The insurrection is not over

Are you really going to play dumb and pretend that you didn't read Kaz's post that I was answering?

Oh, sorry I forgot, you're not playing.

Sure I am. the word Fight has several definitions. Why do you feel that you and your leftist friends here are the only people who can arbitrate what definition that Trump meant when he said you have to fight? You are not saying that's what you "thought" he meant, you are saying it as if you knew that's what he meant.
Holy crap are you mixed up!

The clown didn't spend 50 years in government. He only spent 4 years.

His son wasn't under FBI investigation, but his father was in the KKK

He doesn't have dementia, but he is a psychopathic narcisist.

But yes, Trump's own party stripped him of control over nuclear weapons.

But more than anything, Trump was the most despised President in history. It's HARD to believe that he got more votes in 2020. (Because he almost certainly didn't)

You reply with that and say that I'm mixed up? I was clearly talking about Biden, not Trump. Yes, Biden has been in politics for nearly a half-century. Yes, drug head Hunter was under FBI investigation when his father was running. Nobody had a father in the KKK. Where do you dream up this kind of stuff?

Trump was never stripped of power over our nuclear weapons, it was a request that Biden not have exclusive authority over them by Nazi Piglosi. Need the link, just ask, I'll post it.

Yes, Trump got 12 million more voters than his first run because believe it or not, there are real Americans in this country that don't use the same criteria voting for their representatives as they did their favorite American Idol contestant. We could care less if the person is arrogant, insensitive, and writes mean Tweets. We care about his accomplishments which Trump has many. We care that he can move us forward which Trump did. We care about jobs, we care about our border and security, we care about low fuel prices all of which Trump capitalized at. That's why he got 12 million more voters. There are people who actually care about the country.

What was Dementia's agenda? Strip Americans of their guns, destroy the suburbs, increase taxes on our job creators when we need them the most, make the new federal minimum wage $15.00 an hour which would destroy jobs, create a domino effect which would increase our cost of living thus create out of control inflation, force public schools to allow weirdos in dresses to compete against real girls so they lose a chance at a trophy, or worse yet, a college scholarship they rightfully worked for. Now tell me, who in their right mind would vote for somebody with an agenda like that? Nobody. Yet he won with the most votes in history?
Are you really going to play dumb and pretend that you didn't read Kaz's post that I was answering?

Oh, sorry I forgot, you're not playing.

Sure I am. the word Fight has several definitions. Why do you feel that you and your leftist friends here are the only people who can arbitrate what definition that Trump meant when he said you have to fight? You are not saying that's what you "thought" he meant, you are saying it as if you knew that's what he meant.

I assume that the concept of 'Context' is beyond you.
I've already explained like 10 times in this very thread. You've got A.D.D?

The behavior of sitting by and watching his MAGA people break into Capitol to "stop the steal" that he was beating into their heads. Behavior of refusing to interfere even as top REPUBLICANS were pleading with him to stop the lawless madness.

Behavior that got him impeached in the House with a bipartisan vote.

Rep. Peter Meijer, a Republican from Michigan, told CNN on Monday he is strongly considering voting to impeach the president, criticizing Trump’s response to the violence at the Capitol.

No condemnation, no urge to bring things back,” he said of Trump’s actions during the attack. “To me that was an abject failure of leadership and something just broke then.

So what he says is Gospel? Did you bother to read the link I posted to the bipartisan Senate investigation of 1/6? I suggest you read it. Nowhere did they say that Trump didn't do this or didn't do that because a President doesn't do those things. You watch too much television or something. It clearly states that the problems that happened were all red tape, not enough leadership, not enough training, and not enough planning. The President is not in charge of that. Piglosi is the boss of the Capital police. WTF did she do?

Now please explain how Trump was watching people break into the Capital when that started 20 minutes before Trump even finished his speech.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized

No Orwell wrote about doublethink, which is what progs like you do to keep debunked items "real" in your dime store minds.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized

No Orwell wrote about doublethink, which is what progs like you do to keep debunked items "real" in your dime store minds.

I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.
Last edited:
I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.

Correct. Nobody on the right wanted to know anything.

The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized

No Orwell wrote about doublethink, which is what progs like you do to keep debunked items "real" in your dime store minds.

I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.

Any actual crimes are being investigated and prosecuted if warranted.

What you want is a dog and pony show that you can jerk off to while you blather on about ORANGE MAN BAD.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud.

Well, that was a spectacularly bad dodge. Why not answer the question?

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized

No Orwell wrote about doublethink, which is what progs like you do to keep debunked items "real" in your dime store minds.

I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.

Any actual crimes are being investigated and prosecuted if warranted.

What you want is a dog and pony show that you can jerk off to while you blather on about ORANGE MAN BAD.

Is that what the 9/11 commission was, a dog and pony show? We know that the dozen plus Benghazi commissions were.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud.

Well, that was a spectacularly bad dodge. Why not answer the question?

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

It would never be "bipartisan"

It would be a shitshow TDS circle jerk.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized

No Orwell wrote about doublethink, which is what progs like you do to keep debunked items "real" in your dime store minds.

I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.

Any actual crimes are being investigated and prosecuted if warranted.

What you want is a dog and pony show that you can jerk off to while you blather on about ORANGE MAN BAD.

Is that what the 9/11 commission was, a dog and pony show? We know that the dozen plus Benghazi commissions were.

The 9/11 commission was 20 years ago, before your side decided it was the only "allowed" side and poisoned our political system.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud.

Well, that was a spectacularly bad dodge. Why not answer the question?

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

It would never be "bipartisan"

It would be a shitshow TDS circle jerk.

54-35 in favor seems pretty fucking bipartisan in this day and age. Were the dozen or so Benghazi investigations bipartisan?
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud.

Well, that was a spectacularly bad dodge. Why not answer the question?

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

It would never be "bipartisan"

It would be a shitshow TDS circle jerk.

54-35 in favor seems pretty fucking bipartisan in this day and age. Were the dozen or so Benghazi investigations bipartisan?

Were they called bipartisan?

54-35 what? what are you referencing?

Some poll?
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud. think Orwell wrote about....marginalization?

Here is a tissue poor mr.marginalized

No Orwell wrote about doublethink, which is what progs like you do to keep debunked items "real" in your dime store minds.

I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.

The world is a stage to Progs.....What was deserved that day was a lot more. A warning was given. And if the people were not Progs involved, they deserve better from us and we see the corrupted swamp involved. It can be easy to not be patriotic anymore. At least towards the stench on the Potomic.
The filth here and elsewhere that supported this attempted coup against our democracy continues. We must respond to it at every level. These people have committed and are committing treason to our nation.

The right overwhelmingly condemned going into the Capital.

NOPE! If that was the case you would condemn Trump who propagated gross lies that caused this and directed people to go to Capitol.

Only 28% of Republicans put any kind of responsibility on Trump

I didn't say they condemned Trump, moron. Trump had nothing to do with it.

We condemned the people who went into the Capital. Trump who told his MAGA crowd to march on Capitol to stop the stealing of the election...had nothing to do with people going to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election.

Really dummy? You seriously think anyone buys that horseshit?

Nowhere in that did Trump say anything about violence.

You're such a liar and a hypocrite. You know perfectly well there is no reference to violence in that and you know perfectly well that Democrats say that sort of thing all the time.

Grow up and stop being a dick

Trump made it very clear what he wanted them to do, and they tried to do it.

Your attempts at gaslighting fail!

His words quoted so far imply protests.

Show the words that meant violence, lying fascist dick. You can't, they don't exist.

That while you're fine with the extreme rhetoric from the Dems where you don't take it as violence, even Maxine Whack Job Waters who clearly is referencing violence

Here ya go:

'We will stop the steal'

'We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen'

'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore'

'We are going to the Capitol'

Trump not only incited the crowd that he spoke to, but there was a vanguard already attacking the Capitol before he finished his speech.

The entire event was planned, there was a conspiracy:

None of those refer to violence, and you know that you stupid lying fuck. And when Democrats say far more incendiary things, you purr like a kitten. Democrats just lie, lie, lie and lie, you're fundamentally dishonest people, fascists and racists

'fight like hell' is an explicit call for violence.

'Stop the steal', stated while the electoral college was in session is an explicit call for immediate action.

Please stop playing dumb. We all know what happened on Jan. 6. You will not gaslight us!

No it's not you fucking lying retard. So you SERIOUSLY claim that calls to fight are for you literal and only literal. Fight for it! And you go start punching and shooting people.

No you don't you fucking liar, you'd be in jail now. Your claim you are not a functioning adult is absolutely ridiculous.

But you are saying when Democrats say to fight that is a CALL FOR VIOLENCE and you will condemn them just as strongly as Trump? All I have to do is show you such a quote and you will demand they are impeached? You care claiming that?

From a Hillary Clinton Mailer in 2016:

Are you in? Your donation is about more than money. It’s your way of saying you’re ready to fight like hell to make sure Donald Trump never becomes president (and when you make your first donation today, we’ll send you a free sticker so you can show off your Team Hillary pride).

If it wasn't for false equivalence, you guys wouldn't have anything would you?

if it wasn't for your sides hypocrisy and willful blindness to it you wouldn't have shit.

Oooh, the "I know you are but what am I" strategy. So devious. :lol:

It's all dried up twats like you deserve.

And it isn't a false equivalence, it's showing how your side works. Be literalist morons when needed, ignorant when required.

Uh oh...Marty's getting pissy...breaking out the "twat". :lol:

It absolutely was a false equivalency. Hillary Clinton was not talking in front of an angry crowd she had been fomenting for weeks about a "stolen election" .

Only for you, saggy-tits.

No, she just said Trump can "never become president". and "fight like hell"

Trump told them to be peaceful, he never told them to break the law. Yet you give Hillary a pass for words like that, and bray and bitch about Trump.

It's called being a hack.

Only for me? I get under your skin like no other? Cool!

The people on Hillary's email list didn't storm the capital shouting to "stop the steal" and "kill Mike Pence"...probably because she hadn't been spending weeks cultivating them to do so.

His handlers made sure he said peaceful...once, but when the mob wasn't, he didn't do anything about it for all reports actually reveling in it. And then, when he did FINALLY say something, he said what? "I love you".

I tailor my responses, you get a different flavor of disdain then say Colefucks, JoeBlow, or Dunna7whatever.

he told them to follow the law.

Gosh, fickle as well as bitter and childish. You're just the whole kooky package!

He threw a rock and tried to hide his hand. MOST people realize it.

Only people with an axe to grind already come to the conclusion you did, how convenient.

Wrong, cultist. It's only the faithful worshippers of the Oompa Loompa Oligarch that don't see it for what it was...a failed insurrection spurred on by Trump.

Nope. Your side is still trying to get as much play out of this as you can, and the longer it goes on the more the story changes, and not in a good way for you. First it was planned, then it wasn't. First the mob killed the officer, then they didn't. Now all those crazy insurrection charges look like they will be brought down to trespass and assaults.

"My side" is trying to determine what happened and where the failures in security were. The fact that it was planned is not in contention. That is fully supported by the weapons and other paraphernalia found on the rioters, the bombs placed the night before and communications between members of certain groups.

The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

your side is just trying to extend the Trumpbash and by extension marginalize your political opponents.

It's amazing how once you get a concept you refuse to change it even when shown it was wrong. it's the main failing of the progressive.

Orwell would be proud.

Well, that was a spectacularly bad dodge. Why not answer the question?

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

It would never be "bipartisan"

It would be a shitshow TDS circle jerk.

Wtf are you talking about? The commission would be conducted by even number of Republicans and Democrats. How the hell would it NOT be bi-partisan?
I think we should have TRIPPLE think. Where you, and I, and other guy , all agree that when US Congress gets attacked, we ought to have the congress do an investigation of the root causes so it does not EVER happen again.

But nope! According to you crazy fucking rightwingers US Capitol getting attacked isn't something worth examining, because it happened to be MAGAs that were doing the attack and it doesn't make your lord Trump and his "Stolen!" bullshit look too good.

Correct. Nobody on the right wanted to know anything.


The report is on SECURITY response, not actual root cause analisys of the attack on Congress.
The report is on SECURITY response, not actual root cause analisys of the attack on Congress.

Oh quit taking the bait already. The Democrats really fear 2022 and are very worried. A 911 style investigation would take almost that long to complete and allow them to stretch it out until the election to try and keep it alive. The Republicans aren't buying it. This is nothing but a bunch of yahoos who broke into the Capital just like the rioters all across this country. There is nothing special about them or to investigate as all our federal law enforcement agencies have already investigated and may still be for a couple of people.

Nearly six months and the military is still out at the Capital, and unless the Republicans point out the stupidity of all this and turn voters away from the idea, the Democrats will keep them there until at least 2022 when these people just want to go home and back to work already.

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