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The Indictment Of This War Criminal

2. Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb? Or the intentions of the 7th century barbarians who rule Iran????

What do you expect - he was sired by an Anti-Colonialist Muslim father who wanted to see the US fall, attended Muslim schools, was tutored by the prominent Communist Frank Marshall Davis, was educated in the criminal 'Chicago Way' by thug / criminal Antoin 'Tony' Rezco, and was mentored by hate-spewing Un-American Racist 'Rev' Jeremiah Wright for almost 2 decades?!

"What do you expect ..."

I expect to expose the cryto-Islamist who always intended to nuclear arm the worst of western civilization's enemies.

And to point a finger at every fool who empowered Hussein Obama to do just that.
Is there anyone that believes your blathering is relevant to anything? Any nation with 20th century technology, just about all the third world nations, can produce a nuclear weapon if they so decide.
I do. Obama did just what her text says he did.
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?


Yeah, I'm sure those who control Iran understand the concept of mutually assured destruction.
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?


Yeah, I'm sure those who control Iran understand the concept of mutually assured destruction.

And in your post, more proof that the most ignorant among us defend Obama.

Do you know what a belief in the 12th Imam, and the desire for worldwide conflagration, ,means????

It means that they don't care if they are destroyed.

“We love death like our enemies love life!”
You are being redirected...

“We should by now have become used to the death cult that is thriving at the fringes of the Muslim world. This is the cult of people who are proud to declare, "You love life, but we love death." This is the cult that sent waves of defenseless children to be mowed down on the battlefields of the Iran-Iraq war, that trains kindergartners to become bombs, that fetishizes death, that sends people off joyfully to commit mass murder. Because the death cult is not really about the cause it purports to serve. It's about the sheer pleasure of killing and dying.” Cult of Death

Pleeeeezzzzz try not to be so stupid!
3. Fools are influenced by rhetoric, and don't look for facts, or truth.....and fools were as easily manipulated in the case of the Iran Nuclear Scam.

Hussein Obama used the excuse that it was either his fraudulent Iran Nuclear Treaty.....or American troops in another war.

That was a lie.

a. Obama, the war criminal, the man who would reverse decades of non-nuclear proliferation attempts in the civilized world hired Ben Rhodes, a failed novelist, to conjure up stories that the media would portray as facts....

"Rhodes’s innovative campaign to sell the Iran deal is likely to be a model for how future administrations explain foreign policy to Congress and the public. The way in which most Americans have heard the story of the Iran deal presented — that the Obama administration began seriously engaging with Iranian officials in 2013 in order to take advantage of a new political reality in Iran, which came about because of elections that brought moderates to power in that country — was largely manufactured for the purpose for selling the deal.

Even where the particulars of that story are true, the implications that readers and viewers are encouraged to take away from those particulars are often misleading or false. " The Aspiring Novelist Who Became Obama’s Foreign-Policy Guru

And his sheep bought it like it was on sale!

b. There never was any reason to give Iran the bomb. The sanctions were strangling Iran.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically. Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation.

Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow)

Why did Hussein Obama demand that the worst state sponsor of terrorism be awarded with a nuclear bomb?????
The explanation is Obama's hatred of Israel, of America and of all of Western Civilization.

Indict him as a war criminal.
easy and pc- two partisan idiot peas in a pod.

Haven't you noted that every one of your most closely held beliefs has been shredded over and over?

Everyone else has noticed.

Let's prove it together: clearly, this thread has irked you, put a burr under your saddle, you donkey.....
....yet you have been unable to find a single thing that you are able to deny.

So....inadvertently, you have provided testimony as to the veracity of my posts.

I'll give you a moment to look up the words in the above that you are unfamiliar with.....
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?


What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?


View attachment 146876

.....clearly, this thread has irked you, put a burr under your saddle, you donkey.....
....yet you have been unable to find a single thing that you are able to deny.

So....inadvertently, you have provided testimony as to the veracity of my posts.

I'll give you a moment to look up the words in the above that you are unfamiliar with.....
easy and pc- two partisan idiot peas in a pod.

Haven't you noted that ..

I have noticed that every one of your threads is filled full of partisan lunacy.

And easy is your fellow travellor in partisan lunacy.

Still unable to find a single, itsy-bitsy thing you feel capable of disputing?????
Not a thing in the entire thread???

Yet here you are, back to grab the title of 'dunce.'

...clearly, this thread has irked you, put a burr under your saddle, you donkey.....
....yet you have been unable to find a single thing that you are able to deny.

So....inadvertently, you have provided testimony as to the veracity of my posts.

I'll give you a moment to look up the words in the above that you are unfamiliar with.....
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?


View attachment 146876

.....clearly, this thread has irked you, put a burr under your saddle, you donkey.....
....yet you have been unable to find a single thing that you are able to deny.

So....inadvertently, you have provided testimony as to the veracity of my posts.

I'll give you a moment to look up the words in the above that you are unfamiliar with.....

I don't respond to lunacy. I mock it.
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?


View attachment 146876

.....clearly, this thread has irked you, put a burr under your saddle, you donkey.....
....yet you have been unable to find a single thing that you are able to deny.

So....inadvertently, you have provided testimony as to the veracity of my posts.

I'll give you a moment to look up the words in the above that you are unfamiliar with.....

I don't respond to lunacy. I mock it.

4. What could Hussein Obama have done to stop Iran's blood lust for nuclear weapons?

He could have just said 'no.'

Or.......Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he actually intended to end Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism and its desire for nuclear weapons:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. , p.185

"Reagan .... thought the aim of American foreign policy should be not to get along with the Communist powers but to hasten their end.

He opposed the Helsinki accords because he thought they codified the captive status of Moscow's East European satellites. He believed détente conferred a false legitimacy upon states whose governments were not installed by the consent of the governed.

He agreed with Churchill and with the Democrats' mid-century presidents that the best way to avoid a war was to be ready to fight one, and he quoted in one of his radio addresses the phrase "No nation ever saved its freedom by disarming itself in the hope of placating an enemy," from NSC-68, one of the Cold War founding documents of the Truman administration.

Thirty years earlier, these beliefs were the views of politicians of both major parties, .... Reagan's aim was to restore these views to the national dialogue, and in time he did." Reagan in Opposition

Obama's aim was always to nuclear arm the worst of western civilization's enemies.
And he did.
PoliticalChic, post: 18054090
No, RealDumb.....Hussein Obama made certain that the 7th century savages who have sworn to destroy civilization have a nuclear bomb.

No that is a lie. Obama did not act alone. G5+1 negotiated the deal. Iran is complying. Trump agrees. All you got is hate for Obama. You have nothing else.

PoliticalChic, post: 18053758
Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?

Billions know we can't make broad assumptions about what the distant future will bring with regard to Iran. We can see what the current and not too distant future brings. Iran is complying and we know they are reducing their weaponization capability and allows inspections. That was seen by most experts and negotiators as the safest and most intelligent path forward. Perhaps the latter is what prevents you from understanding what is gong on.

You really miss Obama don't you? You have no reason for existing in hate world now that his great TWO terms as President have come and gone.
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?

so, who is the war criminal of your title?

bt, i am all for using this term for certain US politicians, and certainly certain presidents who start wars of choice.

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