The Inevitable Conclusion


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Heres what I dont understand:

Republicans seem to be for things that inevitably leads to another thing they do not like.

I understand that they feel no one should be paid more than what people pay already (which is's happening so just deal with it) but what happens after those people are paid wages that do not sustain them? This is the question republicans refuse to ask because it leads to the very thing they dont like = Welfare.

Sure someone could just go hungry and "tough it out" but they wont. Republicans should know this or at least KNOW its a possibility. But when it happens they howl like welfare is really bad while applauding lower wages which will lead people toward welfare.

Its sorta like throwing chum in the water the scream at the Sharks

They are against abortion. I understand. But when you are against abortion (pro birth) and oppose it in all circumstances you have to know or at least expect that some of the people are going to have a hard time. Again, they could just starve on principal but most will abandon principle when they're stomach starts growling (Ayn Rand). So they once again go for welfare and Republicans race to the inevitable conclusion to scream at the people who need it.

Republicans are for Citizen United. I understand, you are making this a freedom of speech issue. I get it. But when corps can donate unlimited money, and money is power. How is the bigger or biggest contributor viewed by the recipient? Republicans refuse to ask this questions because it will expose the next thing they dislike. Corruption. Since we all know that money is valuable promoting unlimited money in politics will inevitablely lead to corruption.

Again repubs say we should elect better people. Elect people who will represent us while promoting the candidates being bankrolled by special interests. How will they represent us when they've been propped up by cash that didnt come from you? Is there people that do not value money? Who can run for office on a shoestring budget?

No, but when we get the money grubbers in office and they start acting grubbers. Republicans never saw it coming. Then complain about the corrupt after creating the environment that makes this possible.

Its really strange but you can go on and on...The Patriot Act, Torture, Income Inequality etc etc.

Let me thank Edge, Steph, Katz for calling me an idiot in advance of their comments on the topic at hand
So despite Republicans advocating limited government because politicians are corrupt, you are seriously going to try to claim that Republicans don't see that politicians are corrupt?

The inevitable conclusion of that rant is you don't have a freakin clue what you're talking about.
So despite Republicans advocating limited government because politicians are corrupt, you are seriously going to try to claim that Republicans don't see that politicians are corrupt?

The inevitable conclusion of that rant is you don't have a freakin clue what you're talking about.

I knew you would have a simply translated question of confusion waiting.

Yes I said republicans dont see corruption. Yes, go with that. In fact, any conclusion you reach after reading my post dont ask just assume that what you believe is exactly what I was saying.
Pretty much any issue you can think of, the far right loud mouths have hypocritical views that contradict their stance. It's laughable because it's so apparent to anyone with a shred of honesty.
Heres what I dont understand:

Republicans seem to be for things that inevitably leads to another thing they do not like.

I understand that they feel no one should be paid more than what people pay already (which is's happening so just deal with it) but what happens after those people are paid wages that do not sustain them? This is the question republicans refuse to ask because it leads to the very thing they dont like = Welfare.

Sure someone could just go hungry and "tough it out" but they wont. Republicans should know this or at least KNOW its a possibility. But when it happens they howl like welfare is really bad while applauding lower wages which will lead people toward welfare.

Its sorta like throwing chum in the water the scream at the Sharks

They are against abortion. I understand. But when you are against abortion (pro birth) and oppose it in all circumstances you have to know or at least expect that some of the people are going to have a hard time. Again, they could just starve on principal but most will abandon principle when they're stomach starts growling (Ayn Rand). So they once again go for welfare and Republicans race to the inevitable conclusion to scream at the people who need it.

Republicans are for Citizen United. I understand, you are making this a freedom of speech issue. I get it. But when corps can donate unlimited money, and money is power. How is the bigger or biggest contributor viewed by the recipient? Republicans refuse to ask this questions because it will expose the next thing they dislike. Corruption. Since we all know that money is valuable promoting unlimited money in politics will inevitablely lead to corruption.

Again repubs say we should elect better people. Elect people who will represent us while promoting the candidates being bankrolled by special interests. How will they represent us when they've been propped up by cash that didnt come from you? Is there people that do not value money? Who can run for office on a shoestring budget?

No, but when we get the money grubbers in office and they start acting grubbers. Republicans never saw it coming. Then complain about the corrupt after creating the environment that makes this possible.

Its really strange but you can go on and on...The Patriot Act, Torture, Income Inequality etc etc.

Let me thank Edge, Steph, Katz for calling me an idiot in advance of their comments on the topic at hand

You can't do it, can you? You just can't post without lying.

You're a sick fucker.

This whole post, the entire thread is designed to do one thing.... Incite a flame war.

That's all you people do in here.....

Every thread you start is embedded with AT LEAST one MAJOR LIE.

A lie so blatant, a lie so obvious that you KNOW that it's going to create anger and draw heated remarks from the other side.

It's all you got.

you're a scumbag.
has to be rdeans long lost cousin they just let out of the closet

a long winded of nothing but DNC talking points

Heres what I dont understand:

Republicans seem to be for things that inevitably leads to another thing they do not like.

I understand that they feel no one should be paid more than what people pay already (which is's happening so just deal with it) but what happens after those people are paid wages that do not sustain them? This is the question republicans refuse to ask because it leads to the very thing they dont like = Welfare.

Sure someone could just go hungry and "tough it out" but they wont. Republicans should know this or at least KNOW its a possibility. But when it happens they howl like welfare is really bad while applauding lower wages which will lead people toward welfare.

Its sorta like throwing chum in the water the scream at the Sharks

They are against abortion. I understand. But when you are against abortion (pro birth) and oppose it in all circumstances you have to know or at least expect that some of the people are going to have a hard time. Again, they could just starve on principal but most will abandon principle when they're stomach starts growling (Ayn Rand). So they once again go for welfare and Republicans race to the inevitable conclusion to scream at the people who need it.

Republicans are for Citizen United. I understand, you are making this a freedom of speech issue. I get it. But when corps can donate unlimited money, and money is power. How is the bigger or biggest contributor viewed by the recipient? Republicans refuse to ask this questions because it will expose the next thing they dislike. Corruption. Since we all know that money is valuable promoting unlimited money in politics will inevitablely lead to corruption.

Again repubs say we should elect better people. Elect people who will represent us while promoting the candidates being bankrolled by special interests. How will they represent us when they've been propped up by cash that didnt come from you? Is there people that do not value money? Who can run for office on a shoestring budget?

No, but when we get the money grubbers in office and they start acting grubbers. Republicans never saw it coming. Then complain about the corrupt after creating the environment that makes this possible.

Its really strange but you can go on and on...The Patriot Act, Torture, Income Inequality etc etc.

Let me thank Edge, Steph, Katz for calling me an idiot in advance of their comments on the topic at hand

You can't do it, can you? You just can't post without lying.

You're a sick fucker.

This whole post, the entire thread is designed to do one thing.... Incite a flame war.

That's all you people do in here.....

Every thread you start is embedded with AT LEAST one MAJOR LIE.

A lie so blatant, a lie so obvious that you KNOW that it's going to create anger and draw heated remarks from the other side.

It's all you got.

you're a scumbag.

You forgot to point out the horrible, major, groundbreaking lie
Yet Democrats see the corruption in their party so well they do none of the same stuff (sarcasm). Everyone might want to step out of their glass house before throwing that next rock.
I thought Democrats were for cutting military spending, getting the budget under control, getting UE down, less to no wars, ending the stupid war on terror, closing Guantanamo, making Government more transparent, not spying on all US citizens, not killing innocents in other countries, not installing puppet governments in other countries, ending Homeland security, ending the patriot act, ending tax loop holes for the rich, ending bail outs for the rich.... Yet you keep voting for politicians that do all of these things.

So why would a hyper partisan hack like CC post a thread like this about Republicans when he comes with so much baggage?

He goes, trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin...
Heres what I dont understand:

Republicans seem to be for things that inevitably leads to another thing they do not like.

I understand that they feel no one should be paid more than what people pay already (which is's happening so just deal with it) but what happens after those people are paid wages that do not sustain them? This is the question republicans refuse to ask because it leads to the very thing they dont like = Welfare.

Sure someone could just go hungry and "tough it out" but they wont. Republicans should know this or at least KNOW its a possibility. But when it happens they howl like welfare is really bad while applauding lower wages which will lead people toward welfare.

Its sorta like throwing chum in the water the scream at the Sharks

They are against abortion. I understand. But when you are against abortion (pro birth) and oppose it in all circumstances you have to know or at least expect that some of the people are going to have a hard time. Again, they could just starve on principal but most will abandon principle when they're stomach starts growling (Ayn Rand). So they once again go for welfare and Republicans race to the inevitable conclusion to scream at the people who need it.

Republicans are for Citizen United. I understand, you are making this a freedom of speech issue. I get it. But when corps can donate unlimited money, and money is power. How is the bigger or biggest contributor viewed by the recipient? Republicans refuse to ask this questions because it will expose the next thing they dislike. Corruption. Since we all know that money is valuable promoting unlimited money in politics will inevitablely lead to corruption.

Again repubs say we should elect better people. Elect people who will represent us while promoting the candidates being bankrolled by special interests. How will they represent us when they've been propped up by cash that didnt come from you? Is there people that do not value money? Who can run for office on a shoestring budget?

No, but when we get the money grubbers in office and they start acting grubbers. Republicans never saw it coming. Then complain about the corrupt after creating the environment that makes this possible.

Its really strange but you can go on and on...The Patriot Act, Torture, Income Inequality etc etc.

Let me thank Edge, Steph, Katz for calling me an idiot in advance of their comments on the topic at hand

You can't do it, can you? You just can't post without lying.

You're a sick fucker.

This whole post, the entire thread is designed to do one thing.... Incite a flame war.

That's all you people do in here.....

Every thread you start is embedded with AT LEAST one MAJOR LIE.

A lie so blatant, a lie so obvious that you KNOW that it's going to create anger and draw heated remarks from the other side.

It's all you got.

you're a scumbag.

You forgot to point out the horrible, major, groundbreaking lie

Just off the top of my head ^

Your other depictions of Republicans border on comically delusional.

Come to think of it, you have shown delusional qualities in here on a daily basis.

Seek help.


If you acted smart half as often as you play dumb, you'd be a fucking millionaire by now.

Think about it.

Everything's a scam to you. I know who you are. You're no stranger to me, dewd.

I've seen thousands of you come and go. Almost inevitably.......

Down the tubes.
You forgot to point out the horrible, major, groundbreaking lie

I'll help you, trolly troller.

I'm actually at a loss to find anything truthful in there as opposed to a major lie. You paint with a broad brush, claiming republicans are against abortion. They are against welfare. They are against, well everything according to you.

Furthermore, you indict them as being the ones who created the climate of corporatism/special interest group voting. As if democrats fought tooth and nail against it, while the mean ol' republicans were the guilty.

Then you make the false claim that citizens united means that a corporation can dump unlimited funds into the coffers of politiicans. But that's a lie. That's NOT what CU did. and this has been explained to you already.

trolly troller thread is trollin'.

It's either that, or :itsok:
I thought Democrats were for cutting military spending, getting the budget under control, getting UE down, less to no wars, ending the stupid war on terror, closing Guantanamo, making Government more transparent, not spying on all US citizens, not killing innocents in other countries, not installing puppet governments in other countries, ending Homeland security, ending the patriot act, ending tax loop holes for the rich, ending bail outs for the rich.... Yet you keep voting for politicians that do all of these things.

They are...whats the problem?

So why would a hyper partisan hack like CC post a thread like this about Republicans when he comes with so much baggage?

He goes, trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin...

Huh? Why cant I post this again?
You can't do it, can you? You just can't post without lying.

You're a sick fucker.

This whole post, the entire thread is designed to do one thing.... Incite a flame war.

That's all you people do in here.....

Every thread you start is embedded with AT LEAST one MAJOR LIE.

A lie so blatant, a lie so obvious that you KNOW that it's going to create anger and draw heated remarks from the other side.

It's all you got.

you're a scumbag.

You forgot to point out the horrible, major, groundbreaking lie

Just off the top of my head ^

Your other depictions of Republicans border on comically delusional.

Come to think of it, you have shown delusional qualities in here on a daily basis.

Seek help.


If you acted smart half as often as you play dumb, you'd be a fucking millionaire by now.

Think about it.

Everything's a scam to you. I know who you are. You're no stranger to me, dewd.

I've seen thousands of you come and go. Almost inevitably.......

Down the tubes.

You forgot to point out the lie again.
I thought Democrats were for cutting military spending, getting the budget under control, getting UE down, less to no wars, ending the stupid war on terror, closing Guantanamo, making Government more transparent, not spying on all US citizens, not killing innocents in other countries, not installing puppet governments in other countries, ending Homeland security, ending the patriot act, ending tax loop holes for the rich, ending bail outs for the rich.... Yet you keep voting for politicians that do all of these things.

So why would a hyper partisan hack like CC post a thread like this about Republicans when he comes with so much baggage?

He goes, trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin...

I thought Democrats were for cutting military spending, getting the budget under control, getting UE down, less to no wars, ending the stupid war on terror, closing Guantanamo, making Government more transparent, not spying on all US citizens, not killing innocents in other countries, not installing puppet governments in other countries, ending Homeland security, ending the patriot act, ending tax loop holes for the rich, ending bail outs for the rich.... Yet you keep voting for politicians that do all of these things.

They are...whats the problem?

So why would a hyper partisan hack like CC post a thread like this about Republicans when he comes with so much baggage?

He goes, trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin...

Huh? Why cant I post this again?

They are?


So you believe the bullshit coming out of their mouth instead of the actions right before you? You know, we had 8 years of Bush where we had to endure this very type of cognitive dissonance. One you screamed about and still do. Now you're going to actually.....oh, never mind. I forgot, liars and hypocrites.
I thought Democrats were for cutting military spending, getting the budget under control, getting UE down, less to no wars, ending the stupid war on terror, closing Guantanamo, making Government more transparent, not spying on all US citizens, not killing innocents in other countries, not installing puppet governments in other countries, ending Homeland security, ending the patriot act, ending tax loop holes for the rich, ending bail outs for the rich.... Yet you keep voting for politicians that do all of these things.

They are...whats the problem?

So why would a hyper partisan hack like CC post a thread like this about Republicans when he comes with so much baggage?

He goes, trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin...

Huh? Why cant I post this again?

You can post anything you like, you're simply a hypocrite. And my list was of things currently supported and being done by Obama and Dems that own the Senate, so if you voted and support them, then you are not who you claim you are as Democrat.
The point of this thread is quite simplistic really. The OP is aware that his corrupted party has disenfranchised their base much as Bush and the Republican party had done to the Republican party (voters). The OP understands now that 2014 might lose the Seante and maybe even more seats in the House due to Democrats issues with becoming untrustworthy. The same applies to the Presidency in 2016, Obama has become a "liar of the year," and has lost the vast majority of his base.

Knowing the high possibility that his party will be out of power again soon here, the OP rush's out to make threads attacking the party not in the majority as a way to change the subject from Dems doing such an epicly bad job in power.
You forgot to point out the horrible, major, groundbreaking lie

I'll help you, trolly troller.

I'm actually at a loss to find anything truthful in there as opposed to a major lie. You paint with a broad brush, claiming republicans are against abortion. They are against welfare. They are against, well everything according to you.

You are against abortion, welfare and corruption arent you?

Furthermore, you indict them as being the ones who created the climate of corporatism/special interest group voting. As if democrats fought tooth and nail against it, while the mean ol' republicans were the guilty.

I didnt say anything about Dems so maybe thats why you think I lied. You are seeing things (or making comparisons) that just arent there

Then you make the false claim that citizens united means that a corporation can dump unlimited funds into the coffers of politiicans. But that's a lie. That's NOT what CU did. and this has been explained to you already.

trolly troller thread is trollin'.

It's either that, or :itsok:

Ok, my bad, how was what I said about CU a lie? :D
I thought Democrats were for cutting military spending, getting the budget under control, getting UE down, less to no wars, ending the stupid war on terror, closing Guantanamo, making Government more transparent, not spying on all US citizens, not killing innocents in other countries, not installing puppet governments in other countries, ending Homeland security, ending the patriot act, ending tax loop holes for the rich, ending bail outs for the rich.... Yet you keep voting for politicians that do all of these things.

They are...whats the problem?

So why would a hyper partisan hack like CC post a thread like this about Republicans when he comes with so much baggage?

He goes, trollin trollin trollin trollin trollin...

Huh? Why cant I post this again?

They are?


So you believe the bullshit coming out of their mouth instead of the actions right before you? You know, we had 8 years of Bush where we had to endure this very type of cognitive dissonance. One you screamed about and still do. Now you're going to actually.....oh, never mind. I forgot, liars and hypocrites.

Aww always stop short of making a point but always seem to get in a hefty amount of name calling. Weird
I've explained this to you already. You clearly can not comprehend so it seems silly to bother. Especially since you're a troll. A trolls troll, if you will. Sort like a gentlemen's Club member for trolls.

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