The Impeachment Thread

Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
/——/ Any lie under oath is perjury, dumbass. And you think lying about sex in a sexual assault case is OK? Nothing But the Truth: What Happens When You Lie Under Oath - FindLaw
Lying about Blow Jobs is expected

Usually men say they got one when they didn’t. Clinton claimed he didn’t get one when he did.
Not when under oath it's not expected.
Divorce court demonstrates otherwise.
Even in divorce court you can be charged with perjury if it's proven you lied.

Lawyers know the law. Bubba knew he was committing perjury and did it anyway. It cost him his law license for a while and his handlers almost 6 figures, so it really doesn't matter if anyone thinks he shouldn't have been charged with it or not.
You can but likely won't. At worst, the threat of perjury might might be used by the other side for financial leverage. Lying in divorce court is prevalent.
Regardless, Bubba wasn't in divorce court.
That's true. And don't get me wrong, he did lie under oath and was appropriately punished for it. But at least keep it in context. He lied about getting a blow job. Republicans impeached him for that. Trump sought help for his presidential campaign from a foreign national, for which he was impeached. Which do you think was more egregious?
That depends if you're convinced that's what he did. The House didn't really make a very convincing case. It was blatantly clear what Bubba did in the context of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

He literally asked a foreign leader to open an investigation into a political rival. How else can that be viewed?
As an attempt to root out corruption in American officials.
Trump & Rudy pressured Ukraine to find dirt on Hunter Biden EXACTLY the same way Trump pressured Raffensperger to "find" 11, 000 votes in Georgia. See Rudy's call with Ukraine.
/—-/ Biden pressured the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter. So take your fake outrage and shove it.
It wasnt just Biden, it was also our european allies who pressured the firing:

fired because this prosecutor wasnt investigating corruption. This prosecutor (Shokin) did investigate Burisma, but not when Hunter was there.

also, another description of the same thing at politifact.
Stacey Plaskett is building an effective case of Trump complicity
I think they need a few witnesses to corroborate all of these internet quotes. Was trump aware of the crazies ? He probably was but she hasnt proved it.

This is Trumps administration. He is responsible for more than just what he tweets, but what his administration did in planning and executing this event.

If you don’t fight like hell, you will not have a country anymore
And that's the piece you're going to have to prove, that it was in fact the American government that was trying to overthrow the American government.

Trump was sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic

Trump turned out to be one of those enemies
I know that's the narrative and I understand you are contractually obligated to adhere tightly to it, but that's a fantasy in the fever swamp.
Trump defiled his oath of office

He needs to be held accountable
He was. He lost the election. You have to prove that he did what you claim is worth further abuse.

We have this thing called IMPEACHMENT that is proving what Trump did and failed to do in defending the Constitution.

He sent a mob to go after his own Vice President
You can prove that Trump sent the mob after Pence? I did not see those dots connected.

Trump condemned Pence to the TRUMPmob
He let down Democracy
Then sent them to stop the vote count.

You can hear the crowd chant......Kill Mike Pence, Bring him out, Hang Mike Pence

During the assault on the Capitol, extremists reportedly coordinated online and discussed how they could hunt down the vice president. Journalists in the Capitol reported they heard rioters say they were looking for Pence in order to execute him,
The police had Pence and Nancy safe.
If anything got too scary for the pols I'm sure the police would have had to use deadly force. Today's testimony had rioters entering Nancy's sanctum, then they were chased by a SWAT team. So i'm not seeing anyone swinging from gallows, or heads on pikes. The goobers were mostly sight-seeing.

This entire episode makes no sense. Even if the rioters took control of the capitol, para-military units would have been called in to remove or slaughter them. Remember what happened when the commies took control of the Russian parliament? Yeltsin called the tanks in?! It was a lose-lose operation for the idiot rioters.

Doesn‘t negate the murderous intent of the TRUMPmob
I'm not going to defend "the mob".
They should have known better.
I condemn rioting and damaging property, all the time, unlike democrats.
As expected, the House managers' presentation of the impeachment charge and its constitutionality was impressive and compelling.

As expected, the presentation by Trump's lawyers was not impressive and not compelling. Despite the lack of proof of the unconstitutionality of the trial, 44 Republicans voted it was unconstitutional.

Trump's lawyers completely ignored the evidence. Part of it being, it was Republicans who would not allow the trial while Trump was President. Mitch McConnell would be the senate majority leader until Jan. 20. He did not allow the trial to start on his watch.

Trump's lawyers completely ignored what Trump did. Instead, they talked about what the House did and those nasty Democrats while using provocative terms to cause emotional responses.

They argued that a horrible precedence would be set by the impeachment trial suggesting members of Congress would do horrible things they haven't done in 245 years. They failed to mention the real precedent that would be set. Future Presidents would be responsible for their action from their first day in office to their last.

Trump's lawyers relied on the lecture technique in explaining jurisprudence and melodrama for its dramatic effect. The Senators were not impressed.

Apparently, Trump was not happy with their presentations. One offered modest praise to the House impeachment managers, saying they delivered an "outstanding presentation" and calling them "clever fellows."

Trump should cut them some slack. After all, they are dealing with a guilty client.
While right-wing supporters of Trump were storming the U.S. capitol building in an effort to stop Congress tallying Electoral College votes that will deliver the Presidency to Joe Biden, Trump decided this was a good time to attack Vice President Mike Pence for not doing the job for them.

As pence was fleeing for his life Trump tweeted:

Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021
Trump is not the only one on trial in the Senate. Republicans in the Senate are also on trial, and they will not render the final judgment upon Trump. The American people will.

All reports still indicate that getting 17 Republicans to convict is a stretch. After watching the presentations by the House managers for two days, one can easily conclude that using the argument that the trial is unconstitutional as an excuse to acquit is absolutely ludicrous. No one in the country will believe that, including Senate Republicans.

Using such an argument equates to rejecting reality to support the absolutely worst President this country has had in modern times.

If Senate Republicans acquit, the American people will ensure the GOP pays heavily for the grievance.
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Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
/——/ Any lie under oath is perjury, dumbass. And you think lying about sex in a sexual assault case is OK? Nothing But the Truth: What Happens When You Lie Under Oath - FindLaw
Lying about Blow Jobs is expected

Usually men say they got one when they didn’t. Clinton claimed he didn’t get one when he did.
Not when under oath it's not expected.
Divorce court demonstrates otherwise.
Even in divorce court you can be charged with perjury if it's proven you lied.

Lawyers know the law. Bubba knew he was committing perjury and did it anyway. It cost him his law license for a while and his handlers almost 6 figures, so it really doesn't matter if anyone thinks he shouldn't have been charged with it or not.
You can but likely won't. At worst, the threat of perjury might might be used by the other side for financial leverage. Lying in divorce court is prevalent.
Regardless, Bubba wasn't in divorce court.
That's true. And don't get me wrong, he did lie under oath and was appropriately punished for it. But at least keep it in context. He lied about getting a blow job. Republicans impeached him for that. Trump sought help for his presidential campaign from a foreign national, for which he was impeached. Which do you think was more egregious?
That depends if you're convinced that's what he did. The House didn't really make a very convincing case. It was blatantly clear what Bubba did in the context of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

He literally asked a foreign leader to open an investigation into a political rival. How else can that be viewed?
As an attempt to root out corruption in American officials.
Trump & Rudy pressured Ukraine to find dirt on Hunter Biden EXACTLY the same way Trump pressured Raffensperger to "find" 11, 000 votes in Georgia. See Rudy's call with Ukraine.
/—-/ Biden pressured the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter. So take your fake outrage and shove it.
Liar. Hunter Biden was never under any investigation by Shokin.
Anyone catch Leahy a few minutes ago? Holy shit, that guy is lost.
Interesting watching the timeline of what Trump was saying and doing matched up against what was happening in the attack

While the mob was hunting for Mike Pence‘s head, Trump was tweeting calling Pence‘s patriotism into question. Trump stood idle and did nothing.

Trump never condemned the mob or told them to leave while the attack was ongoing.

In the end, he thanked them.

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