The inept and corrupt federal government

Just saw an estimate of 5000 at Hill's Tampa rally.
Trump's Tampa rally had 20,000
Too late to listen; the Middle Ages are pretty much history, and most, except for the wealthy, do not want to go back in time.
It speaks volumes about progressivism that you people always want to do the exact opposite of what wealthy, successful people do. No wonder you always get the exact opposite response.

And not for nothing - the 1700's were not in the "Middle Ages" chief.
Too late to listen; the Middle Ages are pretty much history, and most, except for the wealthy, do not want to go back in time.
It speaks volumes about progressivism that you people always want to do the exact opposite of what wealthy, successful people do. No wonder you always get the exact opposite response.

And not for nothing - the 1700's were not in the "Middle Ages" chief.
Yep the 1700's were the Age of Enlightenment when liberalism was taking hold and people began to believe that Kings, Earls and Dukes were passe. It was also the age of liberals revamping government to Republics with some citizens being allowed to vote.
We continue on that liberal path.
Just saw an estimate of 5000 at Hill's Tampa rally.
Trump's Tampa rally had 20,000
The sad reality is that the Dumbocrat voter doesn't really care about this country (and especially the inner city Dumbocrat voter). All they want to know is who is going to promise them what handouts. After that, they could care less if the person is a liar, if they are unethical, what positions they hold, etc.
Yep the 1700's were the Age of Enlightenment when liberalism was taking hold and people began to believe that Kings, Earls and Dukes were passe. It was also the age of liberals revamping government to Republics with some citizens being allowed to vote. We continue on that liberal path.
How ironic that liberals are trying to revert us to the very system they supposedly rejected during that era.
Yep the 1700's were the Age of Enlightenment when liberalism was taking hold and people began to believe that Kings, Earls and Dukes were passe. It was also the age of liberals revamping government to Republics with some citizens being allowed to vote. We continue on that liberal path.
How ironic that liberals are trying to revert us to the very system they supposedly rejected during that era.
It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.
It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.
So you're acknowledging then that liberals are trying to revolt and create a new government? We've been saying that for years and yet progressives always cry "conspiracy theory" when they hear the truth. It's nice to see a progressive step forward and be honest about their intentions.
There was no problem, holding non-profits up for years for no valid reason. No due process, nothing. You can't hold up a group because of a name, do you really buy the BS you are posting? That is why it has stopped, because it is wrong, both morally and ethically to treat a group of people or individuals as different.

I don't have a problem with it. I'm not even sure why these groups deserved a tax exemption to start with.

This was an attempt to circumvent the law. The IRS should have come down harder on these teabaggers than they did.

That is what you are saying not what actually happened. Without knowing what the groups did, they held up the process, they did it based on a political party which in this country is wrong. In the end no one but the IRS did anything wrong. So you are wrong.
It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.
So you're acknowledging then that liberals are trying to revolt and create a new government? We've been saying that for years and yet progressives always cry "conspiracy theory" when they hear the truth. It's nice to see a progressive step forward and be honest about their intentions.
It's the history part that's hard isn't it? The age of enlightenment is not that difficult to understand, Most US history books can help, then again, maybe not.
Yep the 1700's were the Age of Enlightenment when liberalism was taking hold and people began to believe that Kings, Earls and Dukes were passe. It was also the age of liberals revamping government to Republics with some citizens being allowed to vote. We continue on that liberal path.
How ironic that liberals are trying to revert us to the very system they supposedly rejected during that era.
It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.

What we're on the path to is not at all liberalism...
Yep the 1700's were the Age of Enlightenment when liberalism was taking hold and people began to believe that Kings, Earls and Dukes were passe. It was also the age of liberals revamping government to Republics with some citizens being allowed to vote. We continue on that liberal path.
How ironic that liberals are trying to revert us to the very system they supposedly rejected during that era.
It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.

What we're on the path to is not at all liberalism...
The nation does, in fact, stop the liberal movement at times, probably to let the conservatives adjust to the new realities. Has America changed its tack on the aged, medical care, minorities, welfare, and other "people" programs? Is Social Security a liberal program?
It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.
So you're acknowledging then that liberals are trying to revolt and create a new government? We've been saying that for years and yet progressives always cry "conspiracy theory" when they hear the truth. It's nice to see a progressive step forward and be honest about their intentions.
It's the history part that's hard isn't it? The age of enlightenment is not that difficult to understand, Most US history books can help, then again, maybe not.
Actually, it's your incoherent posts that are difficult to understand. You agree with me, then get mad when you do. You people want so badly to hijack history to cover up your own ugly and horrific history.

Thomas Jefferson founded this nation. He vehemently opposed a federal government with any powers beyond the 18 enumerated. He was conservative as it gets. Meanwhile, Dubmocrats founded the KKK. Yet every day on this board, people like you try to convince the world that Thomas Jefferson was a "liberal" (in the current communist sense of the word) and that Republican's created the KKK.

Liberalism (but the current definition) is a disease. It's an awful form of cancer which is killing the United States. It is an ideology that has been completely hijacked by communists, marxists, socialists, etc. It's concerned with handouts instead of liberty. That is not what the founders stood for and you know it.
The nation does, in fact, stop the liberal movement at times, probably to let the conservatives adjust to the new realities. Has America changed its tack on the aged, medical care, minorities, welfare, and other "people" programs? Is Social Security a liberal program?
To some degree. Have we been able to repeal them? Unfortunately, no. But we've seen the rise of the Tea Party. We've seen an increase in libertarianism. With each passing day, more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that the Dumbocrats are stone-cold committed to full communism. An unlimited dictatorship politically, and socialism economically.

You can keep twisting reality any way you want to make yourself feel better, but it doesn't change what's going on in the world.
The nation does, in fact, stop the liberal movement at times, probably to let the conservatives adjust to the new realities. Has America changed its tack on the aged, medical care, minorities, welfare, and other "people" programs? Is Social Security a liberal program?
To some degree. Have we been able to repeal them? Unfortunately, no. But we've seen the rise of the Tea Party. We've seen an increase in libertarianism. With each passing day, more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that the Dumbocrats are stone-cold committed to full communism. An unlimited dictatorship politically, and socialism economically.

You can keep twisting reality any way you want to make yourself feel better, but it doesn't change what's going on in the world.
By full communism do you mean Marx's communism or some other type?
The nation does, in fact, stop the liberal movement at times, probably to let the conservatives adjust to the new realities. Has America changed its tack on the aged, medical care, minorities, welfare, and other "people" programs? Is Social Security a liberal program?
To some degree. Have we been able to repeal them? Unfortunately, no. But we've seen the rise of the Tea Party. We've seen an increase in libertarianism. With each passing day, more and more Americans are waking up to the reality that the Dumbocrats are stone-cold committed to full communism. An unlimited dictatorship politically, and socialism economically.

You can keep twisting reality any way you want to make yourself feel better, but it doesn't change what's going on in the world.
By full communism do you mean Marx's communism or some other type?

1. containing or holding as much or as many as possible; having no empty space.
"wastebaskets full of rubbish"
synonyms: filled, filled up, filled to capacity, filled to the brim, brimming, brimful More
2. not lacking or omitting anything; complete.
"fill in your full name below"
synonyms: comprehensive, thorough, exhaustive, all-inclusive, all-encompassing, all-embracing, in depth; More
What a sad statement on your mindset. Your entire focus on getting stuff and enjoying stuff. The rest of us focus on liberty. I'd much rather die from a "treatable disease" in liberty than be cured to live longer under oppression.

"Give me liberty or give me death" - Patrick Henry

Yeah, The guy who revolted against a benevolent constitutional monarchy to avoid the horror of being Canadians.

Sorry, guy, "Liberty" doesn't mean jack shit if you are eating Alpo in your retirement because you can't afford your medications. (ANd yes, that was something George W. Bush, for all his faults, put an end to.)

If you see paying the costs of living in a civilized society as "oppressive", that's kind of your problem, not mine.
That is what you are saying not what actually happened. Without knowing what the groups did, they held up the process, they did it based on a political party which in this country is wrong. In the end no one but the IRS did anything wrong. So you are wrong.

Uh, actually, the stupid Teabaggers did something wrong. They existed while being stupid. Seriously, the Teabagger is the stupidest creature on the planet. We need to fence them the fuck off from normal people.

But no one is entitled to a tax exemption. You have to actually EARN those.

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