The Judge's Parents Were Illegals.

Someone who is a citizen solely because he was born here is an anchor baby, by definition.

Oh for the love of god that was stupid. So everyone who didn't immigrate and become naturalized is an anchor baby?
Hmmmm, no, they are citizens also because their parents are citizens. I said being born here is the ONLY reason an anchor baby is a citizen.

There is nothing in the Constitution about requiring parents being citizens.

Anyone born here is a citizen because they were born here- no other reason.

The really funny thing about his post is that Curiel's parent's were citizens when he was born. So Curiel still doesn't meet his twisted criteria for being an anchor baby.

No they weren't, douche bag. There's no evidence the father was ever a citizen. The mother didn't become a citizen until long after he was born. You morons keep getting the facts wrong and then calling anyone who corrects your misunderstanding of being stupid.

He's an anchor baby.

He is an American citizen.

To racists like you and Trump since his parents were from Mexico you call him an Anchor baby and Mexican.
You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
The lie is in your OP.

The judge's parents were here legally- you even provided the citation that showed their work permits.

Your source is an asshole who claims that the mother's death certificate didn't prove she was an American citizen- BECAUSE DEATH CERTIFICATES ARE NOTORIOUSLY UNRELIABLE- and then turned around and insisted that the father's death certificate proves that he was a Mexican citizen when he died.

Your source is as bigoted and as dishonest as you are.
Oh for the love of god that was stupid. So everyone who didn't immigrate and become naturalized is an anchor baby?
Hmmmm, no, they are citizens also because their parents are citizens. I said being born here is the ONLY reason an anchor baby is a citizen.

There is nothing in the Constitution about requiring parents being citizens.

Anyone born here is a citizen because they were born here- no other reason.

The really funny thing about his post is that Curiel's parent's were citizens when he was born. So Curiel still doesn't meet his twisted criteria for being an anchor baby.

No they weren't, douche bag. There's no evidence the father was ever a citizen. The mother didn't become a citizen until long after he was born. You morons keep getting the facts wrong and then calling anyone who corrects your misunderstanding of being stupid.

He's an anchor baby.

He is an American citizen.

To racists like you and Trump since his parents were from Mexico you call him an Anchor baby and Mexican.
All anchor babies are American citizens, douche bag. However, by any rational construction of the law, they shouldn't be.
You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
The lie is in your OP.

The judge's parents were here legally- you even provided the citation that showed their work permits.

Really? Where?
Oh for the love of god that was stupid. So everyone who didn't immigrate and become naturalized is an anchor baby?
Hmmmm, no, they are citizens also because their parents are citizens. I said being born here is the ONLY reason an anchor baby is a citizen.

There is nothing in the Constitution about requiring parents being citizens.

Anyone born here is a citizen because they were born here- no other reason.

The really funny thing about his post is that Curiel's parent's were citizens when he was born. So Curiel still doesn't meet his twisted criteria for being an anchor baby.

No they weren't, douche bag. There's no evidence the father was ever a citizen. The mother didn't become a citizen until long after he was born. You morons keep getting the facts wrong and then calling anyone who corrects your misunderstanding of being stupid.

He's an anchor baby.

He is an American citizen.

To racists like you and Trump since his parents were from Mexico you call him an Anchor baby and Mexican.

That's what an anchor baby is, you witless baboon.
Yanno......................I've already posted a link in this thread that shows they were legal immigrants who later became naturalized citizens.

If you want to continue to think that his parents made him an "anchor baby" then you are also stupid enough to believe whatever Trump tells you.

Got news for you Trumpsters...............he doesn't have a clue, and if you follow him, neither do you.
You are delusional. Your comment exposes your illness, just as your other comment in the form of a question exposed you as a racist.

I accept your fetch me a cold beer and a cheeseburger....and don't forget to tip to the barmaid.
You are delusional. Your comment exposes your illness, just as your other comment in the form of a question exposed you as a racist.

I accept your fetch me a cold beer and a cheeseburger....and don't forget to tip to the barmaid.
Softboy Horn has given up.

The parent weren't illegals.

The boy was born an American citizen in Indiana.

All threads like this do is show why Trump is going to be solidly defeated.
You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?

In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents.

You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S.

IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts

You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.

What you can't fucking read now?

You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
What you can't fucking read now? .
Yes, Trump is wrong to talk about Curiel's background. I am glad you agree.
So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
What you can't fucking read now? .
Yes, Trump is wrong to talk about Curiel's background. I am glad you agree.

Don't quote my posts with stupid shit moron.

You know, there IS real research that has been done on this..........

5 things to know about Judge Gonzalo Curiel - are 3 of the lies that have been debunked by the CNN article, in case you people are scared to click on a link that might educate you.

2. Schwarzenegger's pick
"The judge was appointed by Barack Obama," Trump told supporters during a lengthy San Diego speech on May 27, the day Curiel ordered the release of documents related to the Trump University lawsuit.
But Curiel's journey from prosecutor to the bench began long before President Barack Obama's nomination arrived in November 2011. Then-California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Republican, appointed Curiel in 2006 to the state superior court, where he spent six years before ascending to the federal court.
Schwarzenegger affirmed his support for Curiel on Monday tweeting: "Judge Curiel is an American hero who stood up to the Mexican cartels. I was proud to appoint him when I was Gov."

3. Sons of immigrants: Curiel and Trump
"My parents came here from Mexico with a dream of providing their children opportunities," Curiel said in his introduction to the Senate Judiciary Committee in 2012. "And they've been able to do that with the opportunities that this country has to offer."
The future federal judge was born in East Chicago, Indiana, in 1953. His parents, both immigrants from Jalisco, Mexico, were naturalized citizens.
Curiel's brother, Raul, told The New York Times his father first entered the country as a laborer in Arizona in the 1920s. That would mean Curiel's father was actually in the U.S. before Trump's own mother (she arrived in the 1930s), who -- like Curiel's -- became a citizen herself after marrying his father.
"My concern is that (Trump's attacks are) hurting other people. It's hurting our image as sons of immigrants. It hurts our people in general," Raul Curiel said in interview with CNN on Monday. "Being a Hispanic, it hurts these kinds of things. It doesn't hurt me personally. And I don't think it hurts my brother personally. We're above those kinds of things."

4. Indiana, born and raised
Curiel grew up, attended college, and began his professional life in the state of Indiana.
A 1976 graduate of Indiana University, he stayed in Bloomington for law school, entering private practice in Dyer, a city just outside his hometown, three years later. Curiel would spend seven years there, before eventually moving to Monterey, California, to continue his private work in 1986.
He joined the federal prosecutor's office for the Southern District of California in 1989, eventually being promoted to assistant U.S. attorney in 2002.

You Trumpsters need to quit listening to lies and do some real research yourselves.

So where are the lies? Where is the evidence that the anchor baby judge's father was here legally?
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?

In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents.

You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S.

IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts


Interesting to see you support that policy.
And ? Look at the righties all of a sudden calling out judges for being bias . Never had a problem wh a history of white judges locking up brown people .

You must be a racist! You see, the new liberal standard is that questioning a judge's rulings partly on the basis of his ethnicity and ethnic associations is racist!

Didn't you get the memo? You know, the memo that says that Trump is a racist for believing he might be the victim of racism?!
Only other racist are concerned with your question. Doesn't make a difference if the judge was an anchor baby. He was born here and thus, he is an American as any other American born into citizenship. In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. People like you want to change our traditions and culture to fit your racist agenda.
BTW, another thing about America you seem to want to toss in the trash bin, people are innocent until proven guilty. Why should anyone have to prove to you, Donnie or any of his supporters that they are innocent?
In this country, we don't judge or hold citizens responsible for the deeds of their parents. You should tell that to your fellow liberals at the I.R.S. IRS Chasing Children For Dead Parents' Debts.
Sane Americans understand this, yes, but Trump supporters don't.
What you can't fucking read now? .
Yes, Trump is wrong to talk about Curiel's background. I am glad you agree.

Don't quote my posts with stupid shit moron.

Two words: fuck off. I am within the rules and enjoy showing off your stupidity
". . . questioning a judge's rulings partly on the basis of his ethnicity and ethnic associations is [always]racist!" if it is done without any proof. Trump has engaged in racism and ethnocentrism: for shame.

Shame on those dorks who defend him.
". . . questioning a judge's rulings partly on the basis of his ethnicity and ethnic associations is [always]racist!" if it is done without any proof. Trump has engaged in racism and ethnocentrism: for shame.

Shame on those dorks who defend him.
Having la raza as part of your group name makes your group racist.
". . . questioning a judge's rulings partly on the basis of his ethnicity and ethnic associations is [always]racist!" if it is done without any proof. Trump has engaged in racism and ethnocentrism: for shame.

Shame on those dorks who defend him.

Take your Alzheimer's medication, Fakey. You're sliding away faster and faster.
And ? Look at the righties all of a sudden calling out judges for being bias . Never had a problem wh a history of white judges locking up brown people .

You must be a racist! You see, the new liberal standard is that questioning a judge's rulings partly on the basis of his ethnicity and ethnic associations is racist!

Didn't you get the memo? You know, the memo that says that Trump is a racist for believing he might be the victim of racism?!
Criticizing anyone who attacks Trump is racist. Didn't you get the memo they sent out to all the liberal media outlets?

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