The Internet, Religion, And Government


Sep 23, 2010
Beginning with the printing press, journalism was invented by technology. Internet technology now adopts all of the evils practiced by journalism’s contemporary ghouls; most notably the Tea Party News Network. To be fair, television’s ghouls are far more loathsome than print because TV adds spoken words to the blood and gore stories. The first 2 minutes from the Canadian show The Newsroom (1996 - 1997) says it all:

Commercial political sites on the Internet are wasting no time in following print’s, and TV’s, business model “If it bleeds it leads.”

Several tea-party staffers have resigned from the Tea Party News Network, accusing the company of employing “despicable practices” that are “immoral and unethical” – and treating the movement’s patriotic activism as a “pain in the a–,” “not an opportunity to save the country.”

The exodus Thursday came on the heels of a Daily Beast expose that revealed readers’ concern that the Tea Party New Network, or TPNN, began to drift from the movement’s core values. Instead, they say, the company focuses on promoting sensational click bait – like video footage of street fights – between its news postings.

“It was supposed to be an educational tool for people who were upset with what is going on in the world,” tea-party activist Samuel J. Wurzelbacher, also known as “Joe the Plumber,” told the left-leaning Daily Beast. “But then they figured out, ‘Hell, we can make more money off of this.’ I stopped going to the site. It stopped being informative.”​

The Internet’s business model is no different than organized religion —— which is thousand of years older than journalism. Media must rely on advertising dollars (paid for with tax dollars these day), while the Internet must rely on voluntary donations:

TPNN, which was launched in 2012 to act as an “antidote to mainstream media bias,” is owned by Founder Todd Cefaratti. According to the Daily Beast, collected more than $6 million in donation during the most recent election cycle.

Tea-party exodus: Site sees activism as 'pain in the a--'
Posted By -NO AUTHOR- On 02/20/2015 @ 2:09 pm

Tea-party exodus Site sees activism as pain in the a

All things considered, conservatives who happen to be in the majority are damn lucky they elect anybody when the sharpshooters control the money. Like I’ve said many times, it does not cost you a penny to vote for your choice in a primary, but keep your money under the mattress until AFTER the candidate is chosen at the nominating convention. Then give your donation directly to your guy. If a true conservative is not the candidate screw the media’s candidate.

If you think giving money to lousy Internet sites is a bad idea, check out at the PACS:


Just in case you’re wondering, those bottom 10 PACs you’re looking at spent $54,318,498, but only $3,621,896 of that money went to candidates via direct contributions or independent expenditures on their behalf.

Some people have asked why we even looked into this, especially since some of these groups are generally well thought of conservative groups that endorse great grassroots candidates.

There’s a simple answer to that question. When 54 million dollars is pouring into PACs that are cumulatively eating up 93% of it in overhead, fundraising and salaries, it has a tremendous negative impact on the conservative movement.

How Bad PACs Are Killing The Conservative Movement
John Hawkins | Feb 21, 2015

NOTE: The Internet’s similarity to religion and government is astonishing in that it is possible for an Internet news site to maintain its integrity on voluntary donations, while the media will always run with the blood.

Also, let me remind everybody that the government is out to abolish freedom of speech on the Internet. Indeed, destroy the Internet as it exists today, while the remainder of media is as safe as is the gold in Fort Knox.

Incidentally, the stories about the Chicago sewer rat being angry at television has never been more than a propaganda load of manure designed to make the pubic believe that television’s ghouls are the government’s mortal enemies. Personally, I’ve always doubted the sincerity of a constitutionally guaranteed free press that does not attack the government 24-7. Never-ending attacks is the only chance of returning to limited government in order to salvage what little remains of individual freedom.

Finally, I suppose it all comes down to millions of loyal readers/viewers tuning in. So long as the suckers continue to absorb media’s blood soaked messages “It will always lead if it bleeds.”
The internet is probably the biggest threat in the world to religion. All that free thought and access to information? Not good.

What exactly does the Internet provide to people that separates public commentaries (i.e., electronic discussion boards) from the days of Hearst-commandeered 'yellow journalism?'


William Randolph Hearst - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

View attachment 37092

To Abishai100: Print press, and television, are instruments of government. Freedom of speech on the Internet is the exact opposite.

Each one of the numerous messages I’ve posted about freedom of speech on the Internet probably answered your question from a different approach. This thread should answer your question in some detail:

I’ve been following the federal government’s assault on Internet freedom of speech as far back as Hillary Clinton’s ‘gatekeeper’ and Cass Sunstein’s plan to criminalize conspiracy theorizing on message boards. Socialists/Democrats know that their end is in sight if they fail to shutdown the Internet.

Neither television nor print press will defend freedom of speech on the Internet, but at least one public voice is calling it for what it is:

Fox News Channel senior judicial analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says the Obama administration’s efforts to regulate the Internet constitute a major infringement upon freedom of speech, but he believes the new plan will get struck down in court for lack of transparency.


. . . Congress has passed no statute authorizing new government controls on the Internet, and the First Amendment clearly states that neither Congress nor any government agency it created can make a law restricting the freedom of speech.​

The three branches of government, AND THE BUREAUCRACIES, stuff themselves at the same feed tub. In truth, you can add the media to the others. Sad to say, I have no faith in the Supreme Court declaring FCC regulations unconstitutional any more than I have faith in the High Court overturning the EPA, the ACA, amnesty for illegal aliens by presidential decree, or anything else the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT does regardless of the Constitution.

“This proposal by the president (these are the president’s appointees on the FCC) actually has the support of the leadership of both political parties, big-government Republicans and big-government Democrats,” . . .

Obama power grab triggers 1st Amendment nightmare
Posted By Greg Corombos
On 02/24/2015 @ 7:50 pm

Obama power grab triggers 1st Amendment nightmare
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The end of freedom of speech on the Internet is a done deed.

“Feed me! Feed me now!! Feed me all night long! If you feed me, I can grow up big and strong.” These are lines spoken by Audrey II, in the movie, “Little Shop of Horrors.” The plant that grows bigger every time he eats and is never quite satisfied. He always wants more. It is never enough! “FEED ME!”

Obama continues to feed on America’s freedoms everyday, taking more and more, never satisfied. Most recently, the FCC passed Net Neutrality Regulations. Obama and Democrats fully supported the takeover of the Internet, demanding it become a public utility controlled by the government, regardless of opposition from the American people. The FCC is supposed to be an independent government agency, but as we are discovering, there are no boundaries honored by this administration. “FEED ME!”​

Every paragraph ends with the words “FEED ME!” except the final two:

It appears that The Little Shop of Horrors is a cult movie based on current reality! In the original ending, Audrey II, the man-eating plant, eats his namesake, Audrey, and Seymour her boyfriend, produce multiple offspring and eventually take over the world! In the theatrical ending, Seymour saves Audrey, electrocutes Audrey II, the man-eating plant, they marry and live happily ever after in their dream home.

Which ending do you prefer?

Obama’s Little Shop of Horrors!
By Leigh Bravo February 27, 2015

Obama s Little Shop of Horrors

Cell Block Arachnophobia

The machine-view of the Internet, the supreme God-head of mechanized tentacles (the ultimate virtual reality Motherboard), obtains its sociological aura from the design branchings of modern age 'touch-friendly' goods access (i.e., Facebook, Netgrocer, etc.).

From the consumerism heavy 1980s-1990s (the explosive era of McDonald's and Starbucks), we have the two market culture totems:

1. the compact cassette --- the first audio media playback toy that was easily portable

2. the Swatch biocell-themed wrist-watch --- an accessory which enabled you to see inside its working gears (long before the 1998 iMac) almost as if it was a biologically-working organism

It's the cataloguing of consumerism trophies that reveals the patterns in 'Internet Empiricism.'


Tron (Film)

swatch (2).jpg
tape (2).jpg
Bad News Bears: The Virtual Stewardess

How does the circulation of images in the media and on TV of Hollywood (USA) actress Jennifer Connelly reveal the general social fascination with consumerism traffic?


Jennifer Connelly


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