The inept and corrupt federal government

More corruption:

Government Funded Ice Cream: $1.2 million

The USDA is paying dairy farmers to produce ice cream and many other dairy confections:

“In Wisconsin and New York, a farmer cooperative and creamery received a grant to expand production and marketing of organic Greek yogurt. A Missourifarm will be using a grant it received also to produce yogurt, but from sheep’s milk. A farm in Pennsylvania received a grant as well to expand its yogurt business but will use some of the money to build its Mexican chocolate business.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
I wonder if farms unable to sell their products, can lead to a depression?
Architecture can suck.

Art can suck.

Parks can suck.

Clean streets are not the responsibility of the federal government.

Hold onto your belief so you can justify your nanny state fetish.
Wars can suck too

But we keep paying for them

Two wrongs make a right ?

The wars we are in now are stupid. I've always been against them.

However, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution that one of the duties of the federal government is to declare war.

At the same time, just because you can does not mean you should....and in this case it feels like Vietnam.
Three lefts make a right

IOW: You lost.

If I want my government picking art, it will be my local government.

Not Obama or Trump.

Went right over your head


I saw it for exactly what it was.

Nice try though.
The American people need to make this our #1 priority. It is our money that they are playing with and our children's future that they are destroying. It is inexcusable and should end with criminal charges against those involved.

Poodle, you should go back with your brilliant Idea to use Red Solo Cups at diplomatic functions rather than spring for classy glassware...
If you want "classy" - go into the private sector. The public sector has a responsibility to take frugality to unprecedented levels.

It's ok Joey. We get it. You can't defend your position so you have to make irrational claims like the federal government needs "classy glassware". :eusa_doh:
If you want "classy" - go into the private sector. The public sector has a responsibility to take frugality to unprecedented levels.

It's ok Joey. We get it. You can't defend your position so you have to make irrational claims like the federal government needs "classy glassware"

Uh, guy, we are talking about places that sponsor state dinners with business leaders and diplomats from other countries.

They aren't going to be as impressed as you are by Red Solo Cups.

It's why business meetings aren't done at McDonalds... they are done at nice restaurants. If you weren't fetching the Big Man's Coffee, they might actually invite you to them some day.
More corruption:

Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

This project garnered the support of three government agencies (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation). In an effort to study the swirl created when sea monkeys move throughout the water, researchers developed a “laser guided,” “choreographed” team of synchronized swimming sea monkeys.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

I actually read your mischaracterized and deceptive links

Most demonstrate an astounding ignorance of research and how test animals are used to draw conclusions about larger populations under controlled circumstances
Examples of how Patriot would look at major scientific breakthroughs

Pavlovs dogs: Government wastes money to teach dogs to salivate

Gregor Mendels research on genetic mutation: Government wastes money breeding fruit flies

Soviets send dog "Laika" into space: Government wastes money creating dog astronauts
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As to the election, it was going to suck no matter who won. But I have really enjoyed watching the baboons on the left screaming and throwing feces like the spoiled brats they are.

I think it makes you a small person if you think that getting a bad president is worth it in order to spite your political opponents.

If this had been reversed, and the Dems nominated Sanders and the Republicans nominated Cruz, I'd have voted for Cruz, not because I like him, but because Sanders is a crank.

Clearly, you put your petty spite above the good of the country. Shame on you.

You really do make stuff up to argue against.

I said they both sucked. From the days they were sucked.

My enjoyment over watching the left implode was not the focus of my vote. It was a by-product of Dorko's election.

Had Clinton won, I would have probably enjoyed watching the far right self-ignite.

I would have voted for Sanders. At least he "seems" to care about people. The rest of them have their heads shoved so far up their rears they are looking out their belly buttons.

I would have voted for Sanders also.
More corruption:

Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

This project garnered the support of three government agencies (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation). In an effort to study the swirl created when sea monkeys move throughout the water, researchers developed a “laser guided,” “choreographed” team of synchronized swimming sea monkeys.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

I actually read your mischaracterized and deceptive links

Most demonstrate an astounding ignorance of research and how test animals are used to draw conclusions about larger populations under controlled circumstances
Desperate, much? All of that would be funded in the private sector if anyone cared. This is just lazy, useless progressives finding a way to keep being lazy, useless progressives.
Examples of how Patriot would look at major scientific breakthroughs

Pavlovs dogs: Government wastes money to teach dogs to salivate

Gregor Mendels research on genetic mutation: Government wastes money breeding fruit flies

Soviets send dog "Laika" into space: Government wastes money creating dog astronauts
Examples of how rightwinger actually views the U.S. Constitution:
  • The document doesn't matter - government has unlimited power because I said so
  • Laws do not matter and should be ignored at all costs
  • Anything which transfer money from people who work to people who refuse to work is to called "legal" and "proper" no matter how ridiculous.
Examples of how Patriot would look at major scientific breakthroughs

Pavlovs dogs: Government wastes money to teach dogs to salivate

Gregor Mendels research on genetic mutation: Government wastes money breeding fruit flies

Soviets send dog "Laika" into space: Government wastes money creating dog astronauts
Examples of how rightwinger actually views the U.S. Constitution:
  • The document doesn't matter - government has unlimited power because I said so
  • Laws do not matter and should be ignored at all costs
  • Anything which transfer money from people who work to people who refuse to work is to called "legal" and "proper" no matter how ridiculous.

Nothing in the Constitution precludes the Government from funding research. You are welcome to identify any legal case that supports your twisted views
More corruption:

Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

This project garnered the support of three government agencies (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation). In an effort to study the swirl created when sea monkeys move throughout the water, researchers developed a “laser guided,” “choreographed” team of synchronized swimming sea monkeys.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

I actually read your mischaracterized and deceptive links

Most demonstrate an astounding ignorance of research and how test animals are used to draw conclusions about larger populations under controlled circumstances
Desperate, much? All of that would be funded in the private sector if anyone cared. This is just lazy, useless progressives finding a way to keep being lazy, useless progressives.

Some is...But the key is that Government funding opens up a realm of possibilities in scientific research

Major breakthroughs resulting from Government funding......Space travel, nuclear energy, the internet, computers, GPS, jet aircraft

They "could" have been funded by the private sector...but they weren't
Nothing in the Constitution precludes the Government from funding research. You are welcome to identify any legal case that supports your twisted views
I've given you endless schooling on the U.S. Constitution junior. You laughably think that if you believe something isn't true, it ceases to be true. That's just not reality.

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and research is not one of them. Neither is art shows. So simple, so cut & dry, only a progressive could be confused by it.
Nothing in the Constitution precludes the Government from funding research. You are welcome to identify any legal case that supports your twisted views
I've given you endless schooling on the U.S. Constitution junior. You laughably think that if you believe something isn't true, it ceases to be true. That's just not reality.

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and research is not one of them. Neither is art shows. So simple, so cut & dry, only a progressive could be confused by it.

You did?

Then where is your court case supporting your twisted view of the Constitution?
Major breakthroughs resulting from Government funding......Space travel, nuclear energy, the internet, computers, GPS, jet aircraft

They "could" have been funded by the private sector...but they weren't
You forgot about split-personalities by funding the sexual abuse of children (CIA's MK-Ultra program) and giving black people syphilis (The Tuskegee Experiment).
Nothing in the Constitution precludes the Government from funding research. You are welcome to identify any legal case that supports your twisted views
I've given you endless schooling on the U.S. Constitution junior. You laughably think that if you believe something isn't true, it ceases to be true. That's just not reality.

The U.S. Constitution explicitly restricts the federal government to 18 enumerated powers and research is not one of them. Neither is art shows. So simple, so cut & dry, only a progressive could be confused by it.

You did?

Then where is your court case supporting your twisted view of the Constitution?
Why are you pointing at courts? We're talking about the U.S. Constitution. Oh wait....that's right....the U.S. Constitution proves you're an idiot. You don't understand it, have never read it, and thus you need to change the subject whenever it comes up.

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