The Illegal Alien Problem at our Southern Border

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
In December we set a single day record of 12,000 illegal border crossers. A couple days later that record was broken. Today there is news of another one of those tens-of-thousands deep illegal migrant columns heading toward America.

Of course, the American federal government is complicit in this and in the subversion (intentional) of federal immigration law and the resulting compromise of our national security. But there is even more going on here.

I have stated the following repeatedly for years now. This migration is not organic. That is just not possible with the volume of people we are seeing today. There is clearly a concerted effort to organize these people and push them across the border.

Large numbers of people do not just randomly hook up for a trek to the America border. Yes, illegal immigration has been happening at our southern border for decades. But not to this degree. Further, these giant caravans are organized. You do not just take off on foot to walk a thousand miles. There has to be support for these people. Somebody is feeding them and keeping them hydrated. Otherwise, easily half of them would be dropping dead from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition.

I suspect there may be some transportation provided, as well as healthcare. Somebody most likely directs them where to go. We already know people in Mexico are instructing them what to do and say when they encounter American border authorities. Most of these perpetrators are NGOs funded by God knows who.

This is an organized, funded effort to circumvent US immigration laws and national security. Therefore, it is a threat to America. Moreover, this is just the non-cartel actors. The cartels are using this situation as a lucrative racketeering endeavor. But it is not just them.

This is clearly a calculated effort, from within the USA and from outside, to undermine America. It is an effort to decolonize America. It is an effort to dilute the electorate in order to defeat the imaginary boogeyman man, the white supremacist colonizer.

These migrants are merely pawns in this effort to effect fundamental change in America. If these leftist elements gave a damn about these people then they would not be pushing them to engage in this dangerous journey. I suspect that some of the migrants are even paid to join the mobs that are bum rushing our border.

Asylum claims must be filed in a contiguous state to the one the migrant is fleeing. This precludes 80-90% of these people from having valid asylum claims. Knowingly allowing them into our nation to file claims that are likely to be dismissed is malfeasance on the part of our federal government. The matter will not even be adjudicated for 5-6 years. A simple screening to determine their points of origin would cut down on most of these fraudulent seekers of asylum.

People are showing up at our southern border from South America, China, India, and Russia. These folks have no valid asylum claim to make here. They must file their asylum claim (to come to America) in a contiguous nation and have it adjudicated BEFORE they enter our country, this is what our laws require, as well as the laws of most, if not all, other nation-states in the world.

Our current crisis at the southern border can be effectively addressed without dealing with “root causes” in other countries and without “comprehensive immigration reform” in Congress. All we have to do is to enforce the law. If nothing else, we can acquire a large tract of land, fence it with barbed wire, and put all the illegal crossers in there in tents until we can load them onto busses and dump them back into Mexico. Our laws mandates detainment of these people.

We should also pressure Mexico to crack down on these people. After the word gets out that they will not be allowed to just walk into our nation, the hoards will stop coming. Further, there is a certain type of illegal migrant that runs from authorities. I have zero problem with the authorization for the use of deadly force for the purpose of arresting and detaining them.

These NGOs who are organizing and finding illegal migration need to be shut down. We should put in place a working agreement with all of these countries to detain these people, extradite them to the USA, and prosecute all participating individuals with sedition.
Yeah, American leftists really dont mind the illegal alien problem at all. First of all, Most American Leftist are somewhat rich and well off to do in the first place, which is the only way you can afford to be an American Leftist. So basically all the downsides of illegal immigration which effects for example, poor Americans in Chicago or El Paso, dont touchh them or their children.

They see America as being stolen from the indigeonous peoples of North America, so to them, normal legal immigration laws should not apply to migrants because those laws are inherently racist.... by not allowing people of color to "return" from the land that was taken from them.
I know they dont think that out in a rational way, but its basically the way their logic works. It's fro the same exact reason they hate Israel and want to see what they consider "European.. white Jews", cleansed from the river to the sea. Even though that would also mean killing about a million browned skinned indigeonous Jews as well, but they dont count in the grander liberal scheme of things. Just in the way poor blacks in baltimore and Chicago don't count in the grander scheme of things.
In December we set a single day record of 12,000 illegal border crossers. A couple days later that record was broken. Today there is news of another one of those tens-of-thousands deep illegal migrant columns heading toward America.

Of course, the American federal government is complicit in this and in the subversion (intentional) of federal immigration law and the resulting compromise of our national security. But there is even more going on here.

I have stated the following repeatedly for years now. This migration is not organic. That is just not possible with the volume of people we are seeing today. There is clearly a concerted effort to organize these people and push them across the border.

Large numbers of people do not just randomly hook up for a trek to the America border. Yes, illegal immigration has been happening at our southern border for decades. But not to this degree. Further, these giant caravans are organized. You do not just take off on foot to walk a thousand miles. There has to be support for these people. Somebody is feeding them and keeping them hydrated. Otherwise, easily half of them would be dropping dead from exhaustion, dehydration, and malnutrition.

I suspect there may be some transportation provided, as well as healthcare. Somebody most likely directs them where to go. We already know people in Mexico are instructing them what to do and say when they encounter American border authorities. Most of these perpetrators are NGOs funded by God knows who.

This is an organized, funded effort to circumvent US immigration laws and national security. Therefore, it is a threat to America. Moreover, this is just the non-cartel actors. The cartels are using this situation as a lucrative racketeering endeavor. But it is not just them.

This is clearly a calculated effort, from within the USA and from outside, to undermine America. It is an effort to decolonize America. It is an effort to dilute the electorate in order to defeat the imaginary boogeyman man, the white supremacist colonizer.

These migrants are merely pawns in this effort to effect fundamental change in America. If these leftist elements gave a damn about these people then they would not be pushing them to engage in this dangerous journey. I suspect that some of the migrants are even paid to join the mobs that are bum rushing our border.

Asylum claims must be filed in a contiguous state to the one the migrant is fleeing. This precludes 80-90% of these people from having valid asylum claims. Knowingly allowing them into our nation to file claims that are likely to be dismissed is malfeasance on the part of our federal government. The matter will not even be adjudicated for 5-6 years. A simple screening to determine their points of origin would cut down on most of these fraudulent seekers of asylum.

People are showing up at our southern border from South America, China, India, and Russia. These folks have no valid asylum claim to make here. They must file their asylum claim (to come to America) in a contiguous nation and have it adjudicated BEFORE they enter our country, this is what our laws require, as well as the laws of most, if not all, other nation-states in the world.

Our current crisis at the southern border can be effectively addressed without dealing with “root causes” in other countries and without “comprehensive immigration reform” in Congress. All we have to do is to enforce the law. If nothing else, we can acquire a large tract of land, fence it with barbed wire, and put all the illegal crossers in there in tents until we can load them onto busses and dump them back into Mexico. Our laws mandates detainment of these people.

We should also pressure Mexico to crack down on these people. After the word gets out that they will not be allowed to just walk into our nation, the hoards will stop coming. Further, there is a certain type of illegal migrant that runs from authorities. I have zero problem with the authorization for the use of deadly force for the purpose of arresting and detaining them.

These NGOs who are organizing and finding illegal migration need to be shut down. We should put in place a working agreement with all of these countries to detain these people, extradite them to the USA, and prosecute all participating individuals with sedition.
I am just waiting for the trespassers to come into my yard. All i have to do is feel threatened and i can open up on them....And no, i do not have compassion for people who want to replace me.....

What does the term replace mean? How do you suppose the Marxists are going to replace US?



re·place ri-ˈplās

replaced; replacing; replaces
Synonyms of replace
transitive verb
: to restore to a former place or position
replace cards in a file

: to take the place of especially as a substitute or successor

: to put something new in the place of
Yeah, American leftists really dont mind the illegal alien problem at all. First of all, Most American Leftist are somewhat rich and well off to do in the first place, which is the only way you can afford to be an American Leftist. So basically all the downsides of illegal immigration which effects for example, poor Americans in Chicago or El Paso, dont touchh them or their children.

They see America as being stolen from the indigeonous peoples of North America, so to them, normal legal immigration laws should not apply to migrants because those laws are inherently racist.... by not allowing people of color to "return" from the land that was taken from them.
I know they dont think that out in a rational way, but its basically the way their logic works. It's fro the same exact reason they hate Israel and want to see what they consider "European.. white Jews", cleansed from the river to the sea. Even though that would also mean killing about a million browned skinned indigeonous Jews as well, but they dont count in the grander liberal scheme of things. Just in the way poor blacks in baltimore and Chicago don't count in the grander scheme of things.
The evil imperialism argument, where it is claimed that much of southwestern America "belongs" to the Mexicans, is AOC level stupid.
I am just waiting for the trespassers to come into my yard. All i have to do is feel threatened and i can open up on them....And no, i do not have compassion for people who want to replace me.....

What does the term replace mean? How do you suppose the Marxists are going to replace US?



re·place ri-ˈplās

replaced; replacing; replaces
Synonyms of replace
transitive verb
: to restore to a former place or position
replace cards in a file

: to take the place of especially as a substitute or successor

: to put something new in the place of
I think it is more of a dilution than a replacement. Pure Nazi-level racial engineering by the neo-Marxist scum.
I am mov
That was in response to invading muslim hordes that were raping and pillaging non-stop.

Both sides were at fault in that period.
Yes the Muslims were obstructing Christianitans but the Church wanted to expand its power
I am mov

Both sides were at fault in that period.
Yes the Muslims were obstructing Christianitans but the Church wanted to expand its power

I live today. Not 1000 years ago.

By the time the Crusades had started in 1099, invading Muslim armies had slaughtered countless thousands of Christians in the Levant, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. A full 90% of Christian territory had been unjustly invaded and annexed. And under the lash of their “peaceful” Muslim overlords, Christians were enslaved, raped, forced to pay the extortionist tax known as the jizya, forced to convert to their peaceful religion, and summarily executed for no other reason than they were Christians in a formerly Christian country unjustly taken over by Muslims. In fact, Muslims had controlled Spain and Portugal for 400 years before the Catholic Church came to realize that Muslims not only wanted Christian lands and wealth, but also wanted to enslave and destroy Christian souls.
I live today. Not 1000 years ago.

By the time the Crusades had started in 1099, invading Muslim armies had slaughtered countless thousands of Christians in the Levant, the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula, Spain, Portugal, France and Italy. A full 90% of Christian territory had been unjustly invaded and annexed. And under the lash of their “peaceful” Muslim overlords, Christians were enslaved, raped, forced to pay the extortionist tax known as the jizya, forced to convert to their peaceful religion, and summarily executed for no other reason than they were Christians in a formerly Christian country unjustly taken over by Muslims. In fact, Muslims had controlled Spain and Portugal for 400 years before the Catholic Church came to realize that Muslims not only wanted Christian lands and wealth, but also wanted to enslave and destroy Christian souls.

What is your opinion on Israel ??
We've been a majority brown citizenship in Texas since 2004. We don't see a problem.

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