The inept and corrupt federal government

Dude...we love our system. You're the one whining. Ever notice that you fight with nearly everyone on this board? There is an old saying son: if everyone in the room is an asshole - maybe it's you.

Let's look at that.

Thanks Recieved- JoeB131 - 6783
Thanks Recieved - P@triot - 2504

so, um, if I am fighting with everyone, why do I have nearly three times as many thanks as you have?

So you went to work for an idiot. Get over it. That's as much on you as it is on them. You should have done your home work better on that company before joining it.

Here's the amusing thing. That "idiot" is now one of the vendors I have to deal with. It's amusing to watch him try to ingratiate himself with me. But that's not the point. Yeah, this guy was a jerk... But jerks don't evolve in a vacuum. His bosses and their bosses knew he was what he was.

You see, the key incident was when he justified one of his random acts of management with the words, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

If Unions are crosses to a vampire to bosses like that, I'm all for them. That's why we need unions and governments, not because you can ever rid the world of jerks, but you can fence them in.
Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

so in addition to being a complete whiner, you lack imagination... Or Observational skills.

here's a great example. The Rolando Cruz prosecution here in Dupage County. He was convicted and sentenced to death, even though another person, Brian Dugan confessed to the crime. Federal Courts ordered a retrial. They withheld evidence again, and convicted him a second time. The Courts vacated the verdict again and they were in the process of trying this poor man a third time when someone finally DNA tested the evidence, and found out, yup, Brian Dugan did it just like he said.

Oh, yeah. That States Attorney who oversaw this whole travesty? Never got voted out of office and the State GOP even ran him for governor in 2002.

Sorry, nothing the Feds do really even compares to that.

Now, you see, there used to be a time when Republicans were for smart, effective and responsible government. That's before they started pandering to loon like you and Poodle.
Lois Lerner/IRS scandal. Iran/Contra scandal. Fast & Furious scandal. Monica Lewinsky scandal. Watergate scandal. Benghazi scandal. Cornhusker Kickback. Louisiana Purchase. Clinton State Department "Pay to Play". Shall I continue?

Okay. So most of those aren't really "Scandals". Some of them aren't even real.

That's the best you've got. "Lois Lerner made me fill out more paperwork to prove my fake charity was really entitled to a tax exemption?" That big meaniehead.
There is nothing "full of shit" about the government being inept and corrupt. The information is all there. Ask an adult to read it to you when you're done with your cereal.

Government gets more corrupt the smaller you go . State level, and especially local level!

Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .

Targeting people for specific beliefs is not a fuck up, it is harassing its citizens. They IRS is supposed to follow the law and be fair handed, they went after certain PACs and admitted it. That is a corrupt government, if they went after Democratic leaning PACs and a Republican was President you would claim corruption, so knock off the stupidity.

The VA lying about wait times to Congress? That isn't corruption? Our ex-military that served our country and lying about their care isn't corrupt? Seriously?

Fast and Furious cover up is not corruption? Then why cover it up? A federal officer was gunned down by a Fast and Furious rifle and that is just a fuck up, not corruption?

You are a partisan nutjob, it is people like you that give us a cause for concern because a letter at the end of a name mean more to you than right or wrong.
Folks in Louisiana said the government was inept too ... until they needed flood relief. And then they came begging like all the other red state takers.
Dude...we love our system. You're the one whining. Ever notice that you fight with nearly everyone on this board? There is an old saying son: if everyone in the room is an asshole - maybe it's you.

Let's look at that.

Thanks Recieved- JoeB131 - 6783
Thanks Recieved - P@triot - 2504

so, um, if I am fighting with everyone, why do I have nearly three times as many thanks as you have?

So you went to work for an idiot. Get over it. That's as much on you as it is on them. You should have done your home work better on that company before joining it.

Here's the amusing thing. That "idiot" is now one of the vendors I have to deal with. It's amusing to watch him try to ingratiate himself with me. But that's not the point. Yeah, this guy was a jerk... But jerks don't evolve in a vacuum. His bosses and their bosses knew he was what he was.

You see, the key incident was when he justified one of his random acts of management with the words, "That's why I'm glad I don't have to deal with a union".

If Unions are crosses to a vampire to bosses like that, I'm all for them. That's why we need unions and governments, not because you can ever rid the world of jerks, but you can fence them in.

You have more than 3 times his post count, so his thank to post ratio is higher than yours bub.

Just sayin'.
That's why we need unions and governments, not because you can ever rid the world of jerks, but you can fence them in.
For once we agree. We can't rid the world of jerks. Most of them choose to work in government. So we have to limit them, their power, the money available to them, etc.
Here's the amusing thing. That "idiot" is now one of the vendors I have to deal with. It's amusing to watch him try to ingratiate himself with me.
Well that what you are you whining about? You just proved that the system works flawlessly. The guy was a prick and ran a company into the ground. You went somewhere else and now he needs you. You're in a position to make his life as miserable as he made your's.
Oh, yeah. That States Attorney who oversaw this whole travesty? Never got voted out of office and the State GOP even ran him for governor in 2002.
Do you have any idea how absurd you sound with this story? Barack Obama was directly responsible for putting firearms into the hands of Mexican drug cartels (when he wants them out of the hands of Americans) - one of which was traced to the murder of a border patrol agent. And guess what? Not only was Barack Obama not prosecuted - he was re-elected.
Let's look at that.

Thanks Recieved- JoeB131 - 6783
Thanks Recieved - P@triot - 2504

so, um, if I am fighting with everyone, why do I have nearly three times as many thanks as you have?
You have more than 3 times his post count, so his thank to post ratio is higher than yours bub.

Just sayin'.
Ahahahahahah! I cannot thank you enough for pointing that out boedicca. It shows two glaring things:

1.) Joey is a tool who always provides incomplete information

2.) He really needs to get a freaking girlfriend or something :lol:
Fucking up doesn't equal corruption.
And ignoring reality doesn't make it any less real. There was no "fuck up" as you say with the IRS / Lois Lerner scandal. Under orders from Barack Obama - they were instructed to suppress the efforts of conservative groups because Obama knew he was going to get his ass handed to him against Romney. He had taken one of the worst beating ever in the 2010 mid-terms and it got so bad that Dumbocrats were asking him not to campaign for them because they were losing 100% of the races in which he campaigned for their candidate.

Stop with the progressive nonsense. Stop acting like the corruption is noting more than an innocent "mistake". You cannot accidentally target a specific group of people. Grow up Timmy. Accept the facts and have an honest conversation or go away and stop wasting our time.
Watch what happens to a town when people start experiencing major delays on a road because a new business requires a construction project to create access.

As a councilmember I witnessed this for years. Citizens would show up and be completely irate over the road delays. These are the people that whine the loudest after there is a Hurricane, snowstorm, or flood. They depend on Uncle Sam deeply but don't see it.

They don't understand things like civil engineering, and that efficient roadways take amazing skill and competence on behalf of their government.

These people don't understand where the Hoover dam or satellite system came from, or the way in which big government infrastructure projects have created unimaginably large benefits to commerce and well being.

They've been conditioned to believe that government can ONLY do bad (but then they give it the power to nation build in the Middle East and act surprised when it doesn't work).

The OP obviously consumes massive amounts of rightwing press. He doesn't understand that the narrative of government incompetence, though very true in many cases, is a strategy used by his information overlords to lower taxes.

These special interests enjoy massive government subsidies and bailouts. They not only enjoy advanced industrial infrastructure but they enjoy the military defense of their overseas supply chains.

Problem is: they don't want to pay the tax burden associated with the services they suck from Uncle Sucker. So they funnel money into a vast propaganda machine which convinces people like the OP that government is evil/incompetent and thereby cannot be trusted with tax money. As a result, these special interests transfer the payment to future generations.

Judging from the Original Poster's simplistic yet ceaselessly repetitive posts, do you really think he understands the hoax?
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There was no "fuck up" as you say with the IRS / Lois Lerner scandal. Under orders from Barack Obama - they were instructed to suppress the efforts of conservative groups because Obama knew he was going to get his ass handed to him against Romney.

Can you show proof of this, other than a certainty that arises from your side's echo chamber.

The groups that you are referring to all applied for a highly specific social-benefit tax break that was clearly not part of their mission. They were all attempting to game the system, and they got caught. Obama is a pussy for not instructing the IRS to prosecute these scumbags, but of course they got their tax breaks.

Stop lying.

[FYI: the most prominent part of their mission statement was a desire to abolish the IRS and undermine the government's ability to tax. So yes, when they apply for tax breaks, they are going to receive extra scrutiny. The fact that these rightwing groups overwhelmed the IRS with applications shows how much concentrated corporate money was flowing into the supposed "grass roots" Tea Party movement. What a joke.]
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There is nothing "full of shit" about the government being inept and corrupt. The information is all there. Ask an adult to read it to you when you're done with your cereal.

Government gets more corrupt the smaller you go . State level, and especially local level!

Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .
Problem is government ALWAYS fucks up because it is run by scumbags, but I suspect you will never accept this fact.

The happiness of society is the end of government. - John Adams
Government gets more corrupt the smaller you go . State level, and especially local level!

Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .
Problem is government ALWAYS fucks up because it is run by scumbags, but I suspect you will never accept this fact.

The happiness of society is the end of government. - John Adams

If government fucks up everything, why did you give it the money and power to nation build in Iraq?

You tell us Washington can't even run this nation, but somehow you gave it the power to rebuild whole Arab nations.

We know the Dems are dumb enough to give Washington the power to save the world, but ... so.... umm ... why does your party always give it even more money & power to do BIG THINGS?

Turn off talk radio and stop lecturing the rest of us. Get your own house in order. You're like a rapist who lectures woman on decency.
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Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .
Problem is government ALWAYS fucks up because it is run by scumbags, but I suspect you will never accept this fact.

The happiness of society is the end of government. - John Adams

If government fucks up everything, why did you give it the money and power to nation build in Iraq?

You tell us Washington can't even run this nation, but somehow you gave it the power to rebuild whole Arab nations.

We know the Dems are dumb enough to give Washington the power to save the world, but ... so.... umm ... why does your party always give it even more money & power to do BIG THINGS?

Turn off talk radio and stop lecturing the rest of us. Get your own house in order. You're like a rapist who lectures woman on decency.

I did not give it power. Who do you think I am? George Soros. It took power long ago and has merely expanded that power dramatically...because too many Americans are dumb like you.

You idiots on the left always come back to W's crazy war, but never recognize that Obama is just as much a warmonger and most of the Left voted for the Iraq War....The Clintons were ALL FOR IT even before dipshit W took office!

Now you will post, as told by MediaMatters, W lied so my beloved liberal D politicians based their votes on lies. What pure unadulterated stupidity!
What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .
Problem is government ALWAYS fucks up because it is run by scumbags, but I suspect you will never accept this fact.

The happiness of society is the end of government. - John Adams

If government fucks up everything, why did you give it the money and power to nation build in Iraq?

You tell us Washington can't even run this nation, but somehow you gave it the power to rebuild whole Arab nations.

We know the Dems are dumb enough to give Washington the power to save the world, but ... so.... umm ... why does your party always give it even more money & power to do BIG THINGS?

Turn off talk radio and stop lecturing the rest of us. Get your own house in order. You're like a rapist who lectures woman on decency.

I did not give it power. Who do you think I am? George Soros. It took power long ago and has merely expanded that power dramatically...because too many Americans are dumb like you.

You idiots on the left always come back to W's crazy war, but never recognize that Obama is just as much a warmonger and most of the Left voted for the Iraq War....The Clintons were ALL FOR IT even before dipshit W took office!

Now you will post, as told by MediaMatters, W lied so my beloved liberal D politicians based their votes on lies. What pure unadulterated stupidity!
...and the pantsuit is an even bigger warmonger than W or big ears.
Watch what happens to a town when people start experiencing major delays on a road because a new business requires a construction project to create access.

Judging from the Original Poster's simplistic yet ceaselessly repetitive posts, do you really think he understands the hoax?
Judging from the simpletons misunderstanding of the post and the fact that his livelihood depends on government, do you think he really understand anything? Nope.

Londoner - nobody is complaining about local government (from my side of the aisle). Nobody. In fact, I'm making the case for expanding the power of local government back to what is used to be. And it's idiot JoeB131 (from your side of the aisle) who is all over this board proclaiming how "corrupt" local government is.

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