The inept and corrupt federal government

He only pleases one crowd....and you are not in it.

He pushes something like that and he's likely to piss off his base.

Why would he do that? His base has already shown they have no principles.

Frankly, what I've seen from his base is a lot of rationalizing, from chumming up with Putin (remember when Romney said Russia was our biggest threat?) to defending talking about grabbing pussy.

As I said, I think that he will probably do the infrastructure thing because it would get wide support, it would create jobs, and it will show he's getting things done. He'll probably still find a way to fuck it up, though.

He won't.....our federal government will.

They seem good at paying top dogs a lot of money to be stupid.
As to the election, it was going to suck no matter who won. But I have really enjoyed watching the baboons on the left screaming and throwing feces like the spoiled brats they are.

I think it makes you a small person if you think that getting a bad president is worth it in order to spite your political opponents.

If this had been reversed, and the Dems nominated Sanders and the Republicans nominated Cruz, I'd have voted for Cruz, not because I like him, but because Sanders is a crank.

Clearly, you put your petty spite above the good of the country. Shame on you.

You really do make stuff up to argue against.

I said they both sucked. From the days they were sucked.

My enjoyment over watching the left implode was not the focus of my vote. It was a by-product of Dorko's election.

Had Clinton won, I would have probably enjoyed watching the far right self-ignite.

I would have voted for Sanders. At least he "seems" to care about people. The rest of them have their heads shoved so far up their rears they are looking out their belly buttons.
Wars can suck too. But we keep paying for them
Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government and the people making those decisions were constitutionally elected. Funny how that works, uh?

Defense means protecting yourself from attack
Not waging wars on the other side of the planet

That is my interpretation of the Constitution
"Waging wars on the other side of the planet" protects us from attack on our soil. That's every person's rational "interpretation" of "waging wars on the other side of the planet".

By the way - you don't get to "interpret" the U.S. Constitution any more than you get to "interpret" that a 25mph speed limit actually means 45mph for you. The law says what the law says. And the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Game over cupcake!
I wonder if a study has been done on the number of times the average citizen breaks the law each day?
Wars can suck too. But we keep paying for them
Defense is the constitutional responsibility of the federal government and the people making those decisions were constitutionally elected. Funny how that works, uh?

Defense means protecting yourself from attack
Not waging wars on the other side of the planet

That is my interpretation of the Constitution
"Waging wars on the other side of the planet" protects us from attack on our soil. That's every person's rational "interpretation" of "waging wars on the other side of the planet".

By the way - you don't get to "interpret" the U.S. Constitution any more than you get to "interpret" that a 25mph speed limit actually means 45mph for you. The law says what the law says. And the U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the land.

Game over cupcake!
Defense means Defense of our soil

Fighting for the profits of Capitalists is not Constitutional
They don't pick it for you...they pick it for the public

Art enhances quality of life and quality of life is part of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness"

So, I'm not the public ?

Thanks for letting me know.

Some art enhances the quality of life for some people.

And art is not part of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

What a stupid concept.

Art, parks, architecture, clean streets all add to quality of life

Architecture can suck.

Art can suck.

Parks can suck.

Clean streets are not the responsibility of the federal government.

Hold onto your belief so you can justify your nanny state fetish.
Wars can suck too

But we keep paying for them

Two wrongs make a right ?

The wars we are in now are stupid. I've always been against them.

However, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution that one of the duties of the federal government is to declare war.

At the same time, just because you can does not mean you should....and in this case it feels like Vietnam.
Three lefts make a right
So, I'm not the public ?

Thanks for letting me know.

Some art enhances the quality of life for some people.

And art is not part of "Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness".

What a stupid concept.

Art, parks, architecture, clean streets all add to quality of life

Architecture can suck.

Art can suck.

Parks can suck.

Clean streets are not the responsibility of the federal government.

Hold onto your belief so you can justify your nanny state fetish.
Wars can suck too

But we keep paying for them

Two wrongs make a right ?

The wars we are in now are stupid. I've always been against them.

However, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution that one of the duties of the federal government is to declare war.

At the same time, just because you can does not mean you should....and in this case it feels like Vietnam.
Three lefts make a right

IOW: You lost.

If I want my government picking art, it will be my local government.

Not Obama or Trump.
I wonder if a study has been done on the number of times the average citizen breaks the law each day?
With 330 million citizens - and some violating accidentally while others violating intentionally, I would imagine it is a lot. But what is your point? Does that make it ok?
Defense means Defense of our soil. Fighting for the profits of Capitalists is not Constitutional
And we are defending our soil by ensuring the bombs and the bullets are flying somewhere else. You have to stop getting your "information" from Hollywood movies - they are make believe my friend.
Two wrongs make a right? The wars we are in now are stupid. I've always been against them. However, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution that one of the duties of the federal government is to declare war. At the same time, just because you can does not mean you should....and in this case it feels like Vietnam.
How can the wars we are in now be "stupid" when at least one of them was the result of 9/11. Not going into war over that was not an option.
Swedish massages for rabbits: $387,000

The National Institutes of Health paid this six figure sum to the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine in order to discern whether Swedish massages would be helpful in recovering from an illness.

“A group of rabbits received daily rub downs from a 'mechanicagtl device that simulates the long, flowing strokes used in Swedish massages.'”

You do realize they test out medical treatments on animals before they try them on humans, right?

Or is that some of that dun-der science they didn't teach you at Talking Snake U?
Art, parks, architecture, clean streets all add to quality of life

Architecture can suck.

Art can suck.

Parks can suck.

Clean streets are not the responsibility of the federal government.

Hold onto your belief so you can justify your nanny state fetish.
Wars can suck too

But we keep paying for them

Two wrongs make a right ?

The wars we are in now are stupid. I've always been against them.

However, it is clearly spelled out in the constitution that one of the duties of the federal government is to declare war.

At the same time, just because you can does not mean you should....and in this case it feels like Vietnam.
Three lefts make a right

IOW: You lost.

If I want my government picking art, it will be my local government.

Not Obama or Trump.

Went right over your head

Last edited:
More corruption:

Tweeting at Terrorists: $3 million

The State Department is aiming to fight terrorists in ISIS and al-Qaeda online as well as on the battlefield. Its new program is intended to “counter the sophisticated propaganda machines of terrorist groups around the globe.” However, their Twitter campaign, “Think Again, Turn Away” has been almost universally panned as not only ineffective but also counter-productive.

“A recent commentator in Time Magazine put it more bluntly, saying, ‘this outreach by the U.S. government is not only ineffective, but also provides jihadists with a stage to voice their arguments...’”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
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Predicting the End of Humanity: $30,000

As opposed to finding new ways to explore the solar system, NASA is instead spending its budget on a study to predict how the world will end. Researchers from the University of Maryland and Minnesota came back with an intriguing and politically advantageous answer: Income inequality. They warned that an “unequal distribution of wealth” has “led to civilizational collapse.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
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Help Parents Counter Kids’ Refusals to Eat Fruits and Veggies: $804,254

In an attempt to aid parents across America whose kids have refused to eat their greens, the NIH has funded a Smartphone game called “Kiddio: Food Fight.” The game is supposed to help parents counter sophisticated childhood rebuttals like “Yuk!”

“Parents will select a vegetable to offer Kiddio and then select a tactic for influencing Kiddio to eat the veggie.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Lost electronic devices from NASA: $1.1 million

It seems thousands of agency provided electronics are lost in space. NASA hasn't kept track of the thousands of Smartphones, tablets, and AirCards they've provided their employees. At the same time, “Over 2,000 devices – 14 percent of the total owned by the agency– went unused for at least 7 months from 2013-2014.” On the agency’s list of lost items, they've listed “laptops, video tapes, and moon rocks.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
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Studying if Wikipedia is Sexist: $202,000

The NSF sent nearly a quarter of a million dollars to NYU and Yale researchers to study if any gender bias existed on the website Wikipedia. Because Wikipedia can be edited by almost anyone, the study followed “accusations of sexism in content and among contributors at Wikipedia.” One example of sexism uncovered by researchers was quite the bombshell:

Wikipedia contributors were biased because they had characterized some female novelists as “American Female Novelists” on Wikipedia, rather than “American Novelists.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars
More corruption:

Asking heavy drinkers not to drink through text message: $194,090

Researchers plan to use this swath of taxpayer money to conduct a study wherein they text “heavy drinkers,” warn them not to drink, and monitor whether they do in fact get drunk.

“For example, some study subjects will get a daily 3 P.M. text message reminding them of the consequences of heavy drinking.”

Top 20 Worst Ways the Government Wasted Your Tax Dollars

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