The jerk that harrassed Ivanka may have lost his job

It's amazing watching the same people who have wailed about an alleged conservative "war on women" for years...feeling perfectly free to attack conservative women!

Put an (R) in front of your name or wear the wrong tee shirt or sport the wrong bumper sticker on your car...and for people like the gay couple on that DESERVE to be attacked! I wonder what level of OUTRAGE they would have if someone verbally attacked them on a commercial aircraft for being gay?
That guy is proving, that homosexuality is a mental disease.
Not sure about that, but it certainly proves homosexuals are no better than Hillary's "Basket of Deplorables".
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

There is a difference between free speech and harassing someone.
Respect they neighbor whatever happen to respect of other people in general.
Oh I know we have nation of assholes bread from sixties liberals and then a bigger poll of assholes bred from their children of those liberal jackbooted ignorance clan.

Hate God
Hate Christians
Worship Satan
teach kids sex................. Yeah nothing wrong with this picture.

It's all about GIMME, GIMMMEEE I want it now, fk your parents they are morons, who cars what anyone else needs " I " come first gimme gimmmeee, Instant gratification era.
The guy shouldn't have his life ruined for his outburst. He should be called out for his ridiculous and inappropriate tactics ...
Oh, I dont know. Some cook lost her career almost for admitting that she might have once said the "N Word" thirty years ago.




May it ever so be, at least until these leftwing Nazi Nutjobs learn that when they fuck people over for disagreeing with them, the odds are very good that one day they may get the SAME EXACT TREATMENT IN RETURN.
A fair point.

It would be one thing if Goldstein apologized for his actions attacking a mother and her children, but from what I've read, he and his husband are playing the victim. Lasner never apologized either; removing his tweets and taking down his Twitter account isn't an apology. It's simply running away from his actions.
The guy shouldn't have his life ruined for his outburst. He should be called out for his ridiculous and inappropriate tactics ...
Oh, I dont know. Some cook lost her career almost for admitting that she might have once said the "N Word" thirty years ago.




May it ever so be, at least until these leftwing Nazi Nutjobs learn that when they fuck people over for disagreeing with them, the odds are very good that one day they may get the SAME EXACT TREATMENT IN RETURN.
A fair point.

It would be one thing if Goldstein apologized for his actions attacking a mother and her children, but from what I've read, he and his husband are playing the victim. Lasner never apologized either; removing his tweets and taking down his Twitter account isn't an apology. It's simply running away from his actions.
Could WE please quit referring to either of these two as "husband"? You make a mockery of the SACRED institution of marriage every time you do so. The State doesn't define Marriage. GOD does. These 2 mentally ill guys are NOT "MARRIED."

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto hiswife, and they two shall be one -- GOD
Two ass screwing faggots attacked a woman and her children. Sickening. Ivanka should have shot them.
Two ass screwing faggots attacked a woman and her children. Sickening. Ivanka should have shot them.
She does have Secret Service protection. If these lefties feel emboldened by this and become even more hysterical, that could happen.
Could WE please quit referring to either of these two as "husband"? You make a mockery of the SACRED institution of marriage every time you do so. The State doesn't define Marriage. GOD does. These 2 mentally ill guys are NOT "MARRIED."

For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto hiswife, and they two shall be one -- GOD
Great! As soon as we start executing adulterers like Rudy, Rush and Slick Willie plus ban divorce just like the Bible says, I'll agree that marriage is SACRED institution. Do you agree we should do this?

"Everyone who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and he who marries one who is divorced from a husband commits adultery.--GOD

'If there is a man who commits adultery with another man's wife, one who commits adultery with his friend's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.--GOD
Two ass screwing faggots attacked a woman and her children. Sickening. Ivanka should have shot them.
She does have Secret Service protection. If these lefties feel emboldened by this and become even more hysterical, that could happen.
I'm sure there are a few Squeaky Frommes out there who will do it. The heated rhetoric from both sides is bad, but the far Left has been whipping themselves up into a frenzy ever since Hillary lost. This is just a taste of things to come. Far Left Wingers will, no doubt, begin to commit acts of violence against those they oppose. 2017 will be an interesting year.
Agree. I worry about the safety of not only President Trump, but his daughters and sons. These are good and accomplished people, buy, like you said, the left has worked itself up to a rabid frenzy. They are becoming irrational and dangerous.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?
Difference between "speech" and causing a scene on a crowded plane. Doing so in front of children makes it worse.
There is a right way to express opinion, that was not it.
Trap someone in a corner or with kids to protect and you are being abusive, bullying, even presenting a threat to the person and children.

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What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?
Difference between "speech" and causing a scene on a crowded plane. Doing so in front of children makes it worse.
There is a right way to express opinion, that was not it.
Trap someone in a corner or with kids to protect and you are being abusive, bullying, even presenting a threat to the person and children.

Sent from my YD206 using mobile app
These clowns, like the one you responded to, are so far out of touch with reality, it's dumbfounding the stupid shit they say.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

What ever happened to civility? And treating women with respect on the left?

You must have missed the presidential campaign where one of the candidates said it`s okay to call his daughter a "piece of ass" and he bragged about sexual assault. Civility and respect for women??? You`re attempt at humor falls woefully short.

We are talking about a woman here minding her own business on an airplane.. What does trump have anything to do with it?


The complete lack of honesty in your comment is appalling.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

What ever happened to civility? And treating women with respect on the left?

You must have missed the presidential campaign where one of the candidates said it`s okay to call his daughter a "piece of ass" and he bragged about sexual assault. Civility and respect for women??? You`re attempt at humor falls woefully short.

We are talking about a woman here minding her own business on an airplane.. What does trump have anything to do with it?


The complete lack of honesty in your comment is appalling.
Then you agree with hounding, chasing down and harassing these two homos wherever they are since THEY are ruining this country.
What happen to freedom of speech? Did you ever talk badly to Obama and his wife on this board or to other people? What makes Ivanka deserving of better?

Freedom of speech ends at some one elses nose dude. You are free to express your public opinion. You are not free to verbally harass ANYONE. If that asshole had said that sort of shit to my wife I would have knocked him on his ass.

Yah? So? I would never hire the dumbshit. I can't wait to see his client list say to themselves. "Hmmm" when we go to court my lawyer is going to be the focus of attack. Not a good thing, think I'm going to get another one who can actually work my case and not have to spend all of his time defending himself". That's how the real world works, guano.

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