The invisble package of unearned benefits

I watched about three minutes of it. Same old boo-hoo song-and-dance. Why waste my time?

This is the problem here we read all your same old racist bullshit every day, but you are not man enough to look at what is being said and to discuss the pros or cons.

Please post ANY racist material posted by me at ANY time, in ANY place, or remain a liar.

I watched the first three minutes, enough to know what was was coming. We've heard it all before.

I am not a liar. The thing about you guys is that you post up racist crap and swear it's not racist. So you tell me what was coming since you know so much.

Says the person that can't back up his vile slander, but continues to make them.

What a piece of shit.

I've backed up every word I've ever said. You will now discuss the OP or get reported.

He challenged you to post any racist material he ever posted, and you did not, but continued to make your unsupported vile slanders against him.

That is you not backing up what you said.

HOw stupid are you that you can deny that?
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

I don't believe in white privilege, but I do believe there is a great deal of black dysfunction. Naturally this dysfunction causes society to treat blacks differently.

Of course you don't. But I don't believe in that great deal of black dysfunction.

I don’t see how you can’t. Blacks cause most of the crime, many live in poverty, and fill our prisons. I’d say that it dysfunctional.

Do you believe these problems in the black community are caused by white racism?
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

You don't have the credibility to get me to watch a 12 minute video.

Provide a transcript and I will address what she said that you like.

Or just provide a bullet point.

I'm sure it boils down to something similar to "Fuck white people".

I don't care about having credibility with you. I provided the film, and that's what is going to be provided. So stay out of this thread if all you are going to do is troll.

I'm not trolling. I'm addressing the topic.

You know that you could summarize the point(s) for me in a bullet point or three.

YOu choose not to, because you know that the clearer you lefties make your points, the easier it is for people to see that they are nonsense.

You can watch the video. I am making no exceptions for you.

Other's have already stated that they watched the video and found it to be the same old crap.

THey seemed to have missed the "point" that you got out of it.

State it for them, too.

But you won't. Because of why I said.

You know that you could summarize the point(s) for me in a bullet point or three.

YOu choose not to, because you know that the clearer you lefties make your points, the easier it is for people to see that they are nonsense.

I don't really count you guys as much of anything. I hope more Intelligent better balanced people enter this tread who are intellectual;y honest enough to discuss this issue. You see, I know that white privilege exists. I don't need a video to understand that. Those like you, I don't count because you live in a lei and are convinced that lie is real. We all that psychosis and that's a mental condition that can only be cured by professional medical help. As I am not psychiatrist, I don't have the qualifications to provide you with that help. So I can only deal with the crazy you post and laugh. :badgrin:
This is the problem here we read all your same old racist bullshit every day, but you are not man enough to look at what is being said and to discuss the pros or cons.

Please post ANY racist material posted by me at ANY time, in ANY place, or remain a liar.

I watched the first three minutes, enough to know what was was coming. We've heard it all before.

I am not a liar. The thing about you guys is that you post up racist crap and swear it's not racist. So you tell me what was coming since you know so much.

Says the person that can't back up his vile slander, but continues to make them.

What a piece of shit.

I've backed up every word I've ever said. You will now discuss the OP or get reported.

He challenged you to post any racist material he ever posted, and you did not, but continued to make your unsupported vile slanders against him.

That is you not backing up what you said.

HOw stupid are you that you can deny that?

The OP of this thread is not his challenge. I am not going to allow you guys to derail this thread because you want tp demand things none of you do when asked So hen since he gave the video all the importance he felt was needed, I gave his request all I thought was deserved.
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Black privilege.

Blacks with lower test scores are being more readily accepted into college.

Both Black males, and Black females can use Affirmative Action.

Blacks can take advantage of the Minority Business Development Agency to build up a business.

Blacks get special protection hate crimes, while say the same thing using terms like dumb Polak, or greasy Italian would probably be thrown out.

Blacks can kill more Whites, than Whites kill Blacks, but more Whites get slapped with hate crimes for it.

Blacks are the only ethnicity with a widely publicized History Month.

Blacks can be racist, and no one cares about that as an issue.

If a Black uses the word Honkey, or Cracker on TV it isn't offensive like a White person using the N word on TV.

Everyone knows about the Black struggle, while far less would know about the Polish struggle, Irish struggle, Ukrainian struggle.
My son attended one of the nations top public engineering universities. Of course, he received no tuition support from the government since my income was too high.

He knew of a few black engineering students who started when he did. Sadly, none of them could obtain the grades needed to advance in the program and dropped out. While they achieved high test scores in their high schools to be accepted at a top university, they were cheated by those high schools. They were not prepared and quickly failed. But, they were given a chance.
Black privilege.

Blacks with lower test scores are being more readily accepted into college.

Both Black males, and Black females can use Affirmative Action.

Blacks can take advantage of the Minority Business Development Agency to build up a business.

Blacks get special protection hate crimes, while say the same thing using terms like dumb Polak, or greasy Italian would probably be thrown out.

Blacks can kill more Whites, than Whites kill Blacks, but more Whites get slapped with hate crimes for it.

Blacks are the only ethnicity with a widely publicized History Month.

Blacks can be racist, and no one cares about that as an issue.

If a Black uses the word Honkey, or Cracker on TV it isn't offensive like a White person using the N word on TV.

Everyone knows about the Black struggle, while far less would know about the Polish struggle, Irish struggle, Ukrainian struggle.
My son attended one of the nations top public engineering universities. Of course, he received no tuition support from the government since my income was too high.

He knew of a few black engineering students who started when he did. Sadly, none of them could obtain the grades needed to advance in the program and dropped out. While they achieved high test scores in their high schools to be accepted at a top university, they were cheated by those high schools. They were not prepared and quickly failed. But, they were given a chance.

You've written bunch of lies. and:

Another standard story about how all the lacks just couldn't get he job done. Well you see, the problem with your lie is that I am black, Nd I have a college degree ad then some. It's funny how there are never any whites who failed college.
Black privilege.

Blacks with lower test scores are being more readily accepted into college.

Both Black males, and Black females can use Affirmative Action.

Blacks can take advantage of the Minority Business Development Agency to build up a business.

Blacks get special protection hate crimes, while say the same thing using terms like dumb Polak, or greasy Italian would probably be thrown out.

Blacks can kill more Whites, than Whites kill Blacks, but more Whites get slapped with hate crimes for it.

Blacks are the only ethnicity with a widely publicized History Month.

Blacks can be racist, and no one cares about that as an issue.

If a Black uses the word Honkey, or Cracker on TV it isn't offensive like a White person using the N word on TV.

Everyone knows about the Black struggle, while far less would know about the Polish struggle, Irish struggle, Ukrainian struggle.
My son attended one of the nations top public engineering universities. Of course, he received no tuition support from the government since my income was too high.

He knew of a few black engineering students who started when he did. Sadly, none of them could obtain the grades needed to advance in the program and dropped out. While they achieved high test scores in their high schools to be accepted at a top university, they were cheated by those high schools. They were not prepared and quickly failed. But, they were given a chance.

You've written bunch of lies. and:

Another standard story about how all the lacks just couldn't get he job done. Well you see, the problem with your lie is that I am black, Nd I have a college degree ad then some. It's funny how there are never any whites who failed college.
I did not post All Blacks...why must you lie? It was anecdotal evidence. Of course many blacks do well in university. Many do not. Just like much for your white privilege bull shit.

However due to affirmative action some blacks get admitted to top universities and receive tuition benefits, that whites can only dream of.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

The fat lady doesn't understand that being white and poor is a privilege. As well, she should go on a diet.
You don't have the credibility to get me to watch a 12 minute video.

Provide a transcript and I will address what she said that you like.

Or just provide a bullet point.

I'm sure it boils down to something similar to "Fuck white people".

I don't care about having credibility with you. I provided the film, and that's what is going to be provided. So stay out of this thread if all you are going to do is troll.

I'm not trolling. I'm addressing the topic.

You know that you could summarize the point(s) for me in a bullet point or three.

YOu choose not to, because you know that the clearer you lefties make your points, the easier it is for people to see that they are nonsense.

You can watch the video. I am making no exceptions for you.

Other's have already stated that they watched the video and found it to be the same old crap.

THey seemed to have missed the "point" that you got out of it.

State it for them, too.

But you won't. Because of why I said.

You know that you could summarize the point(s) for me in a bullet point or three.

YOu choose not to, because you know that the clearer you lefties make your points, the easier it is for people to see that they are nonsense.

I don't really count you guys as much of anything. I hope more Intelligent better balanced people enter this tread who are intellectual;y honest enough to discuss this issue. You see, I know that white privilege exists. I don't need a video to understand that. Those like you, I don't count because you live in a lei and are convinced that lie is real. We all that psychosis and that's a mental condition that can only be cured by professional medical help. As I am not psychiatrist, I don't have the qualifications to provide you with that help. So I can only deal with the crazy you post and laugh. :badgrin:

I'm not sure who you think you are fooling with this nonsense. Yourself, maybe, but I doubt it.

You "know" white privilege exists, but you actively refuse to state the points that you think the video makes that is worth discussion.

You claim that a poster posts racist shit, but can't support you bullshit slander, but insist on continuing to make it.

And you have the gall to pretend that we are the crazy ones?


Why are you like this? On some level you have to know that you are completely full of shit.
Please post ANY racist material posted by me at ANY time, in ANY place, or remain a liar.

I watched the first three minutes, enough to know what was was coming. We've heard it all before.

I am not a liar. The thing about you guys is that you post up racist crap and swear it's not racist. So you tell me what was coming since you know so much.

Says the person that can't back up his vile slander, but continues to make them.

What a piece of shit.

I've backed up every word I've ever said. You will now discuss the OP or get reported.

He challenged you to post any racist material he ever posted, and you did not, but continued to make your unsupported vile slanders against him.

That is you not backing up what you said.

HOw stupid are you that you can deny that?

The OP of this thread is not his challenge. I am not going to allow you guys to derail this thread because you want tp demand things none of you do when asked So hen since he gave the video all the importance he felt was needed, I gave his request all I thought was deserved.

If you did not want to derail the thread with accusations of racism, then you should not have made those accusations of racism.

But you did make them.

Your desire to be allowed to slander other posters and not be called on your vile behavior is noted and denied.

Back up your bullshit slander, or admit that it was just you being a liberal, and apologize for spewing lies.

And we can move on to your next level of lies and logical fallacies as you try to defend your indefensible positions.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

For the record, you offered neither opinion nor discussion. While I'm not one to appeal to authority, I believe it's a rule upon initiating a thread discussion.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Anecdotal tales hurt my heart but they don't solve problems.. Making huge deals about make-up for dance teams being "white privilege" also don't explain the WTF that "privilege" claim is. The Dance Team outfit/appearance problem can be fixed (if it NEEDS to get fixed at all) without trials or more laws..

Telling personal tales trivializes the discussions. And what REALLY hurts my heart is that TED has sunk from cutting edge academic science/tech to NPR type emotional stories like this one.
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Who's fault is it that Hallmark cards didn't get adequate competition from "race aware" newcomers for too long? That's not "white privilege". It's a fucking failure to CAPITALIZE on a very important and LUCRATIVE market sector. Go find one IM2 and fix it...
There's one person who didn't watch the video.

Why would anyone even waste their time listening to that bigoted garbage. I actually feel sorry for people like you who wake up every day fixated on your hatred for others.
Princess hair? Seriously? THIS is white privilege? Please explain that to all women that straighten their naturally curly hair.. $Bill biz for white people also..

Did a Bing image search for "Princess Curls"... Thousands of hits..


That's the problem with "story-telling" when discussing serious topics. It can be pummeled to death before the heart even bleeds a bit for the insult...
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Damn! That woman has a lot of unpacking to do.
Having a high IQ is a privilege.

Asian Indians are now both the highest income, and IQ group in the U.S.A today.

They are dark brown just like African Americans, and have many stereotypes of their own like Hindu ones, but they can be mistaken for many other races including Muslims, which could make them likely targets of a lot of prejudices.'

Also note that Asian Indians mostly are recent arrivals in the U.S.A, so if this society is so racist, why did they succeed so quickly?
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Anecdotal tales hurt my heart but they don't solve problems.. Making huge deals about make-up for dance teams being "white privilege" also don't explain the WTF that "privilege" claim is. The Dance Team outfit/appearance problem can be fixed (if it NEEDS to get fixed at all) without trials or more laws..

Telling personal tales trivializes the discussions. And what REALLY hurts my heart is that TED has sunk from cutting edge academic science/tech to NPR type emotional stories like this one.

TED talks have pretty much always been absolute trash.
There's one person who didn't watch the video.

Why would anyone even waste their time listening to that bigoted garbage. I actually feel sorry for people like you who wake up every day fixated on your hatred for others.

Maybe one day when you learn to think for yourself you won't repeat the same old silly white conservative lines to people who don't hate about hate. Funny how you don't enter the thread about black culture saying anything. But you are Asian right, so you can say you aren't white when you are called on this type of ignorance.
Princess hair? Seriously? THIS is white privilege? Please explain that to all women that straighten their naturally curly hair.. $Bill biz for white people also..

Did a Bing image search for "Princess Curls"... Thousands of hits..


That's the problem with "story-telling" when discussing serious topics. It can be pummeled to death before the heart even bleeds a bit for the insult...

Yeah unless its whites here telling stores about how their son went to a college and none of that blacks could compete in engineering or how a white person tells a story about being passed over for that always unqualified black person. Or that story by the supposed white business owner who once hired some blacks and none of them ever wanted to work and they all stile from him. You are a pathetic man who can't deal with truth. You only want to believe that blacks all just fucked up and everything wrong we face is because we did it to ourselves. That the problem is in our culture because white culture is supreme and without problems. But it's not and you'll just have to see how it is not no matter if you choose to believe the truth or not. I know that you can't understand this and will find the one most simpleminded situation to use as an example instead of looking at the overall message and what it presents. You have an automatic excuse to deny all wrongs or advantages whites have done or have got because of things they have done. You have white fragility and don't even see it. And not all whites have this problem, but your GROUP does. There are millions of whites who do not think as you do, MILLIONS. We as non whites know the difference. So when you start crying about us not treating whites as individuals understand that you are repeating a GROUP ideology that belongs to white conservative right wing extremists. For if I was not considering whites as separate individuals, I would not have cited this white person. nor any of the other whites I have used in my arguments against white racism. This is why I have to laugh at you and the other dimwits here every time you try pulling you weak bull crap about lumping all whites into one group.

White privilege is real. Whites say it is.

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