The ignorance of the left comparing Trump to hitler.

Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.

Does anyone have an answer to that?
Well maybe if there weren't so many (racism) parallels (white supremacy) between him and (populism) Hitler it wouldn't be (concentration camps) so bad.
How many times have I read posts from rightists comparing Obama to Hitler? Hey, you guys, how many of you have referred to Hillary as Hitlary? If I had a nickel for every time I read "Hitlary" from conservatives, I'd have a shit load of nickels.

I have never compared Trump to Hitler, but your faux outrage here really makes you all look like.... how do you say?... Like little snowflakes.
no--it is not the same--not even close
It would be more accurate to compare him to the people who made Hitler possible. Somewhere in the U.S., right now, the GOP’s Hitler is drawing inspiration from Trump, and is also irritated that Trump’s not taking things far enough.

OFFS. Did that sound smarter in your head?
Do the left have any sort of self awareness? How can so many people be that stupid? Especially the white left wing elites.

Does anyone have an answer to that?
Trump was born in Mexico and is a secret fascist. Also Melania is a transvestite, the trump kids real mother is Nancy Pelosi.

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