The irony of this coming from CNN: China's military rise poses the greatest foreign policy challenge to the next US President


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
I'm sorry, but this is too rich for me. CNN has done everything in their power, with their guests, in their narrative to yell outrage at Trump standing up to China. They openly mocked his attempts to protect U.S economy and take on China. They were rooting for him to fail.

Now they pretend that somehow the Chinese military just grew through magic fairy dust, not global assistance from the West. These people are the Town Idiots. I wonder how much their British spy buddies being caught with their pants down on the issue of Hong Kong has influenced their opinion?

Sorry A-holes, you bought it, you own it. Regardless of what they say publicly, they better pray, even against their own judgement (which has been lacking and flawed in the best of times); that Trump is re-elected. Or mark my words. In regards to China, if the Old Guard gets back in the position of influence, you ain't seen nothing yet from China.

Hong Kong (CNN)China was one of two countries, along with Russia, named in a 2018 Pentagon report as posing the most significant military challenge to the United States. Two years on and that challenge has only grown.
Beijing's program of rapid modernization has seen its military transformed into a true global power, capable of comfortably projecting its forces throughout the Indo-Pacific region and beyond.

This year alone has seen China engage in deadly border clashes with Indian troops; China's People's Liberation Army aircraft have repeatedly buzzed Taiwanese and Japanese air defenses; and Chinese ships have been involved in multiple incidents in the disputed waters of the South China Sea.
China's capability to project it's military dominance globally has increased in leaps & bounds. From Japan to New Zealand & west to Afghanistan China's economy & military reign supreme. China has one HUGE advantage over the U.S.A. & it's allies; POPULATION! With a staggering 1.4 Billion people vs U.S. population of only 330 Million China has the TAX REVENUE to maintain a superior military AND Industrial/manufacturing capability with plenty left over for farming & other necessities.

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