The invisble package of unearned benefits

Obama did not get a lot of white votes, you've been shown that and that's not the OP. To your second question, Because I don't hate white people. To your question about Affirmative Action, if AA is what you say it is, whites have got it since 1776, That's 241 years. or 4.6 times longer than blacks have. Now try watching the video and discussing what was said.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.

And 99% of the black vote.

I guess Whites are not NEARLY as racist as Blacks..

White privilege is the dumbest lie you leftists have ever told.

Fuck you racist scum.

Let's see, how many white presidents have blacks voted for?

All of t hem since 1965.. Al Gore got 90 percent of t he black vote. So I guess you made another silly comment.
Um, there were only white candidates so the choices were limited

UM you are wrong. And further more blacks were discouraged by certain whites to run. Sorry bud, you don't get to male up black racism at your whim.

Now back to the OP.

It's Time for White America to Understand White Privilege...

So 50 years of Affirmative Action, has done nothing to help African Americans???

The election of BO to two terms with lots of white votes, means nothing.

Why would you listen to a white bitch? You hate white people.

Obama did not get a lot of white votes, you've been shown that and that's not the OP. To your second question, Because I don't hate white people. To your question about Affirmative Action, if AA is what you say it is, whites have got it since 1776, That's 241 years. or 4.6 times longer than blacks have. Now try watching the video and discussing what was said.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

I don’t think you understand the definition of many. It is not the same as majority.
Black privilege.

Blacks with lower test scores are being more readily accepted into college.

Both Black males, and Black females can use Affirmative Action.

Blacks can take advantage of the Minority Business Development Agency to build up a business.

Blacks get special protection hate crimes, while say the same thing using terms like dumb Polak, or greasy Italian would probably be thrown out.

Blacks can kill more Whites, than Whites kill Blacks, but more Whites get slapped with hate crimes for it.

Blacks are the only ethnicity with a widely publicized History Month.

Blacks can be racist, and no one cares about that as an issue.

If a Black uses the word Honkey, or Cracker on TV it isn't offensive like a White person using the N word on TV.

Everyone knows about the Black struggle, while far less would know about the Polish struggle, Irish struggle, Ukrainian struggle.
Blacks are the only ethnicity with a widely publicized History Month.
Everytime I hear about black history month I think how stupid the blacks are for allowing the Liberals to fuck them over again. All the other history months(Asian,LBGTQWXYZ, and others) all have 30 or 31 days, but the Negros get the shaft by only getting 28 days. Just shows how little the blacks have contributed to this country while all the others must of had many more.....
So 50 years of Affirmative Action, has done nothing to help African Americans???

The election of BO to two terms with lots of white votes, means nothing.

Why would you listen to a white bitch? You hate white people.

Obama did not get a lot of white votes, you've been shown that and that's not the OP. To your second question, Because I don't hate white people. To your question about Affirmative Action, if AA is what you say it is, whites have got it since 1776, That's 241 years. or 4.6 times longer than blacks have. Now try watching the video and discussing what was said.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

White privilege = Having a bunch of Liberals of the establishment guilt Whites for colonization, until they go extinct.

When no other race is treated this way.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.

And 99% of the black vote.

I guess Whites are not NEARLY as racist as Blacks..

White privilege is the dumbest lie you leftists have ever told.

Fuck you racist scum.

Let's see, how many white presidents have blacks voted for?

All of t hem since 1965.. Al Gore got 90 percent of t he black vote. So I guess you made another silly comment.

Again my racist Comrade. when a white and a black were on the ballot, whites voted principle, blacks voted skin color.

That's racism, as is the "white privilege" idiocy the Khmer Rouge promotes.

Actually blacks voted principle. There have been black presidential candidates before. They did not get the black vote, so your comments is simply another show of stupidity.

Now back to the OP.

Why White Privilege Matters

White privilege is that Whites are more intelligent, and work harder.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.

And 99% of the black vote.

I guess Whites are not NEARLY as racist as Blacks..

White privilege is the dumbest lie you leftists have ever told.

Fuck you racist scum.

Let's see, how many white presidents have blacks voted for?

All of t hem since 1965.. Al Gore got 90 percent of t he black vote. So I guess you made another silly comment.
Um, there were only white candidates so the choices were limited

UM you are wrong. And further more blacks were discouraged by certain whites to run. Sorry bud, you don't get to male up black racism at your whim.

Now back to the OP.

It's Time for White America to Understand White Privilege...

My Polish American uncle grew up in a cold-water flat, (No running hot water, or heating) nor telephones, or TV's in the 1950's.

By the 1970's he was blown up in Vietnam nearly died, came back, heard routine dumb Polak jokes which were extremely common, heard Blacks shooting guns behind the apartments, and even got beaten up, and robbed by Blacks.

He ended up getting strokes in a wheel chair paralyzed, and dying in the 1990's probably related to PTSD (Shell shock)

How do you consider someone like this to be of "White Privilege"

The fact of the matter is most Blacks in the U.S today are in much better shape than that.
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Obama did not get a lot of white votes, you've been shown that and that's not the OP. To your second question, Because I don't hate white people. To your question about Affirmative Action, if AA is what you say it is, whites have got it since 1776, That's 241 years. or 4.6 times longer than blacks have. Now try watching the video and discussing what was said.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

I don’t think you understand the definition of many. It is not the same as majority.

I don't think I have to know the definition of many to say that 39 percent is not many. Now since your opinion of many is not the thread topic you can discuss the thread topic or leave. I don't care which.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

I don’t think you understand the definition of many. It is not the same as majority.

I don't think I have to know the definition of many to say that 39 percent is not many. Now since your opinion of many is not the thread topic you can discuss the thread topic or leave. I don't care which.

Really? Millions of whites voted for Big Ears, but you don't consider millions many. LMFAO!

Plus his white voters numbered more than many prior D POTUS candidates....but you keep your racism just makes you dumb.

If there were any white privilege, we wouldn't have to be subjected to white-hating videos by wiggers about white privilege.

A racist college professor humiliates this woman in the classroom because she's white, but she thinks blacks are oppressed because predominately black school carelessly got white-skin tone leggings for the cheerleaders.
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Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Anecdotal tales hurt my heart but they don't solve problems.. Making huge deals about make-up for dance teams being "white privilege" also don't explain the WTF that "privilege" claim is. The Dance Team outfit/appearance problem can be fixed (if it NEEDS to get fixed at all) without trials or more laws..

Telling personal tales trivializes the discussions. And what REALLY hurts my heart is that TED has sunk from cutting edge academic science/tech to NPR type emotional stories like this one.

TED talks have pretty much always been absolute trash.

Oh not at the beginning. When TED was dominated by REAL science and research, it was FABULOUS. Then the SJWarriors got involved. And it became a story-telling exercise instead of brilliant analysis and critical thinking and innovation...
Who's fault is it that Hallmark cards didn't get adequate competition from "race aware" newcomers for too long? That's not "white privilege". It's a fucking failure to CAPITALIZE on a very important and LUCRATIVE market sector. Go find one IM2 and fix it...

And like I said you search or one irrelevant example to use in order to try dismissing the overall message. So you go the white person who made this statement and ask them the question.

No. That's not what I did. I went thru the sad attempt to appeal to emotion and posted as I listened. I discussed 3 or 4 of her "points" -- until I couldn't take anymore. You can't expect me to listen further than that unless you tell you WHY -- it gets better. Or until you tell me why my reactions that I wrote are wrong.

EVERYONE of them I discussed are MINOR gripes, amplified by a serious misunderstanding of "how things work". For instance, Hallmark was not racist. They just needed YOU to steal that lucrative market of "color conscious" greeting cards. For YOU to make a $$ZILLionBucks -- FILLING that need. To teach them a lesson.

And "curly hair" is what a LOT of "Princess hair styles" actually are. It's just unimaginative parenting to have your heart break because a kid get all wound up about a hairstyle. All that was required there is the "bigger picture". And a couple MORE Disney movies.

So much in pop culture is already OVER-REPRESENTED. It's not like society ain't making the accommodations. And if its not BIG or FAST enough for your group -- just whine --- or get together and FIX it..
So 50 years of Affirmative Action, has done nothing to help African Americans???

The election of BO to two terms with lots of white votes, means nothing.

Why would you listen to a white bitch? You hate white people.

Obama did not get a lot of white votes, you've been shown that and that's not the OP. To your second question, Because I don't hate white people. To your question about Affirmative Action, if AA is what you say it is, whites have got it since 1776, That's 241 years. or 4.6 times longer than blacks have. Now try watching the video and discussing what was said.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

This is BETTER than the TED woman. BUT SERIOUSLY --- There's such as "Whiteness Studies" or "Critical Race Theory"?? WTF is Whiteness Studies -- other than the INSTITUTIONALIZATION of concepts like "white privilege" -- It's all circular nonsense.

"PRESUMED GREATER SOCIAL STATUS"?? Seriously? You got superstars in virtually EVERY societal endeavour . More pop/music/movie/sports/ millionaires and icons than your numbers deserve. The ONLY "greater social status" that NEEDS to be attained are NOT "white people's fault".. That would be icons and models in science, technology, professional fields. And when you DO get folks in those status positions, you PURGE most of them from your ranks for "not being black enough".. Not my fault dude.

Can't "speak freely"?? Maybe it's the quality and content of what you're saying.

Spare me the blame for focusing on oppression and not focusing on "being white enough" to succeed. And place THAT VALUE at the TOP of your culture.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

I believe what is most important about what she said is that her true understanding of what black folks go through on a daily basis came when her daughter married a black guy. The experiences of someone you love have a very different effect on you than the experiences of someone you do not know and have only heard negative things about.

When I met my husband he would talk for hours about things that had happened to him and how they made him feel. I feel privileged to have been shown a different view of things and to have the opportunity for personal growth and understanding.
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Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

I believe what is most important about what she said is that her true understanding of what black folks go through on a daily basis came when her daughter married a black guy. The experiences of someone you love have a very different effect on you than the experiences of someone you do not know and have only heard negative things about.

When I met my husband he would talk for hours about things that had happened to him and how they made him feel. I feel privileged to have been shown a different view of things and to have the opportunity for personal growth and understanding.

Yes you are totally right. I was married to a white lady and she taught me a lot of things too just as much as I taught her. That's why I have to laugh at most of this gibberish I get about hating all whites and being a racist.
Obama did not get a lot of white votes, you've been shown that and that's not the OP. To your second question, Because I don't hate white people. To your question about Affirmative Action, if AA is what you say it is, whites have got it since 1776, That's 241 years. or 4.6 times longer than blacks have. Now try watching the video and discussing what was said.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

This is BETTER than the TED woman. BUT SERIOUSLY --- There's such as "Whiteness Studies" or "Critical Race Theory"?? WTF is Whiteness Studies -- other than the INSTITUTIONALIZATION of concepts like "white privilege" -- It's all circular nonsense.

"PRESUMED GREATER SOCIAL STATUS"?? Seriously? You got superstars in virtually EVERY societal endeavour . More pop/music/movie/sports/ millionaires and icons than your numbers deserve. The ONLY "greater social status" that NEEDS to be attained are NOT "white people's fault".. That would be icons and models in science, technology, professional fields. And when you DO get folks in those status positions, you PURGE most of them from your ranks for "not being black enough".. Not my fault dude.

Can't "speak freely"?? Maybe it's the quality and content of what you're saying.

Spare me the blame for focusing on oppression and not focusing on "being white enough" to succeed. And place THAT VALUE at the TOP of your culture.

Well the situation we face whether or not you like hearing it is because of white racism. Therefore it is the fault of whites who are in positons of power and influence who are racists. Spare me your opinion on how many entertainers, athletes etc we have because it's an incorrect way of looking at this and you do so because you refuse to face reality. How many blacks own sports teams? I'm not talking minority ownership either. How many black sports commissioners are there? C'mon talk to me flacaltenn. You want to flap your gums so much. How many blacks own major studios in music or movies?A man should know his limitations facaltenn, you are truly limited in your knowledge of things as they pertain to these matters. I don't see anybody purging blacks from anything for not being black enough. That's a lie. Or should I say an excuse you and whites like you use because you really have no dissenting argument that males sense. Oprah has certainly not been purged. Magic Johnson has not been purged. Obama, myself ad many others have not been purged. The quality and content of what I am saying is correct and fact. You and these others represent nobody and no one when we look at the big picture. 10's of millions of whites do not hold your rather intellectually limited views.

White privilege exists. That's a fact. You have it. The fact you say it's not so doesn't change a damn thing. I can say the sun doesn't rise, but it rises every day whether or not my part of the world is cloudy. I don't have to place jack squat at the top of my culture. You might want to place honesty at the top of yours.
Then how did he get elected?

Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.

And 99% of the black vote.

I guess Whites are not NEARLY as racist as Blacks..

White privilege is the dumbest lie you leftists have ever told.

Fuck you racist scum.

Let's see, how many white presidents have blacks voted for?

All of t hem since 1965.. Al Gore got 90 percent of t he black vote. So I guess you made another silly comment.
Um, there were only white candidates so the choices were limited

UM you are wrong. And further more blacks were discouraged by certain whites to run. Sorry bud, you don't get to male up black racism at your whim.

Now back to the OP.

It's Time for White America to Understand White Privilege...

"White Privilege" is a club the racist left thinks they can use to beat the majority into submission with.

Fuck the racist left.

Anyone using the term is a piece of shit, no different than a Klansman. The attempt is to intimidate the intended victim.
Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.
You didnt say said many.....btw most recent dem President won less white votes than Obama.....and besides how many white hispanics did Obama win.,....tehy never tell ya that

39 percent is not many. 43 percent is not many either. Now lets get back to the OP.

What is WHITE PRIVILEGE? What does WHITE PRIVILEGE mean? WHITE PRIVILEGE meaning & explanation

I don’t think you understand the definition of many. It is not the same as majority.

I don't think I have to know the definition of many to say that 39 percent is not many. Now since your opinion of many is not the thread topic you can discuss the thread topic or leave. I don't care which.

Really? Millions of whites voted for Big Ears, but you don't consider millions many. LMFAO!

Plus his white voters numbered more than many prior D POTUS candidates....but you keep your racism just makes you dumb.


A white person voting for the evil democrats is no different than a Jew voting for the Nazis.

Yes you are totally right. I was married to a white lady and she taught me a lot of things too just as much as I taught her. That's why I have to laugh at most of this gibberish I get about hating all whites and being a racist.

You are attempting to intimidate your victims using hate speech that is backed up by the mob violence of the democratic party, so they will submit to you.

You are no different than the average Klansman.

Yes you are totally right. I was married to a white lady and she taught me a lot of things too just as much as I taught her. That's why I have to laugh at most of this gibberish I get about hating all whites and being a racist.

You are attempting to intimidate your victims using hate speech that is backed up by the mob violence of the democratic party, so they will submit to you.

You are no different than the average Klansman.

:badgrin: There has been no hate speech spoken here by me.
Obama got 43 percent of the white vote in 2008 and 39 percent of the white vote in 2012, OK? The claim of all those whites voting for Obama is wrong.

And 99% of the black vote.

I guess Whites are not NEARLY as racist as Blacks..

White privilege is the dumbest lie you leftists have ever told.

Fuck you racist scum.

Let's see, how many white presidents have blacks voted for?

All of t hem since 1965.. Al Gore got 90 percent of t he black vote. So I guess you made another silly comment.
Um, there were only white candidates so the choices were limited

UM you are wrong. And further more blacks were discouraged by certain whites to run. Sorry bud, you don't get to male up black racism at your whim.

Now back to the OP.

It's Time for White America to Understand White Privilege...

"White Privilege" is a club the racist left thinks they can use to beat the majority into submission with.

Fuck the racist left.

Anyone using the term is a piece of shit, no different than a Klansman. The attempt is to intimidate the intended victim.

White privilege is real.. You have it. Just face the truth and move on. All this trying to associate people with the KKK shows an irrational thought pattern and an unstable mind.

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