The issue is NOT whether both sides were violent.......

Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So where were you and your ilk when this happened?
Did Obama ever say the same about BLM?
Obama defends Black Lives Matter protests at police memorial in Dallas
President Obama defended the Black Lives Matter movement Tuesday at a memorial service for five slain Dallas police officers,
saying bigotry remains a problem in police departments across the U.S.

While paying tribute to the fallen officers for sacrificing their lives to protect anti-police protesters from a sniper, Mr. Obama also called on law enforcement agencies to root out bias that he said is contributing to violence on the streets of America.

“We have all seen this bigotry in our lives at some point,” Mr. Obama told an audience of about 2,500 at a concert hall in Dallas. “None of us is entirely innocent. No institution is entirely immune. And that includes our police departments. We know this.”

The officers — Michael Smith, Lorne Ahrens, Michael Krol, Brent Thompson and Patrick Zamarripa — were killed during a Black Lives Matter protest Thursday night by a black sniper who told police he targeted white officers.

At the interfaith service, photographs of the slain officers were displayed on the stage. Five empty seats in the arena were adorned with folded U.S. flags and duty officer hats to signify their loss.

The president, who has been criticized by law enforcement officials for supporting the Black Lives Matter movement, doubled down on that theme in front of the slain officers’ colleagues and families, saying Americans “cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protest as troublemakers or paranoid.”

Now tell me where was the same demand for Obama to denounce BLM???????

BLM is not a hate group, fool. BLM did not kill anyone, condone killing anyone or advocate for anyone who killed. Here you are trying to create equivalencies where none exist.
Horseshit. What did they want? Dead cops! So they went out and made some cops dead!


Post an example of that from their official site.

You dopes are so inculcated by your media that you can no longer think for yourselves.

Do you honestly believe Obama would have shown support for such a group if that were true in any way?
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?

The Klan, dope.
Yes, such a loving, peaceful group.





What group is that?
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Yup. We're back then to. Many were Tared and feathred and hung right alongside blacks, Irish Catholics, Jews, reviled Catholics. Read. It's all out there. Matter of fact, there is a really good book out there on it. I'll pass on the title if you like.
They weren't peaceful. They were attacking on Friday night's March.
Here you go, dope. It's only been posted in about ten threads.

All the violence in that video was shot in the daytime, moron.

Friday night. The March, dope. At the beginning of the video. They destroyed torches by beating people. One who was in critical condition.


I just gave it to you, retard.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?

The Klan, dope.

Then you should articulate yourself better... geeze, go take a basic grammar class, dope.
Yes both groups are at fault here because you don't have a right to assault people or use violent tactics to counter their free speech. Both sides were violent, and because the police did not step in when the violence first began (because they are NOT really able to unless they have permission and orders from up above), that is why things got out of control. Neither of these groups are peaceful, we can at least see that much.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?

The Klan, dope.

In those days the KKK was democrats. The whole south was pretty much.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

Yes we were violent during WW2 because it was a WAR and there was that whole little thing with most of Europe being overran.

Allowing someone to have their march or convention does not mean you endorse their ideology. The City of Charlottesville gave them a permit to march. Does that mean the City endorses racism?
ANTIFA showed up wanting and hoping for a confrontation with the NeoNazis but the fact of the matter is, mob violence should not be allowed at all. Once you allow it for any excuse in our streets then bad things happen, it goes out of control and people die. The streets of our cities do not belong to any group like the KKK, nazis, Antifa or BLM. The streets and shops belong to all citizens ,and it's the job of the police to make sure confrontations during marches and demonstrations do not happen and store fronts and car don't get burned.
The KKK or whoever they were should have been allowed to march and then if they started to cause trouble, it would have been very easy to arrest them. Once you have a battle between two mobs it becomes much more difficult.

We should be turning more towards dialogue and away from armed confrontation with each other. As a society we are becoming more uncivil vs civil. If BLM wants to have a march, they should be left alone and allowed to march, granted they don't block the freeway or keep people from getting to the hospital. They should be allowed to speak show their signs, say what they have to ay un impeded and the same goes for any other group that has a permit to march.

In this case, Trump was absolutely right to note that two groups of protestors clashed with equal violence.
any group or individual that uses violence to get their point across are assholes nat....and that includes your buddies on the far left....they went to that rally knowing that warfare with them was on the bill that day...

I am NOT for violence.......But if we start out with the premise that we MUST tolerate Nazis, skinheads, white supremacists and KKK members, then the argument is over.

Then you aren't American. Because America was predicated on the ideas that all people are free to speak, to assemble and entitled to due process protection no matter how stupid their ideas are and no matter who doesn't like them.

And considering your ridiculousness you should be incredibly grateful for that
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?

The Klan, dope.

Then you should articulate yourself better... geeze, go take a basic grammar class, dope.

It's your reading skills that are in question.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?

The Klan, dope.

In those days the KKK was democrats. The whole south was pretty much.

No shit. They're republicans now.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .

The BLM is operating under false pretenses.
Nice try though.
"Who ya gonna believe, your lyin' eyes or me?"

Thats pretty funny coming from The Lyin King.
The issue is NOT whether both sides were violent

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.
It is EXACTLY the issue.

The issue of ideology, as it relates to Trump, is only relevant if Trump had endorsed the nazi kkk racists. But, this is a perfect example of why you have no business anywhere near politics in the U.S.A. Just because we do not interfere or attempt to deny racist nazi idiots the right to speak their retarded, idiotic bullshit DOES NOT mean we believe their ideology is worthwhile.

WE are not so ARROGANT as to believe that we have the right to be the sole arbiters of discourse based on our opinions of ideological worth. If we were, YOU COMMIE MOTHERFUCKERS would have no platform, EVER!!!

YOU HATE FREEDOM OF SPEECH/ASSEMBLY just like your ANTIFA buddies. If you disagree with any ideology, you believe it is your right to shut it down. So, instead of everyone focusing on countering the speech and ideas of the bullshit racist assholes, we are NOW FORCED to battle you.

You are the greater threat!
Last edited:
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

You have little in common with society as a whole, and more in common with the whit nationalist. You spew the same hate. All your probaganda is the same almost word for word and the emotion that you are the slave to is the exact same.

You do condone violance. You do that and more every day when you defend it. There are indeed two groups, and the ideology is hate. Hate white people, hate republicans, hate corporations, hate it all. Hate has consumed you. There is no place for people like you because you are never happy, always a victim.

Including have no evidence Trump did anything racist. You only don't like him because TV said so.
So you know, republicans were among the first to be persecuted by the KKK.

Now they are Republicans.

Republicans are now Republicans?

The Klan, dope.

Then you should articulate yourself better... geeze, go take a basic grammar class, dope.

It's your reading skills that are in question.

You used the word "they" when referring back to a sentence with references to 2 different nouns; a tad ambiguous. Lemme guess, public school?

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