The Impeachment Thread

If the founding fathers were alive today and sitting in judgement of Trump's violent insurrection - I have no doubt that they would ALL vote to convict Trump. Trump would represent their greatest nightmare regarding their sacred Constitution.
If the founding fathers were alive Obama would have been hung or faced a firing squad. Next.

Because he was black?
Again with the race card? Traitors come in all shapes and sizes and colors.
They were not fond of black people
If the founding fathers were alive today and sitting in judgement of Trump's violent insurrection - I have no doubt that they would ALL vote to convict Trump. Trump would represent their greatest nightmare regarding their sacred Constitution.
If the founding fathers were alive Obama would have been hung or faced a firing squad. Next.
One of them would have owned him so that would be unlikely. Most probably he would have been whipped to make him appreciate the land of the free.
Looks like Trump got his lawyers off of a matchbook
What do you know about the law? Your posts show not to much to nothing at all. Tell us in legal terms why they are so bad.

Back it up too.

I may not be a lawyer, but I watch Judge Judy every day.
Means I would have done a better job than the two clowns Trump put up.
How? Tell us.

Let’s see......

If Rightwinger were Trumps lawyer, I would not have argued the Impeachment was rushed and then argued that the impeachment was too late.

I would not have argued my client was voted out of office while my client is accused of lying about a stolen election

But then again, I am not a high priced Trump lawyer.
The election was stolen. The impeachment proves they know they did not beat him. That is why they want him convicted and barred from running again. They know they cannot defraud him again.

All of this is just another admission of guilt and that massive fraud took place.

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Typical troll response. Next.

i'm no troll.

your reply reeks of failure.... donny lost. period.

the end.
There was massive fraud . Period.
And yet, every judge in the country that the Drumph team took this allegation to said no, including judges appointed by Drumph and a Republican dominated Supreme Court. Sure. You bettcha. Masssive fraud. Un huh. :rolleyes:
Every judge was either complicit or did not want to challenge the corrupt bureaucracy that conspired to make this fraud happen.

There was massive fraud. The censorship or impeachment would not be going on if there was not.
Theyve all got

it in for me!!
For fucks sake mate.Let it go. You are making a show of yourself.
Let what go? The fraud or the lives you are watching destroyed in your country because you are afraid? Which one is it fatboy?
Your trump idolatry. Nobody but extreme nuts still believes that trump won. I suspect that you have had a lot of troubles in your life. Try and get help.
Trump's policies get the idolatry. My life has been good. The American dream is what happened to me. I worked hard and retired financially secure. I do not want to see future generations denied the benefits this great country gave to me.

Also a man that cannot protect his country's children is not about to give any advice about anything.
You are a moron.What did you do to protect the thousands of American kids who have been sexually assaulted ? Let me know so I can put your lessons into practise. Fucking idiot.
Our children are not abused by a religion that says it has the right to. There is quite a difference. And the Trump administration made a record amount of arrests of human and sex traffickers. Biden will now eliminate that program.
trump was Epstein's BFF.
Trump cut all ties with Epstein in 2008 and personally kicked him off his property. Trump also helped authorities build a case against him. You are lying again.
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If the founding fathers were alive today and sitting in judgement of Trump's violent insurrection - I have no doubt that they would ALL vote to convict Trump. Trump would represent their greatest nightmare regarding their sacred Constitution.
If the founding fathers were alive Obama would have been hung or faced a firing squad. Next.

Because he was black?
Again with the race card? Traitors come in all shapes and sizes and colors.
They were not fond of black people
You don't know that, do you?
If the founding fathers were alive today and sitting in judgement of Trump's violent insurrection - I have no doubt that they would ALL vote to convict Trump. Trump would represent their greatest nightmare regarding their sacred Constitution.
If the founding fathers were alive Obama would have been hung or faced a firing squad. Next.
One of them would have owned him so that would be unlikely. Most probably he would have been whipped to make him appreciate the land of the free.
Always nice to hear from a subject, not a citizen.
Well I think they have just destroyed trumps "cant touch this" defence.

Old Lady - this one is for you.
/——/ Next time the GOP controls the House and Senate, they should impeach Clinton, Obozo and Biden. Then watch the democRATs scream.

We are talking about today’s Republicans
Of course they will impeach

Over whatever wild conspiracy theory their base believes in
And why not? impeachment has been cheapened to that point.
Republicans impeached over a Blow Job
Todays Republicans would impeach over whatever the latest conspiracy theory infatuates their base
They impeached over perjury. Tell the truth just once. :ahole-1:
Lying about a Blow Job is still all about a Blow Job
/——-/ Lie about what you had for breakfast to a federal judge while under oath. What could possibly go wrong?
was the breakfast material to the outcome of the proceedings, matlock?
/——/ Any lie under oath is perjury, dumbass. And you think lying about sex in a sexual assault case is OK? Nothing But the Truth: What Happens When You Lie Under Oath - FindLaw
Lying about Blow Jobs is expected

Usually men say they got one when they didn’t. Clinton claimed he didn’t get one when he did.
Not when under oath it's not expected.
Divorce court demonstrates otherwise.
Even in divorce court you can be charged with perjury if it's proven you lied.

Lawyers know the law. Bubba knew he was committing perjury and did it anyway. It cost him his law license for a while and his handlers almost 6 figures, so it really doesn't matter if anyone thinks he shouldn't have been charged with it or not.
You can but likely won't. At worst, the threat of perjury might might be used by the other side for financial leverage. Lying in divorce court is prevalent.
Regardless, Bubba wasn't in divorce court.
That's true. And don't get me wrong, he did lie under oath and was appropriately punished for it. But at least keep it in context. He lied about getting a blow job. Republicans impeached him for that. Trump sought help for his presidential campaign from a foreign national, for which he was impeached. Which do you think was more egregious?
That depends if you're convinced that's what he did. The House didn't really make a very convincing case. It was blatantly clear what Bubba did in the context of a sexual harassment lawsuit.

He literally asked a foreign leader to open an investigation into a political rival. How else can that be viewed?
As an attempt to root out corruption in American officials.
Trump & Rudy pressured Ukraine to find dirt on Hunter Biden EXACTLY the same way Trump pressured Raffensperger to "find" 11, 000 votes in Georgia. See Rudy's call with Ukraine.
/—-/ Biden pressured the Ukraine to fire the prosecutor who was investigating Hunter. So take your fake outrage and shove it.
Stacey Plaskett is building an effective case of Trump complicity
I think they need a few witnesses to corroborate all of these internet quotes. Was trump aware of the crazies ? He probably was but she hasnt proved it.

This is Trumps administration. He is responsible for more than just what he tweets, but what his administration did in planning and executing this event.

If you don’t fight like hell, you will not have a country anymore
And that's the piece you're going to have to prove, that it was in fact the American government that was trying to overthrow the American government.

Trump was sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic

Trump turned out to be one of those enemies
I know that's the narrative and I understand you are contractually obligated to adhere tightly to it, but that's a fantasy in the fever swamp.
Trump defiled his oath of office

He needs to be held accountable
He was. He lost the election. You have to prove that he did what you claim is worth further abuse.

We have this thing called IMPEACHMENT that is proving what Trump did and failed to do in defending the Constitution.

He sent a mob to go after his own Vice President
You can prove that Trump sent the mob after Pence? I did not see those dots connected.
Stacey Plaskett is building an effective case of Trump complicity
I think they need a few witnesses to corroborate all of these internet quotes. Was trump aware of the crazies ? He probably was but she hasnt proved it.

This is Trumps administration. He is responsible for more than just what he tweets, but what his administration did in planning and executing this event.

If you don’t fight like hell, you will not have a country anymore
And that's the piece you're going to have to prove, that it was in fact the American government that was trying to overthrow the American government.

Trump was sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic

Trump turned out to be one of those enemies
I know that's the narrative and I understand you are contractually obligated to adhere tightly to it, but that's a fantasy in the fever swamp.
Trump defiled his oath of office

He needs to be held accountable
He was. He lost the election. You have to prove that he did what you claim is worth further abuse.

We have this thing called IMPEACHMENT that is proving what Trump did and failed to do in defending the Constitution.

He sent a mob to go after his own Vice President
You can prove that Trump sent the mob after Pence? I did not see those dots connected.

Trump condemned Pence to the TRUMPmob
He let down Democracy
Then sent them to stop the vote count.

You can hear the crowd chant......Kill Mike Pence, Bring him out, Hang Mike Pence

During the assault on the Capitol, extremists reportedly coordinated online and discussed how they could hunt down the vice president. Journalists in the Capitol reported they heard rioters say they were looking for Pence in order to execute him,
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I'm truly sorry. It takes awhile for the words to get written and I remembered wrong. I can't get the livestream to rewind.
Dean ended with, "For the first time in more than 200 years, the seat of our government was ransacked on our watch.”
Mrs Dean
That girl was really good.
She just kicked butt. What a closer. "And for the first time in our Nation's history, our Capitol was ransacked."

Close notes. Walk away. The End.
"And for the first time in our Nation's history, our Capitol was ransacked." What a closer? Try what a steaming pile. Perhaps she, and of course the sycophants, all forgot what happened in 1812. Or maybe they went to government school and weren't taught history. Or maybe they think an enemy nation setting fire to the capitol building is nothing while some broken windows and doors are the greatest threat the country has ever faced. Either way, get a grip. If you're going to wax dramatic, at least make it truthful. Otherwise, you just get laughed at.
I was inaccurate.
Stacey Plaskett is building an effective case of Trump complicity
I think they need a few witnesses to corroborate all of these internet quotes. Was trump aware of the crazies ? He probably was but she hasnt proved it.

This is Trumps administration. He is responsible for more than just what he tweets, but what his administration did in planning and executing this event.

If you don’t fight like hell, you will not have a country anymore
And that's the piece you're going to have to prove, that it was in fact the American government that was trying to overthrow the American government.

Trump was sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic

Trump turned out to be one of those enemies
I know that's the narrative and I understand you are contractually obligated to adhere tightly to it, but that's a fantasy in the fever swamp.
Trump defiled his oath of office

He needs to be held accountable
He was. He lost the election. You have to prove that he did what you claim is worth further abuse.

We have this thing called IMPEACHMENT that is proving what Trump did and failed to do in defending the Constitution.

He sent a mob to go after his own Vice President
You can prove that Trump sent the mob after Pence? I did not see those dots connected.

Trump condemned Pence to the TRUMPmob
He let down Democracy
Then sent them to stop the vote count.

You can hear the crowd chant......Kill Mike Pence, Bring him out, Hang Mike Pence

During the assault on the Capitol, extremists reportedly coordinated online and discussed how they could hunt down the vice president. Journalists in the Capitol reported they heard rioters say they were looking for Pence in order to execute him,
The police had Pence and Nancy safe.
If anything got too scary for the pols I'm sure the police would have had to use deadly force. Today's testimony had rioters entering Nancy's sanctum, then they were chased by a SWAT team. So i'm not seeing anyone swinging from gallows, or heads on pikes. The goobers were mostly sight-seeing.

This entire episode makes no sense. Even if the rioters took control of the capitol, para-military units would have been called in to remove or slaughter them. Remember what happened when the commies took control of the Russian parliament? Yeltsin called the tanks in?! It was a lose-lose operation for the idiot rioters.
Stacey Plaskett is building an effective case of Trump complicity
I think they need a few witnesses to corroborate all of these internet quotes. Was trump aware of the crazies ? He probably was but she hasnt proved it.

This is Trumps administration. He is responsible for more than just what he tweets, but what his administration did in planning and executing this event.

If you don’t fight like hell, you will not have a country anymore
And that's the piece you're going to have to prove, that it was in fact the American government that was trying to overthrow the American government.

Trump was sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic

Trump turned out to be one of those enemies
I know that's the narrative and I understand you are contractually obligated to adhere tightly to it, but that's a fantasy in the fever swamp.
Trump defiled his oath of office

He needs to be held accountable
He was. He lost the election. You have to prove that he did what you claim is worth further abuse.

We have this thing called IMPEACHMENT that is proving what Trump did and failed to do in defending the Constitution.

He sent a mob to go after his own Vice President
You can prove that Trump sent the mob after Pence? I did not see those dots connected.

Trump condemned Pence to the TRUMPmob
He let down Democracy
Then sent them to stop the vote count.

You can hear the crowd chant......Kill Mike Pence, Bring him out, Hang Mike Pence

During the assault on the Capitol, extremists reportedly coordinated online and discussed how they could hunt down the vice president. Journalists in the Capitol reported they heard rioters say they were looking for Pence in order to execute him,
The police had Pence and Nancy safe.
If anything got too scary for the pols I'm sure the police would have had to use deadly force. Today's testimony had rioters entering Nancy's sanctum, then they were chased by a SWAT team. So i'm not seeing anyone swinging from gallows, or heads on pikes. The goobers were mostly sight-seeing.

This entire episode makes no sense. Even if the rioters took control of the capitol, para-military units would have been called in to remove or slaughter them. Remember what happened when the commies took control of the Russian parliament? Yeltsin called the tanks in?! It was a lose-lose operation for the idiot rioters.

Doesn‘t negate the murderous intent of the TRUMPmob
The thread title is inaccurate. Here is the correct version:

The Unconstitutional Show Trial held by Hallucinating Brown Shirts Thread
What amazed me about watching the videos this afternoon was the mob was equal opportunity.
They were after Democrats, they were after Republicans
They were loyal only to Trump

And Trump told them who their targets were
I'm truly sorry. It takes awhile for the words to get written and I remembered wrong. I can't get the livestream to rewind.
Dean ended with, "For the first time in more than 200 years, the seat of our government was ransacked on our watch.”
/—-/ Actually the Brits did in 1812 and then it was bombed last century.

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