority. Many of the Moral Majority leaders were caught in affairs with hookers, or with parishoners. The PTL Club had a huge financial scandal as the Bakers lived like potentates on donations given to do the Lord's work.

All our churches have nativity scenes and our homes. But not our PUBLICALLY OWNED spaces. Secular, government owned spaces should not be doing religious symbols or religious celebrations. Separation of Church and state.

Jesus was NOT born in December and Christmas Trees, Santa Clause, and decorating our houses with lights and fir boughs is a PAGAN tradition, not a Christian tradition. Most of our Christian traditions were adopted from the pagans when the Church moved into northern Europe. The pagans didn't want to give up their winter soltice celebrations, so Christianity incorporated them into a celebration of Jesus' birthday.

This is why all this "War on Christmas" is such bullshit. Conservative are whiners and fear mongers. The War on Christmas gives FOX News the opportunity to whine about unfair treatment, while frightening evangelicals into thinking their religious freedoms are being infringed. None of this is happening, but evangelicals and conservatives don't fact check and they love being able to whine about unfairness. Evangelicals have no problem with the commercialization of Christmas which is far more destructive to the meaning and traditions of Christmas than showing respect for non-Christian would ever be.

I have not seen one mention of Jesus in any of the ads for toys, electronics, liquor, or other seasonal "traditions" in the media at all. The FOX News crowd never mentions this, or the other ways in which the commercialization of Christmas has stripped all mention of Christ from the Christmas movies, books and other media. Not one word from evangelicals. All they care about is that government doesn't put up a creche. I you want a creche, no one is preventing you from having one.

I go to CHURCH for my spiritual nourishment, not the Court House. I don't want the government involved in religion and I don't want religion involved in government, because everyone, even Christians, have different beliefs.

If you believe in late term abortion you are automatically kicked to the curb as a Christian.

What happens as a Christian if you support someone who routinely takes the Lord's name in vain?
The left has suddenly found Christianity. Just ask em
Even bootyjudge has said us conservatives don;t own a monopoly on Christianity.
You try putting up a Nativity scene and you watch the lefts reaction then.

Before every election the Dems attempt to back-track on their hatred for Christians, White voters, Southerners, Midwesterners, suburbanites, wasps, the middle class, mainstream society.....but they have lost all credibility

View attachment 296614
It’s not hatred
It’s love of our country and Constitution

No, it's hatred, otherwise you wouldn't worship the man who wanted to "fundamentally change America".

You don't do that to something you love, you do it to things you hate.

And you are the top hater here.

Please stop projecting. The ONLY posters who express hate here on a daily basis are conservatives. The so-called "evangelicals" here are the worst for insults, abuse, and spewing hate.
The left has suddenly found Christianity. Just ask em
Even bootyjudge has said us conservatives don;t own a monopoly on Christianity.
You try putting up a Nativity scene and you watch the lefts reaction then.

Before every election the Dems attempt to back-track on their hatred for Christians, White voters, Southerners, Midwesterners, suburbanites, wasps, the middle class, mainstream society.....but they have lost all credibility

View attachment 296614
It’s not hatred
It’s love of our country and Constitution

No, it's hatred, otherwise you wouldn't worship the man who wanted to "fundamentally change America".

You don't do that to something you love, you do it to things you hate.

And you are the top hater here.

Please stop projecting. The ONLY posters who express hate here on a daily basis are conservatives. The so-called "evangelicals" here are the worst for insults, abuse, and spewing hate.

Dont you have a Pantifa rally you should be attending.....dont forget your urine filled glass bottles and bike lock,you never know when you might want to silence a fascist from behind.
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