The Judicial Branch now determines immigration policy

We know that..

To over turn a presidents E. O. Only the Supreme Court or congress can do that..

Guess who is going to stack the books against the left?

It hasn't been overturned. It has been blocked by a Federal court and upheld in an appellate court. It will most likely go to the Supreme Court.

This is how the legal process works.

We have a republic of laws, not a monarchy.

The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

Everything is about party to you. You fundamentally don't understand EOs. Obama exceeded executive authority by creating EOs with no underlying law. He even admitted that. That is Unconstitutional as the executive branch was then legislating. Tell me what Trump has done with EOs that exceed the executive branch's authority.

As for your partisan shit, you and the Republicans suck, which is why I'm neither one. You can have your partisan butthurt debates with them. I want content
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

If you know what we are trying to sell, then why does every one of your posts talk about race and zero talk about the economics of importing massive numbers of poor and uneducated people? Obviously you don't know what our point is. And if you're not a Democrat, why are you pushing their race driven agenda?
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
We know that..

To over turn a presidents E. O. Only the Supreme Court or congress can do that..

Guess who is going to stack the books against the left?

It hasn't been overturned. It has been blocked by a Federal court and upheld in an appellate court. It will most likely go to the Supreme Court.

This is how the legal process works.

We have a republic of laws, not a monarchy.

The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

You really can't comprehend can you what Trump did was reversal of Obama's dictatorship and brought the power back to the people that's what he did..
Damned straight, I can't comprehend that. I see the right having it's turn to run the country as it sees fit. The Dems didn't have it half so easy, but the President also tried as best he could to run the country as the Dems saw fit. It's moving us laterally instead of forward, all this seesawing. But I guess that's how people want it these days.

It's the right trying to do the right thing. Again I am reminded of movies.. Like silly ones of


Trump reminds me of her character..

A populist that's only trying to do the right thing
We know that..

To over turn a presidents E. O. Only the Supreme Court or congress can do that..

Guess who is going to stack the books against the left?

It hasn't been overturned. It has been blocked by a Federal court and upheld in an appellate court. It will most likely go to the Supreme Court.

This is how the legal process works.

We have a republic of laws, not a monarchy.

The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

You really can't comprehend can you what Trump did was reversal of Obama's dictatorship and brought the power back to the people that's what he did..
Damned straight, I can't comprehend that. I see the right having it's turn to run the country as it sees fit. The Dems didn't have it half so easy, but the President also tried as best he could to run the country as the Dems saw fit. It's moving us laterally instead of forward, all this seesawing. But I guess that's how people want it these days.

Swish. He's saying what I did.

Obama issued EOs that legislated from the executive branch because they had no underlying law they were interpreting

Trump issued EOs that undid Obama's EOs legislating from the executive branch

You came in WTF, Republicans, you said you were against EOs!

It's bull shit. Oh, but you're not a Democrat ...
I understand the disgust expressed at the outset of this thread. However, the restraints on the EO thus far are temporary restraining orders. They have not permanently enjoined the EO.

The problem with the EO is that it did not provide adequate notice, which itself caused people to suffer harm. Granted, in this unique situation you do not want to tip your hand prior to the entry of the EO because you will encourage an onslaught of refugee entries. Nonetheless, it is basic due process that you must put the affected parties on notice before you take action adverse to them. Also, contrary to populist misconception, we DO afford constitutional protections to INDIVIDUALS who are on our soil whether they are citizens or not. Why do you think that illegal aliens are entitled to hearing before an Administrative Law Judge before we deport them.

Thus, the substance of the case against Trump is that the EO violates due process. In addition, there is the problem of the ban affecting green card holders. Thus, the judges' finding of a "likelihood of success on the merits" in their granting of TROs is well founded and understandable.

So relax. Trump can do what he has done so long as he does it correctly. No Court is going to rule that Trump cannot selectively ban the entry into our nation from certain countries. There will be no order saying the President lacks this power. There will, however, be a ruling that Trump's EO does not comply with basic due process.

So, to the OP, don't be such an ignorant douche. To the anti-Trumpers, grow up. You lost. As B. Obama said, "Elections have consequences."

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump announced the travel ban with no advanced notice deliberately so that the terrorists would not have a three week window to sneak ISIS people into the U.S.

This incredibly stupid, partisan judge is keeping the immigration door open for terrorists just to obstruct Trump with zero thought of possible terrorism.

This judge literally is helping terrorists come into the U.S.
It hasn't been overturned. It has been blocked by a Federal court and upheld in an appellate court. It will most likely go to the Supreme Court.

This is how the legal process works.

We have a republic of laws, not a monarchy.

The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

Everything is about party to you. You fundamentally don't understand EOs. Obama exceeded executive authority by creating EOs with no underlying law. He even admitted that. That is Unconstitutional as the executive branch was then legislating. Tell me what Trump has done with EOs that exceed the executive branch's authority.

As for your partisan shit, you and the Republicans suck, which is why I'm neither one. You can have your partisan butthurt debates with them. I want content
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

What the democrats saw was they were losing millions of liberals by the year to abortions.. They had to do something.. So they needed the illegals..

It was a master plan... They didn't count on the forgotten middle class man to fight back and to use the E. C. In his favor

Democrats don't think their positions through like that, they are a transactional party where they support what they group feel. That's why their positions all logically contradict each other
We don't need immigration any longer, as a nation; at least not at the rates and numbers that we experienced in the past.

YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?
I understand the disgust expressed at the outset of this thread. However, the restraints on the EO thus far are temporary restraining orders. They have not permanently enjoined the EO.

The problem with the EO is that it did not provide adequate notice, which itself caused people to suffer harm. Granted, in this unique situation you do not want to tip your hand prior to the entry of the EO because you will encourage an onslaught of refugee entries. Nonetheless, it is basic due process that you must put the affected parties on notice before you take action adverse to them. Also, contrary to populist misconception, we DO afford constitutional protections to INDIVIDUALS who are on our soil whether they are citizens or not. Why do you think that illegal aliens are entitled to hearing before an Administrative Law Judge before we deport them.

Thus, the substance of the case against Trump is that the EO violates due process. In addition, there is the problem of the ban affecting green card holders. Thus, the judges' finding of a "likelihood of success on the merits" in their granting of TROs is well founded and understandable.

So relax. Trump can do what he has done so long as he does it correctly. No Court is going to rule that Trump cannot selectively ban the entry into our nation from certain countries. There will be no order saying the President lacks this power. There will, however, be a ruling that Trump's EO does not comply with basic due process.

So, to the OP, don't be such an ignorant douche. To the anti-Trumpers, grow up. You lost. As B. Obama said, "Elections have consequences."

Sent from my iPhone using
Trump announced the travel ban with no advanced notice deliberately so that the terrorists would not have a three week window to sneak ISIS people into the U.S.

This incredibly stupid, partisan judge is keeping the immigration door open for terrorists just to obstruct Trump with zero thought of possible terrorism.

This judge literally is helping terrorists come into the U.S.

Trump is going to after them and hard

Trump understands something the power of tweets.
We don't need immigration any longer, as a nation; at least not at the rates and numbers that we experienced in the past.

YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not sure what laws Trump has broken exactly with his temporary immigration ban. Perhaps someone could tell me.

Additionally, it now appears that Progressives have given the courts the duty of deciding what immigrants can enter the country and which can't. Perhaps they could then show me in the Constitution where this is exactly.

But then, just because it is not written in the Constitution does not mean it is not implied to be there, right Progressives? For you see, the Constitution is a living breathing document that allows Progressives to dictate what it really means, or should have said all along had the writers of the Constitution not been slave owners.
Your're butt hurt because liberals won the immigration battle
It hasn't been overturned. It has been blocked by a Federal court and upheld in an appellate court. It will most likely go to the Supreme Court.

This is how the legal process works.

We have a republic of laws, not a monarchy.

The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

Everything is about party to you. You fundamentally don't understand EOs. Obama exceeded executive authority by creating EOs with no underlying law. He even admitted that. That is Unconstitutional as the executive branch was then legislating. Tell me what Trump has done with EOs that exceed the executive branch's authority.

As for your partisan shit, you and the Republicans suck, which is why I'm neither one. You can have your partisan butthurt debates with them. I want content
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

If you know what we are trying to sell, then why does every one of your posts talk about race and zero talk about the economics of importing massive numbers of poor and uneducated people? Obviously you don't know what our point is. And if you're not a Democrat, why are you pushing their race driven agenda?
Ray is the one who brought up race. the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. I told him that was bullshit, and you are the one that has been pushing the race button ever since. This thread was about the immigration ban, no? You sure have been trying to move off that, haven't you, however you could--race, Democratic platform, blah blah blah. And putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head that are pure fiction.
I believe I just defined a troll.
We don't need immigration any longer, as a nation; at least not at the rates and numbers that we experienced in the past.

YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
I don't agree with the Democrats on their immigration policy in many ways. I don't support the immigration ban presently being disputed, though. Where you goofed was assuming I agree with everything the Democrats do.
It hasn't been overturned. It has been blocked by a Federal court and upheld in an appellate court. It will most likely go to the Supreme Court.

This is how the legal process works.

We have a republic of laws, not a monarchy.

The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

You really can't comprehend can you what Trump did was reversal of Obama's dictatorship and brought the power back to the people that's what he did..
Damned straight, I can't comprehend that. I see the right having it's turn to run the country as it sees fit. The Dems didn't have it half so easy, but the President also tried as best he could to run the country as the Dems saw fit. It's moving us laterally instead of forward, all this seesawing. But I guess that's how people want it these days.

Swish. He's saying what I did.

Obama issued EOs that legislated from the executive branch because they had no underlying law they were interpreting

Trump issued EOs that undid Obama's EOs legislating from the executive branch

You came in WTF, Republicans, you said you were against EOs!

It's bull shit. Oh, but you're not a Democrat ...
Where did I say I was against EO's? I said the court has a brake pedal, which is true. Obama had the brakes applied on him as well. Where, from that, do you get the idea I'm either for or against EO's?
We don't need immigration any longer, as a nation; at least not at the rates and numbers that we experienced in the past.

YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
Is that bad? Oh, dear.
We don't need immigration any longer, as a nation; at least not at the rates and numbers that we experienced in the past.

YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

So just how long have you lived in your Whitopia?
YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
I don't agree with the Democrats on their immigration policy in many ways. I don't support the immigration ban presently being disputed, though. Where you goofed was assuming I agree with everything the Democrats do.

Where you messed up and missed my point Trump is not a conservative.. He is a populist he is playing the middle..

He only cares about one thing..


That's all he cares about he doesn't need no money.. He doesn't need fame he is aware of something..
The court is clearly overstepping it's Constitutional bounds. Immigration law is between the Congress and the President
The courts have a brake pedal for both the congress and the President. What they are doing is perfectly appropriate. It stopped some of Obama's Orders and I'm guessing you weren't bitching about it then.

Everything is about party to you. You fundamentally don't understand EOs. Obama exceeded executive authority by creating EOs with no underlying law. He even admitted that. That is Unconstitutional as the executive branch was then legislating. Tell me what Trump has done with EOs that exceed the executive branch's authority.

As for your partisan shit, you and the Republicans suck, which is why I'm neither one. You can have your partisan butthurt debates with them. I want content
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

If you know what we are trying to sell, then why does every one of your posts talk about race and zero talk about the economics of importing massive numbers of poor and uneducated people? Obviously you don't know what our point is. And if you're not a Democrat, why are you pushing their race driven agenda?
Ray is the one who brought up race. the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. I told him that was bullshit, and you are the one that has been pushing the race button ever since. This thread was about the immigration ban, no? You sure have been trying to move off that, haven't you, however you could--race, Democratic platform, blah blah blah. And putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head that are pure fiction.
I believe I just defined a troll.

You cut the part where he said that minorities vote more Democrat. Which in this country is true, particularly since Democrats disproportionately import the poor and uneducated.

That Democrats get more of minority votes is a fact. You're calling facts racist, which is stupid
YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
Is that bad? Oh, dear.

Only if you can play that song and dance here

You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
I don't agree with the Democrats on their immigration policy in many ways. I don't support the immigration ban presently being disputed, though. Where you goofed was assuming I agree with everything the Democrats do.

Where you messed up and missed my point Trump is not a conservative.. He is a populist he is playing the middle..

He only cares about one thing..


That's all he cares about he doesn't need no money.. He doesn't need fame he is aware of something..
For someone in the middle, the Republicans in Congress have certainly hitched on to the back of his wagon, though, haven't they? Guns, healthcare, immigration, abortion and a conservative SC justice. I don't know or care if he's called a conservative, but the Republicans certainly seem to be the ones in charge at the moment. Am I wrong there? Is that what I messed up?
Last edited:
YOU don't need immigration any longer. I don't need immigration any longer. But the Democrat party does for political reasons. Their goal is to make whites a minority in our very own country. People of color heavily vote Democrat. So by bringing in all these people, they will eventually secure a one-party government with no real opposition.
You actually believe that shit? My suggestion to you is, MOVE. Where I live everyone's white and everyone speaks English. You'd be happy as a clam. Let the more advanced members of society get on with it.

So you're telling us you have no experience on what this demographic does to a community?
Why would we listen to someone's opinion who has no knowledge of the issue?
I haven't always lived in Maine. Most of my life was spent in civilization. But you aren't about to listen to me anyway, so why pretend it matters to you?

We know but to us Maine is the Bob newhart show
I'm not a Democrat, dammit, and while I sometimes agree with them, I don't carry partisan banners. When I see pure bullshit, however, like that spouted by Ray, that Democrats want to take over the country with people of color--well, of course I'm going to say something. What in hell else is that statement supposed to mean but what he said?
I give up with you, Kaz. I know exactly what you guys are trying to sell, but I don't agree that it's true.

This is something you leftists (and yes, you are a leftist) know little about, and that's called logic.

So let me demonstrate how logic works by you "honestly" answering these questions:

Do Democrats heavily favor mass immigration and amnesty if not an open border policy?

Did Senate Democrats stop the process of Kate's law which again, imprisons illegal felons who return to the US after they've been deported?

Did Obama sue Arizona (and won) for creating their own immigrant laws to find illegals?

Are Democrat leaders fighting tooth and nail to stop actions against sanctuary cities?

Do all minorities in this country vote Democrat all the time?

Now if you can answer those questions honestly, you can plainly see how I came to the conclusion I did. If you can't, then you have no ability for logic, unless you can tell me a different plan the Democrats have besides turning our nation into a single-party country.
I don't agree with the Democrats on their immigration policy in many ways. I don't support the immigration ban presently being disputed, though. Where you goofed was assuming I agree with everything the Democrats do.

Okay, at least we are getting somewhere.

Now ask yourself why in the world Democrats would so strongly support immigration legal and illegal. What's in it for them? If you know the Democrat party, then you know they don't do anything unless there is an ulterior motive that benefits them.

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