The inept and corrupt federal government

There was no "fuck up" as you say with the IRS / Lois Lerner scandal. Under orders from Barack Obama - they were instructed to suppress the efforts of conservative groups because Obama knew he was going to get his ass handed to him against Romney.

Can you show proof of this, other than a certainty that arises from your side's echo chamber.
Yes. Yes I can. Lois Lerner pleaded the 5th and the Obama Administration destroyed her hard drive (and all subsequent backups of her drive). Those things do not occur when one is simply following the law as you insanely attempted to proclaim.

They got caught. Grow up.
Targeting people for specific beliefs is not a fuck up, it is harassing its citizens. They IRS is supposed to follow the law and be fair handed, they went after certain PACs and admitted it. That is a corrupt government, if they went after Democratic leaning PACs and a Republican was President you would claim corruption, so knock off the stupidity.

Except they didn't target them. They specifically asked for a specific kind of tax exemption. The kind where you don't do politics and you don't have to tell anyone where your money is coming from.

Except they were doing politics and they were getting their money from some shady people.

So the IRS doing ITS FUCKING JOB is "Targetting"?
Do you have any idea how absurd you sound with this story? Barack Obama was directly responsible for putting firearms into the hands of Mexican drug cartels (when he wants them out of the hands of Americans) - one of which was traced to the murder of a border patrol agent. And guess what? Not only was Barack Obama not prosecuted - he was re-elected.

Well, no, he wasn't.

Gun Stores put those guns in the hands of cartels. You obviously don't know what "Directly" means.

And there's no evidence one of those guns killed that agent, only that one gun was recovered at a scene.

So, no, not really the same thing at all. Now, you can argue it was a bad idea... maybe. Although the real problem there was the ATF brought the local state officials gun runners pretty much gift wrapped and they refused to prosecute them because, you know, Founding Slave Rapists or something.

But meanwhile, in DuPage, Patrick Ryan spent 10 years trying to put a man to death for a crime another man confessed to because he couldn't admit his office made a mistake.
Targeting people for specific beliefs is not a fuck up, it is harassing its citizens. They IRS is supposed to follow the law and be fair handed, they went after certain PACs and admitted it. That is a corrupt government, if they went after Democratic leaning PACs and a Republican was President you would claim corruption, so knock off the stupidity.

Except they didn't target them. They specifically asked for a specific kind of tax exemption. The kind where you don't do politics and you don't have to tell anyone where your money is coming from.

Except they were doing politics and they were getting their money from some shady people.

So the IRS doing ITS FUCKING JOB is "Targetting"?

You are a LIAR, they didn't target Democratic Party non-profit, just Republican. They didn't do their job, they singled out specific non-profits with Republican leanings. Obama came out and said that you stupid idiot.

I can't believe their are people out there that are this moronic, no wonder you keep getting fired.
Government gets more corrupt the smaller you go . State level, and especially local level!

Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .
Problem is government ALWAYS fucks up because it is run by scumbags, but I suspect you will never accept this fact.

The happiness of society is the end of government. - John Adams

Did figure you for a black lives matters type!
Hard to imagine anything more corrupt than what is going on, on the federal level.

What so corrupt about the federal government? How about an example?

IRS targeting certain PAC groups. GSA spending $822,000 on a four day trip to Las Vegas. Fast and Furious, the VA lying about wait times.

How many more do you need? I have got thousands of them.

Fucking up doesn't equal corruption. All those you listed were exposed and addressed . The gov does a lot of things . It ain't perfect .

You act as if local gov is perfect ? I find there are more eyes on the Feds and you often have switches in administrations . Not so much in local government .
Problem is government ALWAYS fucks up because it is run by scumbags, but I suspect you will never accept this fact.

The happiness of society is the end of government. - John Adams

Did figure you for a black lives matters type!

Democrats support BVM not BLM unless it nets them BVM.
You are a LIAR, they didn't target Democratic Party non-profit, just Republican. They didn't do their job, they singled out specific non-profits with Republican leanings. Obama came out and said that you stupid idiot.

I can't believe their are people out there that are this moronic, no wonder you keep getting fired.

I wouldn't know, I've never been 'fired". I've been 'downsized' when companies have either gone out of business or lost so much business they couldn't afford me.

But to the point. Democratic Non-Profits weren't trying to game the system. They weren't coming up with names like '9/12 Tea Party Patriots against Taxes" and then trying to call themselves a social welfare education group.

This was the problem.

Now that Obama didn't stick by his guns and say, "Well, no, Lerner did a fine job", that's kind of on him. Obama does too much of that, as far as I'm concerned, he stakes out a position and then doesn't act on it. Trayvon was murdered, but I'm not going to file Federal Charges against Zimmerman. It's quite honestly my biggest frustration with the guy.
Targeting people for specific beliefs is not a fuck up, it is harassing its citizens. They IRS is supposed to follow the law and be fair handed, they went after certain PACs and admitted it. That is a corrupt government, if they went after Democratic leaning PACs and a Republican was President you would claim corruption, so knock off the stupidity.

Except they didn't target them. They specifically asked for a specific kind of tax exemption. The kind where you don't do politics and you don't have to tell anyone where your money is coming from.

Except they were doing politics and they were getting their money from some shady people.

So the IRS doing ITS FUCKING JOB is "Targetting"?

You are a LIAR, they didn't target Democratic Party non-profit, just Republican. They didn't do their job, they singled out specific non-profits with Republican leanings. Obama came out and said that you stupid idiot.

I can't believe their are people out there that are this moronic, no wonder you keep getting fired.
The next time Joey tells the truth will be the first time.
You are a LIAR, they didn't target Democratic Party non-profit, just Republican. They didn't do their job, they singled out specific non-profits with Republican leanings. Obama came out and said that you stupid idiot.

I can't believe their are people out there that are this moronic, no wonder you keep getting fired.

I wouldn't know, I've never been 'fired". I've been 'downsized' when companies have either gone out of business or lost so much business they couldn't afford me.

But to the point. Democratic Non-Profits weren't trying to game the system. They weren't coming up with names like '9/12 Tea Party Patriots against Taxes" and then trying to call themselves a social welfare education group.

This was the problem.

Now that Obama didn't stick by his guns and say, "Well, no, Lerner did a fine job", that's kind of on him. Obama does too much of that, as far as I'm concerned, he stakes out a position and then doesn't act on it. Trayvon was murdered, but I'm not going to file Federal Charges against Zimmerman. It's quite honestly my biggest frustration with the guy.

There was no problem, holding non-profits up for years for no valid reason. No due process, nothing. You can't hold up a group because of a name, do you really buy the BS you are posting? That is why it has stopped, because it is wrong, both morally and ethically to treat a group of people or individuals as different.

As far as Obama, he from the start said it was wrong, he did stick to his guns. Again, you distort the truth for your agenda.
Both ineptitude and corruption:

Hahahahahaha! Even the most radical left-wing lying propaganda machine of the Dumbocrat Party - MSNBC - must finally admit what a catastrophic failure Obamacare has been:

‘Morning Joe’ panel: Everything conservatives said about Obamacare has come true

And after all the help Republicans gave trying to make it succeed. Reminds one of Republican opposition to Social Security: it will lead to communism.
Thank you for the reminder! They were right then (we've lost more Constitutional rights since then than in the 160 years prior to it) and they are right now. In fact, conservatives have accurately predicted everything that Dumbocrats have passed (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.). You'd think at some point you people would start listening to us. :dunno:
There was no problem, holding non-profits up for years for no valid reason. No due process, nothing. You can't hold up a group because of a name, do you really buy the BS you are posting? That is why it has stopped, because it is wrong, both morally and ethically to treat a group of people or individuals as different.

I don't have a problem with it. I'm not even sure why these groups deserved a tax exemption to start with.

This was an attempt to circumvent the law. The IRS should have come down harder on these teabaggers than they did.
Thank you for the reminder! They were right then (we've lost more Constitutional rights since then than in the 160 years prior to it) and they are right now. In fact, conservatives have accurately predicted everything that Dumbocrats have passed (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.). You'd think at some point you people would start listening to us.

Naw, people are too busy enjoying the fact that when they are too old to work, they don't have to worry about starving or dying of treatable diseases.

Here's the underlyig problem. For 80% of us, the 80% who fight over the 13% of the wealth, Capitalism is kind of a shit sandwich.

Socialism... capitalism... makes no difference to most of us.
Naw, people are too busy enjoying the fact that when they are too old to work, they don't have to worry about starving or dying of treatable diseases.
What a sad statement on your mindset. Your entire focus on getting stuff and enjoying stuff. The rest of us focus on liberty. I'd much rather die from a "treatable disease" in liberty than be cured to live longer under oppression.

"Give me liberty or give me death" - Patrick Henry

Here's the underlyig problem. For 80% of us, the 80% who fight over the 13% of the wealth, Capitalism is kind of a shit sandwich. Socialism... capitalism... makes no difference to most of us.
I rest my case. No respect for liberty. Just an obsession with getting society to provide you with stuff you can "enjoy".
There was no problem, holding non-profits up for years for no valid reason. No due process, nothing. You can't hold up a group because of a name, do you really buy the BS you are posting? That is why it has stopped, because it is wrong, both morally and ethically to treat a group of people or individuals as different.

I don't have a problem with it. I'm not even sure why these groups deserved a tax exemption to start with.

This was an attempt to circumvent the law. The IRS should have come down harder on these teabaggers than they did.
Except none of that was the case and you know it. If that had been the case - Lois Lerner wouldn't have needed to plead the 5th and Obama wouldn't have needed to order her hard drive and all backups be destroyed. Thanks for playing Joey. As usual, you look really stupid.
Socialism... capitalism... makes no difference to most of us.
It makes all the difference. You're just too stupid to know it.

Both ineptitude and corruption:

Hahahahahaha! Even the most radical left-wing lying propaganda machine of the Dumbocrat Party - MSNBC - must finally admit what a catastrophic failure Obamacare has been:

‘Morning Joe’ panel: Everything conservatives said about Obamacare has come true

And after all the help Republicans gave trying to make it succeed. Reminds one of Republican opposition to Social Security: it will lead to communism.
Thank you for the reminder! They were right then (we've lost more Constitutional rights since then than in the 160 years prior to it) and they are right now. In fact, conservatives have accurately predicted everything that Dumbocrats have passed (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc.). You'd think at some point you people would start listening to us. :dunno:
Too late to listen; the Middle Ages are pretty much history, and most, except for the wealthy, do not want to go back in time.

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