The Joys Of Socialism

Why would they need free stuff in a capitalist system? I thought capitalism was perfect.

They don't. But when has that ever stopped politicians from doling it out to buy votes?

Furthermore, no one ever said capitalism was "perfect," whatever that means in the context of economic systems. It's just better than any proposed alternative.

Yet the evidence says that aspects of "socialist" systems are working very well in other nations. Singapore for example as you've pointed out.

Singapore is as capitalist a nation as there is. Note that there everyone pays for medical service. There is no "free" medical care.
Open your eyes to how much better life is today in Venezuela for the majority of its citizens, unlike the economic stagnation taking place in the US

"For more than a decade people opposed to the government of Venezuela – which today includes almost all major Western media outlets – have argued that the Venezuelan economy would implode.

"Like communists in the 1930s rooting for the final crisis of capitalism, they generally saw Venezuela’s economic collapse as just around the corner.

"How frustrating it has been for them to witness only two recessions: one directly caused by the opposition’s oil strike (December 2002-May 2003) and one brought on by the world recession (2009 and the first half of 2010).

"Despite these recessions, the whole decade’s economic performance – the government got control of the national oil company in 2003 – turned out quite well, with average annual growth of real income per person of 2.7 percent, poverty reduced by more than half, and large gains for the majority in employment, access to health care, pensions, and education."

Long-Awaited Apocalypse Not Likely in Venezuela | Op-Eds & Columns

What growth? Only the worst kind of sucker would believe data published by the Venezuelan government. How can they be having economic growth when they don't even have food on the shelves?

The Cuban government makes all the same claims, but almost anyone who lives there would jump at the chance to emigrate to the evil capitalist USA.

The eternal gullibility of socialists is something to marvel at.
How about data from the NYT and IMF?

"'Venezuela was long one of the most prosperous countries in the region, with sophisticated manufacturing, vibrant agriculture and strong businesses, making it hard for many residents to accept such widespread scarcities.'

"This may give the impression that Venezuela's economy was strong before Hugo Chavez came to power in 1998.

"This is not true.

"According to the I.M.F., per capita income was actually 11.8 percent lower in 1998 than it had been 18 years earlier in 1980.

"Since Chavez came to power per capita income has risen by 4.9 percent.

"While this is hardly robust growth, since it was accompanied by greater equality in the distribution of income there can be little doubt that most Venezuelans have fared better under Chavez than under his predecessors."

Economic Problems in Venezuela Did Not Begin With Chavez | Beat the Press

Your figures are such incredible bullshit, it's hard to address them with a straight face.

First off, the author is bragging about a 4.9% increase in Per Capita income over the last thirteen years (article written in 2012, scumbag socialist came to power in 1999).

4.9% in 13 years, huh?

Do you people.... I mean, honest to God, dewd. You really should learn more before you start posting on a Board with grown ups in it. We're gonna make you look foolish every time.

What I don't understand....


Ever heard of INFLATION? Why doesn't your article address that?

A 4.9% increase in per capita income? Over 13 years, huh? Real winners, those socialists, huh? Less than .2% per year increase per year, considering amortization.

Check this out.... And you really should find some grown up sites for your information.

Venezuela's annual inflation rate hits 57.3% - MarketWatch



They don't. But when has that ever stopped politicians from doling it out to buy votes?

Furthermore, no one ever said capitalism was "perfect," whatever that means in the context of economic systems. It's just better than any proposed alternative.

Yet the evidence says that aspects of "socialist" systems are working very well in other nations. Singapore for example as you've pointed out.

Singapore is as capitalist a nation as there is. Note that there everyone pays for medical service. There is no "free" medical care.

I'm not sure Singapore is the best example to use. :dunno:

Besides, we have about 500 Health Care threads going, don't let them change the subject on you.

socialism sucks. socialism is harmful to children and other living things.

In the last 100 years, socialism has been responsible for the murder... MURDER, not War Casualties...... MURDER, of One Hundred Million Human Beings.

But dimocraps want to try it again.

It's one reason why I call them scum. Another is... They lie. They can't go five minutes without telling a bald-faced fucking lie.

If there's an honest dimocrap in here, I sure as hell don't know who it is.

socialism sucks. And the proponents of it are even worse. They know it doesn't work and they don't care
Where the government guarantees food to its workers


people lining up for bread rations in Caracas Venezuela (aka; socialist paradise)

The Joys of Socialism? Venezuelan Shoppers Queue For Six Hours at Local Markets | The Gateway Pundit


This is NOT a manifestation, but a queue to buy food Venezuela. The result of 15 years of Socialist rule. (RGF3 Esq.)

It now takes Venezuelans up to six hours of standing in line to purchase food staples at the local market.

The people even have to queue for gas

Venezuela: massive proven petrochemical reserves, yet people forced to queue to fill gas bottles.

A glimpse into our future?

No doubt about it. You keep letting socialists (aka; democrats) run things and I can PROMISE you, you'll know the Joys of Socialism first hand.

It's right there in front of you. All you gotta do is open your eyes

I know I say thi a lot, but it justifies repeating...

Why can't you bed wetting neo-commie parasites go somewhere that already has all the leftist authoritarianism you want. You can go full blown Soviet hell hole in North Korea, or light fisted state with a disarmed populous in Canada, or the many varieties in europe. You fucking morons are always telling us how you like the euroweenies more than us.

Rather than exterminate us, (or die trying to) just get the fuck out. Go somewhere you'll be happy. You assholes don't have to destroy the whole fucking world, do you?
They don't. But when has that ever stopped politicians from doling it out to buy votes?

Furthermore, no one ever said capitalism was "perfect," whatever that means in the context of economic systems. It's just better than any proposed alternative.

Yet the evidence says that aspects of "socialist" systems are working very well in other nations. Singapore for example as you've pointed out.

Singapore is as capitalist a nation as there is. Note that there everyone pays for medical service. There is no "free" medical care.

So you support a Singapore style healthcare system?
Yet the evidence says that aspects of "socialist" systems are working very well in other nations. Singapore for example as you've pointed out.

Singapore is as capitalist a nation as there is. Note that there everyone pays for medical service. There is no "free" medical care.

I'm not sure Singapore is the best example to use. :dunno:

Besides, we have about 500 Health Care threads going, don't let them change the subject on you.

socialism sucks. socialism is harmful to children and other living things.

In the last 100 years, socialism has been responsible for the murder... MURDER, not War Casualties...... MURDER, of One Hundred Million Human Beings.

But dimocraps want to try it again.

It's one reason why I call them scum. Another is... They lie. They can't go five minutes without telling a bald-faced fucking lie.

If there's an honest dimocrap in here, I sure as hell don't know who it is.

socialism sucks. And the proponents of it are even worse. They know it doesn't work and they don't care

I'll ask YOU again, since you've done everything you can to avoid answering. What country in the world (besides the U.S.) is doing things right in your opinion? We know you think Venezuela sucks. But who is prospering and flourishing in your opinion?

Time to put that loud mouth to use chief.
Yet the evidence says that aspects of "socialist" systems are working very well in other nations. Singapore for example as you've pointed out.

Singapore is as capitalist a nation as there is. Note that there everyone pays for medical service. There is no "free" medical care.

So you support a Singapore style healthcare system?

I would support almost any alternative to Obamacare.
Singapore is as capitalist a nation as there is. Note that there everyone pays for medical service. There is no "free" medical care.

I'm not sure Singapore is the best example to use. :dunno:

Besides, we have about 500 Health Care threads going, don't let them change the subject on you.

socialism sucks. socialism is harmful to children and other living things.

In the last 100 years, socialism has been responsible for the murder... MURDER, not War Casualties...... MURDER, of One Hundred Million Human Beings.

But dimocraps want to try it again.

It's one reason why I call them scum. Another is... They lie. They can't go five minutes without telling a bald-faced fucking lie.

If there's an honest dimocrap in here, I sure as hell don't know who it is.

socialism sucks. And the proponents of it are even worse. They know it doesn't work and they don't care

I'll ask YOU again, since you've done everything you can to avoid answering. What country in the world (besides the U.S.) is doing things right in your opinion? We know you think Venezuela sucks. But who is prospering and flourishing in your opinion?

Time to put that loud mouth to use chief.

What difference does it make? Some countries are freer than others. All of them maintain control to some degree. The freer they are, the better they are. The more control the gov't exerts, the worse they are. As countries move from free market to gov't control, their rate of growth declines and their standard of living stagnates. This is all the time, everywhere, in every case.
Where the government guarantees food to its workers


people lining up for bread rations in Caracas Venezuela (aka; socialist paradise)

The Joys of Socialism? Venezuelan Shoppers Queue For Six Hours at Local Markets | The Gateway Pundit


This is NOT a manifestation, but a queue to buy food Venezuela. The result of 15 years of Socialist rule. (RGF3 Esq.)

It now takes Venezuelans up to six hours of standing in line to purchase food staples at the local market.

The people even have to queue for gas

Venezuela: massive proven petrochemical reserves, yet people forced to queue to fill gas bottles.

A glimpse into our future?

No doubt about it. You keep letting socialists (aka; democrats) run things and I can PROMISE you, you'll know the Joys of Socialism first hand.

It's right there in front of you. All you gotta do is open your eyes

Wow! Obama's dream in action! That's exactly where we're headed if we don't get things back under control in a hurry. Where are the Thomas Jeffersons and Ronald Reagans when we need them? They're out there we just need them to come out of the woodwork and bring some common sense solutions with them.
I'm not sure Singapore is the best example to use. :dunno:

Besides, we have about 500 Health Care threads going, don't let them change the subject on you.

socialism sucks. socialism is harmful to children and other living things.

In the last 100 years, socialism has been responsible for the murder... MURDER, not War Casualties...... MURDER, of One Hundred Million Human Beings.

But dimocraps want to try it again.

It's one reason why I call them scum. Another is... They lie. They can't go five minutes without telling a bald-faced fucking lie.

If there's an honest dimocrap in here, I sure as hell don't know who it is.

socialism sucks. And the proponents of it are even worse. They know it doesn't work and they don't care

I'll ask YOU again, since you've done everything you can to avoid answering. What country in the world (besides the U.S.) is doing things right in your opinion? We know you think Venezuela sucks. But who is prospering and flourishing in your opinion?

Time to put that loud mouth to use chief.

What difference does it make? Some countries are freer than others. All of them maintain control to some degree. The freer they are, the better they are. The more control the gov't exerts, the worse they are. As countries move from free market to gov't control, their rate of growth declines and their standard of living stagnates. This is all the time, everywhere, in every case.

So which country is the "freest"? Pick any criteria you want. Just commit to something for once in your life.
So you support a Singapore style healthcare system?

I would support almost any alternative to Obamacare.

Good to know you support a Universal Healthcare system based upon subsidies and price controls.

Good for you Rabbi. I agree with you.

What part of "almost" did you miss, chief? Obviously I oppose any system that produces MORE government controls on any aspect of the insurance or health markets.

Why do you support systems that have been demonstrated failures every place they were tried?
There are right ways and wrong ways of doing things. That is the wrong way. Feel better now?


Socialism itself is the wrong way. Can't believe we have yet another idiot in this world who thinks they can make it work this time. We are going the same route and we all know what is at the end of the road. It's a one-way street.
Where the government guarantees food to its workers


people lining up for bread rations in Caracas Venezuela (aka; socialist paradise)

The Joys of Socialism? Venezuelan Shoppers Queue For Six Hours at Local Markets | The Gateway Pundit


This is NOT a manifestation, but a queue to buy food Venezuela. The result of 15 years of Socialist rule. (RGF3 Esq.)

It now takes Venezuelans up to six hours of standing in line to purchase food staples at the local market.

The people even have to queue for gas

Venezuela: massive proven petrochemical reserves, yet people forced to queue to fill gas bottles.

A glimpse into our future?

No doubt about it. You keep letting socialists (aka; democrats) run things and I can PROMISE you, you'll know the Joys of Socialism first hand.

It's right there in front of you. All you gotta do is open your eyes

Yup, America is very similar to Venezuela. :cuckoo:
I would support almost any alternative to Obamacare.

Good to know you support a Universal Healthcare system based upon subsidies and price controls.

Good for you Rabbi. I agree with you.

What part of "almost" did you miss, chief? Obviously I oppose any system that produces MORE government controls on any aspect of the insurance or health markets.

Why do you support systems that have been demonstrated failures every place they were tried?

Singapores system is a failure?

Just as I said, you'll do anything to avoid committing to an opinion. Then you'd have to actually support it.
Good to know you support a Universal Healthcare system based upon subsidies and price controls.

Good for you Rabbi. I agree with you.

What part of "almost" did you miss, chief? Obviously I oppose any system that produces MORE government controls on any aspect of the insurance or health markets.

Why do you support systems that have been demonstrated failures every place they were tried?

Singapores system is a failure?

Just as I said, you'll do anything to avoid committing to an opinion. Then you'd have to actually support it.
What makes you think Singapore's system is a failure?
You are getting pwned yet again here because you want to play gotcha but don't have the smarts to do it. So you put words in my mouth and then claim you caught me saying something contradictory. It's like being in 8th grade again.
What part of "almost" did you miss, chief? Obviously I oppose any system that produces MORE government controls on any aspect of the insurance or health markets.

Why do you support systems that have been demonstrated failures every place they were tried?

Singapores system is a failure?

Just as I said, you'll do anything to avoid committing to an opinion. Then you'd have to actually support it.
What makes you think Singapore's system is a failure?
You are getting pwned yet again here because you want to play gotcha but don't have the smarts to do it. So you put words in my mouth and then claim you caught me saying something contradictory. It's like being in 8th grade again.

It's not a failure, but they're not socialist state neither.
What part of "almost" did you miss, chief? Obviously I oppose any system that produces MORE government controls on any aspect of the insurance or health markets.

Why do you support systems that have been demonstrated failures every place they were tried?

Singapores system is a failure?

Just as I said, you'll do anything to avoid committing to an opinion. Then you'd have to actually support it.
What makes you think Singapore's system is a failure?
You are getting pwned yet again here because you want to play gotcha but don't have the smarts to do it. So you put words in my mouth and then claim you caught me saying something contradictory. It's like being in 8th grade again.

I didn't say it was a failure. I asked if you thought it was. Is it?

I like the principles of the Singapore system and would be in favor of a similar system here. Would you?

See, the key with discussing things with you is I know you have to be asked yes or no questions because your favorite thing in the world is to give wishy-washy answers so that you always have a way to weasel out when you are shown to be the hypocrite you are. Just as you've done in this thread.

So let's hear it. Will you ignore this post now that I've asked you yes/no questions?
Ame®icano;8877791 said:
Singapores system is a failure?

Just as I said, you'll do anything to avoid committing to an opinion. Then you'd have to actually support it.
What makes you think Singapore's system is a failure?
You are getting pwned yet again here because you want to play gotcha but don't have the smarts to do it. So you put words in my mouth and then claim you caught me saying something contradictory. It's like being in 8th grade again.

It's not a failure, but they're not socialist state neither.

So would you be in favor of the Singapore healthcare system being used here?

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