The irony of Trump’s possible indictment: From ‘Lock her Up’ to ‘Lock him up’!”?

May I clarify the truth for you. Please give me facts that make my statement not true instead of just calling me names.

Lincoln and his kind won the civil war and won throughout history.
People like you lost in the civil war, lost in WWII and lose throughout history.
Check history out. It will tell you what happens to people like you when they are alive and how they are looked on after they die..

Describe people like me.
Absolutely not. No one thought Trump would be put in a cell.
"locked up" is taking control of an individual's freedom to go where they want.
No; “locked up” means “locked up.” It means being locked in a cell.

And you know it.
This is not a happy day for anyone.

Are you kidding me?, normal Americans like me have been waiting for years, but I can only imagine how sad Ultra Maga Fascist must feel, I'm super happy, screw donald jail trump and his maniacal cult members...

:yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12:
No; “locked up” means “locked up.” It means being locked in a cell.

And you know it.
Sorry my friend, maybe you didn't realize it, but I must tell you that you are an idiot. The hell with the idiotic trump cult..
Today our Republic had another nail put into the coffin of Liberty.

The Democrats are using the power of the government to attack political opposition. The same thing we have seen in other Leftest authoritarian regimes. The rule of law in the US is kaput.

Trumps only "crime" was making the US great again and that didn't fit into the agenda of the despicable Left of turning the US into a Socialist shithole.
Your simple mindedness is amazing. Your mind is very small and is only capable of comprehending the most simple stuations.
Nonsense. You lied and are now trying to work you way out of the drivel you spewed.

Your not smart enough to comment about anyone else.

Go play in traffic.
Are you kidding me?, normal Americans like me have been waiting for years, but I can only imagine how sad Ultra Maga Fascist must feel, I'm super happy, screw donald jail trump and his maniacal cult members...

:yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12: :yes_text12:
I am more concerned we elected a clown like him. Now we must suffer the embarrassment.
No; “locked up” means “locked up.” It means being locked in a cell.

And you know it.
I know it, and it ain't a good feeling. However, money talks. The more money you have the better chance you have of walking.

Regardless, it's just an appetizer of small potatoes.

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