The jerk that harrassed Ivanka may have lost his job

the people that justified this attack are haters. They need this because their traitor left our people to die on a roof top lost her bid to become the first Female President. To them having a female President is more important then protecting our service men. Oh by the way what ever happened to the guy Hitlery put in jail for the video. If you libs cant get over it then just take out your coloring book and do what you usually do when you don't get your own way . You libs get me sick .
From the occupy wall street to BDS movement, a socialist candidate, open disdain and attacks on conservatives and now their family members. It seems clear to me that there is a major double standard. Why did the media constantly go after Trump and his followers to disavow the kkk and other nefarious supporters, but don't ask the same of the left?

I try to be fair on both sides, but some of this is clear hypocrisy. This is the "alt-left', why are they not called out on MSNBC or CNN? When the protests were going on after Trump won, there was not much stated from the left or the media, even when there was a woman who called for "violence" and stated "it won't be easy, some people will die", I mean this is some crazy stuff, outright crazy and unacceptable. It was considered acceptable though because it was happening in California from the left, and not say, Texas, and it was a protest against a GOP nominated president, not a Democrat. If these protests were happening in Texas when Obama won, the media would have flocked there and covered it 24/7, as they do whenever there is a police protest.

Without people speaking out against these activities time and time again, it will be normalized further. It seems to me some of the anti-democratic politically correct culture it had already been normalized for some time, now it becomes bolder and more dangerous...very little discussion about it. Do people not see that some of these crazies have contributed to the anti-police rhetoric and anger that contributed to the death of five Texas police officers and other targeted attacks of police? As in this case, these officers had nothing to do with their anger.
An excellent example of LW religious bigotry, spreading the hate and thread derailment.

Just so we're all clear; Daniel Goldstein is attorney from Brooklyn. I don't know if he has his own firm or not. It was his verbal abuse of the Kushner family that got him deplaned. Usually, if a person is deplaned, any family members with him/her choose to deplane also. Matthew Lasner, a Hunter College teacher and author, is Goldstein's husband. The OP link states he's taking hits on his Amazon book page. Presumably for his Tweets supporting his husband's plan to attack the Kushner family. He later deleted those tweets then took his membership on Twitter.

Yes, the hate is spreading a lot. I suspect there will be more incidents like this. People are certainly to be hurt, if not killed. Maybe, after a few deaths, more Americans will push for sanity.
The guy shouldn't have his life ruined for his outburst. He should be called out for his ridiculous and inappropriate tactics ...
Oh, I dont know. Some cook lost her career almost for admitting that she might have once said the "N Word" thirty years ago.




May it ever so be, at least until these leftwing Nazi Nutjobs learn that when they fuck people over for disagreeing with them, the odds are very good that one day they may get the SAME EXACT TREATMENT IN RETURN.
You must have missed the presidential campaign where one of the candidates said it`s okay to call his daughter a "piece of ass" and he bragged about sexual assault. Civility and respect for women??? You`re attempt at humor falls woefully short.

What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?
If you don't know the difference you need more help than I thought. Freedom of speech is good, verbally assaulting someone isn't.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

What ever happened to civility? And treating women with respect on the left?

You must have missed the presidential campaign where one of the candidates said it`s okay to call his daughter a "piece of ass" and he bragged about sexual assault. Civility and respect for women??? You`re attempt at humor falls woefully short.
Idiot alert.
It's amazing watching the same people who have wailed about an alleged conservative "war on women" for years...feeling perfectly free to attack conservative women!

Put an (R) in front of your name or wear the wrong tee shirt or sport the wrong bumper sticker on your car...and for people like the gay couple on that DESERVE to be attacked! I wonder what level of OUTRAGE they would have if someone verbally attacked them on a commercial aircraft for being gay?
That guy is proving, that homosexuality is a mental disease.

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