The ignorance of the left comparing Trump to hitler.

Hitler was a vegetarian.
Want to get the left really riled up?

State the FACT that hitler was in FACT a socialist.

Watch this.

Hey lefties. How does it feel to know hitler was in fact a socialist?

Let us know, how that feels.
How many times have I read posts from rightists comparing Obama to Hitler? Hey, you guys, how many of you have referred to Hillary as Hitlary? If I had a nickel for every time I read "Hitlary" from conservatives, I'd have a shit load of nickels.

I have never compared Trump to Hitler, but your faux outrage here really makes you all look like.... how do you say?... Like little snowflakes.
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Trump salutes communists - totally different than socialists.
How many times have I read posts from rightists comparing Obama to Hitler? Hey, you guys, how many of you have referred to Hillary as Hitlery? If I had a nickel for every time I read Hitlery from conservatives, I'd have a shit load of nickels.

I have never compared Trump to Hitler, but your faux outrage here is really makes you all look like.... how do you say?... Like little snowflakes.

they look like fucking morons because they are fucking morons
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.
Does anyone have an answer to that?
Both ends of the spectrum play the Hitler/Nazi card.

Making a mockery of the death and suffering of millions and millions of people.

One of the many behaviors that the two ends share.

George W Bush was also compared to Hitler. I suspect the next GOP president after Trump will no doubt be Hitler as well.

THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: ADVERTISING; Bush-Hitler Ads Draw Criticism
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.
Does anyone have an answer to that?
Both ends of the spectrum play the Hitler/Nazi card.

Making a mockery of the death and suffering of millions and millions of people.

One of the many behaviors that the two ends share.

George W Bush was also compared to Hitler. I suspect the next GOP president after Trump will no doubt be Hitler as well.

THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: ADVERTISING; Bush-Hitler Ads Draw Criticism
Sure. I remember Obama being called the Antichrist.

We've lost our shit, we really have.
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.

Does anyone have an answer to that?
Is their a topic somewhere in that ?
How many times have I read posts from rightists comparing Obama to Hitler? Hey, you guys, how many of you have referred to Hillary as Hitlary? If I had a nickel for every time I read "Hitlary" from conservatives, I'd have a shit load of nickels.

I have never compared Trump to Hitler, but your faux outrage here really makes you all look like.... how do you say?... Like little snowflakes.
Do you have examples, since you have so many?

I do compare the leftist movement in line with saul alinsky which followed the marxist revolution of mao and the red guard. Want me to show you why?

Want me to show who hates Israel? Want to show you why your negro messiah despised Churchill and why he insisted on calling isis, ISIL?

So, how does it feel to know hitler was a socialist?


real life


end of story
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.
Does anyone have an answer to that?
Both ends of the spectrum play the Hitler/Nazi card.

Making a mockery of the death and suffering of millions and millions of people.

One of the many behaviors that the two ends share.

George W Bush was also compared to Hitler. I suspect the next GOP president after Trump will no doubt be Hitler as well.

THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: ADVERTISING; Bush-Hitler Ads Draw Criticism
Sure. I remember Obama being called the Antichrist.

We've lost our shit, we really have.
There are reasons for calling him an American hater. Since he in fact hates the free market, despised English colonialism and was and still is a saul alinsky disciple.

Want to debate that?

Now, show us how Trump is hitler? Please, lets compare.

Since you are soooo in the middle.
I remember back when Brock Hussaine Obama claimed he did not have a long form Birth Certificate. Then The Donald demanded it which forced Brock Hussaine to have his DOJ have some interns forge that obvious fake, Photoshop birth certificate and claim they managed to find it. :p
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.

Does anyone have an answer to that?
You're right. It's an insult to Hitler.
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.
Does anyone have an answer to that?
Both ends of the spectrum play the Hitler/Nazi card.

Making a mockery of the death and suffering of millions and millions of people.

One of the many behaviors that the two ends share.

George W Bush was also compared to Hitler. I suspect the next GOP president after Trump will no doubt be Hitler as well.

THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: ADVERTISING; Bush-Hitler Ads Draw Criticism
Sure. I remember Obama being called the Antichrist.

We've lost our shit, we really have.
There are reasons for calling an American hater. Since he in fact hates the free market, despised English colonialism and was and still is a saul alinsky disciple.

Want to debate that?

Now, show us how Trump is hitler? Please, lets compare.

Since you are soooo in the middle.
I'm not in the middle. I'm just not a trained seal.

I pointed out the obvious - that both ends play this game, making a mockery of the suffering of millions - and you jumped in with both feet to illustrate my point for me.

So, thanks.

Not sure what you're so weepy about.
This will certainly trigger some TDS folks. :p

The Donald wanted it examined. And it was, unfortunately for Brock Hussaine. ;)

Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.
Does anyone have an answer to that?
Both ends of the spectrum play the Hitler/Nazi card.

Making a mockery of the death and suffering of millions and millions of people.

One of the many behaviors that the two ends share.

George W Bush was also compared to Hitler. I suspect the next GOP president after Trump will no doubt be Hitler as well.

THE 2004 CAMPAIGN: ADVERTISING; Bush-Hitler Ads Draw Criticism
Sure. I remember Obama being called the Antichrist.

We've lost our shit, we really have.
There are reasons for calling an American hater. Since he in fact hates the free market, despised English colonialism and was and still is a saul alinsky disciple.

Want to debate that?

Now, show us how Trump is hitler? Please, lets compare.

Since you are soooo in the middle.
I'm not in the middle. I'm just not a trained seal.

I pointed out the obvious - that both ends play this game, making a mockery of the suffering of millions - and you jumped in with both feet to illustrate my point for me.

So, thanks.

Not sure what you're so weepy about.
Yeah, thats what I thought.

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