The jerk that harrassed Ivanka may have lost his job

Great! As soon as we start executing adulterers like Rudy, Rush and Slick Willie plus ban divorce just like the Bible says, I'll agree that marriage is SACRED institution. Do you agree we should do this?
No. That's not the same. You're mixing up a lot of things to justify homosexual "marriage." It doesn't exist.
There's a common law tenant recognized in our courts called "fighting words"..which means there are words one has the right to respond to with a foot or a fist. This guy had a beat down coming alright and if he's lost his job, good. I was frankly amazed that Ivanka was not only on a public airliner, but in the coach section. That seems to be what infuriated the idiot who screamed at her. A billionaire's daughter flying coach....I like her already.
Freedom of speech ends at some one elses nose dude. You are free to express your public opinion. You are not free to verbally harass ANYONE. If that asshole had said that sort of shit to my wife I would have knocked him on his ass.
Which made me wonder about her husband. He was there. Secret Service should have done something
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?
Difference between "speech" and causing a scene on a crowded plane. Doing so in front of children makes it worse.
There is a right way to express opinion, that was not it.
Trap someone in a corner or with kids to protect and you are being abusive, bullying, even presenting a threat to the person and children.

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These clowns, like the one you responded to, are so far out of touch with reality, it's dumbfounding the stupid shit they say.

Causing a scene for any reason on a plane and you can become a threat to everyone.
Ranting and raving is letting off steam, do it in the shower. Have an opinion, express it in a calm way and let the other side in turn express their opinion.
Yelling at someone, especially in their face when they can't get away, is just abuse.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

Link to anyone harassing Mooches or her daughters like this.

And I'll note that it's rather amusing that SJW types who look for micro-aggressions in the most benign of speech think it's acceptable to perform REAL AGGRESSIONS towards a mother traveling with her children.
Link to anyone harassing Mooches or her daughters like this.
IF anyone can produce an example of a nutjob like this, I doubt you'd find any Conservative excusing that like the libs do here. I guess we're just better that way.
Link to anyone harassing Mooches or her daughters like this.
IF anyone can produce an example of a nutjob like this, I doubt you'd find any Conservative excusing that like the libs do here. I guess we're just better that way.

Conservatives still believe in Civil Society, in more ways than one.
Yah? So? I would never hire the dumbshit. I can't wait to see his client list say to themselves. "Hmmm" when we go to court my lawyer is going to be the focus of attack. Not a good thing, think I'm going to get another one who can actually work my case and not have to spend all of his time defending himself". That's how the real world works, guano.
Agreed. OTOH, I'm sure there are plenty of LWLs who are thinking "This is my type of asshole!" In the end though, I think it will hurt him more than help him. For the next few years he'll be "that guy".
Causing a scene for any reason on a plane and you can become a threat to everyone.
Ranting and raving is letting off steam, do it in the shower. Have an opinion, express it in a calm way and let the other side in turn express their opinion.
Yelling at someone, especially in their face when they can't get away, is just abuse.
Agreed. It's why such people are deplaned. If anyone had taken a swing at the verbal abuser/harasser, they'd have been deplaned too for the safety of all. It's SOP post-9/11.

T....I was frankly amazed that Ivanka was not only on a public airliner, but in the coach section. That seems to be what infuriated the idiot who screamed at her. A billionaire's daughter flying coach....I like her already.
It's the holiday travel season, her's was a family of five. It may have been the only seats they could find that connected them with their private plane in SFO.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

What ever happened to civility? And treating women with respect on the left?

You must have missed the presidential campaign where one of the candidates said it`s okay to call his daughter a "piece of ass" and he bragged about sexual assault. Civility and respect for women??? You`re attempt at humor falls woefully short.

We are talking about a woman here minding her own business on an airplane.. What does trump have anything to do with it?


The complete lack of honesty in your comment is appalling.
Then you agree with hounding, chasing down and harassing these two homos wherever they are since THEY are ruining this country.

No I don't. And no they are not ruining the country. But I will say that your piss poor attitude is a problem
No I don't. And no they are not ruining the country. But I will say that your piss poor attitude is a problem
So you agree that it us OK for homosexuals to harass a woman and her children on a plane "because her father is ruining the country", but its wrong for heterosexuals to harass homosexuals for the damage they've done to the country.

YOUR piss poor double standard is the problem.
No I don't. And no they are not ruining the country. But I will say that your piss poor attitude is a problem
So you agree that it us OK for homosexuals to harass a woman and her children on a plane "because her father is ruining the country", but its wrong for heterosexuals to harass homosexuals for the damage they've done to the country.

YOUR piss poor double standard is the problem.

Forget the labels.
It is not OK for anyone to harass another person like that. The fact it was a crowded plane or that children were present just makes it worse.
Ranting is not expressing an opinion, just making an unpleasant noise and annoying everyone around.

Ivanka was just taking a flight like everyone else on the plane. She did nothing wrong and the ranting was not called for.

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