The insurrection is not over

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them. So you can speak for Trump because you hate him, proving you are the one who really knows what he thinks.

So for Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, you apply your standard, right? We know what she thinks better than you do? You'd believe what we tell you she thinks just like we should believe you are the one who accurately can read Trump's mind?

You're such a lying douche

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them.

No moron, thats exactly wrong.

If you want to know what someone really thinks and wants you watch what they DO.

Trump stood by and watched his MAGA people break into Capitol after he has fed them a constant diet of "stolen election, I won in a landslide!!!" lies. Even Republicans were begging him to interfere and call them off.

It clearly infers that he had no problem with a violent break in that his rhetoric caused.
By following Trump's marching orders -- Trump was never known for his political acumen -- Senate Republicans made a colossal mistake. From the standpoint of their best interests, as a consequence of their catastrophic error not only did they trade in a bipartisan investigation for an investigation on Pelosi's terms, but they caused the issue to drag out deep into an election year -- something they dearly wanted to prevent.

This is why the House needs to investigate the Jan.6 insurrection, the invasion and ransacking of our capitol. Five were killed.

CNN reports, "(CNN)Two Senate committees on Tuesday released the most comprehensive government report on the security failures leading up to the US Capitol insurrection on January 6, revealing new details about unheeded warnings, critical miscommunications and intelligence shortcomings.

However, the Senate investigation was significantly watered down before it even started.

CNN continued. "The 95-page report is the first comprehensive offering from the long list of Senate and House committees that are investigating various matters related to the Capitol insurrection. It's by far one of the most thorough fact-finding efforts and was released Tuesday in a bipartisan fashion.

"But as comprehensive as it is, it only examined one piece of the bigger puzzle. It looked at the "security, planning and response failures" by law enforcement. But what about efforts by extremist groups to plan for violence in DC? What about former President Donald Trump and the Republican officials who fanned the flames? Congress isn't equipped to probe these issues."

Senate aides said investigators intentionally avoided the most politicized topics -- like Trump's culpability -- because they wanted to keep the probe bipartisan. Sources told CNN that to keep Republicans in the fold, the report avoided using the word "insurrection" to describe the attack.

When Senate Republicans killed the bipartisan Jan. 6 commission, they essentially turned the investigation over to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Pelosi has not yet decided which option to use.

She is in no hurry. She wants the facts concerning the invasion of our capitol to come out during 2022, an election year.

Senate Republicans facilitated that, too. They were following Trump's orders.
Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

apple: orange.jpeg

Detectives look at what words the criminal used in relationship to a crime or potential crime, not the words other people used.
The mob did kill an officer. If not for the mob, he would not be dead. The mob sent another into cardiac arrest.

Since you seem to think there are so many unanswered questions, are you in favor of a bipartisan commission to investigate?

No mob killed any police officers. One officer died from two consecutive strokes which had zero to do with the riot. He had those strokes after he got back to the station.
Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

View attachment 498781

Detectives look at what words the criminal used in relationship to a crime or potential crime, not the words other people used.

WRONG. Intent and motives are a critical component that gets established in a case. It is often evidenced by perps's behavior.

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them.

No moron, thats exactly wrong.

If you want to know what someone really thinks and wants you watch what they DO.

Trump stood by and watched his MAGA people break into Capitol after he has fed them a constant diet of "stolen election, I won in a landslide!!!" lies. Even Republicans were begging him to interfere and call them off.

It clearly infers that he had no problem with a violent break in that his rhetoric caused.

Right, but Trump didn't do anything to support violence. You just lie and lie and lie. It's the Democrat way. Vulcans can't lie, Democrats can't tell the truth.

You claim you read minds is particularly retarded

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them.

No moron, thats exactly wrong.

If you want to know what someone really thinks and wants you watch what they DO.

Trump stood by and watched his MAGA people break into Capitol after he has fed them a constant diet of "stolen election, I won in a landslide!!!" lies. Even Republicans were begging him to interfere and call them off.

It clearly infers that he had no problem with a violent break in that his rhetoric caused.

Right, but Trump didn't do anything to support violence. You just lie and lie and lie. It's the Democrat way. Vulcans can't lie, Democrats can't tell the truth.

You claim you read minds is particularly retarded

Yes he did. He fed them lies and then even stated that this is exactly what happens when people belive him:


Perps to a one claim that the break in is exactly what Trump wanted them to do.
I still find it hard to believe that Trump got more votes in 2020 then he did in 2016.

Perhaps we should reconsider who should be investigating who for election fraud!

And yet you believe the country overwhelmingly elected a clown who spent nearly 50 years in the federal government and accomplished nothing, who's son was under a FBI investigation in a matter he was associated with while he was running, a guy who's dementia is so bad his own party tried to strip his exclusive power over our nuclear arms?

Under Trump our border was under control, we had the best economy in 50 years, new record lows in unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. And it would have continued if not for Joe's buddies in China sending us their virus.

What I find amazing is that Trump only gained 12 million more supporters. But it shows how completely politically ignorant many who vote actually are, and mail-in voting draws in more of those kinds of voters which is why the Nazis want to make mail-in permanent.

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them.

No moron, thats exactly wrong.

If you want to know what someone really thinks and wants you watch what they DO.

Trump stood by and watched his MAGA people break into Capitol after he has fed them a constant diet of "stolen election, I won in a landslide!!!" lies. Even Republicans were begging him to interfere and call them off.

It clearly infers that he had no problem with a violent break in that his rhetoric caused.

Right, but Trump didn't do anything to support violence. You just lie and lie and lie. It's the Democrat way. Vulcans can't lie, Democrats can't tell the truth.

You claim you read minds is particularly retarded

Yes he did. He fed them lies and then even stated that this is exactly what happens when people belive him:


Perps to a one calim that the break in is exactly what Trump wanted them to do.

When Democrats protest: Lying scum tutu focuses only on the majority who were peaceful.

When Republicans protest: Lying scum tutu focuses only on the tiny percent who were not.

There was a massive protest, almost all of it peaceful and outside the capital.

You just lie, lie and lie. It's what you are, a liar
Apparently you believe that the word 'fight' has no literal meaning? Are you that stupid?

a battle or combat.
any contest or struggle: a fight for recovery from an illness.

verb (used without object), fought, fight·ing.​

to engage in battle or in single combat; attempt to defend oneself against or to subdue, defeat, or destroy an adversary.
to contend in any manner; strive vigorously for or against something: He fought bravely against despair.


You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them.

No moron, thats exactly wrong.

If you want to know what someone really thinks and wants you watch what they DO.

Trump stood by and watched his MAGA people break into Capitol after he has fed them a constant diet of "stolen election, I won in a landslide!!!" lies. Even Republicans were begging him to interfere and call them off.

It clearly infers that he had no problem with a violent break in that his rhetoric caused.

Right, but Trump didn't do anything to support violence. You just lie and lie and lie. It's the Democrat way. Vulcans can't lie, Democrats can't tell the truth.

You claim you read minds is particularly retarded

Yes he did. He fed them lies and then even stated that this is exactly what happens when people belive him:


Perps to a one calim that the break in is exactly what Trump wanted them to do.

When Democrats protest: Lying scum tutu focuses only on the majority who were peaceful.

When Republicans protest: Lying scum tutu focuses only on the tiny percent who were not.

There was a massive protest, almost all of it peaceful and outside the capital.

You just lie, lie and lie. It's what you are, a liar

Yep, divert, deflect, dodge, it's all you can do when faced with undeniable proof that your Dear Leader is a piece of shit who spreads grotesque, danagerous lies and then giddly sits by and watches as it blows up as a violent break in into the US Congress chambers.

To this day Trump is shitting on American electoral system and talking about how he won in a landslide and you still support that fucking asshole who wraps himself in American flag but then can't do right by his country by simply conceeding the loss.
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WRONG. Intent and motives are a critical component that gets established in a case. It is often evidenced by perps's behavior.

What behavior, Tweeting things you don't like?

The term we got to fight has been used by Democrats and Republicans alike. Don't try to make this into this is something Trump invented.

You asked me show the exact words that Trump used to incite the insurrection. I did so.

Now you're calling me a liar for EXACTLY quoting Trump.

Apparently you can't handle the truth and choose to live in your delusional world.

Just another lie from the liar. I never asked you to show exact words as if that was the point in question.

You know that politicians saying to fight for thinks (or any other American) is figurative, not literal. So you apply that standard to Democrats, right?

Trump well showed what he wanted his supporters to do by his behavior.

He wanted the break in and for his MAGA people to halt the certification and he got exactly that. Him sitting back and watching this unfold fully revealed his intent to anyone not totaly fucking stupid.

From the mind reader! Or are you using a secret decoder ring?

What you are doing is called confirmation bias. Look it up

Dumbass, it's called using your damn head and inferring obvious intent from behavior.

This is a standard practice during investigations and prosecutions of criminals, all without any "mind readers" or "decoder rings".

You are playing stupid denial games to avoid admitting what you badly don't want to admit, but it just makes you look like a brain dead Trumpster tool.

So you're saying if you want to know what someone really thinks, then you should ask someone who hates them.

No moron, thats exactly wrong.

If you want to know what someone really thinks and wants you watch what they DO.

Trump stood by and watched his MAGA people break into Capitol after he has fed them a constant diet of "stolen election, I won in a landslide!!!" lies. Even Republicans were begging him to interfere and call them off.

It clearly infers that he had no problem with a violent break in that his rhetoric caused.

Right, but Trump didn't do anything to support violence. You just lie and lie and lie. It's the Democrat way. Vulcans can't lie, Democrats can't tell the truth.

You claim you read minds is particularly retarded

Yes he did. He fed them lies and then even stated that this is exactly what happens when people belive him:


Perps to a one calim that the break in is exactly what Trump wanted them to do.

When Democrats protest: Lying scum tutu focuses only on the majority who were peaceful.

When Republicans protest: Lying scum tutu focuses only on the tiny percent who were not.

There was a massive protest, almost all of it peaceful and outside the capital.

You just lie, lie and lie. It's what you are, a liar

Yep, devert, deflect, dodge, it's all you can do when faced with undeniable proof that your dear leader is a piece of shit who spreads grotesque, danagerous lies and then giddly sits by and watches it blows up as a violent break in into the Congress.

To this day Trump is runing around shitting on American electoral system and talking about how he won in a landslide and you still support that fucking asshole.

You're the one who keeps claiming you speak for Trump and you're a mind reader and know what he's thinking ... and I'm the one diverting. That's some stupid shit
WRONG. Intent and motives are a critical component that gets established in a case. It is often evidenced by perps's behavior.

What behavior, Tweeting things you don't like?

The term we got to fight has been used by Democrats and Republicans alike. Don't try to make this into this is something Trump invented.

I've already explained like 10 times in this very thread. You've got A.D.D?

The behavior of sitting by and watching his MAGA people break into Capitol to "stop the steal" that he was beating into their heads. Behavior of refusing to interfere even as top REPUBLICANS were pleading with him to stop the lawless madness.

Behavior that got him impeached in the House with a bipartisan vote.

Rep. Peter Meijer, a Republican from Michigan, told CNN on Monday he is strongly considering voting to impeach the president, criticizing Trump’s response to the violence at the Capitol.

No condemnation, no urge to bring things back,” he said of Trump’s actions during the attack. “To me that was an abject failure of leadership and something just broke then.

Last edited:

Note you're just dancing and evading my question.

Will you take calls from the left to FIGHT literally like you are Trump? With Trump, you're saying you don't speak fluent English and you're a dumb ass and you don't know the difference between literal and figurative that an American 10 year old would easily spot. If you told your daughter to go fight for her turn with a toy, she would not go punch her brother like you claim you would.

My question again is will you take all calls for violence LITERALLY from Democrats like you do Trump????

Answer the question

I answered your dumbass question quite thoroughly. Perhaps you're just too dumb to understand.

But to be more specific. Liberals, unlike Trump supporters, aren't stupid enough to take it literally if a Democratic politician called for them to fight. Democratic politicians know that their supporters aren't idiots and wouldn't take any such call literally. Even if they meant it to be taken literally, democrats wouldn't respond.

Trump supporters are idiots that DID take Trump literally, and Trump knew very well that they would. He meant it literally and his brainless supporters took it literally.

O.K., now deny that I answered your dumbass question (twice).

Talk about useless and hack explanation attempts.
Talk about lame responses!

If ya got nothing intelligent to say then STFU!

Oh, sorry in that case you won't ever post anything!

Continue your blathering. We all need a few laughs!

Sheesh, I feel you bro. You admitted that you're lying scum who while you attack Republicans by taking everything literal that you would in fact not do that with Democrats. I mean admitting you're hate filled partisan garbage like that is enough, what more does he want?

You're a lying bag of shit that makes up absolute nonsense instead of any intelligible arguments. You're not worth any more discussion.
I still find it hard to believe that Trump got more votes in 2020 then he did in 2016.

Perhaps we should reconsider who should be investigating who for election fraud!

And yet you believe the country overwhelmingly elected a clown who spent nearly 50 years in the federal government and accomplished nothing, who's son was under a FBI investigation in a matter he was associated with while he was running, a guy who's dementia is so bad his own party tried to strip his exclusive power over our nuclear arms?

Under Trump our border was under control, we had the best economy in 50 years, new record lows in unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. And it would have continued if not for Joe's buddies in China sending us their virus.

What I find amazing is that Trump only gained 12 million more supporters. But it shows how completely politically ignorant many who vote actually are, and mail-in voting draws in more of those kinds of voters which is why the Nazis want to make mail-in permanent.

Holy crap are you mixed up!

The clown didn't spend 50 years in government. He only spent 4 years.

His son wasn't under FBI investigation, but his father was in the KKK

He doesn't have dementia, but he is a psychopathic narcisist.

But yes, Trump's own party stripped him of control over nuclear weapons.

But more than anything, Trump was the most despised President in history. It's HARD to believe that he got more votes in 2020. (Because he almost certainly didn't)
Apparently you believe that the word 'fight' has no literal meaning? Are you that stupid?

a battle or combat.
any contest or struggle: a fight for recovery from an illness.

verb (used without object), fought, fight·ing.​

to engage in battle or in single combat; attempt to defend oneself against or to subdue, defeat, or destroy an adversary.
to contend in any manner; strive vigorously for or against something: He fought bravely against despair.

Are you really going to play dumb and pretend that you didn't read Kaz's post that I was answering?

Oh, sorry I forgot, you're not playing.

Note you're just dancing and evading my question.

Will you take calls from the left to FIGHT literally like you are Trump? With Trump, you're saying you don't speak fluent English and you're a dumb ass and you don't know the difference between literal and figurative that an American 10 year old would easily spot. If you told your daughter to go fight for her turn with a toy, she would not go punch her brother like you claim you would.

My question again is will you take all calls for violence LITERALLY from Democrats like you do Trump????

Answer the question

I answered your dumbass question quite thoroughly. Perhaps you're just too dumb to understand.

But to be more specific. Liberals, unlike Trump supporters, aren't stupid enough to take it literally if a Democratic politician called for them to fight. Democratic politicians know that their supporters aren't idiots and wouldn't take any such call literally. Even if they meant it to be taken literally, democrats wouldn't respond.

Trump supporters are idiots that DID take Trump literally, and Trump knew very well that they would. He meant it literally and his brainless supporters took it literally.

O.K., now deny that I answered your dumbass question (twice).

Talk about useless and hack explanation attempts.
Talk about lame responses!

If ya got nothing intelligent to say then STFU!

Oh, sorry in that case you won't ever post anything!

Continue your blathering. We all need a few laughs!

Sheesh, I feel you bro. You admitted that you're lying scum who while you attack Republicans by taking everything literal that you would in fact not do that with Democrats. I mean admitting you're hate filled partisan garbage like that is enough, what more does he want?

You're a lying bag of shit that makes up absolute nonsense instead of any intelligible arguments. You're not worth any more discussion.

You admitted that you take Democrats figuratively while you are taking Republicans literally. You're a total partisan douche bag

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