The insanity of Trumpism and the insurrection explained

Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

Thank you, but we do not need your 'Orange Man Bad' translation of what Nancy Pelosi already said in her interview given before the Articles of Impeachment were even authored. In that interview Peloi admitted this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is completely about protecting the Democrat Party from the political threat of President Trump in 2024 and beyond.

Lol! You wish.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

Thank you, but we do not need your 'Orange Man Bad' translation of what Nancy Pelosi already said in her interview given before the Articles of Impeachment were even authored. In that interview Peloi admitted this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is completely about protecting the Democrat Party from the political threat of President Trump in 2024 and beyond.

Lol! You wish.

"China did everything right" - BWK
"China did a great job" - BWK
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.

In this thread we were talking about how Trump repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists, and said that some of the people who wanted to remove the historical statues were "very fine people".

I think you thought you were in another thread.

Are you unhappy that Trump repeatedly denounced nazis and ws, while defending the people that wanted to remove confederate statues?
Attention all you whatever Trump knuckle draggers who slink around on this forum with no intelligent debating skills, courtesy of zero arguing points. The fact that Trump didn't call for the attack on the Capitol to stop immediately, while watching it on TV, jacking off on the violence, that alone says everything that needs saying about what he wanted. He wanted an insurrection, he didn't stop it, five people were killed, and he got his insurrection, because it was punishment for the country for getting his ass kicked in the election, and the people he relied on didn't cheat to change the outcome. Whoever got hurt or killed, was of no concern of his. He even made some calls to folks to have them stop the election counting at the Capitol while people were being injured and killed. That is more than enough concrete evidence that Trump incited this attack on our country.
Huh, its becoming more clear now! First, trump had butt buddies, now he's jacking off to it on TV. Man, this guy has a wildly varying sexual appetite!

Again, I've seen the video thats being posted of him supposedly watching the riot on TV. There's nothing about that video that suggests there was anything about the riot on those TVs. Again, if that is what they were doing, do you really think Don Jr would video it and put it on YouTube? Or thats trumps people around him would let him even video such an event at all, let alone there be senators at that event, and them allowing themselves to be on video at that event?

Everything points to that whole narrative not being true.
Don Jr. is retarded. He doesn't have sense enough to pour piss out of a boot. The evidence is clear.

And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

And by the way, you don't have the truth on your side, so your juvenile posts show us who and what you are as well. Thanks for the heads up.
Trumpism is a Christian Nationalist movement where the Republican party went to die. Actually, the party is already dead. With the invasion of Marjorie Taylor Green and her Jewish space lasers, while others pedal in pedophilia pizza parlors, seven headed dragons, Jesus shooting swords out of his mouth, Trump being the chosen one, and, should I go on? No, this is my thread, and I don't think I can think of another one of these illusions without puking my guts. This movement has no relationship with the Republican party at all. That's why it is dead. They've turned into a religious party because they lost. They simply couldn't handle the losing, so they masked their anxieties with illusions and make believe.

And here's the worst part, you and I aren't going to win the argument against these illusions from the religious Qanon nuts. We never will. Isn't going to happen. This is why we had an insurrection; "RELIGION." They believed their messiah Trump, when he said the election was rigged, go fight, then they went to the Capitol, got some people killed, threatened to kill more, and? We have people dead, Biden is president, and they still believe in six headed snakes, and the election was stolen. Those on the Left can say that they won, but the only thing they won formally was the election, and not even that really. Because the new religious party of illusion and make believe, are going to make it almost impossible for the country to govern. The only government is the government of Trump for them. A false illusion. But the cult party is here now, and Trump has gone nowhere. These nuts are still going to believe in Pedophile pizza parlors, Jewish lasers, stolen elections with no evidence, and a criminal messiah as their leader.

These folks aren't coming back from their religious Trumpism, insanity, lies, and make believe, so strap yourself in people. It's not going to get any better. This is going to be one hell of a nut fest dealing with these people from now on.

Thank you, but we do not need your 'Orange Man Bad' translation of what Nancy Pelosi already said in her interview given before the Articles of Impeachment were even authored. In that interview Peloi admitted this 2nd politically partisan Impeachment is completely about protecting the Democrat Party from the political threat of President Trump in 2024 and beyond.

Lol! You wish.

"China did everything right" - BWK
"China did a great job" - BWK

The sociopath strikes again.
And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

Someone mentioned a name to him and some time later, you are vague about that, he tweets something about that person.

Your claim of a connection between the those two events, is unsupported.

Your claim that a tweet is directed to a certain group, is a bald faced lie.

Then you built some further assumptions, using your assumptions and lies as a foundation.

No wonder why you people can never admit the truth. You are creatures of pure lies. If you let any Truth into your world, it will all come down in flaming ruin.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.

In this thread we were talking about how Trump repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists, and said that some of the people who wanted to remove the historical statues were "very fine people".

I think you thought you were in another thread.

Are you unhappy that Trump repeatedly denounced nazis and ws, while defending the people that wanted to remove confederate statues?
If he had really denounced them, he wouldn't have incited the insurrection with those same Nazi, skin head, ws, piece of shits that were there for their marching orders to attack the country on January 6th.
And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

Someone mentioned a name to him and some time later, you are vague about that, he tweets something about that person.

Your claim of a connection between the those two events, is unsupported.

Your claim that a tweet is directed to a certain group, is a bald faced lie.

Then you built some further assumptions, using your assumptions and lies as a foundation.

No wonder why you people can never admit the truth. You are creatures of pure lies. If you let any Truth into your world, it will all come down in flaming ruin.
I linked the video, and after it was reported to Trump, Trump did nothing. That has already been documented. The person Trump tweeted about was Mike Pence. Try again. Donald Trump tweeted attack on Mike Pence minutes after hearing VP was fleeing Capitol rioters

Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.

In this thread we were talking about how Trump repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists, and said that some of the people who wanted to remove the historical statues were "very fine people".

I think you thought you were in another thread.

Are you unhappy that Trump repeatedly denounced nazis and ws, while defending the people that wanted to remove confederate statues?
If he had really denounced them, he wouldn't have incited the insurrection with those same Nazi, skin head, ws, piece of shits that were there for their marching orders to attack the country on January 6th.

THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.

Your denial, makes you look dishonest.

Are you happy to know that the former President denounced nazis and defended anti-confederates?
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And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

Someone mentioned a name to him and some time later, you are vague about that, he tweets something about that person.

Your claim of a connection between the those two events, is unsupported.

Your claim that a tweet is directed to a certain group, is a bald faced lie.

Then you built some further assumptions, using your assumptions and lies as a foundation.

No wonder why you people can never admit the truth. You are creatures of pure lies. If you let any Truth into your world, it will all come down in flaming ruin.
I linked the video, and after it was reported to Trump, Trump did nothing. That has already been documented. The person Trump tweeted about was Mike Pence. Try again. Donald Trump tweeted attack on Mike Pence minutes after hearing VP was fleeing Capitol rioters

As vice president of America, Pence had some of the best protection in the world.

There is a whole police force who's job it is to defend the capitol.

THe people involved knew what their jobs were. They did not need some higher up to tell them to do their jobs.

Would you support Trump giving an order to use lethal force to clear the streets of rioters?
And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

Someone mentioned a name to him and some time later, you are vague about that, he tweets something about that person.

Your claim of a connection between the those two events, is unsupported.

Your claim that a tweet is directed to a certain group, is a bald faced lie.

Then you built some further assumptions, using your assumptions and lies as a foundation.

No wonder why you people can never admit the truth. You are creatures of pure lies. If you let any Truth into your world, it will all come down in flaming ruin.
I linked the video, and after it was reported to Trump, Trump did nothing. That has already been documented. The person Trump tweeted about was Mike Pence. Try again. Donald Trump tweeted attack on Mike Pence minutes after hearing VP was fleeing Capitol rioters

As vice president of America, Pence had some of the best protection in the world.

There is a whole police force who's job it is to defend the capitol.

THe people involved knew what their jobs were. They did not need some higher up to tell them to do their jobs.

Would you support Trump giving an order to use lethal force to clear the streets of rioters?
Thanks for the cowardly dodge. I just gave you concrete evidence of an incitement by Trump who in his response to Pence's pleas for help, were answered with a tweet that Trump had not done what was asked of him. I don't think one could have manufactured such a useless counter argument than what you just presented. My God man, what weak coward you are, who doesn't have the balls to admit you have no defense for what Trump did. You are exhibit A what is fundamentally wrong with you and your new Qanon party. You have no integrity, decency, empathy, honesty, etc. You people are soulless. Your response is as pathetic as it gets. You should go and hide in a hole after that response. What a fucking loser.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.

In this thread we were talking about how Trump repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists, and said that some of the people who wanted to remove the historical statues were "very fine people".

I think you thought you were in another thread.

Are you unhappy that Trump repeatedly denounced nazis and ws, while defending the people that wanted to remove confederate statues?
If he had really denounced them, he wouldn't have incited the insurrection with those same Nazi, skin head, ws, piece of shits that were there for their marching orders to attack the country on January 6th.

THe transcripts of him "really" denouncing them, has been repeatedly posted and linked to on this site.

Your denial, makes you look dishonest.

Are you happy to know that the former President denounced nazis and defended anti-confederates?
And he had been inviting them to his rally for weeks. You can't fix hypocrisy, no matter how hard you try.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.
View attachment 455975
This another worthless coward here folks, showing us his IQ. LOL!
Everything you just said can be applied to cnn and msnbc
False. While they may lean left in story choice and commentary they don't just make shit up like breitbart newsmaxx and OANN.

They told America that Trump said that nazis were very fine people, when he explicitly stated that they were not.

CNN and MSNBC are partisan hack sites.
I listened to him say it live. Your spin cannot change reality.

" You had people and i'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally. You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists. "

Your listening skills are those of a deaf person.
They hear what they want to hear.

THat is part of it. They are so emotionally invested in this myth of American wacist, and Trump being a comic book super villain, that I can believe that they sometimes are unable to perceive reality.
Overwhelming evidence against Trump is today's reality. What he did, there is no defense for.

You mean teh bit where he repeatedly denounced neo-nazis and white supremacists?

Or the part where he said that some of the people on the other side of the issue, from him, were "very fine people"?
No, the evidence where Tommy Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger during the terrorist attack, and the only thing Trump did was tweet that Mike Pence had not done his job. That's incitement to riot and attempted assassination of a vice-president by Trump's terrorists while Trump did nothing about it. Just more evidence that Trump incited this insurrection/ assassination attempt.
View attachment 455975
This another worthless coward here folks, showing us his IQ. LOL!
Why am I a coward? And why are you a drama queen?
And after that, Tommy pos Tuberville called Trump to tell him that Mike Pence was in danger, and guess what Trump did? He tweeted that Pence had not done his job in stopping the vote count. Trump not only incited the insurrection, he was also part of what could have been Pence's assassination.

Someone mentioned a name to him and some time later, you are vague about that, he tweets something about that person.

Your claim of a connection between the those two events, is unsupported.

Your claim that a tweet is directed to a certain group, is a bald faced lie.

Then you built some further assumptions, using your assumptions and lies as a foundation.

No wonder why you people can never admit the truth. You are creatures of pure lies. If you let any Truth into your world, it will all come down in flaming ruin.
I linked the video, and after it was reported to Trump, Trump did nothing. That has already been documented. The person Trump tweeted about was Mike Pence. Try again. Donald Trump tweeted attack on Mike Pence minutes after hearing VP was fleeing Capitol rioters

As vice president of America, Pence had some of the best protection in the world.

There is a whole police force who's job it is to defend the capitol.

THe people involved knew what their jobs were. They did not need some higher up to tell them to do their jobs.

Would you support Trump giving an order to use lethal force to clear the streets of rioters?
Thanks for the cowardly dodge. I just gave you concrete evidence of an incitement by Trump who in his response to Pence's pleas for help, were answered with a tweet that Trump had not done what was asked of him. I don't think one could have manufactured such a useless counter argument than what you just presented. My God man, what weak coward you are, who doesn't have the balls to admit you have no defense for what Trump did. You are exhibit A what is fundamentally wrong with you and your new Qanon party. You have no integrity, decency, empathy, honesty, etc. You people are soulless. Your response is as pathetic as it gets. You should go and hide in a hole after that response. What a fucking loser.

YOur evidence was to present two events and pretend they were related. And then build on that.

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