The Irony of Whites Talking About Fatherless Black Families...

Whites control the lawmaking and policymaking bodies in this country.

Then whites created the 13th Amendment, the 19th Amendment, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voters Rights Act, Title IX of the 1975 Education Amendments Act, and every other civil rights, womens' rights acts in US History.
The descendants of the same people who would break up black families by selling them are today the loudest talking people trying to diss the black community about single parent families.

When people start talking about race, there are just some simple realities that cannot be denied. If you are white and don't like how you are portrayed, start thinking about how unpleasant it really is for us who are not white to be portrayed as weak inferior people who got conquered by a supposedly superior race and culture. It is not a pleasant subject. For this to end we all must face the unpleasantness.

The doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem comes from European civil law. It means; “That which is brought forth follows the belly.” This principle determined the legal status of children born by slave women in the America as well as other English or European colonies In colonial law, the partus doctrine justified enslavement, the indigenous people of the Americas and of the Africans imported to various European colonies personal property of those who imported them.

During the time American was a colony, this doctrine established de facto and de jure slavery for all children born to female slaves. Partus sequitur ventrem exempted the father from his obligations to children he fathered by slaves thereby creating the ability for slaveowners to have their way with enslaved women. Under this doctrine the biological father had no paternal responsibility to any child born to a slave woman. Because of this the slaver was provided the right to profit from exploiting the labor of children born to slaves. It gave the slaver the ability to sell children by taking them away from their biological parents. Partus sequitur ventrem was the doctrine that created the first family separation policy in what is now America.

Despite the claims of Africans selling each other, the doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem does not appear to be a part of the system of African slavery.

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape

This was the legal doctrine that made any child of an American female slave a slave as well. It meant any white fathers had no financial responsibility for their progeny. They were free to rape their slaves at will as there were no laws against that either. With no concern for any children that might come from the forced union. In fact, there was a market for mulatto and octaroon children who would be purchased to work as domestics. Some owners (Thomas Jefferson) used their half-white slaves as their concubines, finding them more attractive the closer they were to white. Sally Hemings was Jefferson’s wife’s half-sister, the product of her father raping a slave. Then again the master might sell their offspring to keep the peace with their wives who might be annoyed at little slave children running around who favor their husbands.

Not talked about in proper society were the children of free white women and black slaves. White women who weren’t sure what color the child might be could get a legal abortion those days. “Cottonwood” was a remedy known to slaves who sometimes refused to have children after being raped or as often as the masters would like. Some women would be forced to have over a dozen children if they survived as death during childbirth was relatively common. The rare slave would be offered their freedom if they produced enough children. Sometimes the dark child of a white woman was abandoned or given away. Usually just sold off although technically they were legally free.

View attachment 437108

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape | by William Spivey | Dialogue & Discourse | Medium

Partus sequitur ventrem legal definition of Partus sequitur ventrem (
Before LBJ passed his Great Society Bill Black Americans had had the strongest family bond in the US. Black American women were less likely to have a baby out of wedlock than any other race in America but the BlackS do have a single parent homes with 8 of 10 Blacks born in America are born without fathers and traitors to their race as Jackson and Sharpner are out there to blame everyone but the guilty for their problems. But 60 years latter they are still in a democrat shit hole and still voting democrat who have done nothing but kept them there with that same old promase. LBJ said 200 years and I'm beggining to think he was right.
This is a lie. Blacks had a 55 percent rate of poverty at the end of the Eisenhower administration. This argument is a strawman used by racists.

On June 8, 2015, Charles Blow wrote an article in the New York Times titled, “Black Dads Are Doing Best of All.” McDonald should have read it. This article takes apart the tale of black fathers not being around for their kids. The issue of unwed births really has no relation to whether 2 parents are around. An unwed birth is a child being born and the couple is not married. That does not mean a man and a woman are not together raising the child. The single mother narrative got destroyed long ago, because a single mother does not mean a man will not be around to influence the child as it grows up. One fantastic example is the story Shaquille O’Neal tells about his relationship with Sergeant Phillip Harrison who raised him with his mother. Finally, the appearance of Barack Obama on the world stage allows me to say once and for all that a single parent family is not the cause of the problem. This article shows that the majority of black children in this country live with their fathers or their fathers are active participants in their lives. In reality, not the convoluted racist mind, a mother and father ARE present in the majority of black homes.

Josh Levs points this out in his new book, “All In,” in a chapter titled “How Black Dads Are Doing Best of All (But There’s Still a Crisis).” One fact that Levs quickly establishes is that most black fathers in America live with their children: “There are about 2.5 million black fathers living with their children and about 1.7 million living apart from them.”

Charles Blow

A report titled “Fathers’ Involvement With Their Children: United States, 2006–2010,” was published by the Centers for Disease Control in the National Health Report on December 20, 2013. The findings are interesting for those who have decided they can paint black culture in moral terms. Moral terms that 244 years of American history show whites who have decided they can do the painting, refuse hold themselves to. The findings in this study debunk the standard racist white narrative to the point that it is miseducation, misinformation, lies, or whatever word you want to give to the purposeful deception provided to describe a race of people. Some of the findings are as follows:

A higher percentage of fathers who lived with their children under age 5 fed or ate meals with them daily—72% compared with 7.9% of fathers with noncoresidential children. A higher percentage of fathers living apart from their children did not feed or eat meals with them at all in the last 4 weeks—43% compared with 0.8% of fathers with coresidential children (Table 2). Variation by Hispanic origin and race was seen in the percentages of coresidential fathers who ate meals with their children every day. Specifically, Hispanic fathers were less likely to eat meals with their children every day (64%) than were non-Hispanic white (74%) or non-Hispanic black (78%) fathers.

There was a significant difference by Hispanic origin and race among fathers with coresidential children: Black fathers (70%) were most likely to have bathed, dressed, diapered, or helped their children use the toilet every day compared with white (60%) and Hispanic fathers (45%).

A higher percentage of Hispanic fathers aged 15–44 (52%) had not played with their noncoresidential children in the last 4 weeks compared with white (30%) and black (25%) fathers.

Larger percentages of Hispanic (82%) and white (70%) fathers had not helped their noncoresidential children with homework at all in the last 4 weeks compared with black fathers (56%).

  • Pew Research estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and 32 percent of Hispanic dads. Evidence shows that a number of black dads living apart from their kids because of structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded racist assumption that African-American men place less or no value on parenting. Black and white fathers agree on the importance of being a father who provides emotional support, instills discipline and moral guidance. Black dads are also more likely to think it is important to provide for his children financially.
Simply put, the unwed, single mom, absent black father is not the problem. Single mothers have boyfriends, this seems to be ignored and it should not be.
Whites control the lawmaking and policymaking bodies in this country.

Then whites created the 13th Amendment, the 19th Amendment, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voters Rights Act, Title IX of the 1975 Education Amendments Act, and every other civil rights, womens' rights acts in US History.
Yep, and whites proceeded not to follow the laws they created.
No, the most common has been race. Whites who have not faced racism always claim it been more about class, but poor whites still help maintain white racial preference today.
That's what you want to believe- class existed in Europe and Africa long before race was a factor-
Whites in Europe create racial categories and in Amerca class has been primarily determined by race. We are talking about America, not Africa or Europe. So lets not try that one.
Hold on for just one moment. You based a lot of your argument on things that happened in the past that you say cause problems in the present. If you're going to do that, we need to look at ALL the events of the past and their influence on today. It's not productive or fair to zero in on only one set of events and cast blame because it's convenient to do so. That's no more productive than blaming black incarceration rates solely on young black men's disregard for the law, although it is a contributing factor. If you really want to change the minds of the minority of white people who still harbor racist attitudes of the past, you have to look at what caused that racism in the first place, and it didn't start in 17th century America.
Whites control the lawmaking and policymaking bodies in this country.

Then whites created the 13th Amendment, the 19th Amendment, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voters Rights Act, Title IX of the 1975 Education Amendments Act, and every other civil rights, womens' rights acts in US History.
Yep, and whites proceeded not to follow the laws they created.

Are you suggested we just repeal those laws, since, apparently, no one is following them?
Are you suggested we just repeal those laws, since, apparently, no one is following them?
Laws, by definition, restrict liberty (currently there are so many fed laws they can't be counted and it's estimated every one person breaks at least 3 per day- add to that local restrictions (laws)- to secure our Liberty, comes to mind- laws are supposed to punish for criminal action. The more laws there are the more criminal actions there are. The main culprits are those who twist, spin and castigate words to suit an agenda which doesn't secure our liberty- in any way, shape fashion or form- the rule of law is not acting under the color of law which runs rampant from the top down. In a monkey see monkey do world, the lesser monkeys will emulate the more monkeys- that's how nature works-
It is not wrong to study history, as it gives us a fuller understanding of where and why we are in our present condition as a nation. This OP describes how it came to be that fathers were allowed to repudiate their natural obligations to their children, treat them as property, and disrespect and rape their children's mothers, some of the time committing adultery against their legal wives in the process. There is no reason to conceal this lapse in morality and every reason to discuss it in context of how it has contributed to the current problem of so many children of all races growing up in single-parent homes.

We have to talk to, and about, those folks who are not raising their children: the absentees, not so much the people who actually are present in the home doing the work of childraising. We also have to talk to the teenagers and young adults about how to be a responsible person with respect to their sex lives. I know that some people oppose this, and they are nothing short of creepy.

The people who insist on talking about "black fatherless families" are just trying to cause racial division in our country for their own ugly and selfish purposes. Frankly, they don't give two shits about a black kid except to wail about abortion and blame black women.
It's nice to read an intelligent post.
How can blacks succeed in society when they are illiterate? Blaming whitey when black school districts are run by blacks in cities run by blacks, is dumb. Black academic excellence occurred when blacks were truly subject to discrimination, unlike today.

Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. What they found was an utter disgrace. In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math. In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math. In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading. Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma — a fraudulent high school diploma.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District scored the lowest in the nation compared to 26 other urban districts for reading and mathematics at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels. A recent video captures some of this miseducation in Milwaukee high schools: In two city high schools, only one student tested proficient in math and none are proficient in English. Yet, the schools spent a full week learning about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter activism.” By the way, a Nov. 19, 2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article asks: “How many Black teachers did you have? I’ve only had two.” The article concludes, “For future Black students, that number needs to go up.” New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter-themed lesson plans. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality and white privilege in their classrooms.

Should we blame this education tragedy on racial discrimination or claim that it is a legacy of slavery? Dr. Thomas Sowell’s research in “Education: Assumptions Versus History” documents academic excellence at Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass High School and others. This academic excellence occurred during the late 1800s to mid-1900s, an era when blacks were much poorer than today and faced gross racial discrimination. Frederick Douglass High School of yesteryear produced many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall and Cab Calloway, and several judges, congressmen and civil rights leaders. Frederick Douglass High School was second in the nation in black Ph.Ds. among its alumni.
Black Education Tragedy Is New
I don't know any illiterate blacks.
Lol. Dupe.
The descendants of the same people who would break up black families by selling them are today the loudest talking people trying to diss the black community about single parent families.

When people start talking about race, there are just some simple realities that cannot be denied. If you are white and don't like how you are portrayed, start thinking about how unpleasant it really is for us who are not white to be portrayed as weak inferior people who got conquered by a supposedly superior race and culture. It is not a pleasant subject. For this to end we all must face the unpleasantness.

The doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem comes from European civil law. It means; “That which is brought forth follows the belly.” This principle determined the legal status of children born by slave women in the America as well as other English or European colonies In colonial law, the partus doctrine justified enslavement, the indigenous people of the Americas and of the Africans imported to various European colonies personal property of those who imported them.

During the time American was a colony, this doctrine established de facto and de jure slavery for all children born to female slaves. Partus sequitur ventrem exempted the father from his obligations to children he fathered by slaves thereby creating the ability for slaveowners to have their way with enslaved women. Under this doctrine the biological father had no paternal responsibility to any child born to a slave woman. Because of this the slaver was provided the right to profit from exploiting the labor of children born to slaves. It gave the slaver the ability to sell children by taking them away from their biological parents. Partus sequitur ventrem was the doctrine that created the first family separation policy in what is now America.

Despite the claims of Africans selling each other, the doctrine of Partus sequitur ventrem does not appear to be a part of the system of African slavery.

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape

This was the legal doctrine that made any child of an American female slave a slave as well. It meant any white fathers had no financial responsibility for their progeny. They were free to rape their slaves at will as there were no laws against that either. With no concern for any children that might come from the forced union. In fact, there was a market for mulatto and octaroon children who would be purchased to work as domestics. Some owners (Thomas Jefferson) used their half-white slaves as their concubines, finding them more attractive the closer they were to white. Sally Hemings was Jefferson’s wife’s half-sister, the product of her father raping a slave. Then again the master might sell their offspring to keep the peace with their wives who might be annoyed at little slave children running around who favor their husbands.

Not talked about in proper society were the children of free white women and black slaves. White women who weren’t sure what color the child might be could get a legal abortion those days. “Cottonwood” was a remedy known to slaves who sometimes refused to have children after being raped or as often as the masters would like. Some women would be forced to have over a dozen children if they survived as death during childbirth was relatively common. The rare slave would be offered their freedom if they produced enough children. Sometimes the dark child of a white woman was abandoned or given away. Usually just sold off although technically they were legally free.

View attachment 437108

Partus Sequitur Ventrem — The Rule That Perpetrated Slavery And Legalized Rape | by William Spivey | Dialogue & Discourse | Medium

Partus sequitur ventrem legal definition of Partus sequitur ventrem (

Saying that because someone 20 generations removed owned a slave that his distant future relatives share in the responsibility for that decision is beyond stupid

Not that i disagree with everything you just said but that first sentence is ridiculous

20 generations ago the constitution was created. Think about that every time you try the argument you just used.

Because this not about who owned slaves it is about an attitude that has been carryied by whites for these 20 generations.

A Constitution that did not see blacks and women as equals.
and was amended to correct that
It was amended but words on paper don't means shit when laws aren't followed and women do not have equal rights under the constitution right now.

80% of Americans unaware men & women don’t have equal rights – director - YouTube
yeah OK
I know it's OK. It's the truth.

says the Russians who fund that channel
I don't think the russians fund Larry King.
no they just fund the You tube channel and Larry king is a joke
I find it really funny that all these people talk about Black men and what shitty fathers they are my dead beat alcoholic father was white
It is not wrong to study history, as it gives us a fuller understanding of where and why we are in our present condition as a nation. This OP describes how it came to be that fathers were allowed to repudiate their natural obligations to their children, treat them as property, and disrespect and rape their children's mothers, some of the time committing adultery against their legal wives in the process. There is no reason to conceal this lapse in morality and every reason to discuss it in context of how it has contributed to the current problem of so many children of all races growing up in single-parent homes.

We have to talk to, and about, those folks who are not raising their children: the absentees, not so much the people who actually are present in the home doing the work of childraising. We also have to talk to the teenagers and young adults about how to be a responsible person with respect to their sex lives. I know that some people oppose this, and they are nothing short of creepy.

The people who insist on talking about "black fatherless families" are just trying to cause racial division in our country for their own ugly and selfish purposes. Frankly, they don't give two shits about a black kid except to wail about abortion and blame black women.
It's nice to read an intelligent post.
How can blacks succeed in society when they are illiterate? Blaming whitey when black school districts are run by blacks in cities run by blacks, is dumb. Black academic excellence occurred when blacks were truly subject to discrimination, unlike today.

Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. What they found was an utter disgrace. In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math. In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math. In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading. Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma — a fraudulent high school diploma.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District scored the lowest in the nation compared to 26 other urban districts for reading and mathematics at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels. A recent video captures some of this miseducation in Milwaukee high schools: In two city high schools, only one student tested proficient in math and none are proficient in English. Yet, the schools spent a full week learning about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter activism.” By the way, a Nov. 19, 2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article asks: “How many Black teachers did you have? I’ve only had two.” The article concludes, “For future Black students, that number needs to go up.” New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter-themed lesson plans. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality and white privilege in their classrooms.

Should we blame this education tragedy on racial discrimination or claim that it is a legacy of slavery? Dr. Thomas Sowell’s research in “Education: Assumptions Versus History” documents academic excellence at Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass High School and others. This academic excellence occurred during the late 1800s to mid-1900s, an era when blacks were much poorer than today and faced gross racial discrimination. Frederick Douglass High School of yesteryear produced many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall and Cab Calloway, and several judges, congressmen and civil rights leaders. Frederick Douglass High School was second in the nation in black Ph.Ds. among its alumni.
Black Education Tragedy Is New
True story, and I hate to tell it, but it's true.

When I was in elementary school in the early 60s, it was an organized, structured, clean environment, and we prayed before we had lunch, and we said the pledge of allegiance with "one nation under God, and liberty and justice for all". We had a small clan of black's in our school, but they were never recognized by their skin color, and we got along as equals, and as friends.

Then it happened, where we were sent by redrawn district's to a majority black populated and black staff run school.

The first trouble I had was on the bus where a majority of black's were in route to school on the bus that I now had to ride. When I got on the bus, there appeared to be no seats available, so I stood in the isle while the bus driver kept hollering for anyone in the isle to sit down before the bus could depart. I looked for a seat, and when I noticed one, the black kid would put his books in the way or would lean over to cover the open space. The driver finally walked back, and he forced the black kid to allow me to sit down. He didn't like it, but oh well.

Then I got to school, entered the hallway where it was packed with mostly black students, and then it happened, I was bumped in the crowd where next I noticed my wallet was lifted. I went to the councilor's office to report it, and she asked me did I see who might have got it or bumped me, and of course I didn't, so that was that. Then I was attacked on campus by a group of black students (one with a stick). Then near the basketball courts I was attacked again. I witnessed a black male student having sex on the grounds with another black female student as they hid behind his long coat. This was in the sixth grade folks.

When I went to class for the first time in the school, it was pure chaos in the classroom.

I had never seen anything like it before.. It was a very bad experience for us as white guinea pigs in the situation.

Thank God it was only for a few years until we moved as a family, and got the hell out of there.

This is not to say that race relations haven't improved over the years, because I'm sure they have, but blacks weren't the only ones that experienced racism in their lives, because hundreds of thousands of white children experienced racism in the 60s and 70s just as well. Yeah, yeah IM2, but we deserved it right ???? No because we weren't part of the generation that committed racist acts against your people, and instead we were innocent children who were made to pay the price for our prior generation's bullcrap, by being made guinea pigs that were to go into a situation to show that we can all just get along or could we ??? The jury is still out on that one, and then we have Obama come in to stoke the fires again. What a shame.

All I know is that I wasn't a racist then, and I'm not a racist now, but I learned that blacks can definitely be racist, even if it was something that was taught to some of them, just like it was also taught to some white's as well.

Character is the answer always, and never is it about ones race or color, but getting that through the ignants heads (be it black or white) is a very difficult thing.
Whites control the lawmaking and policymaking bodies in this country.

Then whites created the 13th Amendment, the 19th Amendment, the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the 1965 Voters Rights Act, Title IX of the 1975 Education Amendments Act, and every other civil rights, womens' rights acts in US History.
Yep, and whites proceeded not to follow the laws they created.

Are you suggested we just repeal those laws, since, apparently, no one is following them?
Ain't that what the Demoncrat's are currently doing ?
it is funny to watch conservatives yelling and yapping about planned parenthood and then turning around blaming it all on race...

Their weirdness about sex pairs well with their weirdness about race. If you read between the lines, you realize that these "conservatives" actually want these problems to continue. I don't know what sort of "victory" they seek, but they same to like human suffering a lot, as long as they are not the ones experiencing it.
Hatred and ignorance does you no favors.

Hatred doesn't play a part here. Ignorance does. These idiots don't want to prevent anything bad. They want it to continue. What goes through their minds is a mystery. Everything from seatbelts to antibiotics to monitoring the quality of drinking water makes us safer. These people's lives may be saved by the Covid-19 vaccine. I believe in using technology to prevent and solve problems in all demographic groups. There is no way to begin to count how many unintended pregnancies that PP has prevented. One would think that this would be considered a very desirable outcome. These "conservatives" are strangely silent about their motives, but nonetheless want to set policy for all Americans, regardless of race, sex, religion, or anything else, apparently based on nothing.
Coming from a broken home and being a bastard child I can say for a fact race has little to do with single parent home but it has more to do with how the mother and father were raised and their lack of morals or use of protection even in those days...

Personally a person should reflect on their parent stupidity and also do you make the same mistake and my answer was no!

I made the choice not to have kids outside wedlock and many can do this but stupid people breed no matter their religion or race...

As for the past... Well why keep on repeating it and learn for once damn it!
It is not wrong to study history, as it gives us a fuller understanding of where and why we are in our present condition as a nation. This OP describes how it came to be that fathers were allowed to repudiate their natural obligations to their children, treat them as property, and disrespect and rape their children's mothers, some of the time committing adultery against their legal wives in the process. There is no reason to conceal this lapse in morality and every reason to discuss it in context of how it has contributed to the current problem of so many children of all races growing up in single-parent homes.

We have to talk to, and about, those folks who are not raising their children: the absentees, not so much the people who actually are present in the home doing the work of childraising. We also have to talk to the teenagers and young adults about how to be a responsible person with respect to their sex lives. I know that some people oppose this, and they are nothing short of creepy.

The people who insist on talking about "black fatherless families" are just trying to cause racial division in our country for their own ugly and selfish purposes. Frankly, they don't give two shits about a black kid except to wail about abortion and blame black women.
It's nice to read an intelligent post.
How can blacks succeed in society when they are illiterate? Blaming whitey when black school districts are run by blacks in cities run by blacks, is dumb. Black academic excellence occurred when blacks were truly subject to discrimination, unlike today.

Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. What they found was an utter disgrace. In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math. In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math. In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading. Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma — a fraudulent high school diploma.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District scored the lowest in the nation compared to 26 other urban districts for reading and mathematics at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels. A recent video captures some of this miseducation in Milwaukee high schools: In two city high schools, only one student tested proficient in math and none are proficient in English. Yet, the schools spent a full week learning about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter activism.” By the way, a Nov. 19, 2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article asks: “How many Black teachers did you have? I’ve only had two.” The article concludes, “For future Black students, that number needs to go up.” New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter-themed lesson plans. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality and white privilege in their classrooms.

Should we blame this education tragedy on racial discrimination or claim that it is a legacy of slavery? Dr. Thomas Sowell’s research in “Education: Assumptions Versus History” documents academic excellence at Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass High School and others. This academic excellence occurred during the late 1800s to mid-1900s, an era when blacks were much poorer than today and faced gross racial discrimination. Frederick Douglass High School of yesteryear produced many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall and Cab Calloway, and several judges, congressmen and civil rights leaders. Frederick Douglass High School was second in the nation in black Ph.Ds. among its alumni.
Black Education Tragedy Is New
True story, and I hate to tell it, but it's true.

When I was in elementary school in the early 60s, it was an organized, structured, clean environment, and we prayed before we had lunch, and we said the pledge of allegiance with "one nation under God, and liberty and justice for all". We had a small clan of black's in our school, but they were never recognized by their skin color, and we got along as equals, and as friends.

Then it happened, where we were sent by redrawn district's to a majority black populated and black staff run school.

The first trouble I had was on the bus where a majority of black's were in route to school on the bus that I now had to ride. When I got on the bus, there appeared to be no seats available, so I stood in the isle while the bus driver kept hollering for anyone in the isle to sit down before the bus could depart. I looked for a seat, and when I noticed one, the black kid would put his books in the way or would lean over to cover the open space. The driver finally walked back, and he forced the black kid to allow me to sit down. He didn't like it, but oh well.

Then I got to school, entered the hallway where it was packed with mostly black students, and then it happened, I was bumped in the crowd where next I noticed my wallet was lifted. I went to the councilor's office to report it, and she asked me did I see who might have got it or bumped me, and of course I didn't, so that was that. Then I was attacked on campus by a group of black students (one with a stick). Then near the basketball courts I was attacked again. I witnessed a black male student having sex on the grounds with another black female student as they hid behind his long coat. This was in the sixth grade folks.

When I went to class for the first time in the school, it was pure chaos in the classroom.

I had never seen anything like it before.. It was a very bad experience for us as white guinea pigs in the situation.

Thank God it was only for a few years until we moved as a family, and got the hell out of there.

This is not to say that race relations haven't improved over the years, because I'm sure they have, but blacks weren't the only ones that experienced racism in their lives, because hundreds of thousands of white children experienced racism in the 60s and 70s just as well. Yeah, yeah IM2, but we deserved it right ???? No because we weren't part of the generation that committed racist acts against your people, and instead we were innocent children who were made to pay the price for our prior generation's bullcrap, by being made guinea pigs that were to go into a situation to show that we can all just get along or could we ??? The jury is still out on that one, and then we have Obama come in to stoke the fires again. What a shame.

All I know is that I wasn't a racist then, and I'm not a racist now, but I learned that blacks can definitely be racist, even if it was something that was taught to some of them, just like it was also taught to some white's as well.

Character is the answer always, and never is it about ones race or color, but getting that through the ignants heads (be it black or white) is a very difficult thing.
It’s no surprise that black run public schools are failures. The test scores prove it and have for decades. These public schools have graduated scores of students who can’t effectively read, write, or do simple math.

How the Hell are these people ever going to succeed in society? They can’t, so the next best thing to do is blame racist whites. It’s become a very successful strategy. As our government and corporations bind to their will.

Your situation is anecdotal, but common I suspect. I had a family member who drove a school bus in a predominantly black district. He did so for several years until he just couldn’t take the craziness, threats, and disrespect of black students. He has horror stories up the ying-yang. Many are hilarious, but some are frighteningly sad.
it is funny to watch conservatives yelling and yapping about planned parenthood and then turning around blaming it all on race...

Their weirdness about sex pairs well with their weirdness about race. If you read between the lines, you realize that these "conservatives" actually want these problems to continue. I don't know what sort of "victory" they seek, but they same to like human suffering a lot, as long as they are not the ones experiencing it.
Hatred and ignorance does you no favors.

Hatred doesn't play a part here. Ignorance does. These idiots don't want to prevent anything bad. They want it to continue. What goes through their minds is a mystery. Everything from seatbelts to antibiotics to monitoring the quality of drinking water makes us safer. These people's lives may be saved by the Covid-19 vaccine. I believe in using technology to prevent and solve problems in all demographic groups. There is no way to begin to count how many unintended pregnancies that PP has prevented. One would think that this would be considered a very desirable outcome. These "conservatives" are strangely silent about their motives, but nonetheless want to set policy for all Americans, regardless of race, sex, religion, or anything else, apparently based on nothing.
Claiming you know the minds of others, makes you God in your mind. Yet, you’re calling others idiots. Do you fail to see the problem with your discourse?
It is not wrong to study history, as it gives us a fuller understanding of where and why we are in our present condition as a nation. This OP describes how it came to be that fathers were allowed to repudiate their natural obligations to their children, treat them as property, and disrespect and rape their children's mothers, some of the time committing adultery against their legal wives in the process. There is no reason to conceal this lapse in morality and every reason to discuss it in context of how it has contributed to the current problem of so many children of all races growing up in single-parent homes.

We have to talk to, and about, those folks who are not raising their children: the absentees, not so much the people who actually are present in the home doing the work of childraising. We also have to talk to the teenagers and young adults about how to be a responsible person with respect to their sex lives. I know that some people oppose this, and they are nothing short of creepy.

The people who insist on talking about "black fatherless families" are just trying to cause racial division in our country for their own ugly and selfish purposes. Frankly, they don't give two shits about a black kid except to wail about abortion and blame black women.
It's nice to read an intelligent post.
How can blacks succeed in society when they are illiterate? Blaming whitey when black school districts are run by blacks in cities run by blacks, is dumb. Black academic excellence occurred when blacks were truly subject to discrimination, unlike today.

Several years ago, Project Baltimore began an investigation of Baltimore’s school system. What they found was an utter disgrace. In 19 of Baltimore’s 39 high schools, out of 3,804 students, only 14 of them, or less than 1%, were proficient in math. In 13 of Baltimore’s high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math. In five Baltimore City high schools, not a single student scored proficient in math or reading. Despite these academic deficiencies, about 70% of the students graduate and are conferred a high school diploma — a fraudulent high school diploma.

The Detroit Public Schools Community District scored the lowest in the nation compared to 26 other urban districts for reading and mathematics at the fourth- and eighth-grade levels. A recent video captures some of this miseducation in Milwaukee high schools: In two city high schools, only one student tested proficient in math and none are proficient in English. Yet, the schools spent a full week learning about “systemic racism” and “Black Lives Matter activism.” By the way, a Nov. 19, 2020, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article asks: “How many Black teachers did you have? I’ve only had two.” The article concludes, “For future Black students, that number needs to go up.” New York City is one of many school systems in the United States set to roll out Black Lives Matter-themed lesson plans. According to the NYC Department of Education, teachers will delve into “systemic racism,” police brutality and white privilege in their classrooms.

Should we blame this education tragedy on racial discrimination or claim that it is a legacy of slavery? Dr. Thomas Sowell’s research in “Education: Assumptions Versus History” documents academic excellence at Baltimore’s Frederick Douglass High School and others. This academic excellence occurred during the late 1800s to mid-1900s, an era when blacks were much poorer than today and faced gross racial discrimination. Frederick Douglass High School of yesteryear produced many distinguished alumni, such as Thurgood Marshall and Cab Calloway, and several judges, congressmen and civil rights leaders. Frederick Douglass High School was second in the nation in black Ph.Ds. among its alumni.
Black Education Tragedy Is New
True story, and I hate to tell it, but it's true.

When I was in elementary school in the early 60s, it was an organized, structured, clean environment, and we prayed before we had lunch, and we said the pledge of allegiance with "one nation under God, and liberty and justice for all". We had a small clan of black's in our school, but they were never recognized by their skin color, and we got along as equals, and as friends.

Then it happened, where we were sent by redrawn district's to a majority black populated and black staff run school.

The first trouble I had was on the bus where a majority of black's were in route to school on the bus that I now had to ride. When I got on the bus, there appeared to be no seats available, so I stood in the isle while the bus driver kept hollering for anyone in the isle to sit down before the bus could depart. I looked for a seat, and when I noticed one, the black kid would put his books in the way or would lean over to cover the open space. The driver finally walked back, and he forced the black kid to allow me to sit down. He didn't like it, but oh well.

Then I got to school, entered the hallway where it was packed with mostly black students, and then it happened, I was bumped in the crowd where next I noticed my wallet was lifted. I went to the councilor's office to report it, and she asked me did I see who might have got it or bumped me, and of course I didn't, so that was that. Then I was attacked on campus by a group of black students (one with a stick). Then near the basketball courts I was attacked again. I witnessed a black male student having sex on the grounds with another black female student as they hid behind his long coat. This was in the sixth grade folks.

When I went to class for the first time in the school, it was pure chaos in the classroom.

I had never seen anything like it before.. It was a very bad experience for us as white guinea pigs in the situation.

Thank God it was only for a few years until we moved as a family, and got the hell out of there.

This is not to say that race relations haven't improved over the years, because I'm sure they have, but blacks weren't the only ones that experienced racism in their lives, because hundreds of thousands of white children experienced racism in the 60s and 70s just as well. Yeah, yeah IM2, but we deserved it right ???? No because we weren't part of the generation that committed racist acts against your people, and instead we were innocent children who were made to pay the price for our prior generation's bullcrap, by being made guinea pigs that were to go into a situation to show that we can all just get along or could we ??? The jury is still out on that one, and then we have Obama come in to stoke the fires again. What a shame.

All I know is that I wasn't a racist then, and I'm not a racist now, but I learned that blacks can definitely be racist, even if it was something that was taught to some of them, just like it was also taught to some white's as well.

Character is the answer always, and never is it about ones race or color, but getting that through the ignants heads (be it black or white) is a very difficult thing.
It’s no surprise that black run public schools are failures. The test scores prove it and have for decades. These public schools have graduated scores of students who can’t effectively read, write, or do simple math.

How the Hell are these people ever going to succeed in society? They can’t, so the next best thing to do is blame racist whites. It’s become a very successful strategy. As our government and corporations bind to their will.

Your situation is anecdotal, but common I suspect. I had a family member who drove a school bus in a predominantly black district. He did so for several years until he just couldn’t take the craziness, threats, and disrespect of black students. He has horror stories up the ying-yang. Many are hilarious, but some are frighteningly sad.
Yes, and then what do Demoncrat's do in trying to put the band-aid on it ??? They use government and government resources to redistribute wealth to these problems that appear to not be fixed afterwards, even after all these years for some it just keeps going.

Now I don't think it's as wide of a problem that it used to be, but corrupt politician's like ole race baiting Biden and many in the Democrat party loves to keep the bullcrap alive, and we know what motivates that bullcrap.
The very dubious and selective statistics in the Charles Blow article cited above reduce fatherhood to the level of an "uncle" in a normal family. He shows up occasionally (" least once a month...") but does not SUPPORT the family in any meaningful way. Indeed, the word, "family" is stretched to the limit by including this sperm donor and occasional friend as a part of it.

And if it is not the absence of a father in the permanent household (it does, but that's beside the point) then what is it that explains the 8-fold disproportionate violent criminality of the 6% of the American population that is the Black male?

"...The latest police data collected by the FBI indicates that blacks [almost exclusively males] comprised 58 percent of all murder arrests and 40 percent of those apprehended for all violent crimes. This disproportional involvement of African Americans in violent crime turns out to be the most significant factor of all in explaining the use of force against blacks by police." (The Facts on Race, Crime, and Policing in America - Law & Liberty)

It is axiomatic that "correlation does not equal causation," but the correlation between single-motherhood and crime, truancy, substance abuse, incarceration, and other social ills is too great to ignore. And one also finds that none of these problems exist in single-parent households where that single parent is the father.


And to address the OP directly, the correlation/causation between maternal single-parenthood and this host of social ills, COUPLED WITH the relative ease of ENDING THIS PANDEMIC OF BASTARDY, is what one might term the "low-hanging fruit" of Black inequality. Statistically speaking, if American Blacks would stop having children out of wedlock, household inequality would be reduced by at least 50%. Intact Black families fare nearly as well as similarly situated intact white families by almost every measure.

If INEQUALITY is the problem, then why not fight it with the best tool we have: changing behavior?
It's funny how the same types that bark out the words personal responsibility to everybody else never want to take any themselves. This "I didn't own slaves," "I wasn't alive then", "that was 200 years ago", "holding us responsible for what was done by prior generations" bullshit is for the birds. You are living off the accumulated wealth created by those in the past. Wealth blacks helped make but got little of. There is a reason the average white family has 15 times the wealth of a black family and it's not because you worked harder, got better educated or that a father was present in the house. There have been damages created by actions done in the past that have not been fixed and you have the responsibiibbility to fix it. It's time the excuses from the right side of the white community came to an end.
Accumulated wealth from prior generations? I got all my wealth by earing it overseas. Dumbasses like you, who have to steal from others, bitch and moan how unfair life is, then look for sympathy from US who you keep bashing.

And what the fuck is "responsibiibbility"?
I suppose those who once worked making glass could choose welfare.

Or, those who once worked at making glass, could take advantage of the numerous re-training opportunities offered by both state and private educational facilities.

I have worked in three completely different fields, all of which required continuing education to stay employable. Any creature who cannot adapt, must perish.

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Stupid generalizarions. Jobs have left by the hundred thousands. Yes people can retrain to take one of the barely above minimum wage jobs where available.

That doesn't solve the problem.
People as individuals are not responsible for what others did in the past. Society is responsible for trying to correct the wrongs of the past.

So while individuals have a need to understand today's problems, one can not actually address those problems without understanding the reasoning behind them.

Condemning others without taking all the issues into the argument is condemning only and solves nothing.
Well that excuse ain't going to cut it since individuals of the past created the laws we live by today. Our nations wealth is built upon what was done in the past. Public policy is created by individuals and those policies harm groups so please stop trying to use a micro level argument in debating a macri level issue.
Are you able to feed yourself and wipe your ass?

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