The inept and corrupt federal government

lol another thread wherein both sides are full of shit. Hilarious, and some thnk it some sort of mystery why the country is tanking. lol
There is nothing "full of shit" about the government being inept and corrupt. The information is all there. Ask an adult to read it to you when you're done with your cereal.

The evidence that "Global Warming" is a scam is overwhelming...

Government cherry-picks the research it funds. The Feds have spent tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars on global warming – oops, I mean climate change studies. I would bet there hasn’t been ten grand total spent on scientists who are man-made climate change skeptics. Because proving there’s no problem – means there’s no justification for government to grow.

But from 1998 until as recently as 2014, the global temperature has flat-lined. No warming. Virtually no change at all. Did a government-funded study find this empirical fact? No. In fact, the government has spent a lot of money, time and effort trying to suppress this information – and attacking those who cite it.

Because according to government – it ain’t science if it doesn’t grow government.

Why Is it Only ‘Science’ When It Grows Government? | RedState's because the Japanese line worker works a 1,000x's harder than the American line worker. You should really research this stuff before commenting. In Japan, it is inconceivable for a subordinate to leave before their manager. That means that the CEO is always the first to leave the office. If they put in a 16 hour day, the corporate directors can't leave until after those 16 hours. Then the executive manager can't leave until after them. Then the mid-level managers can't leave until after the executive managers. And so on down the line. So guess who puts in the most hours in Japan chief? That's right - the "grunts". Thus, they deserve more than their American counter-parts. If you want to increase the cushy union life of the American worker to 18 hour days, I'll be the first in line to support your call for higher wages for them at the expense of the executives. But knowing American unions workers - I can tell you right now that they will literally inflict physical violence on you if you call for that. They love their cushy little 4 hour shift, one hour break, 4 hour shift and go home to $60,000 per year salaries, cadillac healthcare plans, and cadillac pensions with gobs of vacation time and little work.

Uh, guy, your argument is silly. The Japanese have unions that are stronger than ours. Japanese unions even have a say in who the CEO is.

No, Japanese workers are not putting in 16 hour days. Not that has anything to do with why a Japanese CEO only makes 20 times what a line worker makes and why an American CEO makes 400 times.
I find much of your post unacceptable.

Ike was not a peacemaker. He allowed the military industrial complex to grow uncontested, allowed the CIA enormous power resulting in coups in Iran and elsewhere causing terrible harm. He approved the Bay of Pigs...he was a terrible interventionist. He had to know the assassination of JFK was a coup by the Deep State, but did nothing. That said, Hillary is a thousand times worse than Ike. He was not a notorious crazed liar like she is. He was not so dumb as to call the head of Russia another Hitler.

To think the Constitution is safe, when it clearly is under assault by the Left, is delusional. The Bill of Rights is steadily and gradually being eliminated. The American ruling elite is so corrupt and criminal, the end is near. But I admire your ability to deceive yourself...and live in a dream world. I can't.

Ryan will be Hillary's butt boy. He will do as instructed as will Little Bitch McConnell, but you won't see it.
Gipper, the depth of your bitterness and cynicism is fearsome. Clearly we are all like the nine blind men describing an elephant, seeing only parts of the issues. What you see in Hillary, I see in Trump only worse. sigh.
Your post only proves you to be delusional.

Clinton is clearly a proven commodity, but you think Trump is. Can't fix stupid.
Gipper, I dare you to dig into Trump as deep as you dig into Clinton. And lay off the stupid. It stifles honest argument.
Trump has never been in politics. Hillary has never been outside politics. Apparently this means nothing to you or you think Hillary is better for it. Silly.

She has lied for 30 years...committing some unbelievably heinous actions while in our government. Trump has done none of this.

I guess you think saying dumb things and acceptiong the groping lies, makes Trump worse than the worse politician in our history.
I say a lot of dumb things, gipper, and as for the groping, I believe it. However the only comment I have made about that is that it is a non-issue with me. The fact that Trump has never been in politics does not mean he is sterling of character. I would point out to you that his mantra of pay-for-play accusations against Hillary is both unproven at State Dept. and also one of the pillars of his belief of good business that he has bragged about in speeches and in print, and is now under investigation for, in Florida. Do you think changing chairs will change that deal-making philosophy? Have you read Trump's strategic campaign Emails? Do you think he wouldn't have a public persona different from a private one when making any of his famous deals? He knows all the tricks of the trade he accuses Hillary of because that's what he uses and even credits for his yuuge success. You believe she lies because Trump says it. And yet with Trump U, stiffed contractors, using his Foundation money to pay both bills and bribes (Fla), bragging about his prowess in stiffing the IRA, using the money of others then claiming bankruptcy...and because it only affected Joe Sixpack, you imply it is not 'unbelievably heinous'?

So, needless to say, I disagree
You clearly get your news from NBC CBS ABC CNN PBS MSLSD NYSLIMES WAPO LA TIMES ETC... all of whom run 24/7 hatefests of Trump....and you aren't smart enough to recognize propaganda.
Uh, guy, your argument is silly. The Japanese have unions that are stronger than ours. Japanese unions even have a say in who the CEO is.'s not an "argument". It's a fact. Something you progressives are adverse to.
Uh, guy, your argument is silly. The Japanese have unions that are stronger than ours. Japanese unions even have a say in who the CEO is.'s not an "argument". It's a fact. Something you progressives are adverse to.

Do you really want to compare Japanese unions to ours? Okay.

Here's a start. In Japan, 18.5% of the workforce is unionized compared to the US>

In fact, the Japanese labor unions are so strong, the unemployment rate rarely goes above 5%. Japan realizes the emphasis needs to be on not paying stockholders, but on keeping people employed.
The Japanese economy has been sluggish for a long time. Union membership is currently down to a low of 18.5%, the US is 11.4%.

For all the good that many claim the workforce is leaving unions.

As far as control of the company? In Japan they have "company unions" which are dominated by the company.
The Japanese economy has been sluggish for a long time. Union membership is currently down to a low of 18.5%, the US is 11.4%.

For all the good that many claim the workforce is leaving unions.

As far as control of the company? In Japan they have "company unions" which are dominated by the company.

I think you are a little confused, as usual. The workers aren't leaving unions, the unions have been subjected to a 35 years war against the middle class that started when your boy, Ronnie Ray-gun, busted the PATCO strike. And since white people are, well, kind of stupid, they are supporting Trump, who is one of the worst offenders in union busting.

Donald Trump Is the Anti–Labor Day Candidate: Running Against Fair Wages, Worker Rights, and Unions

The thing is, unions in Japan and Germany have a say in who gets to be the CEO.

Now, it is true, German and Japanese unions have work councils organized by company as opposed to locals of national unions. There is a value to that. But workers have a lot more say than American workers do, and it shows in the productivity of their workers and teh quality of their products.

You've never heard of a Japanese equivalent of a Chevette, or a Pinto, or any of the other cars listed as lemons. If the Yugo wasn't marketed in the US, the Big Three would have a monopoly on the "Worst Cars" list.

The 50 Worst Cars of All Time - TIME
The Japanese economy has been sluggish for a long time. Union membership is currently down to a low of 18.5%, the US is 11.4%.

For all the good that many claim the workforce is leaving unions.

As far as control of the company? In Japan they have "company unions" which are dominated by the company.

I think you are a little confused, as usual. The thing is, those unions have a say in who gets to be the CEO.

Now, it is true, German and Japanese unions have work councils organized by company as opposed to locals of national unions. There is a value to that. But workers have a lot more say than American workers do, and it shows in the productivity of their workers and teh quality of their products.

You've never heard of a Japanese equivalent of a Chevette, or a Pinto, or any of the other cars listed as lemons. If the Yugo wasn't marketed in the US, the Big Three would have a monopoly on the "Worst Cars" list.

The 50 Worst Cars of All Time - TIME

It's because the company owns the union, the union will do whatever they are told. That is why they call them company unions.

If unions are a popular as everyone claims, why are they shrinking in membership?
It's because the company owns the union, the union will do whatever they are told. That is why they call them company unions.

If unions are a popular as everyone claims, why are they shrinking in membership?

I explained that. Jesus Fucking Christ, I explain stuff to you and you are too stupid to understand and if I explain it to you again, you still won't get it.
It's because the company owns the union, the union will do whatever they are told. That is why they call them company unions.

If unions are a popular as everyone claims, why are they shrinking in membership?

I explained that. Jesus Fucking Christ, I explain stuff to you and you are too stupid to understand and if I explain it to you again, you still won't get it.

Who listens to a liar. You have NO credibility.
Did you quit lying? Unless you have a non-partisan link, your word means absolutely nothing to me. Maybe you should try telling the truth, oh wait that is against your nature.

SO essentially, I explained it to you, you don't want to understand, because it would shatter your world view.

So we really don't have much to talk about... but if you want to keep coming over for a mocking, have at it.

You're a glutton for punishment...
Did you quit lying? Unless you have a non-partisan link, your word means absolutely nothing to me. Maybe you should try telling the truth, oh wait that is against your nature.

SO essentially, I explained it to you, you don't want to understand, because it would shatter your world view.

So we really don't have much to talk about... but if you want to keep coming over for a mocking, have at it.

You're a glutton for punishment...

I'm going by what I have read, not what you claim. I do my own research and I don't listen to people that have no credibility. You give me no reason to trust you and you can't link your BS.
I'm going by what I have read, not what you claim. I do my own research and I don't listen to people that have no credibility. You give me no reason to trust you and you can't link your BS.

So essentially, you don't want it to be true...

It isn't true and you are a fucking liar, pretty plain for everyone to see other than you because you are a lying sack of crap.
It isn't true and you are a fucking liar, pretty plain for everyone to see other than you because you are a lying sack of crap.

Yawn, this is your whole schtick...

Hey, which one us has more thanks and points? Oh, that's right. I do.

What does that have to do with anything numbnut, you whackadoodles all congrat each other and support your lies. Besides you have ton more posts because you have no life. When you provide the link let me know, oh wait, that won't happen.
What does that have to do with anything numbnut, you whackadoodles all congrat each other and support your lies. Besides you have ton more posts because you have no life. When you provide the link let me know, oh wait, that won't happen.

I provide links wh en I feel like it.. and you guys don't read them, or if you do, you clearly don't understand them...

I don't cast pearls before swine.

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