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The Indictment Of This War Criminal

PoliticalChic, post: 18057783
b. Since he had the ability to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?


Two Years Later, the Iran Deal Is a Success

The American Conservative makes this point:

"Opponents of the deal repeatedly claimed that the agreement would “pave the way” for Iranian nuclear weapons. This was an outstanding example of the opponents’ bad-faith arguments, since they kept insisting that the deal would produce the one result that it definitely wouldn’t. That allowed them to pose as supporters of the goal of nonproliferation while working overtime to sabotage a nonproliferation agreement, but fortunately they lost the argument. "

Stupid, hateful, warmongering buffoons opposed this deal. They lost the argument.
Last edited:
RetiredGySgt, post: 18059681
No he did not he made a deal that ALLOWS them unfettered research and sites with no fear of inspection.

Source that.
Provide a quote from the agreement we made that allows inspections of ANY site in Iran. In fact in the news recently Iran laughed when we ask them to allow UN inspections of suspect sites. They said we had no right, be specific now and quote where Obama got an agreement that allows inspections.
1. You don't know what my religion is.

But I'm sure whatever it is, it's one of the stupid ones.

2. Judeo-Christian tradition is not based on slaughter of non-believers.

And we took all his cities at that time, and utterly destroyed the men, and the women, and the little ones, of every city, we left none to remain. Deuteronomy 2:34

And we utterly destroyed them, ... utterly destroying the men, women, and children, of every city. Deuteronomy 3:6

And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them. Deuteronomy 7:2

And thou shalt consume all the people which the LORD thy God shall deliver thee; thine eye shall have no pity upon them. Deuteronomy 7:16

Thou shalt surely smite the inhabitants of that city with the edge of the sword, destroying it utterly, and all that is therein, and the cattle thereof, with the edge of the sword. Deuteronomy 13:15

But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth. Deuteronomy 20:16-17

And they utterly destroyed all that was in the city, both man and woman, young and old, and ox, and sheep, and ass, with the edge of the sword. Joshua 6:21

So smote all the country ... he left none remaining, but utterly destroyed all that breathed, as the LORD God of Israel commanded. Joshua 10:40

Thus saith the LORD of hosts ... go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass. 1 Samuel 15:2-3

And my Personal Favorite...

Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones. -- Psalm 137:9

What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.
For the imbeciles who have come slithering up to shield Hussein Obama....

a. As he swore that he would stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?

b. Since he had the ability to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?

c. Since knew how a real President had ended the Evil Empire, and could have done the same, why didn't he stop them?

d. Since he knew that Iran paid 20-30% of North Korea's GDP to serve as their nuclear weapons laboratory, why didn't he make ending that a part of the Iran Nuclear Scam....or...why didn't he stop them?

e. And, for you Obama boot-lickers........either answer those questions or get back under the rocks you squirmed out of.

a- Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons
b- Iran still doesn't have nuclear weapons.
c- Ending the evil empire nearly bankrupted us.
d- Paranoid delusion
e- THink we have it covered.

The revelation of this amazingly well constructed thread is that the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist, Hussein Obama has made certain that the homicidal blood cult that rules Iran will have nuclear weapons.

You, being a low-life gutter snipe, pretend that you don't recognize that as a fact.
Why would you start a thread and then not discuss it?

You are the definition of a TWUNT.

Obviously, you are new to the Mail Order Bride From Hell's posts.

She puts her bullet pointed crazy in the OP.
She then says everyone who disagrees with her is wrong.
She then continues on her bullet pointed crazy.

Rinse, wash, repeat.

Oh, I am more than familiar with PoliticalSlut's posting style. She opens up and shares her psychotic ramblings with us and then makes up more random shit in an effort to answer our questions.

Vulgarity and attempts at slander....simply by posting the truth I've reduced you to the
knuckle-dragging simpleton that everyone knows you to be.
easy and pc- two partisan idiot peas in a pod.

Haven't you noted that ..

I have noticed that every one of your threads is filled full of partisan lunacy.

And easy is your fellow travellor in partisan lunacy.
And the whole time they are puckering up and kissing Putin's ass just like the treasonous fat senile old orange clown.

The only ones with any connections to Russia were the Democrats.

There is zero evidence that of any collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russians.

There are scads of evidence of collusion between the media and the DNC, and there is this:
The only folks with a close relationship with the Russians are Democrats.
The names Clinton and Podesta come to mind.

1. "52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe"
52% Say Clintons Should Be Part of Russia Probe - Rasmussen Reports™

Here's why:
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.
The first Republican President

2. And this:
"Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

...the Russian atomic energy agency, Rosatom, had taken over a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes stretching from Central Asia to the American West. The deal made Rosatom one of the world’s largest uranium producers and brought Mr. Putin closer to his goal of controlling much of the global uranium supply chain.

....major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family. Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Uranium One’s chairman used his family foundation to make four donations totaling $2.35 million. Those contributions were not publicly disclosed by the Clintons,...."


3. "Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin"
Both Hillary Clinton And John Podesta Made Millions From Russia & Putin » Liberty Alliance


4. "EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank"
EXCLUSIVE: Dem Super-Lobbyist Podesta Got $170K to End US Sanctions On Russian Bank

You're too stupid to understand this...but the old saying is true: to know what the Left is guilty of, see what they blame the other side of doing.

5. News anchor highlights all of the known links to Russia

6. Democrat collusion???

"Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador’s House

Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill (Mo.) used a personal foundation to pay for a dinner she attended at Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak's Washington, D.C., residence. The senator had failed to disclose her role in the foundation until earlier this month.

McCaskill came under fire this March after she told the Washington Post she never had a "call or meeting" with Kislyak even though she had publicly announced both a call and meeting with him. This week, CNN reportedthat McCaskill also attended a black-tie reception at Kislyak's D.C. residence in November 2015.

McCaskill's attendance at the dinner was accompanied by an $873 payment to the American-Russian Cultural Cooperation Foundation, where Kislyak serves on its board of directors as honorary chairman."

Claire McCaskill Used Undisclosed Foundation to Pay for Dinner at Russian Ambassador's House

7. Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

...the powerful Washington lobbying firm run by Clinton ally Tony Podesta filed a document admitting its work for the pro-Russia European Centre for a Modern Ukraine may have principally benefited a foreign government. New disclosures revealed dozens of previously unreported interactions the firm made with influential government offices, including Hillary Clinton's State Department and the office of former Vice President Joe Biden, while lobbying on behalf of the center. Embattled ex-Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort failed to disclose his extensive lobbying efforts on behalf of the center at the time as well.

How do you say 'whoops' in Russian? Podesta Group retroactively files more DOJ disclosures for pro-Putin work

PoliticalChic, post: 18057783
b. Since he had the ability to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?


Two Years Later, the Iran Deal Is a Success

The American Conservative makes this point:

"Opponents of the deal repeatedly claimed that the agreement would “pave the way” for Iranian nuclear weapons. This was an outstanding example of the opponents’ bad-faith arguments, since they kept insisting that the deal would produce the one result that it definitely wouldn’t. That allowed them to pose as supporters of the goal of nonproliferation while working overtime to sabotage a nonproliferation agreement, but fortunately they lost the argument. "

Stupid, hateful, warmongering buffoons opposed this deal. They lost the argument.

I used to believe that you couldn't be this stupid......but, you are.

The 'success' is awarding Iran with nuclear weapons.
What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.

Uh, these things are in your Holy Book. Now, if they really do belong thousands of years in the past, you should probably edit them out.

I should also point out that within the last century, Christians DID engage in a genocide against the Jews, and they were all wearing belt buckles that read "God's With Us" when they did it.

The revelation of this amazingly well constructed thread is that the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist, Hussein Obama has made certain that the homicidal blood cult that rules Iran will have nuclear weapons.

You, being a low-life gutter snipe, pretend that you don't recognize that as a fact.

I think the problem is that you lack pragmatism.

Let's look at the reality. The Germans, French and British opened up negotiations with Iran to end sanctions in exchange for limits on their nuclear program. We, the Russians and Chinese muscled our way into those talks, and to Obama's credit, he got some more concessions out of the Iranians that we would have gotten if the deal had remained between the Ayatollahs and those other five countries, who just want to lift sanctions.

The reason why your Trumpenfuhrer is going along with the deal Obama hammered out is that if he does backsies, the other five power will just shrug their shoulders and start trading with Iran unilaterally.

You see, the thing is, we kind of cried wolf with Saddam, and no one believes us anymore when we shout hysterically, "Country X is going to get nukes and kill us all!!!"

We also don't have the military capability to end Iran's program. Their facilities are too well protected to be taken out by conventional means. And given that Iran is cooperating with inspections, we'd be in the wrong here.

So as much as the Zionists hysterically try to get us to fight ANOTHER war for them, the fact is, this is probably the best deal we are going to get.
What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.

Uh, these things are in your Holy Book. Now, if they really do belong thousands of years in the past, you should probably edit them out.

I should also point out that within the last century, Christians DID engage in a genocide against the Jews, and they were all wearing belt buckles that read "God's With Us" when they did it.

The revelation of this amazingly well constructed thread is that the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist, Hussein Obama has made certain that the homicidal blood cult that rules Iran will have nuclear weapons.

You, being a low-life gutter snipe, pretend that you don't recognize that as a fact.

I think the problem is that you lack pragmatism.

Let's look at the reality. The Germans, French and British opened up negotiations with Iran to end sanctions in exchange for limits on their nuclear program. We, the Russians and Chinese muscled our way into those talks, and to Obama's credit, he got some more concessions out of the Iranians that we would have gotten if the deal had remained between the Ayatollahs and those other five countries, who just want to lift sanctions.

The reason why your Trumpenfuhrer is going along with the deal Obama hammered out is that if he does backsies, the other five power will just shrug their shoulders and start trading with Iran unilaterally.

You see, the thing is, we kind of cried wolf with Saddam, and no one believes us anymore when we shout hysterically, "Country X is going to get nukes and kill us all!!!"

We also don't have the military capability to end Iran's program. Their facilities are too well protected to be taken out by conventional means. And given that Iran is cooperating with inspections, we'd be in the wrong here.

So as much as the Zionists hysterically try to get us to fight ANOTHER war for them, the fact is, this is probably the best deal we are going to get.

What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.

"this is probably the best deal we are going to get."

Hard to determine whether you are more a moron or more a low-life liar.

There never was any reason to give Iran the bomb. The sanctions were strangling Iran.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

"....the sanctions against Iran — and the context for them internationally and within Iran — have changed dramatically. Since 2010, the sanctions’ impact on Iran has been severe: its oil exports and revenues plummeted; the value of its currency eroded; trade disruptions shuttered businesses and exacerbated inflation.

Quietly, a backlash emerged among Iran’s political elites against the country’s creeping isolation, and the June 2013 presidential election ushered in a moderate new president and the beginnings of a diplomatic breakthrough on the nuclear crisis — achievements that most observers attribute to the impact of sanctions."
Why “Iran Style” Sanctions Worked Against Tehran (And Why They Might Not Succeed with Moscow)

.......Obama could have done what Reagan did, had he actually intended to end Iran's support for terror and Islamofascism and its desire for nuclear weapons:

"...the president [Reagan] signed National Security Decision Directive (NSDD) 32, which....called for aid to Solidarity, counter-propaganda in Poland, tightening of sanctions on the Soviet Union, and covert activities to achieve these objectives.

Reagan sent out 328 such 'Top Secret' directives to the diplomatic, military, and intelligence agencies during his presidency."
The President, the Pope, And the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p. , p.185

"Reagan .... thought the aim of American foreign policy should be not to get along with the Communist powers but to hasten their end.

He opposed the Helsinki accords because he thought they codified the captive status of Moscow's East European satellites. He believed détente conferred a false legitimacy upon states whose governments were not installed by the consent of the governed.

He agreed with Churchill and with the Democrats' mid-century presidents that the best way to avoid a war was to be ready to fight one, and he quoted in one of his radio addresses the phrase "No nation ever saved its freedom by disarming itself in the hope of placating an enemy," from NSC-68, one of the Cold War founding documents of the Truman administration.

Thirty years earlier, these beliefs were the views of politicians of both major parties, .... Reagan's aim was to restore these views to the national dialogue, and in time he did." Reagan in Opposition

Obama's aim was always to nuclear arm the worst of western civilization's enemies.
And he did.
What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.

Uh, these things are in your Holy Book. Now, if they really do belong thousands of years in the past, you should probably edit them out.

I should also point out that within the last century, Christians DID engage in a genocide against the Jews, and they were all wearing belt buckles that read "God's With Us" when they did it.

The revelation of this amazingly well constructed thread is that the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist, Hussein Obama has made certain that the homicidal blood cult that rules Iran will have nuclear weapons.

You, being a low-life gutter snipe, pretend that you don't recognize that as a fact.

I think the problem is that you lack pragmatism.

Let's look at the reality. The Germans, French and British opened up negotiations with Iran to end sanctions in exchange for limits on their nuclear program. We, the Russians and Chinese muscled our way into those talks, and to Obama's credit, he got some more concessions out of the Iranians that we would have gotten if the deal had remained between the Ayatollahs and those other five countries, who just want to lift sanctions.

The reason why your Trumpenfuhrer is going along with the deal Obama hammered out is that if he does backsies, the other five power will just shrug their shoulders and start trading with Iran unilaterally.

You see, the thing is, we kind of cried wolf with Saddam, and no one believes us anymore when we shout hysterically, "Country X is going to get nukes and kill us all!!!"

We also don't have the military capability to end Iran's program. Their facilities are too well protected to be taken out by conventional means. And given that Iran is cooperating with inspections, we'd be in the wrong here.

So as much as the Zionists hysterically try to get us to fight ANOTHER war for them, the fact is, this is probably the best deal we are going to get.

"We also don't have the military capability to end Iran's program. Their facilities are too well protected to be taken out by conventional means. And given that Iran is cooperating with inspections, we'd be in the wrong here."

Exactly the same arguments other lying scum used against Ronald Reagan when he imposed his will on the USSR:

Strobe Talbott, "American foreign policy analyst associated with Yale University and the Brookings Institution, a former journalist associated with Time magazine, and a diplomat who served as [Bill Clinton's] Deputy Secretary of Statefrom 1994 to 2001." Strobe Talbott - Wikipedia

Talbott wrote this in 1981:

"Though some second-echelon hardliners in the Reagan administration...espouse the early 1950s goal of rolling back Soviet domination of Eastern Europe, the US simply does not have the military or political power to do that."

But, with a real American President, we did just that.

Talbot doesn't need to take back what what clearly wrong, because dunces like you are ready to accept any lies, as long as they come from the Left.
What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.

Uh, these things are in your Holy Book. Now, if they really do belong thousands of years in the past, you should probably edit them out.

I should also point out that within the last century, Christians DID engage in a genocide against the Jews, and they were all wearing belt buckles that read "God's With Us" when they did it.

The revelation of this amazingly well constructed thread is that the back-stabbing cryto-Islamist, Hussein Obama has made certain that the homicidal blood cult that rules Iran will have nuclear weapons.

You, being a low-life gutter snipe, pretend that you don't recognize that as a fact.

I think the problem is that you lack pragmatism.

Let's look at the reality. The Germans, French and British opened up negotiations with Iran to end sanctions in exchange for limits on their nuclear program. We, the Russians and Chinese muscled our way into those talks, and to Obama's credit, he got some more concessions out of the Iranians that we would have gotten if the deal had remained between the Ayatollahs and those other five countries, who just want to lift sanctions.

The reason why your Trumpenfuhrer is going along with the deal Obama hammered out is that if he does backsies, the other five power will just shrug their shoulders and start trading with Iran unilaterally.

You see, the thing is, we kind of cried wolf with Saddam, and no one believes us anymore when we shout hysterically, "Country X is going to get nukes and kill us all!!!"

We also don't have the military capability to end Iran's program. Their facilities are too well protected to be taken out by conventional means. And given that Iran is cooperating with inspections, we'd be in the wrong here.

So as much as the Zionists hysterically try to get us to fight ANOTHER war for them, the fact is, this is probably the best deal we are going to get.

"So as much as the Zionists hysterically try to get us to fight ANOTHER war for them, the fact is, this is probably the best deal we are going to get."

Soooo....that's the consubstantial basis that you share with the other back-stabbing crypto-Islamist, Obama....

....both of you hate Jewish folks.
What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

Just you.

You;re repeating yourself. The Holocaust (enthusiastically carried out by Christians and excused by the Church) wasn't thousands of years ago.

There never was any reason to give Iran the bomb. The sanctions were strangling Iran.

This from the Left-leaning Brookings Institute...

Except the German, British, French, Russian and Chinese saw no reason to continue them. They were cruel and unnecessary, and more importantly to them, denied THEM business opportunities.

You think the Russians would have continued sanctions when we were screwing them over in the Ukraine? Seriously?

Exactly the same arguments other lying scum used against Ronald Reagan when he imposed his will on the USSR:

Except the fall of the USSR had nothing to do with Ronald Reagan. The USSR fell for the same reason the British Empire fell. It did not fall because Ronnie Ray-gun bought $600 toilet seats.

The Iranians aren't maintaining an empire. True, our foolish policies have handed Iran and Syria to them, but that's kind of on us.
The 'success' is awarding Iran with nuclear weapons.

You are too Ignorant to know success vs failure.


Bush's Iran Policy Has Failed
By David Ignatius
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Absent some last-minute fireworks, President Bush will leave office with a kind of double failure on Iran: Administration hard-liners haven't checked Tehran's drive to acquire nuclear-weapons technology, and moderates haven't engaged Iran in negotiation and dialogue.

David Ignatius - Bush's Iran Policy Has Failed

Read the rest moron.
PoliticalChic, post: 18060434
What sort of lying low-life imbecile needs to go back thousands of years to find a false comparison with a contemporary homicidal blood cult???

The book was written over two thousand years again but you and many others believe it is the word of God,

I would never put God in such a low position to have authored such atrocious language. But you do. So it is all relevant today.
What is it that Obama decided was acceptable to be unleashed upon the world?

Nuclear bombs.

1. "... he’d... read about nuclear explosions, looked at photographs of the survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The violence these bombs unleashed was unimaginable, though it didn’t have to be imagined. It had already happened.

Most civilians assumed that the lethality of a nuclear bomb resulted from the radiation it produced, the gamma rays and neutrons that caused leukemia and other cancers. But radiation, though terrifying, was not the deadliest part of the blast. Even a small bomb — like the ones dropped on Japan,....— created a fireball hundreds of feet around, with a temperature of seven thousand degrees Celsius, hotter than the surface of the sun. The fireball could burn the skin of people standing two miles away. The most horrifying pictures from Hiroshima came from the triage tents where the burn victims had gathered to die, their skin torn off, their clothes melted to their bodies.

At the same time, the explosion produced a massive shock wave that traveled at almost a thousand miles an hour, faster than the speed of sound. In other words, the blast hit before its victims could hear it coming. The wave was far stronger than the biggest tornado or hurricane, leveling buildings and tearing people to shreds. For the first half-mile from the epicenter of the blast, no human being or animal, no matter how well protected, could survive.

Along with the shock wave and the fireball came a blast of radiation. The splitting of the uranium atoms released gamma rays, high-energy particles that ricocheted through the body like tiny bullets, killing cells and damaging DNA. The rays attacked the entire body, but they were especially damaging to soft tissue and marrow. The most heavily dosed victims suffered acute radiation sickness and bled out, hemorrhaging through their skin. Other victims seemed fine for the first few weeks after the explosion. Then their hair fell out, their skin sloughed off as if they were rattlesnakes molting, their stomachs turned into bloody sinkholes. Unable to eat or drink, they starved to death. And even at relatively low doses, the radiation could kill years later by causing leukemia and lymphoma.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki had shocked the world so much that for two generations nations had come together to prevent another nuclear blast. They’d built tens of thousands of bombs. But they’d never again used one, not against civilians, not even on enemy armies. Not the Americans, not the Russians, not the Indians or the Pakistanis."
From the novel "The Silent Man," by Alex Berenson

Are there any who believe that Obama didn't know the effects of a nuclear bomb?

Are there any who doubt that the 7th century barbarians who control Iran would use them?

Obama put together a group of countries & stopped Iran from getting a bomb.
No he did not he made a deal that ALLOWS them unfettered research and sites with no fear of inspection.

Yes he did. There are inspections. There is verification. Quit lying.
I can't quite follow your delusions.

Are you implying that Obama is a war criminal because of Hiroshima?

Come back when logic is no longer your enemy.

Now, be gone.

Why would you start a thread and then not discuss it?

You are the definition of a TWUNT.

Here's your discussion, dunce.

Exactly as expected.....when challenged to give a cogent explanation for Hussein Obama's stabbing of America and Israel in the back...

a. As he swore that he would stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?

b. Since he had the ability to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons, why didn't he stop them?

c. Since knew how a real President had ended the Evil Empire, and could have done the same, why didn't he stop them?

d. Since he knew that Iran paid 20-30% of North Korea's GDP to serve as their nuclear weapons laboratory, why didn't he make ending that a part of the Iran Nuclear Scam....or...why didn't he stop them?

....the half-heads recognized that they were ill equipped to answer beyond 'Sez you!'
and 'Issssss noootttttt!!!'

...and they silently slunk away.

Seems I've proven my exposition.

The Iran agreement stopped Iran from getting a nuclear weapon.

As you bitch about Iran, you fail to mention how Iran grew to have the influence it does. Your buddy George W Bush took out Iran's number one enemy, Sadam.

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