The inept and corrupt federal government

DNA exonerated him, you immature tool. Not six children. Not five. Not four. Not even one. Not one. But one must ask why you always want to make up a story about a slave owning male "fucking the shit" out of a slave black girl??? Sexual deviant much???

Well, first, two of those kids we can never examine because they died in childhood.

second, DNA is hardly definitive after X number of generations.

yes, it was pretty deviant for a fifty-something old Jefferson to be having sex with 15 year old Sally Hemings because she had the bad luck to be his dead wife's half sister and bore a resemblance to her. (Hemings was 3/4 white and was described as having a fair complexion.)

third, the Smithonian and Monticello are STILL firm on the point that he fathered those kids.
So let me get this straight - you're crying like a little bitch over a false accusation that Donald Trump mocked a reporter with a disability, but then you turn around viciously mock someone with a disability. Well aren't you just a special kind of dirt-bag?

Well, no, I am mocking someone who was too senile to do his job, and the people around him should have realized he was, and didn't do anything about it.

Yeah, Alzheimers is a horrible disease, but you don't give that nuclear weapons.
And that's why it's a good thing he didn't have Alzheimer's when he was President. That diagnosis didn't come until (1994?). Long after he was gone from the White House. Just one of your many lies. And yes - you were mocking him. Hypocrite.
And that's why it's a good thing he didn't have Alzheimer's when he was President. That diagnosis didn't come until (1994?). Long after he was gone from the White House. Just one of your many lies. And yes - you were mocking him. Hypocrite.

Actually, there's a lot of evidence that he did.

Oh, wait, his own son says so!

Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son

In it, Ron Reagan describes his growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition, beginning as early as three years into his first term. He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale on 7 October 1984.

"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes.

Their father's mannerisms while in office – including stumbling over his words, his occasional falling asleep in public, his weak memory – led to much speculation about how early on dementia had set in. The New York Times medical writer Larry Altman even raised the question with Reagan during an interview in 1980 just before he entered the White House. Reagan said he would quit if he developed Alzheimer's while in office.
And that's why it's a good thing he didn't have Alzheimer's when he was President. That diagnosis didn't come until (1994?). Long after he was gone from the White House. Just one of your many lies. And yes - you were mocking him. Hypocrite.

Actually, there's a lot of evidence that he did.

Oh, wait, his own son says so!

Ronald Reagan had Alzheimer's while president, says son

In it, Ron Reagan describes his growing sense of alarm over his father's mental condition, beginning as early as three years into his first term. He recalls the presidential debate with Walter Mondale on 7 October 1984.

"My heart sank as he floundered his way through his responses, fumbling with his notes, uncharacteristically lost for words. He looked tired and bewildered," Ron Reagan writes.

Their father's mannerisms while in office – including stumbling over his words, his occasional falling asleep in public, his weak memory – led to much speculation about how early on dementia had set in. The New York Times medical writer Larry Altman even raised the question with Reagan during an interview in 1980 just before he entered the White House. Reagan said he would quit if he developed Alzheimer's while in office. mean his hard-core left-wing son. So in your opinion, his unqualified son diagnosed Reagan with something that the qualified physicians didn't? Dumb ass.

That is what you are saying not what actually happened. Without knowing what the groups did, they held up the process, they did it based on a political party which in this country is wrong. In the end no one but the IRS did anything wrong. So you are wrong.

Uh, actually, the stupid Teabaggers did something wrong. They existed while being stupid. Seriously, the Teabagger is the stupidest creature on the planet. We need to fence them the fuck off from normal people.

But no one is entitled to a tax exemption. You have to actually EARN those.

And your argument has no bearing on the fact that the IRS had no right to purposely delay classification due to political beliefs. We are not a third world intolerant country. We are country that is tolerant of beliefs and ideas.
second, DNA is hardly definitive after X number of generations.
Bwahahahahaha! Ok...Barry Sheck. DNA is absolutely definitive you tool. Even after multiple generations.

Well, no, it really isn't. Mostly because we really don't know who fathered who in a lot of those generations.

Jefferson–Hemings controversy - Wikipedia

According to an initial report on the findings of a 1998 DNA study which tested the Y-chromosome of direct male-line descendants of Eston Hemings, and other related tests, there is a near 100% certainty that Thomas Jefferson was the biological father of Eston Hemings. These initial claims (that the DNA findings were definitive and conclusive proof of Thomas Jefferson's paternity) were later retracted by the lead researcher in the case, acknowledging that in fact the DNA testing itself seemed to prove only a one in eight (12.5%) genetic probability of Thomas Jefferson's paternity.[52][53]

After the initial news headlines, it later emerged that conclusive DNA proof had only been made of the near 100% certainty that Eston Hemings was the son of one of 8 different potential paternity candidates within the Jefferson family, one of whom was Thomas Jefferson, which proof the lead researcher, Eugene A. Foster, later clarified.[52]

In the Monticello Commission's report on the paternity question, Dr. David Page, one of the committee's scientific case reviewers, recommended that additional research needed to be done into "the local population structure around Monticello two hundred years ago, as respects the Y chromosome," before entirely ruling out the possibility of the paternity of any of the other 7 potential paternity candidates.[54]

No such scrutiny has been applied to Jefferson's acknowledged descendants with his lawful wife, Martha Wayles Jefferson.

So essentially, the argument isn't that DNA doesn't prove a link, only that 7 other males in that family had the same DNA, and it might have been one of them.

So here's the thing. She was Jefferson's property, not the property of one of the other seven. She happened to be the half sister of Jefferson's Dead wife, Martha, and bore a resemblence to her.

That would make it more likely that of the 8, Jefferson was the guy.
And your argument has no bearing on the fact that the IRS had no right to purposely delay classification due to political beliefs. We are not a third world intolerant country. We are country that is tolerant of beliefs and ideas.

Get real. Hey, here's the thing. In the real world, the guy who is polite to the lady at the DMV gets his license a lot faster than the guy who is a rude pig. "Yup, I think we need to give this guy the written test!"
And your argument has no bearing on the fact that the IRS had no right to purposely delay classification due to political beliefs. We are not a third world intolerant country. We are country that is tolerant of beliefs and ideas.

Get real. Hey, here's the thing. In the real world, the guy who is polite to the lady at the DMV gets his license a lot faster than the guy who is a rude pig. "Yup, I think we need to give this guy the written test!"

You don't see anyone, you submit paperwork and wait. So it looks like you are wrong again, also you have no idea how anyone treated anyone.
You're still an asshole.

Actually, I'm probably one of the nicest guys you'd ever meet...
No. Really. You're not. Here are a few of your disgusting and repulsive statements over the past few days...

"Fuck Justice Scalia. I hope he's burning in hell"

"Ronald Reagan was a senile old fuck who screamed at a wall"

"Thomas Jefferson fucked the shit out of his slave"

Dude....those are the comments of an immature asshole. It why nobody here likes you in the virtual world and why nobody can stand you in the real world.
No. Really. You're not. Here are a few of your disgusting and repulsive statements over the past few days...

"Fuck Justice Scalia. I hope he's burning in hell"

"Ronald Reagan was a senile old fuck who screamed at a wall"

"Thomas Jefferson fucked the shit out of his slave"

Dude....those are the comments of an immature asshole. It why nobody here likes you in the virtual world and why nobody can stand you in the real world.

No, those are observations on truly bad men who did bad things. I've also said bad things about Hitler and Attila the Hun.
You don't see anyone, you submit paperwork and wait. So it looks like you are wrong again, also you have no idea how anyone treated anyone.

So your argument here is that when you go to the IRS and lie about why you deserve a tax exemption meant for charities, the IRS is supposed to say, "Oky-doke"?
So your argument here is that when the government properly prevents someone from obtaining the wrong tax exemption status, they are supposed to plead the 5th, destroy their hard drives, and burn their backups? Bwahahahahaha!!!

You tool...:lmao:
So your argument here is that when the government properly prevents someone from obtaining the wrong tax exemption status, they are supposed to plead the 5th, destroy their hard drives, and burn their backups? Bwahahahahaha!!!

Why not? Congress isn't a court.

Except that they were all honorable men who are highly respected by history and didn't do any of the lies you spread about them.

You say equally vile things about Democrats...

I judge these guys on what effect their policies had on the country.

Scalia said that it was perfectly acceptable to leave people in prison even if they were innocent. That makes him lower than the lowest.

Reagan armed Bin Laden and Saddam, who murdered hundreds of thousands.

Thomas Jefferson raped at least one slave... and oh, yeah, HE FUCKING OWNED SLAVES!!!

You do understand the concept that Slavery is wrong, correct?
No. Really. You're not. Here are a few of your disgusting and repulsive statements over the past few days...

"Fuck Justice Scalia. I hope he's burning in hell"

"Ronald Reagan was a senile old fuck who screamed at a wall"

"Thomas Jefferson fucked the shit out of his slave"

Dude....those are the comments of an immature asshole. It why nobody here likes you in the virtual world and why nobody can stand you in the real world.

No, those are observations on truly bad men who did bad things. I've also said bad things about Hitler and Attila the Hun.

Why was Antonin Scalia a "bad man who has done bad things"?
You don't see anyone, you submit paperwork and wait. So it looks like you are wrong again, also you have no idea how anyone treated anyone.

So your argument here is that when you go to the IRS and lie about why you deserve a tax exemption meant for charities, the IRS is supposed to say, "Oky-doke"?

I didn't say that, they submitted the information to the IRS, the IRS targeted them based on nothing but the name. Nothing illegal in the application was found. The IRS delayed their process purposely because of apparent political affiliation. They were targeted and profiled base solely on politics. It is wrong. You are a phony liberal. Real liberals would never have put up with this.

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