The Impeachment Inquiry Is Here. Now Make It Count

In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
I can almost guarantee the "transcript" will not match the whistleblower's accusations. tRump's minions have had a week to put together one that says whatever he wants it to.

And there it is. You'll take the word of someone who didn't even hear the call over the official transcript. You might as well believe me.
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
Trouble is bozo they don't have the 200 votes required to issue subpoenas so at this point it's just a lot of hot air, huffing and puffing and nothing more.
They're gonna have to find 200 representatives who want to risk losing their next election. Seats in shit holes like big city California, Chicago and New York may be somewhat safe but even those aren't guaranteed when the utter stupidity reaches these levels. Those in the close races that just squeaked by last time, they can just as well color themselves gone if they join in the insanity games. Most of the country isn't as stupid and deluded as some of you morons.

I forgot to add that this would just be to get a mojority vote in the House to impeach which is effectively no more than an indictment. To actually be tried and convicted of any imagined offence found, it then moves to the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding for trial where convicting Trump with a constitutionality requied 2/3 majority would have about as much chance as a snowball in hell.
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How To Make It Count:

1. Find A Whistle Blower That Has NOT Been Identified As A Politically-Biased, Trump-hating, Biden-Supporting Member of the Proven Coup-Participating Intel Community

2. Find a Whistle Blower Who Actually Has 1st-Hand Knowledge of the Incident / What Happened

3. Find A Way To Replace The Transcript Of the President's Discussion With the Ukraine P.M. that Proves No Quid-Pro-Quo / Crime Was Committed With Russian-Authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda Bought From a Foreign Spy
-- Hillary Might Have Some Extra Laying Around Her Home / On Her New TOP SECRET Server

...Good luck with all of that.

How To Make It Count:

1. Find A Whistle Blower That Has NOT Been Identified As A Politically-Biased, Trump-hating, Biden-Supporting Member of the Proven Coup-Participating Intel Community

2. Find a Whistle Blower Who Actually Has 1st-Hand Knowledge of the Incident / What Happened

3. Find A Way To Replace The Transcript Of the President's Discussion With the Ukraine P.M. that Proves No Quid-Pro-Quo / Crime Was Committed With Russian-Authored Counter-Intelligence Propaganda Bought From a Foreign Spy
-- Hillary Might Have Some Extra Laying Around Her Home / On Her New TOP SECRET Server

...Good luck with all of that.


Easy to do if the target is Biden BTW.
Make it count to the extent that the voters know Trump is unfit to be president and vote him out of office next year.
Hard to do when:

The Whistle Blower has been Identified As A Politically-Biased, Trump-hating, Biden-Supporting Member of the Proven Coup-Participating Intel Community

The Whistle Blower has no 1st-Hand Knowledge of the Incident / What Happened

The Transcript Of the President's Discussion With the Ukraine P.M. that Proves No Quid-Pro-Quo / Crime Was Committed.
Make it count to the extent that the voters know Trump is unfit to be president and vote him out of office next year.
I think Trump is the perfect President in this environment. You gotta be tough in a nation that has become much closer to authoritarian then freedom due to politics but spouts freedom all the time while screwing over each other. Hillary Clinton was all but crowned Queen in 2016. That in itself is proof of our corrupted system. If only you gave Trump a chance from the beginning. Obama got that chance no matter what you say.
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
Trouble is bozo they don't have the 200 votes required to issue subpoenas so at this point it's just a lot of hot air, huffing and puffing and nothing more.
They're gonna have to find 200 representatives who want to risk losing their next election. Seats in shit holes like big city California, Chicago and New York may be somewhat safe but even those aren't guaranteed when the utter stupidity reaches these levels. Those in the close races that just squeaked by last time, they can just as well color themselves gone if they join in the insanity games. Most of the country isn't as stupid and deluded as some of you morons.

I forgot to add that this would just be to get a mojority vote in the House to impeach which is effectively no more than an indictment. To actually be tried and convicted of any imagined offence found, it then moves to the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding for trial where convicting Trump with a constitutionality requied 2/3 majority would have about as much chance as a snowball in hell.

218 votes are needed.
CNN is currently reporting they have 203.
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.

I think this is actually a brilliant move.
He forced the Democrats into pushing impeachment, which has little support in the public, and will make the Democrats look bad.
Good move.
I don't think you can give Trump credit for this. This is purely the result of Pelosi's stupidity. She gave AOC and the others committee assignments of the highest profile committees, which normally only go to the most senior members because she wanted to advertise how diverse the Party was, she wanted to use them as the face of the Democratic Party but they became the voice of the Democratic Party to the point where Nancy couldn't hold a press conference without being inundated with questions about their proposals, such as impeachment. Not only was Nancy unable to set the agenda for her press conferences, she now clearly can't set the agenda for the Party. Just last week she declared there would be no impeachment proceedings unless and until the facts provided clear grounds for impeachment, but now she has announced impeachment proceedings by saying the Party will search for such facts. The fact is, Nancy no longer fits in to the Democratic Party she helped create on the basis of identity politics. To today's Democratic Party, she is just an old white woman who has no place there.
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
Trouble is bozo they don't have the 200 votes required to issue subpoenas so at this point it's just a lot of hot air, huffing and puffing and nothing more.
They're gonna have to find 200 representatives who want to risk losing their next election. Seats in shit holes like big city California, Chicago and New York may be somewhat safe but even those aren't guaranteed when the utter stupidity reaches these levels. Those in the close races that just squeaked by last time, they can just as well color themselves gone if they join in the insanity games. Most of the country isn't as stupid and deluded as some of you morons.

I forgot to add that this would just be to get a mojority vote in the House to impeach which is effectively no more than an indictment. To actually be tried and convicted of any imagined offence found, it then moves to the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding for trial where convicting Trump with a constitutionality requied 2/3 majority would have about as much chance as a snowball in hell.

218 votes are needed.
CNN is currently reporting they have 203.

Whatever you get the point.
But if you rely on CNN for any kind of info, you really need to have your head examined.
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
Trouble is bozo they don't have the 200 votes required to issue subpoenas so at this point it's just a lot of hot air, huffing and puffing and nothing more.
They're gonna have to find 200 representatives who want to risk losing their next election. Seats in shit holes like big city California, Chicago and New York may be somewhat safe but even those aren't guaranteed when the utter stupidity reaches these levels. Those in the close races that just squeaked by last time, they can just as well color themselves gone if they join in the insanity games. Most of the country isn't as stupid and deluded as some of you morons.

I forgot to add that this would just be to get a mojority vote in the House to impeach which is effectively no more than an indictment. To actually be tried and convicted of any imagined offence found, it then moves to the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding for trial where convicting Trump with a constitutionality requied 2/3 majority would have about as much chance as a snowball in hell.

218 votes are needed.
CNN is currently reporting they have 203.

Whatever you get the point.
But if you rely on CNN for any kind of info, you really need to have your head examined.

I was only clarifying votes needed.
And I always take CNN reporting with a grain of salt.
That's all....
In the wake of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s announcement that the House of Representatives is now engaged in a formal impeachment inquiry, Donald Trump is putting on a sudden show of apparent cooperation. Not only has Trump offered up a “transcript” of his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, but he’s also proposing to turn over the whistleblower report. That’s an astounding turnaround for someone who instigated this final-straw event by explicitly blocking the release of that same document.

The impeachment inquiry is here. Now make it count

No Mr. President we don’t need to work something out.
Trouble is bozo they don't have the 200 votes required to issue subpoenas so at this point it's just a lot of hot air, huffing and puffing and nothing more.
They're gonna have to find 200 representatives who want to risk losing their next election. Seats in shit holes like big city California, Chicago and New York may be somewhat safe but even those aren't guaranteed when the utter stupidity reaches these levels. Those in the close races that just squeaked by last time, they can just as well color themselves gone if they join in the insanity games. Most of the country isn't as stupid and deluded as some of you morons.

I forgot to add that this would just be to get a mojority vote in the House to impeach which is effectively no more than an indictment. To actually be tried and convicted of any imagined offence found, it then moves to the Senate with the Chief Justice presiding for trial where convicting Trump with a constitutionality requied 2/3 majority would have about as much chance as a snowball in hell.

218 votes are needed.
CNN is currently reporting they have 203.

Whatever you get the point.
But if you rely on CNN for any kind of info, you really need to have your head examined.

I was only clarifying votes needed.
And I always take CNN reporting with a grain of salt.
That's all....
Well that's a wise move. It's gotten so bad I wont even tune them in anymore. I'm sure their advertizers are amused as their market share shrinks.
What are you gonna do if the transcripts show he did nothing?
Just wipe more egg off your face?
Pelosi has asked all the investigatory committees for their "best cases" against Trump. This is not going to be just about the Ukraine thing.

She's really digging for anything to make it seem legitimate.
I don't understand why she didn't wait for the whistleblower to meet with them, or to at least get the phone call before jumping to this.
Pelosi is just doing the only thing she knows how to do. Blow a lot of taxpayer money, make a lot of noise and end up with absolutely nothing to show for our money. Kinda like they did with the Mueller debacle or the Blasey Ford debacle. In reality, all Pelosi wants to do is make a lot of noise and try to tarnish Trump before the election. She knows she has nobody that can beat him on merit so she's going to go Antifa on him. Democrats have regressed so far I almost expect them to show up in congress wearing their Antifa face coverings any day now. We need to give Trump a majority in both houses and then just sit back and watch our retirement plans grow. Keep America Great
What are you gonna do if the transcripts show he did nothing?
Just wipe more egg off your face?
Pelosi has asked all the investigatory committees for their "best cases" against Trump. This is not going to be just about the Ukraine thing.

What will it be about then?
I guess we'll have to wait and see, Bruce, unless you want to start making things up now.

I asked you a question...


Trump business deals?


Maybe they got a fat interm to spit on her dress while Trump smoked one of his buddy Bill cigars???
What are you gonna do if the transcripts show he did nothing?
Just wipe more egg off your face?
Pelosi has asked all the investigatory committees for their "best cases" against Trump. This is not going to be just about the Ukraine thing.

She's really digging for anything to make it seem legitimate.
I don't understand why she didn't wait for the whistleblower to meet with them, or to at least get the phone call before jumping to this.

Well, she hasn't done anything that can't be undone yet. I think it was a massive gamble, because by appearing to launch impeachment, should they pull back now, the political cost will be huge. If they try and fail, Trump will be stronger than ever and ticked off like we haven't seen. It could get very ugly.

If you attack the king, you'd better make sure to kill him.

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