The ineptitude and incompetence of Joe Biden

I never made that claim...That’s another lie from you. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I said that. Here comes the dodge. Pathological liar.
Happy to, right after you address my post that you dodged. You don’t get the respect of an answer after constantly ignoring me. You answer then I’ll answer. Go post #1418
Hahaha…dodged just like I said you would. You’re so predictable.
I asked you to back up your dishonest claims about me and you dodged by trying to turn the tables in me. This is where I show you how to back up statements while also exposing you as a liar. You ready??

Here is Markle ’s statement (which he went back and deleted after I challenged him to back it up and he couldn’t):

Markle said:
The diary has been determined to be authentic. The daughter was 12 years old at the time the President was taking showers with her.

If, in your world, "many male parents, shower with their 12-year daughter", you are a sick, sick, pedophile. Just like President Biden

Here is your response:
Thank you! Can you imagine defending something that vile? Liberals are so gross. They will defend a pedophile so long as that pedophile has a little (D) behind their name and holds a seat of power/influence.

So fricking gross. I cannot even imagine defending something that vile.

And finally here is your denial:
Says the idiot who backed up the claim that she was 12 and then claimed she wrote the diary the year the shower situation happened, and then claimed she was raped and molested with ZERO evidence of any of that.

I never made that claim...That’s another lie from you. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I said that. Here comes the dodge. Pathological liar.

You lose… liar
This is where I show you how to back up statements while also exposing you as a liar. You ready??
Thank you! Indisputable proof that you’re a pathological liar. Just to recap, here was my actual response:
Thank you! Can you imagine defending something that vile? Liberals are so gross. They will defend a pedophile so long as that pedophile has a little (D) behind their name and holds a seat of power/influence.

So fricking gross. I cannot even imagine defending something that vile.
Nowhere do I say “yep, she was 12”. Or “I agree with her age” or anything even close to that.

I merely pointed out how fucking disgusting you are at supporting grown adults showering with their children 🤢 🤮

It’s all there in black & white for everyone to see! Game over. You’re a piece of shit for your pro-pedophile views and your pathological lying.
The sleazy PoS is compromised and everyone knows it…
Nowhere do I say “yep, she was 12”. Or “I agree with her age” or anything even close to that.
I never said you said “yup she was 12” or explicitly stated you agreed with the age comment. I said you backed up his statement which I showed you doing. And then you made the ridiculous argument that she wrote the diary passage right after the shower incident as a half ass way to prove she was old.
I never made that claim...That’s another lie from you. Prove me wrong and show the quote where I said that. Here comes the dodge. Pathological liar.

I have come to realize that that is all the the Leftists in this forum do
Exactly. You lied. I never “backed up” anything about being 12. All you do is lie. It’s who and what you are. A pathological liar. Typical of the disgusting left.
Some guy claimed she was 12. I asked for proof which he failed to provide. Instead he laid an insult to me acting like inwas defending a rapist and you jumped right in with support.

Thank you! Can you imagine defending something that vile? Liberals are so gross. They will defend a pedophile so long as that pedophile has a little (D) behind their name and holds a seat of power/influence.

So fricking gross. I cannot even imagine defending something that vile.
When you claimed I was “defending something so vile” the discussion was about the false claims that she was 12.

You proceeded to make idiotic claims like she wrote the diary after the incident happened proving she was older,

It’s all there in black and white. Stop lying
Some guy claimed she was 12. I asked for proof which he failed to provide. Instead he laid an insult to me acting like inwas defending a rapist and you jumped right in with support.
Thank you for admitting you lied for like the two hundredth time in this thread alone. Supporting his accurate position against you is not supporting claims of someone else being 12.
When you claimed I was “defending something so vile” the discussion was about the false claims that she was 12.
No it wasn’t. And you know it wasn’t, you lying piece of shit. What is “vile” is a dad showering with his daughter (at any age). And your response about how it’s wonderful is fucking disgusting and speaks volumes about you.
You proceeded to make idiotic claims like she wrote the diary after the incident happened proving she was older,
Because 2 and 3 year olds cannot write, you fucking high school dropout. You admitted above twice that you did lie - stop assigning your sins to everyone else, lying piece of shit.
No it wasn’t. And you know it wasn’t, you lying piece of shit. What is “vile” is a dad showering with his daughter (at any age). And your response about how it’s wonderful is fucking disgusting and speaks volumes about you.
That’s a complete lie. This was Markles post that I responded to that you jumped into support. He has since deleted it because he knows it can’t be backed up. And you’re still trying to carry his water.

Markles post that’s started this discussion:
“The diary has been determined to be authentic. The daughter was 12 years old at the time the President was taking showers with her.

If, in your world, "many male parents, shower with their 12-year daughter", you are a sick, sick, pedophile. Just like President Biden.“
Because 2 and 3 year olds cannot write, you fucking high school dropout. You admitted above twice that you did lie - stop assigning your sins to everyone else, lying piece of shit.
Adults can write about memories from when they were young. That’s obviously what was going on with the diary. You acting like it was written at the same time as each incident happened shows you have horrible reading comprehension skills and she was address all kinds of different things from her childhood. The age she was when writing reveals nothing about how old she was during the incidents.

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