The inept and corrupt federal government

As to the election, it was going to suck no matter who won. But I have really enjoyed watching the baboons on the left screaming and throwing feces like the spoiled brats they are.

I think it makes you a small person if you think that getting a bad president is worth it in order to spite your political opponents.

If this had been reversed, and the Dems nominated Sanders and the Republicans nominated Cruz, I'd have voted for Cruz, not because I like him, but because Sanders is a crank.

Clearly, you put your petty spite above the good of the country. Shame on you.
Art, parks, architecture, clean streets all add to quality of life
Please cite the section of the U.S. Constitution which stipulates that "adding to quality of life" is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government.

Do you understand quality is a subjective term? One you feel is "quality" is not one I feel is "quality". Something which is subjective cannot be law.
More corruption:

Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000

The National Institutes of Health paid this six figure sum to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine in order to discern whether Swedish massages would be helpful in recovering from an illness.

“A group of rabbits received daily rub downs from a 'mechanicagtl device that simulates the long, flowing strokes used in Swedish massages.'”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
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Teaching Mountain Lions to Ride a Treadmill: $856,000

The National Science Foundation shelled out nearly a million taxpayer dollars to determine if captive mountain lions could be trained to ride a treadmill. The University of California-Santa Cruz researcher even boasted about receiving the grant saying, “People just didn’t believe you could get a mountain lion on a treadmill, and it took me three years to find a facility that was willing to try.” If anyone was wondering, it took the lions all of eight months to learn.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Studying how many times “hangry” people stab a voodoo doll: $331,000

After teaching mountain lions about treadmills, the National Science Foundation also funded a study to come up with the self evident conclusion that hungry people tend to be more angry and aggressive. They tested this theory by allowing spouses to poke pins into voodoo dolls as their “hanger” grew.

“Over the course of twenty-one consecutive evenings, 107 couples were given a chance to stick up to 51 pins into a voodoo doll representing their spouse. The pin-pushing happened in secret, away from the other partner. Participants then recorded the number of pins they poked into the dolls. Those tests revealed what may already be obvious to many couples: a spouse with low blood sugar was an angrier one, and stuck more pins in the doll.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Studying the gambling habits of monkeys: $171,000

Another NSF grant funded the study of gambling monkeys. Under the guise of studying the “hot-hand bias” in human gamblers, the University of Rochester devised a computer game, taught monkeys to play it, and studied how they responded to winning and losing. A doctoral candidate who worked on the study seemed pleased to learn, “Luckily, monkeys love to gamble.” Taxpayers, on the other hand, will not be pleased to find out this study is set to continue through May of 2018.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Producing the children’s musical: Zombie in Love: $10,000

The National Endowment for the Arts funded the production of a musical to die for. Aimed at children four and up, the musical tells the story of Mortimer the teenage zombie and his quest to find love and happiness. The NEA officials justified this use of tax money by saying that Mortimer “exemplifies anyone who has felt like an outsider.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Funding a “Stoner Symphony”: $15,000

The location of this performance shouldn’t shock anyone. What is sure to shock taxpayers is the amount of their money that was provided to the Colorado Symphony Orchestra to host “Classically Cannabis: The High Note Series.” Not only was the program pot-related, the people were encouraged to inhale (and chow down) while watching.

“One of the three concerts, called Summer Monsoon, advertised on its website this way, ‘Smoke up and fill your belly with Manna’s spiced pork, Sesame Seed Teriyaki Chicken, & Filipino Empanadas.’”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Subsidizing Alpaca Poop: $50,000

In addition to this project making the cut for Sen. Coburn, this little gem was also covered by last month. The U.S. Department of Agriculture shelled out a hefty sum to help develop and market Alpaca “Poop Packs” for use as fertilizer. This is government waste, literally.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Synchronized Swimming for Sea Monkeys: $307,524

This project garnered the support of three government agencies (National Science Foundation, Office of Naval Research, and U.S.-Israel Binational Science Foundation). In an effort to study the swirl created when sea monkeys move throughout the water, researchers developed a “laser guided,” “choreographed” team of synchronized swimming sea monkeys.

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
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Produce a “Hallucinatory” Roosevelt/Elvis show: $10,000

In what could quite possibly be the weirdest project on this list, the NEA helped fund the production of a show about the hallucinatory journey of a girl pretending to be Elvis and gallivanting around with America’s 26th president.

“In one scene, Ann hallucinates that she is Elvis, and that she and Teddy are romping around their hotel room in their underwear, with Teddy eventually riding around on Elvis’s back as though he were a bucking bronco.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Funding Climate Change Alarmist Video Game: $5.2 million

As polls show climate change is dead last on the Americans’ list of priorities, the NSF felt the need to help “spur climate change activism.” They paid Columbia University to develop a video game entitled “Future Coast,” where rising seas cause mass chaos and weather calamities of epic proportions. The story is set to a bunch of voicemails from the future describing the anarchy.

“One caller claims “neo-luddites” are out to kill anyone with scientific knowledge,496 and another paints a cryptic image of a zombie apocalypse saying that ‘when you see them, you will know what to do.’”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Teaching Kids to Laugh: $47,000

The National Endowment for the Humanities funded classes at UCLA and Butler University to teach college students about laughter. In seminar’s like “Why is it funny” student will presumably learn “how laughter plays with our perceptions” and “whether comedy is a ‘guy thing’.”

“As a final project, students will develop either a stand-up routine or a, “comedy piece using the tools of digital storytelling.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Developing a real-life Iron Man Suit: $80 million

It seems the DoD is attempting to capitalize on the popularity of the Iron Man movies in order to develop its very own real-life replica. Dubbed TALOS (Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit), the Pentagon will spend the next four years trying to build a suit made “of military super-armor to withstand bullets and carry hundreds of pounds, all powered by [a] futuristic energy source.” But, there’s one slight problem, it doesn’t work:

“And while a promotional video for the TALOS program shows bullets ricocheting off a cartoon soldier dressed in the suit, field tests have so far found soldiers struggling to run, dive, and shoot when using the real thing.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

* this one is particularly disturbing since we could keep soldiers completley safe by using remote controlled drones (both air drones and ground drones) to fight wars and it would cost less
Wars can suck too. But we keep paying for them
Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government and the people making those decisions were constitutionally elected. Funny how that works, uh?

Defense means protecting yourself from attack
Not waging wars on the other side of the planet

That is my interpretation of the Constitution
More corruption:

Teaching Kids to Laugh: $47,000

The National Endowment for the Humanities funded classes at UCLA and Butler University to teach college students about laughter. In seminar’s like “Why is it funny” student will presumably learn “how laughter plays with our perceptions” and “whether comedy is a ‘guy thing’.”

“As a final project, students will develop either a stand-up routine or a, “comedy piece using the tools of digital storytelling.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

Most of our conservatives could use a class on developing a sense of humor
Wars can suck too. But we keep paying for them
Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government and the people making those decisions were constitutionally elected. Funny how that works, uh?

Defense means protecting yourself from attack
Not waging wars on the other side of the planet

That is my interpretation of the Constitution
"Waging wars on the other side of the planet" protects us from attack on our soil. That's every person's rational "interpretation" of "waging wars on the other side of the planet".

By the way - you don't get to "interpret" the U.S. Constitution any more than you get to "interpret" that a 25mph speed limit actually means 45mph for you. The law says what the law says. And the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Game over cupcake!
Allowed ?

I really want the government (that is so owned by special interests) to pick my art for me at my expense ?

Don't think so.

They don't pick it for you...they pick it for the public

Art enhances quality of life and quality of life is part of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

So, I'm not the public ?

Thanks for letting me know.

Some art enhances the quality of life for some people.

And art is not part of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

What a stupid concept.

Art, parks, architecture, clean streets all add to quality of life

Architecture can suck.

Art can suck.

Parks can suck.

Clean streets are not the responsibility of the federal government.

Hold onto your belief so you can justify your nanny state fetish.
Wars can suck too

But we keep paying for them

Two wrongs make a right ?

The wars we are in now are stupid. I've always been against them.

However, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution that one of the duties of the federal government is to declare war.

At the same time, just because you can does not mean you should....and in this case it feels like Vietnam.

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