The Incontrovertible Science and Mathematics of God's Existence

Is it your belief that the Universe just popped into existence from an ontological nothingness? Magic?
I have no belief as to the origin of the universe. I don't know.
Either you want to believe, Believe without evidence or don’t believe. No on knows either way. No god has ever been proven. This is why I dont believe the old or new testaments. Organized religions say god is a fact in human history. Visited Moses, sent Jesus, visited Mohammed or Joseph Smith.

I don’t believe any of those fairytales
I guess we're lucky you fine folks have given up burning people at the stake.
They didn't "give it up". They were forced to abandon it, once better, secular ideas like scientific enlightenment and classical liberalism came along. Once again (and this is the theme for the last 2000 years), we progressed past those bad ideas not just in spite of religion, but in the face of strong, active opposition from religious people acting on their religion.

And the only reason they don't do it now is that they benefit from the gift of being born in a more enlightened age. Did the Bible change over time? Nope. Same Bible, but better culture. The culture they were born into changed, thanks to secular ideas. They can literally thank the abandonment of their religion for the current, better state of affairs. But they won't.
And sneakily and subtly over time Catholicism has gotten into science and studying the heavens and stars. Today Catholics believe Catholicism is pro science. They’ll forget what the church did to Bruno giordano when he suggested the earth wasn’t the center iPod the universe.

So the church has come a long way. One day female priests. You wait and see. Or priests can be married.
In terms of defining what the gods can and cannot do, you need to take the first step and make a rational case for the existence of your gods.

By the way, the paragraph from the excerpt from my article should read:

That's akin to wondering if God could create a rock so heavy that even He couldn't lift it. God can't do that either. Divine omnipotence is not the power to do anything at all; rather, it's the power to do all things possible. This is not a limit on God's power. On the contrary, it's precisely because God is omnipotent that no rock too heavy for Him to lift could possibly exist in the first place, just like a hotel with an actually infinite number of rooms couldn't possibly exist in the first place. An actual infinity is a set containing an infinite number of elements, and in general, it's the set containing all possible quantity that's forever growing toward Infinity but never reaching Infinity. The distinction between potential infinities and actual infinities is ultimately a misnomer, as the "distinction" is actually the definition of the only kind of infinity that can exist outside of minds, namely, a potential infinity, which is a set with a finite number of elements at any given moment that is always increasing toward Infinity as the limit.​

My revision of the clause changed the meaning of the phrase. There, that should do it. But I see that you're still going on about how the impossible should be possible for God. I almost can't believe I'm having to explain this to you again, but the impossible is not possible because the impossible is impossible: the impossible ≠ the possible. That's about as simple as I can make it for you. LOL!

Still moving those goal posts, I see. LOL!

When another confused, rambling collection of incoherent rambling is exposed, change it around in an attempt to make the sentence structure a bit less disjointed. LOL!

It's always comical when the non-religious have to explain to the religious extremists what their religion actually conveys.

First, let me make an assumption that we are in agreement that the gods have no attributes other than those that religionists apply to them after acknowledging that their gods follow precise rules that the religionists apply to them. Like most religionists, you drench your gods with human attributes and at the same time claiming “they” are limited in their abilities.

Beyond the ramifications of the first principles of ''you don't get it'', I see you're still confused about the various attributes you have assigned to your gods. How could anything be impossible for the omni-everything gods? A critical component of scientific inquiry is the process of observation and testing. Those attributes defining science consist of gathering evidence. And evidence is the only tool we have to distinguish between claims in which we can have confidence and claims in which we cannot.

In your example above, why would infinity apply to the gods? Haven't the gods always existed, uncreated?

Gods are unlimited. The impossible ≠ the possible even for the gods, therefore the gods are limited.
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

Okay, I think I actually see what you're getting at, but I did have to review the mathematics of sine and cosine relative to the Tailor expansion principle to get there. I was able to follow you up to that point from the post.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

It seems to me that you're saying that the conclusion of any given argument is circularly embedded in the premise, albeit, in a universally overarching, metaphysical sense. Presumably, such an argument's conclusion would proceed from a valid premise and would entail a valid chain of discourse. I would happily agree with that as understood within the context of the Logos' authority; that is to say, one necessarily relies on the reliability of that authority by faith. But, then, we have no other alternative, as the laws of logic are incontrovertible. Hence, I have two caveats for the sake of clarity. The discourse itself is still linear, albeit, within that context, and one must faithfully observe the laws of logic in order to get to the Logos.
Still moving those goal posts, I see. . . .

. . . Gods are unlimited. The impossible ≠ the possible even for the gods, therefore the gods are limited.

You mindless ditz. The only thing that was changed in the following was one word. The rest of the paragraph is fine.

This is not a limitation on God's power. On the contrary, it's precisely because God is omnipotent that no rock too heavy for Him to lift could possibly exist in the first place, just like a hotel with an actually infinite number of rooms couldn't possibly exist in the first place.​

Could implies an unintended contradiction; hence, couldn't, not could. I struck a preceding sentence from the original paragraph that was gratuitously confusing and changed the expression of the clause in the second sentence in the above, but forgot to change the expression of the phrasal in the sentence.

Goal posts were not moved, dummy. The word could was changed to couldn't to agree with the same friggin' idea that God cannot do the impossible because the impossible is, you know, impossible.

And you bloviated on for four paragraphs to circle back (a little Psaki speak) to your drooling stupidity that the impossible is possible.


You're fired. Now drop and give me 50!
God cannot do the impossible because the impossible is, you know, impossible.
Says Ringtone

Also Ringtone: It is impossible for something to come from nothing. Except for when God does it. It is impossible for anything to have no beginning. Except for God. It is impossible to see the future. Except for if you are God.

What a luxury it must be just to make stuff up as you go along, regardless of integrity, honesty, or self-consistency. So this is the ethics and intellectualism of faith, eh? Not impressed.
Still moving those goal posts, I see. . . .

. . . Gods are unlimited. The impossible ≠ the possible even for the gods, therefore the gods are limited.

You mindless ditz. The only thing that was changed in the following was one word. The rest of the paragraph is fine.

This is not a limitation on God's power. On the contrary, it's precisely because God is omnipotent that no rock too heavy for Him to lift could possibly exist in the first place, just like a hotel with an actually infinite number of rooms couldn't possibly exist in the first place.​

Could implies an unintended contradiction; hence, couldn't, not could. I struck a preceding sentence from the original paragraph that was gratuitously confusing and changed the expression of the clause in the second sentence in the above, but forgot to change the expression of the phrasal in the sentence.

Goal posts were not moved, dummy. The word could was changed to couldn't to agree with the same friggin' idea that God cannot do the impossible because the impossible is, you know, impossible.

And you bloviated on for four paragraphs to circle back (a little Psaki speak) to your drooling stupidity that the impossible is possible.


You're fired. Now drop and give me 50!
Your schoolboy tirades are funny.

So what else can’t the gods do? What would be impossible for the gods to do, other than, you know, the impossible? As the gods Emir here on earth, we look to you for the ramifications of the first principles of “... because I say so”.
The reason why I ignored the OP itself is because I have seen all the religious pap for over 40 years now, there is little left for me not to know anymore.

Religion runs on faith, that is all you have.

You're imbecilic questions demonstrate that you don't understand what you call pap in the first place. For over 40 years, apparently, it has gone in one ear and out the other sans any understanding at all. Bottom line: you have refuted nothing, none of you have. All we have from the atheists on this thread, as usual, is slogan speak, smack talk and gossip: the boorish yuk-yuk of buck-toothed, nose-picking hayseeds.

Moreover, for over 40 years you still haven't grasped the fact that all of human understanding is necessarily predicated on our faith in the reliability of the imperatives of logic and mathematics, that the subsequent inferences of scientific methodology are preceded by the former.
It was a Christian mob that destroyed the Library of Alexandria, literally setting back human development.

That's a myth, dummy.

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It was a Christian mob that destroyed the Library of Alexandria, literally setting back human development.

That's a myth, you idiot.

But what was very real was the purging of all the intellectuals from Alexandria by fundamentalist Christian nutballs.
I have no belief as to the origin of the universe. I don't know.

So you do not know anything about the pertinent logic, mathematics and science. That's just capital. So why are you on this thread talking smack to those who do know?
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

Okay, I think I actually see what you're getting at, but I did have to review the mathematics of sine and cosine relative to the Tailor expansion principle to get there. I was able to follow you up to that point from the post.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

It seems to me that you're saying that the conclusion of any given argument is circularly embedded in the premise, albeit, in a universally overarching, metaphysical sense. Presumably, such an argument's conclusion would proceed from a valid premise and would entail a valid chain of discourse. I would happily agree with that as understood within the context of the Logos' authority; that is to say, one necessarily relies on the reliability of that authority by faith. But, then, we have no other alternative, as the laws of logic are incontrovertible. Hence, I have two caveats for the sake of clarity. The discourse itself is still linear, albeit, within that context, and one must faithfully observe the laws of logic in order to get to the Logos.

If I understand correctly what you are saying, then I would agree that the discourse is like rolling a paint roll on an infinite linear wall, and yes, the statements of the logic will be repeated every time it completes a full turn. This is how we can sense time.

Moreover, it is no accident that genesis saying the man and women both leave to unite and Jesus in gospel saying what God puts together human no separate.

This points to the fact, that once something exists, it appears as a difference that is it generates two endpoints. This is reality. As soon as you imagine this reality, another two endpoints exist in imagination. Square summing these two things that is the four endpoints always provides the square of a radius. It always behaves as a triangle. So the basic unit of creation is 3 that is made out of pairs. Mathematically expressed as the Pythagoras and Thales theorems.

Applying this to the Holy Trinity, the real existence is the Blessed Virgin Mary, the imaginary one is the Holy Spirit, and the resulting radius is Jesus Christ. And this is true to every marriage. Hence Jesus saying don't separate it.

In terms of enthropy, the energy of existence is the average deviation of everybody from the absolute average. That is entropy itself is such a radius. Governments invent laws and regulations to drive these deviations to zero, thereby ending existence.

We can apply your linearity argument onto the soul and the spirit too. Jesus says on the Cross when He dies that He commands His Spirit to God.

So the spirit, as a unit of creation has its real part the fellowship with God, it's imaginary part the intuition, and it's radius that is its square sum that is logic itself.

How did then Jesus send His Spirit to God? Surely you can't sit in your boat take a big breath and blow your sail to make your boat move because of energy conservation.

Jesus did it, because the pairs that make up the basic unit of 3 of the creation, that is the triangle, are orthogonal. Each pair is composed of two orthogonal qualities.

Therefore Jesus took the real part of His Soul which is His senses orthogonal to the fellowship of the spirit, then the imaginary part of His Soul which is the feelings, orthogonal to the intuition of the spirit, and the radius of His Soul which is the will of the soul orthogonal to logic, to execute that command.

And as a result, the two orthogonal triangles went into orthogonal ways. The spirit to God, the soul to hell.

The orthogonality of the pairs by which God creates and arrives at the basic unit of creation which is the 3, the triangle, is visible in everything.

For example, draw any pattern, like an arbitrary map with arbitrary country borders. When you use 3+1 colors that is four colors, you can avoid always of ending up with the same color on both sides of a border.

Orthogonality defines the pairs, like woman the real and man the imaginary, and these pairs form always a triangle wich is the resulting child, the radius, the creation itself.

Since it is a rdius, it's linearity is periodic. Everything can be decomposed into triangles. Therefore the circular repetition in every linearity in unavoidable in the Creation.
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I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

This is even more interesting.

Yes, the identity is a very dangerous problem.

OnCe the variance of something is matched, that is we apply as much energy to it as what it has without us, then the identities merge, and this merger is in a way that whichever of the two has a higher intensity, will eliminate the identity of the other one. This is how the devil takes souls.

This is how phosphorous glows in the dark.

And thus is why Neuro kinetic language works.

And so on.

A terrible bresking point of Creation as a whole, declared right at the beginning in genesis, in chapterc3, straight after chapters 1 and 2 to describe creation.

Every religion has to solve this problem. The identity problem when the deviations match, that is tge energies match, that is the egyptiin book of the dead or the Sanscrit Hinduism or God promising Jesus to Adam and Eve.
creation out of nothing is still NOTHING!

Faith is all you have.....
Creation out of no priorly existing material substance creation out of nothing, and the fideism of materialism is all you have.
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

This is even more interesting.

Yes, the identity is a very dangerous problem.

OnCe the variance of something is matched, that is we apply as much energy to it as what it has without us, then the identities merge, and this merger is in a way that whichever of the two has a higher intensity, will eliminate the identity of the other one. This is how the devil takes souls.

This is how phosphorous glows in the dark.

And thus is why Neuro kinetic language works.

And so on.

A terrible bresking point of Creation as a whole, declared right at the beginning in genesis, in chapterc3, straight after chapters 1 and 2 to describe creation.

Every religion has to solve this problem. The identity problem when the deviations match, that is tge energies match, that is the egyptiin book of the dead or the Sanscrit Hinduism or God promising Jesus to Adam and Eve.

I surmise that English is your second language. What is you native language?
With Semitic overtones.

Funny that.

But back to my post: can you tell me, precisely, what that and it are, you know, the things you wish to see in an equation or you wish to see quantified?
And I was hoping for some math.

Did you finish with the discussion of potential and actual infinities yet? Let me know so I can go on to the nuts and bolts of the hard mathematics of the matter.;)
I would like to clarify myself matematically, and if it is not acceptable then I will try with narrative.

Thesis is that every logic is circular. Logic is defined as something where your state S is a consequence of your previous state and also is a cause of your next state, the difference from your current state S to the next state is d. You number all the state's in your chain of logic in consecutive order like 1,2,3,...,n,... Your argument is A.

By this basic definition of logic, that is to reiterate the above, that it's discourse d from its current state S to its next state is determined by its current state S through an argument A, we are a simple first order ordinary differential equation:

dS/dn = A*S

and as per usual maths textbooks, the solution of this, that is the solution of every logic, through the Euler theorem, is a simple exponential function:

S(n) = exp(A*n)

The argument A of logic is the key. It is incorrect to assume that A is only real, because then we just have a cogwheel, no human thinking. Therefore A is a sum of a real component r and of imagination i, in other words A = r + i.

So, what is imagination? Imagination is something whose power changes reality. For example +1 is real, and so is -1. But you can't find anything that you can multiply with itself to get anything negative, so imagination is the square root of -1, in other words i = sqrt(-1).

Now, by the Tailor expansion principle, we know, that anything that has sqrt(-1) that is anything imaginary in its exponent is a cyclical object, running in circles, producing waves as its projected aspects, cosine and since.

S(n) = r*cos(n) + i*sin(n)

And none of the above can eliminate the imaginary i part of the logic argument A, no matter what A is and how variable it may be, the cyclical circular component of logic is always there in every solution.

To kill the circular nature of any human logic, you would need to formulate A in a way that it multiplies i with zero. But this would have to be a very exact zero. And very exact things don't exist in physical life, because to get to that accuracy we would need infinitely long time:

accuracy * time = Planck constant

Planck constant = 6.63*10^-34 Js

This is also known as Heisenberg principle, and the accuracy is the energy of existence of the concept, statistically its variance. In other words, the energy by which the Creator created it.

So human logic must always be curcular, and that is why Jesus has always said, that you must look at faith and authority, not logic, if you ever want to get somewhere.

By the way, I surmised some years ago that what I call the Universal Principle of Identity, from which the laws of non-contradiction and the excluded middle are extrapolated, is the Logos.

This is even more interesting.

Yes, the identity is a very dangerous problem.

OnCe the variance of something is matched, that is we apply as much energy to it as what it has without us, then the identities merge, and this merger is in a way that whichever of the two has a higher intensity, will eliminate the identity of the other one. This is how the devil takes souls.

This is how phosphorous glows in the dark.

And thus is why Neuro kinetic language works.

And so on.

A terrible bresking point of Creation as a whole, declared right at the beginning in genesis, in chapterc3, straight after chapters 1 and 2 to describe creation.

Every religion has to solve this problem. The identity problem when the deviations match, that is tge energies match, that is the egyptiin book of the dead or the Sanscrit Hinduism or God promising Jesus to Adam and Eve.

I surmise that English is your second language. What is you native language?

Well I really really tried to learn English. I attend the lectures in that language. I attended lectures in other countries too in other languages. One thing with the English is that it is very convenient and there is a lot if spell checkers but a lot if times the spell checkers go to the wrong word and mess up my words. I guess thus is how the devil shuts me up. I probably deserve it.

My language is a very small north European language, spoken called Lapp/Saami.
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