The inept and corrupt federal government

What does that have to do with anything numbnut, you whackadoodles all congrat each other and support your lies. Besides you have ton more posts because you have no life. When you provide the link let me know, oh wait, that won't happen.

I provide links wh en I feel like it.. and you guys don't read them, or if you do, you clearly don't understand them...

I don't cast pearls before swine.

Thanks for proving you are nothing but a fucking liar.
I realize that but that doesn't change the fact you are a fucking liar and you are only here for my entertainment. Lately you have been less than entertaining.
I realize that but that doesn't change the fact you are a fucking liar and you are only here for my entertainment. Lately you have been less than entertaining.

well, I'm glad you realize you need professional help. That's the first step.

I don't need help, I'm not the whackadoodle that feels the need to lie on a freakin message board. You are just a stupid idiot that blames the world for your problems dealing with work and your piss poor social life. I feel sorry for you, you are a real loser.
I don't need help, I'm not the whackadoodle that feels the need to lie on a freakin message board. You are just a stupid idiot that blames the world for your problems dealing with work and your piss poor social life. I feel sorry for you, you are a real loser.

Right.. you don't need help. Keep telling yourself that, spanky.

I don't need to lie, you do, yet you think others need help. :lmao:
Dumbshit, you answered me and I wasn't even talking to you. They only question I asked was the one you never answered, so unless you can answer the question or at least be entertaining. So far you are like your life very boring and sad.
Dumbshit, you answered me and I wasn't even talking to you. They only question I asked was the one you never answered, so unless you can answer the question or at least be entertaining. So far you are like your life very boring and sad.
He's painful to deal with, isn't he? Joey there blames the world for his problems. And he wants to make them societies problems. Incredibly stupid.
Uh, guy, your argument is silly. The Japanese have unions that are stronger than ours. Japanese unions even have a say in who the CEO is.'s not an "argument". It's a fact. Something you progressives are adverse to.

Do you really want to compare Japanese unions to ours? Okay. Here's a start. In Japan, 18.5% of the workforce is unionized compared to the US> In fact, the Japanese labor unions are so strong, the unemployment rate rarely goes above 5%. Japan realizes the emphasis needs to be on not paying stockholders, but on keeping people employed.
Yes. I really do want to "compare Japanese unions to ours". The fact that you have to point to a higher union participation shows you're a disingenuous hack who just got his ass handed to him with facts. What they flying leap difference does bit make that they have 18% participation rate?!? Who argued that? Nobody.

The fact remains that in Japan, it is intolerable and unheard of for a subordinate to leave before their manager. Therefore, the first person to leave the office every day is the CEO. The last person to leave is the bottom tier "grunt". And CEO's put in 12 to 16 hour days. When you're ready to have assembly line workers put in those kinds of hours, I will be the first in line to demand that they deserve a larger part of the pie at the expense of the CEO's salary (i.e. not from raising rates on the customer to cover it - which is what happens in the real world sparky). But lets be honest put in 4 hours and you start whining. And 3 of those you spend jerking around and not producing anything.
It's because the company owns the union, the union will do whatever they are told. That is why they call them company unions.

If unions are a popular as everyone claims, why are they shrinking in membership?

I explained that. Jesus Fucking Christ, I explain stuff to you and you are too stupid to understand and if I explain it to you again, you still won't get it. don't explain anything. You lie. There is a big difference. Like the way you lie about the percentage of people in Japanese unions when that wasn't even the discussion. It had nothing to do with the issue at hand. And you know it. You're a disingenuous hack.
Dumbshit, you answered me and I wasn't even talking to you. They only question I asked was the one you never answered, so unless you can answer the question or at least be entertaining. So far you are like your life very boring and sad.
He's painful to deal with, isn't he? Joey there blames the world for his problems. And he wants to make them societies problems. Incredibly stupid.

He got fired from several jobs because he is an asshole. His fellow employees probably shake their heads at him after he gets done crying at the water cooler and he has to supplement his income with a part time job. Joey cries it is not his fault and blames others for his poor work ethic.
The federal government has reached levels of ineptitude and corruption the likes of which have never been seen before by man. They are nearly $20 trillion in debt, have far exceeded the 18 enumerated powers they were authorized to oversee, and are now oppressing the very people they are supposed to answer to and represent.
A number of administrations have been charged with the same crimes. It is part and parcel of American politics. I think the administration historians have charged with the most ineptitude and corruption has been the Harding administration.
The federal government has reached levels of ineptitude and corruption the likes of which have never been seen before by man. They are nearly $20 trillion in debt, have far exceeded the 18 enumerated powers they were authorized to oversee, and are now oppressing the very people they are supposed to answer to and represent.
A number of administrations have been charged with the same crimes. It is part and parcel of American politics. I think the administration historians have charged with the most ineptitude and corruption has been the Harding administration.
Well that's why I said the "federal government" and not the "<insert name here> Administration".
He's painful to deal with, isn't he? Joey there blames the world for his problems. And he wants to make them societies problems. Incredibly stupid.

And here's another whiner.

"Waaaah, I'm upset because the system I support is a shit sandwich for working people and they aren't putting up with it anymore, before I made my fortune! Waaaaah."
Yes. I really do want to "compare Japanese unions to ours". The fact that you have to point to a higher union participation shows you're a disingenuous hack who just got his ass handed to him with facts. What they flying leap difference does bit make that they have 18% participation rate?!? Who argued that? Nobody.

Well, except that unions have a halo effect. We had our greatest prosperity in terms of wages when we had 33% union membership. Why? Because even if you aren't in a union, unions do keep wages high for non-union members. They have to offer decent wages in order to compete for talent.

So of course, when a country like Japan has an 18% union membership rate, it benefits everyone.

The fact remains that in Japan, it is intolerable and unheard of for a subordinate to leave before their manager.

Right, you made this claim, but it really doesn't mean much of anything. Why would a manager need to be around? Point is, you really don't want people to stick around past the 40 hours, because then you got to pay them overtime. Dumbass. don't explain anything. You lie. There is a big difference. Like the way you lie about the percentage of people in Japanese unions when that wasn't even the discussion. It had nothing to do with the issue at hand. And you know it. You're a disingenuous hack.

Well, yeah, it did. YOu were just too stupid to understand the concept.

Workers with rights are productive workers. they are happy workers. They are motivated.

You think you can pay someone minimum wage, and they'll be motivated and won't totally vote for more socialism after they have to go to the government for food stamps and section 8.

and when they do EXACTLY THAT, just like I warned you they would, you whine.


He got fired from several jobs because he is an asshole. His fellow employees probably shake their heads at him after he gets done crying at the water cooler and he has to supplement his income with a part time job. Joey cries it is not his fault and blames others for his poor work ethic.

Uh, actually, how I got my start in the second job was my coworkers coming to me to write their resumes for them because the people we worked for were suck dicks. after about the tenth one did so, I got the idea, "Hey, maybe I can do this for money!"

But the reason why the job that permanently cured me of Republican Stupidity was lost was because my wonderful, douchebag boss- the one who would fire girls when they got pregnant - deluded himself into thinking that we were just going to ride one customer into the sunset, even though we were warning him for a year he and the other managers needed to get their asses out there.

And when to no one's surprise, they finally did discontinue our services, the fired the experienced people because we made too much money.

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