The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
What you can't fucking read now? .
Yes, Trump is wrong to talk about Curiel's background. I am glad you agree.
Why is that wrong?
You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.

What you can't fucking read now?


That happens when Alzheimer's gets really advanced.
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
What you can't fucking read now? .
Yes, Trump is wrong to talk about Curiel's background. I am glad you agree.
Why is that wrong?
Because what he has said to be wrong, mean spirited, and foul.

That's why you like it.
Curiel's parents came here legally and later became naturalized citizens. I don't think they would have been allowed citizenship if they'd come here illegally.

BTW.................Curiel's parents were here in America 15 years before Trump's mother came here.
Curiel's parents came here legally and later became naturalized citizens. I don't think they would have been allowed citizenship if they'd come here illegally.

BTW.................Curiel's parents were here in America 15 years before Trump's mother came here.

All we have evidence for is that he entered one year with a work permit. Work permits are valid only for a specific period of time. There's no evidence he returned to Mexico after his permit expired or that he obtained a new work permit. There's no evidence he was ever naturalized. The mother was naturalized long after Curiel was born.
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
What you can't fucking read now? .
Yes, Trump is wrong to talk about Curiel's background. I am glad you agree.
Why is that wrong?
Because what he has said to be wrong, mean spirited, and foul.

That's why you like it.

So the truth is "wrong, mean spirited, and foul?"

You have unwittingly summed up the essence of liberalism.
Curiel's parents came here legally and later became naturalized citizens. I don't think they would have been allowed citizenship if they'd come here illegally.

BTW.................Curiel's parents were here in America 15 years before Trump's mother came here.

All we have evidence for is that he entered one year with a work permit. Work permits are valid only for a specific period of time. There's no evidence he returned to Mexico after his permit expired or that he obtained a new work permit. There's no evidence he was ever naturalized. The mother was naturalized long after Curiel was born.

GotNews is a remarkably slanted site that tells half truths and insinuations. I'd rather get the information from a legitimate news site that actually does the research required. Here's a CNN article that debunks a lot of the crap that Trump and his followers have been spewing about Curiel...................

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel -
Curiel is more an American than Trump, because the Judge's family was here longer than Trump's family.
Curiel's parents came here legally and later became naturalized citizens. I don't think they would have been allowed citizenship if they'd come here illegally.

BTW.................Curiel's parents were here in America 15 years before Trump's mother came here.

All we have evidence for is that he entered one year with a work permit. Work permits are valid only for a specific period of time. There's no evidence he returned to Mexico after his permit expired or that he obtained a new work permit. There's no evidence he was ever naturalized. The mother was naturalized long after Curiel was born.

GotNews is a remarkably slanted site that tells half truths and insinuations. I'd rather get the information from a legitimate news site that actually does the research required. Here's a CNN article that debunks a lot of the crap that Trump and his followers have been spewing about Curiel...................

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel -
Your link doesn't debunk anything I have posted.
Curiel's parents came here legally and later became naturalized citizens. I don't think they would have been allowed citizenship if they'd come here illegally.

BTW.................Curiel's parents were here in America 15 years before Trump's mother came here.
They were undocumented aliens which is illegal.
Curiel's parents came here legally and later became naturalized citizens. I don't think they would have been allowed citizenship if they'd come here illegally.

BTW.................Curiel's parents were here in America 15 years before Trump's mother came here.

All we have evidence for is that he entered one year with a work permit. Work permits are valid only for a specific period of time. There's no evidence he returned to Mexico after his permit expired or that he obtained a new work permit. There's no evidence he was ever naturalized. The mother was naturalized long after Curiel was born.

GotNews is a remarkably slanted site that tells half truths and insinuations. I'd rather get the information from a legitimate news site that actually does the research required. Here's a CNN article that debunks a lot of the crap that Trump and his followers have been spewing about Curiel...................

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel -
You use the Clinton News Network. Stop using Liberal propaganda sites.
You have to be one of the dumbest mother fucking idiots . you are without a doubt the product of your dad fucking your sister.
Retarded fuck!
Go suck your dad off.

That is nonsense.

They became citizens.

And if they did not, who cares?

Curiel was born in the US. End of story.
Only if Americans defended Americans as you play favorite with illegals, this would be America again and not Mexico. You're a sell out to your people because you take Mexicans over USA.

That certainly was enlightening!
The Judge's family was here legally and Trump's mom was not here legally.
Her admission at Ellis Island is on the record, douche bag.
Link. And show that the Curiels were not legal immigrants. I can tell you right now, they weren't illegal, which makes them here longer than Mrs. Trump. Tough to be as stupid as you.

From the records at Ellis Island:



And show that the Curiels were not legal immigrants. I can tell you right now, they weren't illegal, which makes them here longer than Mrs. Trump. Tough to be as stupid as you.

The lack of any records showing they were legal is all the evidence needed.

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