The issue is NOT whether both sides were violent.......

South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


LOL Poor Lumps.....getting shellacked

You should read more love, "the 8th in 10 Days".

More from your Liar in Chief darling:

After Attack in Spain, Trump Invokes Myth About Execution of Muslims - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Sure, that must be it, saving face with the likes of you is important.

South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


LOL Poor Lumps.....getting shellacked

You should read more love, "the 8th in 10 Days".

More from your Liar in Chief darling:

After Attack in Spain, Trump Invokes Myth About Execution of Muslims - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Liars follow liars, birds of a feather. You all are just soiling yourselves over the shit blowing up in your faces last weekend, this entire week has been about the alt right Nazis trying to save face.

I could not me more proud of sucking at being one of you.
That appears to be a typical false flag operation.
Alernative facts, alternative reality, sure.

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi


Snowflakes are so stupid and gullible.
Another Prominent Black Church Burns in the South

Keep going shoog ....

South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


But was it WHITE lightning????????


The latest example of a society on the brink of civil war comes to us from Portland, Oregon,
where every year the 82nd Avenue of Roses Business Association kicks of the city’s annual Rose Festival with a family-friendly parade.

Except this year, there will be no parade. Organizers have cancelled the event amid threats of violence from groups referring to themselves as “Anti-Fascist.” According to The Washington Post, the reasoning behind the threats is reportedly outrage over the fact that the county’s Republican Party was given one of the nearly 100 spots in the parade.

Then came an anonymous and ominous email, according to parade organizers, that instructed them to cancel the GOP group’s registration — or else.

“You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the anonymous email said, referring to the violent riots that hit Portland after the 2016 presidential election, reported the Oregonian. “This is nonnegotiable.”

The email said that 200 people would “rush into the parade” and “drag and push” those marching with the Republican Party.

“We will not give one inch to groups who espouse hatred toward LGBT, immigrants, people of color or others,” it said.

Earlier this month we reported that members of the so-called anti-fascist, left leaning progressive movements are preparing for war by organizing combat fighting classes and even going so far as to suggest it’s time to start bringing guns to such protests as a show of force:

In short, as predicted, they are turning to militancy and mob action by mobilizing individuals and groups to attend combat training seminars, acquiring better equipment like baseball bats and helmets, and of course, if things really go bad… guns.

Yes, we seemed to have lost today. The alt-right held their ground. If we wanna take action against them, we need to be better organized and better trained. It doesn’t help that it’s only the far left opposing them, any trump supporter can be radicalized far easier than any liberal.
I hope we learn from today

A shocking number of our comrades went in there with absolute no combat training. We need to set up seminars or something of the sort.

We also need better equipment

Full report: There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”

While these folks may think silencing the free speech of political ideologies contrary to theirs through violence is a means to a worthy end, it was the Bolshevik ideology, similar to what we’re seeing from “comrades” in the anti-fascist movement, that eventually gave way to one of the world’s most brutal dictators and was responsible for the deaths of, quite literally, over 100 million people in the 20th century.

On another and perhaps equally interesting note, we’ll mention the fact that for years the Department of Homeland Security and domestic law enforcement agencies had warned Americans that it was lone wolves with conservative values who stockpiled guns, food, bibles and peacefully protested government overreach who were, by officials and congressional members, deemed terrorists.

In fact, there were a variety of identifiers used to qualify an American citizen as a potential domestic terrorist:

So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist? Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:

  • Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
  • Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
  • Survivalist literature (fictional books such as “Patriots” and “One Second After” are mentioned by name)
  • Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
  • Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
  • Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
  • Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
  • Homeschooling
  • Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
  • Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
We wonder if similar classifications will be assigned to those who threaten families and children at parades?

Portland Rose Parade Cancelled Amid Violent Threats From Anti-Fa: "You've Seen How Much Power We Have... Police Can't Stop Us" | Zero Hedge
Alernative facts, alternative reality, sure.

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi


Snowflakes are so stupid and gullible.
Another Prominent Black Church Burns in the South

Keep going shoog ....

Why don't you tell us all about the burning black churches Bill Clinton remembered......assclown.

All the same shit, good fer you bubby.

I agree, it was a lie when Clinton said it, and it's a lie when you said it.
Alernative facts, alternative reality, sure.

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi


Snowflakes are so stupid and gullible.
Another Prominent Black Church Burns in the South

Keep going shoog ....

South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


But was it WHITE lightning????????

View attachment 144492

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi

Parishioner Arrested For November Arson Of Black Church In Mississippi


Snowflakes are so stupid and gullible.
Another Prominent Black Church Burns in the South

Keep going shoog ....

South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


But was it WHITE lightning????????

View attachment 144492


"Much of the frenzied media coverage of what CNN dubbed “48 hours of turmoil for the Trump White House” has overlooked one rather crucial point: Trump doesn’t like being forced to denounce racism for the very simple reason that he himself is, and always has been, a racist.

Consider the first time the president’s name appeared on
the front page of the New York Times, more than 40 years ago. “Major Landlord Accused of Antiblack Bias in City,” read the headline of the A1 piece on Oct. 16, 1973, which pointed out how Richard Nixon’s Department of Justice had sued the Trump family’s real estate company in federal court over alleged violations of the Fair Housing Act.

“The government contended that Trump Management had refused to rent or negotiate rentals ‘because of race and color,’” the Times revealed. “It also charged that the company had required different rental terms and conditions because of race and that it had misrepresented to blacks that apartments were not available.” (Trump later settled with the government without accepting responsibility.)

Over the next four decades, Trump burnished his reputation as a bigot: he was accused of ordering
“all the black [employees] off the floor” of his Atlantic City casinos during his visits; claimed “laziness is a trait in blacks” and “not anything they can control”; requested Jews “in yarmulkes” replace his black accountants; told Bryan Gumbel that “a well-educated black has a tremendous advantage over a well-educated white in terms of the job market”; demanded the death penalty for a group of black and Latino teenagers accused of raping a jogger in Central Park (and, despite their later exoneration with the use of DNA evidence, has continued to insist they are guilty); suggested a Native American tribe “don’t look like Indians to me”; mocked Chinese and Japanese trade negotiators by doing an impression of them in broken English; described undocumented Mexican immigrants as “rapists”; compared Syrian refugees to “snakes”; defended two supporters who assaulted a homeless Latino man as “very passionate” people “who love this country”; pledged to ban a quarter of humanity from entering the United States; proposed a database to track American Muslims that he himself refused to distinguish from the Nazi registration of German Jews; implied Jewish donors “want to control” politicians and are all sly negotiators; heaped praise on the “amazing reputation” of conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who has blamed America’s problems on a “Jewish mafia”; referred to a black supporter at a campaign rally as “my African-American”; suggested the grieving Muslim mother of a slain U.S. army officer “maybe … wasn’t allowed” to speak in public about her son; accused an American-born Hispanic judge of being “a Mexican”; retweeted anti-Semitic and anti-black memes, white supremacists, and even a quote from Benito Mussolini; kept a book of Hitler’s collected speeches next to his bed; declined to condemn both David Duke and the Ku Klux Klan; and spent five years leading a “birther” movement that was bent on smearing and delegitimizing the first black president of the United States, who Trump also accused of being the founder of ISIS.

Oh and remember: we knew all of this before he was elected president of the United States of America. He was elected in spite of all this (yet another
reminder that “not all Trump supporters are racist, but all of them decided that racism isn’t a deal-breaker”)."

Donald Trump Has Been a Racist All His Life — And He Isn’t Going to Change After Charlottesville


The latest example of a society on the brink of civil war comes to us from Portland, Oregon,
where every year the 82nd Avenue of Roses Business Association kicks of the city’s annual Rose Festival with a family-friendly parade.

Except this year, there will be no parade. Organizers have cancelled the event amid threats of violence from groups referring to themselves as “Anti-Fascist.” According to The Washington Post, the reasoning behind the threats is reportedly outrage over the fact that the county’s Republican Party was given one of the nearly 100 spots in the parade.

Then came an anonymous and ominous email, according to parade organizers, that instructed them to cancel the GOP group’s registration — or else.

“You have seen how much power we have downtown and that the police cannot stop us from shutting down roads so please consider your decision wisely,” the anonymous email said, referring to the violent riots that hit Portland after the 2016 presidential election, reported the Oregonian. “This is nonnegotiable.”

The email said that 200 people would “rush into the parade” and “drag and push” those marching with the Republican Party.

“We will not give one inch to groups who espouse hatred toward LGBT, immigrants, people of color or others,” it said.

Earlier this month we reported that members of the so-called anti-fascist, left leaning progressive movements are preparing for war by organizing combat fighting classes and even going so far as to suggest it’s time to start bringing guns to such protests as a show of force:

In short, as predicted, they are turning to militancy and mob action by mobilizing individuals and groups to attend combat training seminars, acquiring better equipment like baseball bats and helmets, and of course, if things really go bad… guns.

Yes, we seemed to have lost today. The alt-right held their ground. If we wanna take action against them, we need to be better organized and better trained. It doesn’t help that it’s only the far left opposing them, any trump supporter can be radicalized far easier than any liberal.
I hope we learn from today

A shocking number of our comrades went in there with absolute no combat training. We need to set up seminars or something of the sort.

We also need better equipment

Full report: There Will Be Blood: Left Prepares For War After Berkeley Beat Down: “Combat Training, Better Equipment, Guns…”

While these folks may think silencing the free speech of political ideologies contrary to theirs through violence is a means to a worthy end, it was the Bolshevik ideology, similar to what we’re seeing from “comrades” in the anti-fascist movement, that eventually gave way to one of the world’s most brutal dictators and was responsible for the deaths of, quite literally, over 100 million people in the 20th century.

On another and perhaps equally interesting note, we’ll mention the fact that for years the Department of Homeland Security and domestic law enforcement agencies had warned Americans that it was lone wolves with conservative values who stockpiled guns, food, bibles and peacefully protested government overreach who were, by officials and congressional members, deemed terrorists.

In fact, there were a variety of identifiers used to qualify an American citizen as a potential domestic terrorist:

So how does a person qualify as a potential domestic terrorist? Based on the training I have attended, here are characteristics that qualify:

  • Expressions of libertarian philosophies (statements, bumper stickers)
  • Second Amendment-oriented views (NRA or gun club membership, holding a CCW permit)
  • Survivalist literature (fictional books such as “Patriots” and “One Second After” are mentioned by name)
  • Self-sufficiency (stockpiling food, ammo, hand tools, medical supplies)
  • Fear of economic collapse (buying gold and barter items)
  • Religious views concerning the book of Revelation (apocalypse, anti-Christ)
  • Expressed fears of Big Brother or big government
  • Homeschooling
  • Declarations of Constitutional rights and civil liberties
  • Belief in a New World Order conspiracy
We wonder if similar classifications will be assigned to those who threaten families and children at parades?

Portland Rose Parade Cancelled Amid Violent Threats From Anti-Fa: "You've Seen How Much Power We Have... Police Can't Stop Us" | Zero Hedge

Just another fine example of the veto of rights by a mob and the left is jumping for joy.


Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Liars follow liars, birds of a feather. You all are just soiling yourselves over the shit blowing up in your faces last weekend, this entire week has been about the alt right Nazis trying to save face.

I could not me more proud of sucking at being one of you.
You mean it's about the left trying to blame everyone who voted for Trump for what happened when the left is actually responsible. A leftwing mayor allowed both sides to show up in the same place at the same time, and a leftwing mayor told the police to scram at the exact moment they were needed the most. This whole thing was instigated and planned by the left.

You're all a bunch of sleazy lying shameless provocateurs.

No one is fooled.
South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


LOL Poor Lumps.....getting shellacked

You should read more love, "the 8th in 10 Days".

More from your Liar in Chief darling:

After Attack in Spain, Trump Invokes Myth About Execution of Muslims - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Liars follow liars, birds of a feather. You all are just soiling yourselves over the shit blowing up in your faces last weekend, this entire week has been about the alt right Nazis trying to save face.

I could not me more proud of sucking at being one of you.
You mean it's about the left trying to blame everyone who voted for Trump for what happened when the left is actually responsible. A leftwing mayor allowed both sides to show up in the same place at the same time, and a leftwing mayor told the police to scram at the exact moment they were needed the most. This whole thing was instigated and planned by the left.

You're all a bunch of sleazy lying shameless provocateurs.

No one is fooled.

As I said son, I could not me more proud of sucking at being one of you.
LOL Poor Lumps.....getting shellacked

You should read more love, "the 8th in 10 Days".

More from your Liar in Chief darling:

After Attack in Spain, Trump Invokes Myth About Execution of Muslims - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Liars follow liars, birds of a feather. You all are just soiling yourselves over the shit blowing up in your faces last weekend, this entire week has been about the alt right Nazis trying to save face.

I could not me more proud of sucking at being one of you.
You mean it's about the left trying to blame everyone who voted for Trump for what happened when the left is actually responsible. A leftwing mayor allowed both sides to show up in the same place at the same time, and a leftwing mayor told the police to scram at the exact moment they were needed the most. This whole thing was instigated and planned by the left.

You're all a bunch of sleazy lying shameless provocateurs.

No one is fooled.

As I said son, I could not me more proud of sucking at being one of you.

"One of who?"
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .
yes, but the true tale of the tape is how the Trumpbots are desperate to color the issue of It's not about the Klan. LOL

Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Sure, that must be it, saving face with the likes of you is important.

You were the one that got stuffed, clown shoes. Hilarious stuff, Mr All Uppity got shellacked at his own game, not once but twice.

That reveals you're ignorant
yes, but the true tale of the tape is how the Trumpbots are desperate to color the issue of It's not about the Klan. LOL

It is less about a white supremacist group legally marching, exercising their constitutional rights to assemble and freedom of speech, and now more about the Left and AntiFa - by its own admission - instigating violence in an attempt to deny Americans of their constitutional rights to assemble and of freedom of speech, an assault on the very democracy they claim to want to defend.

It is another example of the left violating both Constitution and law in the fence or execution of their own agenda, justifying their Acts in doing so.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .
yes, but the true tale of the tape is how the Trumpbots are desperate to color the issue of It's not about the Klan. LOL

The KKK or any other group as the right to peacefully assemble, you stop one of them from doing it and you're creating a slippery slope
A small minority of Americans, a group of racists, marching to voice their vile message is less of a threat to our democracy then the left has proven to be by openly, admittingly engaging in physical attacks, violating both Constitution and law, in an attempts to deny Americans of their constitutional rights through violence.
South Carolina church fire caused by lightning, officials say

Lightning caused S.C. church fire, officials say - CNN


LOL Poor Lumps.....getting shellacked

You should read more love, "the 8th in 10 Days".

More from your Liar in Chief darling:

After Attack in Spain, Trump Invokes Myth About Execution of Muslims - Truthdig: Expert Reporting, Current News, Provocative Columnists

Now you're going off on tangents trying to save face, you suck at this hippie
Sure, that must be it, saving face with the likes of you is important.

You were the one that got stuffed, clown shoes. Hilarious stuff, Mr All Uppity got shellacked at his own game, not once but twice.

That reveals you're ignorant
Here's wishing you a lovely weekend darling, on your journey toward serenity.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .
yes, but the true tale of the tape is how the Trumpbots are desperate to color the issue of It's not about the Klan. LOL
People who don't think much of the Klan are the problem.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .
i was recently "schooled" by a resident expert that white supremacy is not an ideology. HA!

case closed.
Right wingers on here have found a "life-line" in excusing the orange clown's statements that there is an alt-Left and that these folks (antifa) are just as bad as the Nazis, white supremacists and KKK members......................and its all BULLSHIT.

Most of us do not condone violence but acknowledge that it exists and sometimes even necessary; heck, we were a bit violent ourselves when we chose to fight Nazism in WWII, were we not?

The issue is the IDEOLOGY of one group versus the other.....and ALL of us need to come to terms with the fact that if you "think" that the ideology of racists is just as worthwhile as those AGAINST racism, then you have better defined yourself.

Trump is undoubtedly a closeted-racist based on his lifelong record of business dealings with minority groups, and certainly we cannot simply shrug off how racist groups seem to have a close affinity for Trump's views and statements. .
yes, but the true tale of the tape is how the Trumpbots are desperate to color the issue of It's not about the Klan. LOL
I thought it was about the violence. Douche bags like you don't want to go their because you live in a glass house.

No one is defending racism here, shit stain.

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