The Inconvenient Truth About the Democratic Party.

The retard sees old time KKK members were Democrats and thinks that has some relevance to the modern day. They ignore the fact that there were far right wing Democrats behind the segregationist movement. Those far right wing Democrats are the political ancestors of the modern day far right wing Republicans.

Kennedy was in Dallas on November 22, 1963 precisely to try to court the far right element of his party so he could run for re-election the following year. Governor Connally was a leading figure of the far right Democrats.

"KKK is Democrat" as though the KKK would support the modern day Democratic platform of affirmative action, ObamaCare, gay marriage, labor unions, higher taxes, and bigger government!

I honestly do not know why their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance. The only explanation I can come up with is that it requires actual cognition to suffer from the dissonance which would arise from such contradictory thoughts.

Just how willfully stupid do you have to be to keep banging the "KKK is Democrat" drum? Clearly, we have a cognition problem.

This is exactly the same willful stupidity that thinks the word "socialism" in National Socialism means Nazis are left wing.

There is a historical revisionist movement afoot to overturn reality so that the extreme right wing can make headway into the mainstream.

They are Republicans now.


Go Trump!
The KKK is a right wing Christian terrorist organization. The pseudocons refuse to call it a Christian terrorist organization, even though they demand ISIS be called a Muslim terrorist organization.

You have the stench of hypocrisy all over you, tards.
It is astonishing to me how willfully uninformed you tards are about American history. Your propaganda mills absolutely depend on your willing stupidity and ignorance.

Hooded Americanism


...the Klan faction took control of the Republican county...
Every goddam month, like clockwork, some bigoted tard starts one of these topics. I am always glad to hand them their ass.
"With the Democrats running on a straight anti-Klan issue..."

New York. Ohio. Maine. Missouri. Colorado. Kansas. Oklahoma.

Dominated by Klan Republicans.

The Klan dominated the Republican party across the entire nation. The Klan so infected the GOP that some Republicans wanted to start an independent party.

Kind of like those of us who are sick of Trump and his Chumps who have infected the modern GOP.

I guess I should not be surprised Trump's Chumps are so profoundly ignorant of American history. Trump depends on them forgetting shit from five minutes ago, after all. And they happily oblige.


We're Republicans now.

I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


And I like to start topics proving those good old boys were racists and slave owners! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!
Yes. Everybody freely admits that in the 1800's the Democrats were not supportive of blacks. Please point out any of those democrats from the 1800's that are still members of our government, and I promise not to vote for them.

LBJ was a Democrat in the 1800's? Really?
The tards think they are teaching us all something by informing us the Klan and Democratic racists were far right Christian conservatives. :lol:

My god, just how ignorant and stupid do you have to be to think we don't already know these things? :lol:

It's like when Trump learns something for the first time, he thinks no one else in America knew about it before he did!
Every goddam month, like clockwork, some bigoted tard starts one of these topics. I am always glad to hand them their ass.

You proved that the republicans was against the KKK.
Yet you claim they became the KKK.
Here's an inconvenient truth, you ignorant fucks:


Every goddam month, like clockwork, some bigoted tard starts one of these topics. I am always glad to hand them their ass.

You proved that the republicans was against the KKK.
Yet you claim they became the KKK.
No, I proved the Klan was bi-partisan, idiot. I proved they were and are far right Christian terrorists. The parties were not all conservative or all liberal back then. There were conservative and liberal factions in each party, and a lot of the conservatives in both parties were Klansmen.

And no, the GOP did not become KKK. The KKK became Republican.

All caught up now?
This is the problem with modern day republicans, they're stuck in the past. You have to be naive or lying to say that democrats and republicans are the same as they were 100 or even 50 years ago.
Why are you leaving out what that says, they were against the clan.

The left took it over just like the they always do.
Like in the women's movement in the sixties.
It had many women in the beginning, then the left took it over and many women dropped out of the hate filled rhetoric of the left.

Now as to the claim which is correct ,we do have big government controllers in both parties.
This is the problem with modern day republicans, they're stuck in the past. You have to be naive or lying to say that democrats and republicans are the same as they were 100 or even 50 years ago.

No one that I'm reading is doing that.
You must know the history to see what is happening for the future and learn from past mistakes.

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