The inept and corrupt federal government

It was a liberal era and liberals used it to their advantage creating a revolution and a new government. The liberalism that began in that period continues.
So you're acknowledging then that liberals are trying to revolt and create a new government? We've been saying that for years and yet progressives always cry "conspiracy theory" when they hear the truth. It's nice to see a progressive step forward and be honest about their intentions.
It's the history part that's hard isn't it? The age of enlightenment is not that difficult to understand, Most US history books can help, then again, maybe not.
Actually, it's your incoherent posts that are difficult to understand. You agree with me, then get mad when you do. You people want so badly to hijack history to cover up your own ugly and horrific history.

Thomas Jefferson founded this nation. He vehemently opposed a federal government with any powers beyond the 18 enumerated. He was conservative as it gets. Meanwhile, Dubmocrats founded the KKK. Yet every day on this board, people like you try to convince the world that Thomas Jefferson was a "liberal" (in the current communist sense of the word) and that Republican's created the KKK.

Liberalism (but the current definition) is a disease. It's an awful form of cancer which is killing the United States. It is an ideology that has been completely hijacked by communists, marxists, socialists, etc. It's concerned with handouts instead of liberty. That is not what the founders stood for and you know it.
Thomas Jefferson was in Paris as the framers wrote the Constitution, and Paris was becoming the beacon of the enlightenment period.
If you see paying the costs of living in a civilized society as "oppressive", that's kind of your problem, not mine.
If you see living in a civilized society as a cost that other people have to provide for you - that's kind of your problem. Not mine.
It makes all the difference. You're just too stupid to know it.
Yeah, some senile old fuck who screamed at a wall said so... that'll do it.
So let me get this straight - you're crying like a little bitch over a false accusation that Donald Trump mocked a reporter with a disability, but then you turn around viciously mock someone with a disability. Well aren't you just a special kind of dirt-bag?
He also shit in a chamber pot and raped his slave-girl, so I don't think we should treat him like an authority on anything.
No matter how many times you lie won't make it true. You just keep destroying you're already useless credibility. It's stuff like this why you're the laughing joke of USMB and widely considered to be one of the biggest assholes anyone has ever encountered.

DNA exonerated Thomas Jefferson and the publication Nature retracted its previous story. Furthermore, as I've explained to your ignorant ass many times, a slave could have a completely consensual relationship with an owner.
If you see living in a civilized society as a cost that other people have to provide for you - that's kind of your problem. Not mine.

No, i expect that living in a civilized society has costs. I pay my fair share. Not to mention those 11 years I spent in the military defending this fat happy country.

When I see a Libertarian Child mewling about taxes or national service, what I see is someone who wants the benefits of civilization but not the costs. That doesn't really impress me no matter how much he whines about the Founding Fathers.
No matter how many times you lie won't make it true. You just keep destroying you're already useless credibility. It's stuff like this why you're the laughing joke of USMB and widely considered to be one of the biggest assholes anyone has ever encountered.

So why do I have three times as many ratings as you do again?

DNA exonerated Thomas Jefferson and the publication Nature retracted its previous story. Furthermore, as I've explained to your ignorant ass many times, a slave could have a completely consensual relationship with an owner.

No, Slaves can't consent to anything. They're slaves. That's the point.

And Jefferson was fucking the shit out of her. Six kids. All his.
So let me get this straight - you're crying like a little bitch over a false accusation that Donald Trump mocked a reporter with a disability, but then you turn around viciously mock someone with a disability. Well aren't you just a special kind of dirt-bag?

Well, no, I am mocking someone who was too senile to do his job, and the people around him should have realized he was, and didn't do anything about it.

Yeah, Alzheimers is a horrible disease, but you don't give that nuclear weapons.
No matter how many times you lie won't make it true. You just keep destroying you're already useless credibility. It's stuff like this why you're the laughing joke of USMB and widely considered to be one of the biggest assholes anyone has ever encountered.

So why do I have three times as many ratings as you do again?
You have twice as many and you've posted 50,000 more posts :lmao:
And Jefferson was fucking the shit out of her. Six kids. All his.
DNA exonerated him, you immature tool. Not six children. Not five. Not four. Not even one. Not one. But one must ask why you always want to make up a story about a slave owning male "fucking the shit" out of a slave black girl??? Sexual deviant much???
Uh, guy, your argument is silly. The Japanese have unions that are stronger than ours. Japanese unions even have a say in who the CEO is.'s not an "argument". It's a fact. Something you progressives are adverse to.

Do you really want to compare Japanese unions to ours? Okay.

Here's a start. In Japan, 18.5% of the workforce is unionized compared to the US>

In fact, the Japanese labor unions are so strong, the unemployment rate rarely goes above 5%. Japan realizes the emphasis needs to be on not paying stockholders, but on keeping people employed.
Your theory that unions are the cause of low unemployment is too hilarious for words to describe.
In 1938 we have low unemployment and a vibrant middle class?

I was talking about the post war era when unionization hit it's high point.

Here, we'll put it in chart form for you, buddy.


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