The JFK Assassination

It was almost certainly the Jews, they were upset that Kennedy was against their nuclear program.

But still, having him shot was a bit excessive. They could have settled for something like a honey trap, turn Marylin Monroe into a Monica Lewinsky.

you nailed it.

same thing with 9/11,the mossad and the CIA orchestrated it all. Only with JFK there were many more groups involved as well since many factions wanted him dead such as the mob and the cubans,they were involved as well but they were just low level players with the CIA and mossad being the main players in it all.

there are a lot of amazing similarities in 9/11 and the JFK murder.

the reason they did not settle for that like they did in setting nixon up with watergate so he would be out of office was because Nixon was a willing puppet who did their bidding for them. He was a mass murderer same as Johnson so they were very happy with him for the most part so he got off easy having to leave office like they wanted him to.

With kennedy he was not doing what his masters were telling him to do and they hated him with a huge hatred like no other so they wanted to send a message to him and everyone that opposed them that they can kill you in broad daylight if they desire and get away with it. They wanted the whole world to see their power that they can display is why they choose to kill him instead of something like that or poison him is why.
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Bonsoir à tous,

The KennedyAssassination

By John McAdams....

the magic bullet theorists of course wont read that link you know since they dont want to read pesky facts that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that prove oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin:

Bonsoir à tous,

The KennedyAssassination

By John McAdams....

the magic bullet theorists of course wont read that link you know since they dont want to read pesky facts that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that prove oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin:

They want to believe what they are saying but you have to have evidence, sources ... but nevertheless it's still amazing to see , is suspect that a president of the United States JFK to be killed and we still do not know who for sure the culprit of the assassination
Bonsoir à tous,

The KennedyAssassination

By John McAdams....

the magic bullet theorists of course wont read that link you know since they dont want to read pesky facts that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that prove oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin:

Bonsoir à tous,

The KennedyAssassination

By John McAdams....

the magic bullet theorists of course wont read that link you know since they dont want to read pesky facts that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that prove oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin:

They want to believe what they are saying but you have to have evidence, sources ... but nevertheless it's still amazing to see , is suspect that a president of the United States JFK to be killed and we still do not know who for sure the culprit of the assassination

actually we know beyond a doubt as many reseachers have said over the years that it was mostly a CIA/MOSSAD operation same as 9/ll.

are you aware that one of watergate burglers arrested in watergate E Howard Hunt was in dallas that day? Hunt was a CIA operative in the bay of pigs invasion. for years many reseachers thought he was one of the three tramps seen in one of the photos taken. Hunt denied he was in dallas that day for years UNTIL on his deathbed confession,he admitted to his son as his son tape recorded him,saying that he indeed WAS in dallas that day as part of an operation for the CIA to kill JFK.

He did so not that he felt guilty about it but to gloat about it.

also in the 70's when the HSCA investigation was running their investigation,there were two CIA men that came forward and said to the commission-we did this,where do you want to go with this investigation? the HSCA of course did not pursue the lead.anything that pointed toward CIA involvement they ignored. That investigation was done because people were no longer believing the lies of the warren commission that oswald was the lone assassin,they had figured out there was at least another shooter involved with the doctors testimonys and everything so the HSCA committe came up with a new patsy,the mob saying it was a mob hit and there was another shooter involved but they could not locate the other shooter.

whats comical is they concluded it was a probable conspiracy but yet today,they STILL lie saying oswald was the lone asssassin.:biggrin:

here is that video where CIA operative hunt made his confession he was involved and it was indeed a CIA operation.

you do know that oswald was CIA and ONI right? he had top clearances for intelligence work at a station in japan run by the CIA that only high level intelligent officers were cleared for.
LA RAM FAN , I have a very good link about the witness of the shooting but is only in french !
i did talk about one of the witness Emmett Hudson.

Photographed witnesses in Dealey Plaza - Who's who?
par Alain Boquet et Marcel Dehaeseleer

Les témoins de Dealey Plaza - Qui est qui?

I wish i could read french.maybe i can find someone who can read it and tell me what it says,in a nutshell,what is the basic summary of what it is saying? did you listen to that interview by chance?
No, i did'nt ...on the page there no button for English i look everywhere, the link is very interesting... may be Google translate is the faster way to have the link in English ?
Witnesses to the murder photographed in Dealey Plaza Page 1.

Here is an overview on the south side of Elm Street (on the left of the Presidential limousine.) This is a montage made from images of the double 8mm film of Abraham Zapruder. We see first of all Charles Brehm and his son Joe, aged 5.
Charles Brehm heard three shots, which were, according to him, one of the two buildings located at the intersection of Houston Street and Elm Street. [Source] Behind Brehm, one that has been called "Babushka Lady" is visible, his face is hidden by what appears to be a camera or a camera. It has never been formally identified (Beverly Oliver pretend years later be Babushka Lady.)
A little further, we see a group of two women. Jean Hill, "the woman in red", she first heard two shots, then she heard three or four other shots. She thinks that they correspond to a response of Secret Service agents. She sees people heading to the fence and decided to follow them. [Source] Before the Warren Commission, it will keep that testimony. According to her, there was trios shots, then a response of three shots from the Secret Service agents. [Source] Mary Moorman, she heard three to four shots, without specifying their origin [Source] A day later, on 23 November, she will tell the FBI agents, having heard two or three shots, without specifying their origin. [Source] We also see a woman approaching with great strides, she wears jeans and a beige raincoat, this is Toni Foster.


One can also see Toni Foster back on the fifth picture of Leslie Charles Bronson.
Note that in the picture, we also see, back and left to right: Mary Moorman and John Hill, and Joe Charles Brehm, Babushka Lady.


Cropped portion of the fifth picture
Leslie Charles Bronson
Cropped portion of the fifth photo Leslie Charles Bronson

if Toni Foster short it is because it comes from the intersection formed by Houston and Main Street, as shown on the image above cons, it is removed from the film by Charles L. Bronson. This sequence is prior to the arrival of the Presidential motorcade in Dealey Plaza.

One can also see this same image Charles Brehm - who then also went along Elm Street - and the Willis family.

Toni Foster was never questioned by the police, the FBI, the Warren Commission, the HSCA or by researchers. It was only in the late 90s that Debra Conwayrecueillit his testimony in which she said he heard four shots. For her, the shots came from behind. This belief is based on what she heard and the injury of President located toward the back of the head (entry wound in her) to arrive at this conclusion.

Back on the Zapruder film of images, we arrive on a group of 3 people.

The man on the left with a camera on the torso is Richard Oscar Bothun. It has never been questioned and unfortunately did not take pictures when passing the limo before him. He waited several tens of seconds after the last shot to photograph the scene.

On the left of Bothun, we see James Altgens. He was questioned for the first time by the FBI on June 2, 1964. He says he does not know exactly how many shots it has been, because it really was not paying attention. But for him, the shots came from behind the limousine. [Source]

Before the Warren Commission, he will say be sure I heard a shot, then the fatal shot, but did not say if there was a shooting between the two or how many there were. However, it specified that the shots came from the crossing of Elm Street with the extension of Houston Street in front of the TSBD. [Source]

Image du film de Zapruder (Zf-346)

The man about to lie down - to the right of Algtens - is Malcolm Summers. He clearly heard two shots, then he dived on the floor to protect themselves. It does not specify the source of the shooting, but said that many people ran to the fence.

Finally, continuing on the right along Elm Street, we come to the Franzen family.

Jack Franzen heard three or four shots. He could not say where did the shooting, but he thought, given the activity at the fence, they came from that direction. [Source]
His wife, meanwhile, heard three shots. But it did not specify their origin. However, she will say she assumed they were from TSBD because police who had gathered at this level.

Image du film de Zapruder (Zf-367)

Precision Mr. Dehaeseleer: The man on the left of the Franzen family remains to this day unidentified. Some researchers have called "Gin and Tonic Man" because it seems to take a glass of this drink in his right hand.

A little further along, at Commerce Street and near the triple underpass, we Tague James and John Dolan. these two witnesses can be isolated on the photo of Frank Cancellare below.


James Tague was questioned first by the FBI on December 16 1963. He heard three shots without being able to determine the source of these. [Source]

John Dolan was also questioned by the FBI on December 17 1963. He heard three shots, unable to say where they were from. [Source]

On the next page we will look to controls located on the other side of Elm Street, that is to say to the right
relative to the direction of travel of the Presidential limousine.

I did one page it a start.:) and we know that Google translate is not alway reliable but is better then French ;)
No, i did'nt ...on the page there no button for English i look everywhere, the link is very interesting... may be Google translate is the faster way to have the link in English ?
okay but are you going to tell me what that witness basically said in a small summary?

there are actually a few witnesses that were there that day who saw a gunman behind the picket fence who have come out and told independent researchers over the years they saw a gunman behind the fence firing a rifle but they still wont go on record even after all these years later because they are STILL afraid for their lives and say so because the reason they stayed silent for so many years was because of the fact so many people who came forward and gave versions different than the governments,ended up dying mysterious deaths.

and they are credible people,not some of these clowns you see on the street down there who will say_ i was there that day,i saw it.then when you ask them how old they are,they say something like 45 years

no there have been some that dont want any attention out of this and want to stay private and the researchers wont reveal their names because of a confidential agreement made with them,who they have identified themselves in the photos as they were back then,they were just kids and they have they have lived in dallas their whole lives.

have you heard about that?

one of them that DID come out in later years and give his name was a man who was in combat so he KNEW that the governments explanation of echos from the 6th floor window was bullshit being an experienced combat officer so when he heard the shots,he knew what he was talking about when he said it was so loud,the shots came from over his shoulder behind him and knew enough from his training to duck.

He also said a SS agent pointed a gun at him and told him if he did not hand over the camera,he would kill him.

the magic bullet apologists of course will say he was either lying making that up,or he was never there of course they are so much in denial.:rolleyes:
Bonsoir à tous,

The KennedyAssassination

By John McAdams....

the magic bullet theorists of course wont read that link you know since they dont want to read pesky facts that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that prove oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin:

Bonsoir à tous,

The KennedyAssassination

By John McAdams....

the magic bullet theorists of course wont read that link you know since they dont want to read pesky facts that shoot down the lies of the warren commission that prove oswald was innocent and there were multiple shooters.:biggrin:

They want to believe what they are saying but you have to have evidence, sources ... but nevertheless it's still amazing to see , is suspect that a president of the United States JFK to be killed and we still do not know who for sure the culprit of the assassination

yeah unlike us,they dont have any evidence or sources to back up their ramblings that oswald was the lone assassin.

Notice that they have all evaded post#10 of yours you made way back since they know you took them to school and did you also notice how they as well evaded post# 36 of mine here knowing they cant counter those pesky facts that there were multiple gunman firing from the FRONT?:biggrin:

I assume YOU saw this post of mine here that took them to school that proves there were multiple shooters firing from the front that they ALL evaded?:biggrin::lmao::haha:

after reading a few words of this post of mine,they did the same thing they did when they read a few words of posts of yours from post# 1O when you took them to school. same thing they do all the time when they beaten and defeated-this-:scared1:

Page 2...

We will now focus on the other side of Elm Street. It's much more difficult because many witnesses were never identified. Thus, in this photo of Robert E. Croft, one person has been identified, it is F. Lee Mudd. He heard three shots that came, he said, the TSBD. [Source]


Photo recadrée de Robert Earl Croft
Following the witnesses located on this side of Elm Street is better known. To locate them we will again use a picture of the famous movie double 8mm Abraham Zapruder (Zf-151).


Go to link : Les témoins de Dealey Plaza - Page 2

.The First identifiable person - on the left with the hard hat - is A. J. Millican, a Howard Brennan Construction colleague. He heard three shots that came from the intersection of Houston Street and Elm Street, then two more shots from the colonnades and finally three others, who came from the same direction, but a little further however. [Source]

The person at the right Millican has not been identified.

Then we Aurelia Alonzo, who accompanied Mary Woodward that day. She did not testify.

Then we find Mary Woodward, reporter at the Dallas Morning News. She wrote an account of what she saw just the facts, for the publication of the next day. She was later interviewed by the FBI. She will say they heard three shots, which came from behind her and to her right, so probably the fence. [Source]

N.B. Millican, Alonzo and Woodward are visible in photo # 6 driven by James Altgens (see below).

Zf-151 du film de Zapruder sur laquelle elle est à demi-masquée par le panneau Stemmons.

We then Anne Donaldson and Maggie Brown, they were also coming with Woodward; followed by Jane Berry, employed at the Scott-Foresman editor, on the 3rd floor of TSBD. She heard three shots, without specifying where they came from. [Source] Jane Berry was accompanied on the right by Betty Thornton, also employed at the Scott-Foresman editor. It will bring only very few details, she heard shots without seeing them reach the President Kennedy. [Source]

Then we Peggy Burney, who did not testify.

Follow two men, John Templin, a road which heard two shots, then Ernest Brandt, who heard three shots. They did not testify.

The woman located to the right of Brandt John Newman. She heard two shots, which, she said, came from his right, so, presumably, towards the fence. [Source]

Finally there is a group of 5 people:
- Karen Westbrook, employed at South Western Publishing located in TSBD, it speaks only of the first shot. [Source]
- June Dishong, who clearly heard three shots she recorded in a diary which was found after his death in 1998.
- Gloria Calvary, also speaks only the first shot. [Source]
- Karan Hicks, it also speaks of the first shot. Source]
- Carol Reed, it does not speak of the number of shots. [Source]
These three people were like Karen Westbrook cited above, employed in South Western Publishing.

Following Elm Street is visible from the photograph of Charles L. Bronson, which allowed us to locate Toni Foster. We will detail the witnesses, starting from right to left. Carol Reed, framed by blue sky, was mentioned earlier in the Zf-151 image of the Zapruder film on which it is half hidden by the Stemmons panel.


To the right of Carol Reed, there is the Chism family.
Marvin Faye Chism heard two shots came from behind her.[Source] Her husband, Arthur John Chism, also heard two shots. He looked behind him to see where they could come. [Source] In his statement to the FBI, he speaks of two shots and may be three, but no more. He explained that he turned to look behind him but he saw nothing suspicious. [Source]Their son older than three years at the material time did not testify.

Then there is a two teenagers, unidentified, and one that has been called "Dark complected Man" (DCM), which has not been identified.

Next we come to "the man with the umbrella" (Umbrella Man), Louie Steven Witt. He heard three shots or more, and can not tell where they came from. [Source]

Then, at the foot of the lamppost ago Cheryl McKinnon, a journalism student. She heard three shots, which came in her from the fence. She turned in that direction, she then saw small clouds of smoke but no one was visible (San Diego Star-News November 22, 1983).

The woman next to her was not identified.

The against an image of 16mm film Dave Wiegman, Cheryl McKinnon lying on the floor (after the shooting).
In the background, Faye Chism carrying his son in his arms.


Cheryl McKinnon - Dave Wiegman film

finally, we have the Newman family.

William Eugene Newman heard two shots, which came in his view of the fence.. [Source]
His testimony is confirmed in a statement made to the FBI. [Source]

Gayle Newman, his wife, heard three shots. It does not specify the source of the fire. [Source]
His testimony is confirmed in a statement made to the FBI. [Source]

Both Newman children, aged 2 and 4 years, were of course not testify. But they made a good numbers of newspapers lying on the grass with their parents covering.

Here against a photo of the scene taken by Franck Cancellare.
Behind the Newman family, perched on the pedestal, there is Abraham Zapruder and his secretary Marilyn Sitzman.
Zapruder heard two or three shots. [Source]According Zapruder, based on what he heard, he thought the shots came from behind him. [Source]
Sitzman, meanwhile, never testified. However, John Wiseman spoke with her just after the shooting and she told him that the shots came from TSBD. [Source]

We end with Emmett Hudson, who was on the steps leading to the fence. He heard three shots that came from above and behind him. [Source]Before the Warren Commission, he will be more accurate; the shots came from above and behind the limousine. [Source] Hudson also specify that the shots could have come from TSBD. [Source]


Emmett Hudson - Photo Philip L. Willis (portion recadrée)
I am using google to translate, for a résumé it's impossible to many witness and they did'nt have the the same response as what they witness and witness is différent and we have to take the angle where the person was standing to.

i did two pages for is ok ?
No, i did'nt ...on the page there no button for English i look everywhere, the link is very interesting... may be Google translate is the faster way to have the link in English ?
okay but are you going to tell me what that witness basically said in a small summary?

there are actually a few witnesses that were there that day who saw a gunman behind the picket fence who have come out and told independent researchers over the years they saw a gunman behind the fence firing a rifle but they still wont go on record even after all these years later because they are STILL afraid for their lives and say so because the reason they stayed silent for so many years was because of the fact so many people who came forward and gave versions different than the governments,ended up dying mysterious deaths.

and they are credible people,not some of these clowns you see on the street down there who will say_ i was there that day,i saw it.then when you ask them how old they are,they say something like 45 years

no there have been some that dont want any attention out of this and want to stay private and the researchers wont reveal their names because of a confidential agreement made with them,who they have identified themselves in the photos as they were back then,they were just kids and they have they have lived in dallas their whole lives.

have you heard about that?

one of them that DID come out in later years and give his name was a man who was in combat so he KNEW that the governments explanation of echos from the 6th floor window was bullshit being an experienced combat officer so when he heard the shots,he knew what he was talking about when he said it was so loud,the shots came from over his shoulder behind him and knew enough from his training to duck.

He also said a SS agent pointed a gun at him and told him if he did not hand over the camera,he would kill him.

the magic bullet apologists of course will say he was either lying making that up,or he was never there of course they are so much in denial.:rolleyes:

Yes i hear about that and the gouvernement is hiding a lot , the true came come out...

for my part I think is the secret agent who shot at President Kennedy by accident or on purpose?

Following this is the reason that everything was hidden, eager to silence witnesses ... maybe the fact is that he was ask to do the dirty work
No, i did'nt ...on the page there no button for English i look everywhere, the link is very interesting... may be Google translate is the faster way to have the link in English ?
okay but are you going to tell me what that witness basically said in a small summary?

there are actually a few witnesses that were there that day who saw a gunman behind the picket fence who have come out and told independent researchers over the years they saw a gunman behind the fence firing a rifle but they still wont go on record even after all these years later because they are STILL afraid for their lives and say so because the reason they stayed silent for so many years was because of the fact so many people who came forward and gave versions different than the governments,ended up dying mysterious deaths.

and they are credible people,not some of these clowns you see on the street down there who will say_ i was there that day,i saw it.then when you ask them how old they are,they say something like 45 years

no there have been some that dont want any attention out of this and want to stay private and the researchers wont reveal their names because of a confidential agreement made with them,who they have identified themselves in the photos as they were back then,they were just kids and they have they have lived in dallas their whole lives.

have you heard about that?

one of them that DID come out in later years and give his name was a man who was in combat so he KNEW that the governments explanation of echos from the 6th floor window was bullshit being an experienced combat officer so when he heard the shots,he knew what he was talking about when he said it was so loud,the shots came from over his shoulder behind him and knew enough from his training to duck.

He also said a SS agent pointed a gun at him and told him if he did not hand over the camera,he would kill him.

the magic bullet apologists of course will say he was either lying making that up,or he was never there of course they are so much in denial.:rolleyes:

Yes i hear about that and the gouvernement is hiding a lot , the true came come out...

for my part I think is the secret agent who shot at President Kennedy by accident or on purpose?

Following this is the reason that everything was hidden, eager to silence witnesses ... maybe the fact is that he was ask to do the dirty work

I am glad to see you are awake that the SS agent shot JFK. I hope you are talking about the driver? the driver did it on purpose.there are a lot of fake JFK reseachers out there who pretend they want the truth but they show they are just as much frauds as the warren commission because they cover up the facts and ignore them that the driver fired the fatal head shot.the rifleman behind the fence fired the throut wound i believe but the headshot came from the driver.
No, i did'nt ...on the page there no button for English i look everywhere, the link is very interesting... may be Google translate is the faster way to have the link in English ?
okay but are you going to tell me what that witness basically said in a small summary?

there are actually a few witnesses that were there that day who saw a gunman behind the picket fence who have come out and told independent researchers over the years they saw a gunman behind the fence firing a rifle but they still wont go on record even after all these years later because they are STILL afraid for their lives and say so because the reason they stayed silent for so many years was because of the fact so many people who came forward and gave versions different than the governments,ended up dying mysterious deaths.

and they are credible people,not some of these clowns you see on the street down there who will say_ i was there that day,i saw it.then when you ask them how old they are,they say something like 45 years

no there have been some that dont want any attention out of this and want to stay private and the researchers wont reveal their names because of a confidential agreement made with them,who they have identified themselves in the photos as they were back then,they were just kids and they have they have lived in dallas their whole lives.

have you heard about that?

one of them that DID come out in later years and give his name was a man who was in combat so he KNEW that the governments explanation of echos from the 6th floor window was bullshit being an experienced combat officer so when he heard the shots,he knew what he was talking about when he said it was so loud,the shots came from over his shoulder behind him and knew enough from his training to duck.

He also said a SS agent pointed a gun at him and told him if he did not hand over the camera,he would kill him.

the magic bullet apologists of course will say he was either lying making that up,or he was never there of course they are so much in denial.:rolleyes:

Yes i hear about that and the gouvernement is hiding a lot , the true came come out...

for my part I think is the secret agent who shot at President Kennedy by accident or on purpose?

Following this is the reason that everything was hidden, eager to silence witnesses ... maybe the fact is that he was ask to do the dirty work

I am glad to see you are awake that the SS agent shot JFK. I hope you are talking about the driver? the driver did it on purpose.there are a lot of fake JFK reseachers out there who pretend they want the truth but they show they are just as much frauds as the warren commission because they cover up the facts and ignore them that the driver fired the fatal head shot.the rifleman behind the fence fired the throut wound i believe but the headshot came from the driver.

Someone FARTED in here
No, i did'nt ...on the page there no button for English i look everywhere, the link is very interesting... may be Google translate is the faster way to have the link in English ?
okay but are you going to tell me what that witness basically said in a small summary?

there are actually a few witnesses that were there that day who saw a gunman behind the picket fence who have come out and told independent researchers over the years they saw a gunman behind the fence firing a rifle but they still wont go on record even after all these years later because they are STILL afraid for their lives and say so because the reason they stayed silent for so many years was because of the fact so many people who came forward and gave versions different than the governments,ended up dying mysterious deaths.

and they are credible people,not some of these clowns you see on the street down there who will say_ i was there that day,i saw it.then when you ask them how old they are,they say something like 45 years

no there have been some that dont want any attention out of this and want to stay private and the researchers wont reveal their names because of a confidential agreement made with them,who they have identified themselves in the photos as they were back then,they were just kids and they have they have lived in dallas their whole lives.

have you heard about that?

one of them that DID come out in later years and give his name was a man who was in combat so he KNEW that the governments explanation of echos from the 6th floor window was bullshit being an experienced combat officer so when he heard the shots,he knew what he was talking about when he said it was so loud,the shots came from over his shoulder behind him and knew enough from his training to duck.

He also said a SS agent pointed a gun at him and told him if he did not hand over the camera,he would kill him.

the magic bullet apologists of course will say he was either lying making that up,or he was never there of course they are so much in denial.:rolleyes:

Yes i hear about that and the gouvernement is hiding a lot , the true came come out...

for my part I think is the secret agent who shot at President Kennedy by accident or on purpose?

Following this is the reason that everything was hidden, eager to silence witnesses ... maybe the fact is that he was ask to do the dirty work

I am glad to see you are awake that the SS agent shot JFK. I hope you are talking about the driver? the driver did it on purpose.there are a lot of fake JFK reseachers out there who pretend they want the truth but they show they are just as much frauds as the warren commission because they cover up the facts and ignore them that the driver fired the fatal head shot.the rifleman behind the fence fired the throut wound i believe but the headshot came from the driver.
i say :
when we see the wounds of the President, we know that the shots came from behind him, but at the level of the car, not the top, not Oswald but a person behind him and not very distant.
The Zfilm shows the President being shot in the forehead and the back of the head literally popping off. This visual fact is corroborated by multiple eyewitnesses. I've included three, two of which were SS agents in the follow-up car. Nobody has or will ever honestly make a case for one bullet entering the rear and creating a large exit in the rear.

As 50th Anniversary Of Assassination Approaches, Surgeon Who Treated JFK Remembers « CBS Philly

Two other doctors were already treating Kennedy, Dr. Perry and Dr. Jenkins, and they ordered Dr. McClelland to hold the patient’s head.
So, he stood, holding the bleeding, injured head
of the President of the United States. The wound was huge, gaping.

“My first reaction was, ‘My God, have you seen the back of the President’s head?’” McClelland says. They hadn’t.

In hindsight, Dr. McClelland says that he always believed the wound at the back of President Kennedy’s head was the exit wound. But it wasn’t until years later, when he saw the famous Abraham Zapruder video on television, that the doctor became convinced of it.

That firmed up my thought that it was the exit wound,” he says, pointing to the backwards motion of the President’s body after he was shot, as well as the size of the hole in the back of JFK’s skull, as proof he was shot from the front.

He is, however, sure of some things: "There were at least two shooters (“absolutely”) and the assassination was likely a conspiracy involving government “elements.”


Last edited:
The Zfilm shows the President being shot in the forehead and the back of the head literally popping off. This visual fact is corroborated by multiple eyewitnesses. I've included three, two of which were SS agents in the follow-up car. Nobody has or will ever honestly make a case for one bullet entering the rear and creating a large exit in the rear.

As 50th Anniversary Of Assassination Approaches, Surgeon Who Treated JFK Remembers « CBS Philly

Two other doctors were already treating Kennedy, Dr. Perry and Dr. Jenkins, and they ordered Dr. McClelland to hold the patient’s head.
So, he stood, holding the bleeding, injured head
of the President of the United States. The wound was huge, gaping.

“My first reaction was, ‘My God, have you seen the back of the President’s head?’” McClelland says. They hadn’t.

In hindsight, Dr. McClelland says that he always believed the wound at the back of President Kennedy’s head was the exit wound. But it wasn’t until years later, when he saw the famous Abraham Zapruder video on television, that the doctor became convinced of it.

That firmed up my thought that it was the exit wound,” he says, pointing to the backwards motion of the President’s body after he was shot, as well as the size of the hole in the back of JFK’s skull, as proof he was shot from the front.

He is, however, sure of some things: "There were at least two shooters (“absolutely”) and the assassination was likely a conspiracy involving government “elements.”



So much for sir brainwashed sheeps theory that Oswald shot JFK.:biggrin:

Not only do we have doctors who said the head shot came from the front there are a few witnesses as well who saw a rifleman behind the fence. as i said,he fired the shot to the throut.

He even went on record saying that ss agent Emory Roberts ordered the men off the motorcade.
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The Zfilm shows the President being shot in the forehead and the back of the head literally popping off. This visual fact is corroborated by multiple eyewitnesses. I've included three, two of which were SS agents in the follow-up car. Nobody has or will ever honestly make a case for one bullet entering the rear and creating a large exit in the rear.

As 50th Anniversary Of Assassination Approaches, Surgeon Who Treated JFK Remembers « CBS Philly

Two other doctors were already treating Kennedy, Dr. Perry and Dr. Jenkins, and they ordered Dr. McClelland to hold the patient’s head.
So, he stood, holding the bleeding, injured head
of the President of the United States. The wound was huge, gaping.

“My first reaction was, ‘My God, have you seen the back of the President’s head?’” McClelland says. They hadn’t.

In hindsight, Dr. McClelland says that he always believed the wound at the back of President Kennedy’s head was the exit wound. But it wasn’t until years later, when he saw the famous Abraham Zapruder video on television, that the doctor became convinced of it.

That firmed up my thought that it was the exit wound,” he says, pointing to the backwards motion of the President’s body after he was shot, as well as the size of the hole in the back of JFK’s skull, as proof he was shot from the front.

He is, however, sure of some things: "There were at least two shooters (“absolutely”) and the assassination was likely a conspiracy involving government “elements.”


this video here backs up everything in that link as well.:up:
sir brainwashed sheep of course is afraid to look at anything that is an opposing view that shoots down his fantays oswald did it he wont read that link or watch that video of mine or read any of my other posts where I took him to school on

2) Dr. Malcolm Oliver "Mac" Perry, Attending Surgeon:
a) WR 521-522/ 17 H 6-7/ CE392: report written 11/22/63---"A large wound
of the right posterior cranium
b) Parkland press conference, 11/22/63 [see "Assassination Science", pp.
419-427; silent film clip used in "Reasonable Doubt" (1988), "20/20"
(4/92), etc.]---"There was an entrance wound in the neck It appeared to
be coming at him The wound appeared to be an entrance wound in the front
of the throat; yes, that is correct. The exit wound, I don't know. It
could have been the head or there could have been a second wound of the
head." (apparently, based off this conference, the Associated Press
dispatch on 11/22/63 stated that Dr. Perry "said the entrance wound was
in the front of the head
," while all the AP wires for this day stated
that JFK had a large hole in the "back" of his head.);

V. Palamara: 'Medical Reference' book (excerpt)

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