The invisble package of unearned benefits

Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.
The video is exactly what I thought it would be. A race baiting half-wit morally bankrupt party of slavery supporter bleats "white privilege" and fails to provide a logical argument to back it up.

Yeah, right. She made a logical argument but your dumb ass thinks white privilege has to do with wealth.
If you had the faintest idea of what constitutes a logical argument in the first place, you would recognise that the unsupported assertions and anecdotal stories in the video do not constitute a sound logical argument. When she uses anecdotal evidence to support her assertions, that is an example of a fallacious argument, not a logical argument.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.
The video is exactly what I thought it would be. A race baiting half-wit morally bankrupt party of slavery supporter bleats "white privilege" and fails to provide a logical argument to back it up.

Yeah, right. She made a logical argument but your dumb ass thinks white privilege has to do with wealth.
If you had the faintest idea of what constitutes a logical argument in the first place, you would recognise that the unsupported assertions and anecdotal stories in the video do not constitute a sound logical argument. When she uses anecdotal evidence to support her assertions, that is an example of a fallacious argument, not a logical argument.

I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.
I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.

I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
Then you and your racist comrades are fucked, aren't you?

If you KNOW you're going to get caught, why do you start down this path?

You democrats are racists. You have been since the founder of your filthy and evil party, Andrew Jackson created the trail of tears, when you enslaved your fellow man based on skin color. When you started the first civil war because you wanted more state with slaves. To your Jim Crow laws.

You think your evil is all shiny and new because your victim is white.

But it's just the same tired racism that you evil democrat fucks have engaged in for centuries.

I have to laugh at this load of ignorance. You weren't around 150 years ago when we tell y that your white ass benefitted from slavery but you want to talk about the democratic party of 150 years ago to keep trying to push that same dumb lie you racists tell each other during your circle jerks.

The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

The Republican Party. The party of Lincoln and equal rights. NOT!

Just more tired and stale racism from the pathetically evil left.

That your intended victim is now white doesn't change a thing. You are still the racist vermin you always were.

Try explaining the racism you keep talking about here. Because this is something whites have determined.

Real simple, you judge people based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Further, you seek to leverage your racist views for political advantage. You think you can cow your current victims, who at this moment are white (but that is subject to change at a whim) by spewing your moronic hate speech.

Thing is, after 20 years of you fools claiming that opposition to anything proposed by the Bolshevik democrats is RACIST, no one gives a fuck about what you fools say.

Another dumb racist white trying to hijack the words of King. You are being held accountable for what the content of your character has produced..

You know you are lying. It must eat you up in side. HOw much work do you put into denial?
I have to laugh at this load of ignorance. You weren't around 150 years ago when we tell y that your white ass benefitted from slavery but you want to talk about the democratic party of 150 years ago to keep trying to push that same dumb lie you racists tell each other during your circle jerks.

The lily-white movement was an all-white faction of the Republican Party in the Southern United States in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It battled and usually defeated the biracial element called the Black-and-tan faction.

During Reconstruction, following the U.S. Civil War, black leaders in Texas and around the country gained increasing influence in the Republican Party by organizing blacks as an important voting bloc. Conservative whites attempted to eliminate this influence and recover white voters who had defected to the Democratic Party. The effort was largely successful in eliminating African-American influence in the Republican Party leading to black voters predominantly migrating to the Democratic Party for much of the 20th century.

The term lily-white movement was coined by Texas Republican leader Norris Wright Cuney, who used the term in an 1888 Republican convention to describe efforts by white conservatives to oust blacks from positions of Texas party leadership and incite riots to divide the party.[1] The term came to be used nationally to describe this ongoing movement as it further developed in the early 20th century,[2] including through the administration of Herbert Hoover. Localized movements began immediately after the war but by the beginning of the 20th century the effort had become national.”

“This movement is largely credited with driving blacks out of the Republican party during the early 20th century, setting the stage for their eventual support of the Democrats.”

Michael K. Fauntroy - Republicans and the Black vote

The Republican Party. The party of Lincoln and equal rights. NOT!

Just more tired and stale racism from the pathetically evil left.

That your intended victim is now white doesn't change a thing. You are still the racist vermin you always were.

Try explaining the racism you keep talking about here. Because this is something whites have determined.

Real simple, you judge people based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Further, you seek to leverage your racist views for political advantage. You think you can cow your current victims, who at this moment are white (but that is subject to change at a whim) by spewing your moronic hate speech.

Thing is, after 20 years of you fools claiming that opposition to anything proposed by the Bolshevik democrats is RACIST, no one gives a fuck about what you fools say.

Another dumb racist white trying to hijack the words of King. You are being held accountable for what the content of your character has produced..

You know you are lying. It must eat you up in side. HOw much work do you put into denial?

Here comes cowardly dunlap with his psychosis.

I deny nothing. That would be you.
Just more tired and stale racism from the pathetically evil left.

That your intended victim is now white doesn't change a thing. You are still the racist vermin you always were.

Try explaining the racism you keep talking about here. Because this is something whites have determined.

Real simple, you judge people based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Further, you seek to leverage your racist views for political advantage. You think you can cow your current victims, who at this moment are white (but that is subject to change at a whim) by spewing your moronic hate speech.

Thing is, after 20 years of you fools claiming that opposition to anything proposed by the Bolshevik democrats is RACIST, no one gives a fuck about what you fools say.

Another dumb racist white trying to hijack the words of King. You are being held accountable for what the content of your character has produced..

You know you are lying. It must eat you up in side. HOw much work do you put into denial?

Here comes cowardly dunlap with his psychosis.

I deny nothing. That would be you.

Says the man who's life would be ruined if he ever spoke the Truth.

And who hews to the most stupid and transparent lies with complete devotion.
I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.

I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
OK, follow up on this:

Premise: White privilidge does not exist...

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise - Wikipedia

it's like math. No one really expects you to understand.
In truth. I'm pretty much done with white people explaining racism, explaining there privilege. It goes in one ear and out the other. White people telling everyone how great it is being white. White people running around bragging about all the goodies that comes with being white, while black people ain't got a biscuit.

White people are not ignorant about racism. By the time they're 16. They know the deal. They may not be able to fully articulate it but they know that there is a racial hie-archy that is working in the favor.

And poor white people does not change that fact. The same way Stevie Wonder's wealth does not change the fact that to have your sight is a general advantage.

White men get's the best jobs. Women across the world worship them. White people can go anywhere on this planet and set up shop, start a business and no one would have problem

So my response is to any white person working in Anti Racism "OK. Nice speech. Now what you going to do about it ? You prepared to give that white privilege up ?"

Because the thing is. If your white - Why would you want to give that up ? When you think about it. You'd almost have to be crazy to give it up.
Try explaining the racism you keep talking about here. Because this is something whites have determined.

Real simple, you judge people based on the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.

Further, you seek to leverage your racist views for political advantage. You think you can cow your current victims, who at this moment are white (but that is subject to change at a whim) by spewing your moronic hate speech.

Thing is, after 20 years of you fools claiming that opposition to anything proposed by the Bolshevik democrats is RACIST, no one gives a fuck about what you fools say.

Another dumb racist white trying to hijack the words of King. You are being held accountable for what the content of your character has produced..

You know you are lying. It must eat you up in side. HOw much work do you put into denial?

Here comes cowardly dunlap with his psychosis.

I deny nothing. That would be you.

Says the man who's life would be ruined if he ever spoke the Truth.

And who hews to the most stupid and transparent lies with complete devotion.

I am telling the truth. Such is the problem with your mental illness.
I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.

I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
OK, follow up on this:

Premise: White privilidge does not exist...

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise - Wikipedia

it's like math. No one really expects you to understand.

White privilege is a fact.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.
The video is exactly what I thought it would be. A race baiting half-wit morally bankrupt party of slavery supporter bleats "white privilege" and fails to provide a logical argument to back it up.

Yeah, right. She made a logical argument but your dumb ass thinks white privilege has to do with wealth.
If you had the faintest idea of what constitutes a logical argument in the first place, you would recognise that the unsupported assertions and anecdotal stories in the video do not constitute a sound logical argument. When she uses anecdotal evidence to support her assertions, that is an example of a fallacious argument, not a logical argument.

I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
No. You don't know better than me. In fact, you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. And you don't know what the fuck some others are talking about. You don't know what the term "logical argument" means and you don't know the meaning of the word anecdotal. So quit pretending that you do.

You lack the vocabulary and reading comprehension skills to know these things. I know because I've went back and analyzed several of your posts.

If you want me to prove it I will and you will be very embarrassed.
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I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.

I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
OK, follow up on this:

Premise: White privilidge does not exist...

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise - Wikipedia

it's like math. No one really expects you to understand.

White privilege is a fact.
You do realize that you're perpetuating the stereotype of black stupidity, right? As if IQ tests, SATs, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin weren't enough.
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.
The video is exactly what I thought it would be. A race baiting half-wit morally bankrupt party of slavery supporter bleats "white privilege" and fails to provide a logical argument to back it up.

Yeah, right. She made a logical argument but your dumb ass thinks white privilege has to do with wealth.
If you had the faintest idea of what constitutes a logical argument in the first place, you would recognise that the unsupported assertions and anecdotal stories in the video do not constitute a sound logical argument. When she uses anecdotal evidence to support her assertions, that is an example of a fallacious argument, not a logical argument.

I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
No. You don't know better than me. In fact, you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. And you don't know what the fuck some others are talking about. You don't know what the term "logical argument" means and you don't know the meaning of the word anecdotal. So quit pretending that you do.

You lack the vocabulary and reading comprehension skills to know these things. I know you don't because I've went back and analyzed several of your posts.

If you want me to prove it I will and you will be very embarrassed.

I do know and your analysis means nothing.
I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.

I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
OK, follow up on this:

Premise: White privilidge does not exist...

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise - Wikipedia

it's like math. No one really expects you to understand.

White privilege is a fact.
You do realize that you're perpetuating the stereotype of black stupidity, right? As if IQ tests, SATs, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin weren't enough.

According to who, 3 dumb ass whites on a message board?
If you knew what a logical argument was, you would recognize a false premise. It is not your race which is at fault, it is rather your intellect, or lack thereof.

I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
OK, follow up on this:

Premise: White privilidge does not exist...

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise - Wikipedia

it's like math. No one really expects you to understand.

White privilege is a fact.
You do realize that you're perpetuating the stereotype of black stupidity, right? As if IQ tests, SATs, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin weren't enough.

According to who, 3 dumb ass whites on a message board?
According to SATs, IQ tests, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and now you. I thought that would have been clear.

Go at it if you wish. I'm not black, but if I were I'd tell you to STFU.
The video is exactly what I thought it would be. A race baiting half-wit morally bankrupt party of slavery supporter bleats "white privilege" and fails to provide a logical argument to back it up.

Yeah, right. She made a logical argument but your dumb ass thinks white privilege has to do with wealth.
If you had the faintest idea of what constitutes a logical argument in the first place, you would recognise that the unsupported assertions and anecdotal stories in the video do not constitute a sound logical argument. When she uses anecdotal evidence to support her assertions, that is an example of a fallacious argument, not a logical argument.

I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
No. You don't know better than me. In fact, you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. And you don't know what the fuck some others are talking about. You don't know what the term "logical argument" means and you don't know the meaning of the word anecdotal. So quit pretending that you do.

You lack the vocabulary and reading comprehension skills to know these things. I know you don't because I've went back and analyzed several of your posts.

If you want me to prove it I will and you will be very embarrassed.

I do know and your analysis means nothing.
So would you like me to prove what I said about you?
Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.

Understanding My Privilege | Sue Borrego

Lets see of anyone can listen to this entire video and discuss what is said and not what their opinion is.
The video is exactly what I thought it would be. A race baiting half-wit morally bankrupt party of slavery supporter bleats "white privilege" and fails to provide a logical argument to back it up.

Yeah, right. She made a logical argument but your dumb ass thinks white privilege has to do with wealth.
If you had the faintest idea of what constitutes a logical argument in the first place, you would recognise that the unsupported assertions and anecdotal stories in the video do not constitute a sound logical argument. When she uses anecdotal evidence to support her assertions, that is an example of a fallacious argument, not a logical argument.

I know better than you what constitutes a logical argument and your denial of white privilege is not it. Because those stories are not anecdotal nor are the assertions unsupported.
No. You don't know better than me. In fact, you don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about. And you don't know what the fuck some others are talking about. You don't know what the term "logical argument" means and you don't know the meaning of the word anecdotal. So quit pretending that you do.

You lack the vocabulary and reading comprehension skills to know these things. I know because I've went back and analyzed several of your posts.

If you want me to prove it I will and you will be very embarrassed.

If you want to argue with someone about how the argument of white privilege s not a logical argument according to you, go argue with the person who created and explained the term


Peggy McIntosh, Ph.D. Wellesley Centers for Women

Her email is right there for you.
I know what a false premise is. One of the main ones here at USMB is that here is no such thing as white privilege.
OK, follow up on this:

Premise: White privilidge does not exist...

Affirmative conclusion from a negative premise - Wikipedia

it's like math. No one really expects you to understand.

White privilege is a fact.
You do realize that you're perpetuating the stereotype of black stupidity, right? As if IQ tests, SATs, Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin weren't enough.

According to who, 3 dumb ass whites on a message board?
According to SATs, IQ tests, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and now you. I thought that would have been clear.

Go at it if you wish. I'm not black, but if I were I'd tell you to STFU.

According to all tests I took I have a very high IQ. According to what you say, you have a very low one. This is apparent by your mentioning Mike Brown and Trayvon Martin. You're ignorant.

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